Six yards of sheer elegance… Just luved De color combo. One of my favourites. Thank you Saritha Chechi #SarithaJayasuryaDesignStudio. You always make me feel happy n confident with your designs…Thank you #Viji for De lovely make up n hair do
Six yards of sheer elegance… Just luved De color combo. One of my favourites. Thank you Saritha Chechi #SarithaJayasuryaDesignStudio. You always make me feel happy n confident with your designs…Thank you #Viji for De lovely make up n hair do
Six yards of sheer elegance… Just luved De color combo. One of my favourites. Thank you Saritha Chechi #SarithaJayasuryaDesignStudio. You always make me feel happy n confident with your designs…Thank you #Viji for De lovely make up n hair do
Completed dubbing for #Chanakyathanthram
Completed dubbing for #Chanakyathanthram
Have a great weekend 😊
PC : Ajamal Photography
Costumes : @sarithajayasurya_designstudio ❤️
Completed dubbing for #ShikkariShambhu… 😊
With designer Nandini… From the sets of #Iravakaalam!
Keralapiravi Ashamsakal….
One more pic from #ShikkariShambhu 😊
From the sets of #ShikkariShambhu… Directed by #DirSugeeth!
Chanakyathanthram poster…
My first award in Malayalam😊. Thank you #Asianet… Costume designed by #SarithaJayasuryaDesignStudio.
Wrapped up the shoot for #ShikkariShambhu… Happy to be a part of dis wonderful team… 😇
You are De one to whom I owe this… Thank you Amma… Without u I wouldn’t have been what I am today…
Cover of #VanithaMagazine, December edition 😊! PC : #SreekanthKalarickal
Thank you #SurjithSidhardh for De amazing work… Luved it…