one of my fav pieces @papadontpreachbyshubhika thank you so much for this sexy addition to my wardrobe! #caniwearthiseverydayplease ❤️
uncovered all the secrets at the #PanteneLab today! #PanteneHair #BestEver @lisahaydon @krystledsouza @nandinibhalla
with this beauty today! thanks @priyalisa_makeup 💋
getting back into it with my fitness buddy @gabriellademetriades #thehealthybrowngirl
with these lovely ladies!
ladies in #deme @demebygabriella #pritandnina reception in Barcelona!! @boosfood
one more because I love you kids like crazy! happy bday @teenavincentvellara @tessa_vellara my beautiful puppies ❤️
doesn’t matter what’s on the outside… it’s what’s on the inside that counts! my sexy little minion @aruns1 💋
love this chick @avneet_s_makeup 💋
bday outfit in Barcelona for #pritandnina wedding! has to be by my fav @payalsinghal photo credit @hardish @sukh_sohal
happy happy bday to my babies @tessa_vellara @teenavincentvellara wishing you both a magical year ahead! hope it is filled with big movie success and Victoria’s Secret hair!! love you both madly ❤️❤️💋💋 #t2 #shaandaar #riapia #sonia
to the love of my life! a beautiful soul inside and out.happy happy birthday my special guy..YOU are my everything and I can’t wait to spend forever with you! this is your year baby go get em! love you insanely.. kisses and cake my #nura @aruns1 #toeland #143 ps thank you for always making me smile xxxx
#CRUSH #comingsoon #abhishekarora feat #donbhatt directed by @thisnayak 🙌🏽
miss D x 2 @monicadogra I love you hard! 💋
here we go! #ICANDOTHAT dino_morea 👊🏽
congratulations to this beautiful couple! what a way to kick start an amazing journey together! Barcelona was unforgettable! #pritandnina @iamdrp @ninahunjan @aruns1 👳🏾👰🏾💍💕
happy bday my pumpkin! sending you thousands of kisses! you are my heart and soul and Shivani loves you ‘to the moon and to the back’ ❤️ @aruns1 @boosfood @drbenjidhillon @adhillon86 #squad #O’s
look at these cuties! #myworld ❤️ @sulabha.dandekar
#CRUSH out now directed by @thisnayak #abhishekarora feat #donbhatt