A great day of Stand Up adventure on North Shore #shoulderburn #standup #paddleboard
In Honor of a Man who lovingly shared 32yrs with my beautiful, amazing Mom, I thank you for honoring her, supporting her, & loving ALL of her as your wife! You raised us as your own, from young precocious boys to whom we’ve become as men & the fathers today! Forever will our life’s lesions, memories be remembered, & one’s your grandchildren will cherish! Love always, Dad! #RIP #dad #gregvaughan #mom #brother #family #memories #life
My evening prayer, ‘As a friend, as a man, as a father, I will do my very best to raise you, teach you all I can! The only thing I will always tell you is that, I will love, honor & respect your mother like every child, son or man should do!’ ‘Because one day you too will become the men you were meant to become. Only as a father, expecting the same of your children, by example of what you’ve learned.’ May God Bless All my brothers & my friends whom are the examples of tomorrow’s generation & become greater than we are! LOVE to our life’s chosen partner, parent of our children! Forever am I thankful for the gifts, examples & teachers’, who’ve been a testament in my life be present for the lives I’ve created & in their future ahead! #jathanvaughan #cavanvaughan #landanvaughan #godsgift #vaughanThank you!! ;)boys #mylife
The Boys r Back rockin some In & Out with Shakes #fathernsons #cavanvaughan #jathanvaughan #innout #burger #shake #fries #animalproteinstyle #gregvaughan
I know this is not the ideal pet most people have…..but it came with the property!! #jathanvaughan #cavanvaughan #alonsomateo #safari #mexico
Home bound with a Mulholland Dr. Sunset to close this Sunday with my kids
Who were it best?
Hang in’ with my boy @jaylen1118 And gettin it done!! #cheers #bros #family
Landan’s Laguna Beach Day get away #landanvaughan #adventure #fun #happiness #loved #life #missed #spirit #mamaday #parentstagged
NEVER!! #family #love #life
Can’t seem to get him to go home?? #jathanvaughan #firstcrush #summerfun #camp
Good night…Mahalo! #peace #spirit #mind #body #family #love
Canada bound w/ Eric Martsolf Sept. 26 in Ottawa & Sept. 27 in Montreal. Looking forward to meeting you all
Life’s is always a challenge, a struggle or a test that may not be what you expected, but it’s those who are willing to dig in, be strong, & continue making every step to the top of the mountain worth it at the end! #faith #fight #climbthatmountain #neverquit #truth
King Cavan official arts & craft activity day #cavanvaughan #artist #adventure #creative #crowned #dockweileryouthcenter #family #fathernsons #playadelrey #parentstagged
National Memorial Day. To all the families who lost loved ones, our thoughts & prayers are with you. #MH17 #holland #RIP #17JUL2014