A day well spent!! # shopping freak#palladium#my favorite place with favorite person
That is how my hairs came back alive…#keratin# new me
“We are Happy,Free,Confused and lonely at the same time ”
It’s Miserable And Magical!!
“If I was meant to be controlled I would have come with a Remote!!”
#instapose#happy#mumbai diaries #personal vanity#lovely thy job# blessed and beautiful 😉
A change in latitude… would help my attitude!😉
# my place must overflow with stuff like that:b# James Bond theme party preparation # found this flamboyant dress to match up the class of 007##
#Lights# camera #action…@fter long💝
#wi£d & free #
Family isn’t always Blood.its the people in your life who want you in theirs.the one who accepts u for who you are and would do anything to make you smile and LOVE YOU.no matter what!
# birthday blessings #instacollage
If you always do what interests you..atleast one person is pleased!!
Don’t stress the could haves.
If it should have,It Would have!
#instacollage # family love# innocence # childhood treasures reminder#my sister spending hours to make a card Is priceless!birthday blessings goes on & on!Pranjal u gotta make one too:)
This is one of my priced possession..I cherish everything I own.#dream watch # second love # partner of good and bad time# thankful!!
#NSDL# life changing experience # wish would have learned about finance n accounts from my dad who is master of these:/
A women’s perfume tells more about her than her handwriting..
# collection# beauty to my wardrobe# long list to go:p
#perfect way to plan my day# not the best breakfast I can have bt definately the best place to start with# music # road #wind# melodies around
# boost getting from # how bad do u want it..furious 7#blessed and definately Greatful..
I crave space.it charges my batteries.# in love with my space# what more could I ask for!!🙆
Throw your dreams into sky like a kite,and u do not know what it will bring back,a new life ,a new friend ,a new love,a new country 🙂