Casey Neistat Instagram –

Casey Neistat Instagram -

Casey Neistat Instagram – | Posted on 05/Jun/2020 20:54:10

Casey Neistat Instagram – today is international surf day. I’ve always wanted to surf, moving to california got me closer to that ambition and while I am still absolutely terrible at the sport its brought me to interesting places and introduced me to some great people.
Casey Neistat Instagram – my brother and i decompressing after attending a #blacklivesmatter protest monday.  I’ve been to a half dozen protests all over LA, so much support and love between  strangers from all races and creeds coming together to demand change. don’t focus on the criminality you see on tv, it’s shit but it’s a drip and this movement is a tidal wave.  correcting inequality, ending police brutality and addressing 400 years of systematic racism will be a long journey but this is progress.  keep your foot on the gas. 📸 by @mikerashid West Hollywood, California

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