Thank you @brandonjrouth for being such a great dad❤️
hello what day is it
Quarantine: Day 36
Wi-Fi went down for 5 minutes.
🎥: Kept Woman #fbf
Tfw you need to carve out a little space for yourself during quarantine 👀
It’s ok to say today was hard. 💜
Whether you had to blow a kiss to the sky, or wave through a pane of glass, we all did our best to take care on a Big Feelings day. A holiday that can feel celebratory for some, yet painful for too many others, now made more so by quarantine and the fog of so much loss. Here’s to the missing mom feelings, the complicated mom feelings, the loving mom feelings, and the grieving mom feelings. Today, my intention was to bring smiles to my family on the other side of the door.
Personal shout out to eating runny scrambled eggs and band-aiding little burned fingers feelings, and drying big tears from overwhelmed little eyes feelings❤️ No matter the club you’re in, it’s ok to say today was hard.
Is it Friday? What is time? Remember what it was like when we could talk to another person face-to-face? I miss real-life face-talking.
#fbf to a dinner with the brilliant @estherperelofficial where she previewed #WhereShouldWeBeginPodcast and discussed the messiness of being human. To wrap up the evening, I blinked in this picture then babbled incoherently into her lovely, patient face.
Is it Friday? What is time? Remember what it was like when we could talk to another person face-to-face? I miss real-life face-talking.
#fbf to a dinner with the brilliant @estherperelofficial where she previewed #WhereShouldWeBeginPodcast and discussed the messiness of being human. To wrap up the evening, I blinked in this picture then babbled incoherently into her lovely, patient face.
My sister developed a character for #Kipo based on our grandfather. It’s wonderful. He was the kindest man I’ve ever known. I miss him today and everyday💜
Her words are below:
Oh abuelo, now that it’s quiet I can tell you, I developed a character from you, and he’s a good Dad. His story is he is loving and supportive and good hearted just like you because I gave them your pictures and they brought you to life forever this way. I miss you so much today I keep the bullet that landed on your pillow and Abuela’s post-it about it in my jewelry box. I’m so glad it didn’t have your name on it that night and I got to love you for as long as any of us could. Happy Fathers Day.
My sister developed a character for #Kipo based on our grandfather. It’s wonderful. He was the kindest man I’ve ever known. I miss him today and everyday💜
Her words are below:
Oh abuelo, now that it’s quiet I can tell you, I developed a character from you, and he’s a good Dad. His story is he is loving and supportive and good hearted just like you because I gave them your pictures and they brought you to life forever this way. I miss you so much today I keep the bullet that landed on your pillow and Abuela’s post-it about it in my jewelry box. I’m so glad it didn’t have your name on it that night and I got to love you for as long as any of us could. Happy Fathers Day.
Marie by Don Schmidt
no ice cream on the shelves
-> ice cream in a bag
History has been sanitized. Please read this post by grief author and Minnesota native @noraborealis
Repost @noraborealis:
It’s 1931 in Minneapolis, MN when this photo is taken. Look at all these people! What could they be doing posing and smiling on this lawn at 46th and Columbus?
If you guessed that they were a racist mob harassing Edith and Arthur Lee, who purchased a home just a few blocks south of the neighborhood where black people were *supposed* to live, you are correct! The mob grew to over 4,000 violent people, who threw rocks and paint and yes, posed for this photo.
These riots lasted MONTHS — MONTHS! — and they worked. The Lees moved out in 1933.
I keep looking at this photo and thinking about the people in it. Who are their kids, grandkids, great grandkids? Do they know about this photo? This mob? Do they know how they benefitted from the pain of the Lees and families like them?
Owning property is a way that families build generational wealth, and Minneapolis did its best to make that as hard as possible for black people. Generations later, we have the *lowest home ownership rate in the US* and some of the worst economic disparities between black and white citizens in the United States.
Our main freeways — 35W and 94E — were deliberately build to raze black neighborhoods and physically segregate black and white neighborhoods. Generations later, you can still *see* the effects of this as you drive through the city. Those segregations are still in place.
Still, in Minnesota, black business owners are less likely to receive loans than *less qualified* white applicants.
Racism is structural, systemic, insidious. I’m a person whose family history in this city spans generations, and has received unearned generational benefits (a grandfather who used the GI bill to get a house without getting any shit, and started a business).
White people often want black people to justify or explain their anger. Don’t do that. Your approval is not needed. Your education is on you.
The University of Minnesota has a project called @mappingprejudice (where I myself learned the story of the Lees) and A Public History of 35W. The
American history has been sanitized. Any truths deemed too unpleasant or shameful have been minimized or erased. You may know this, but think it has nothing to do with today. Please ask: Whom does a sanitized history benefit, and to what end? How has our collective miseducation informed our behavior, and our beliefs about ourselves and others? If your knee-jerk reaction is to say, “The past is the past, GET OVER IT!”, why? What is underneath that tight feeling of defensiveness? Pain cannot be healed until it is acknowledged. A cycle cannot be broken until we understand what perpetuates it.
Why is the picture in my previous post of a mob harassing Edith and Arthur Lee not in our American History books? Why did so many people, myself included, first learn about the Tulsa Race Massacre after seeing it depicted on the Watchmen on HBO Max? We are so deeply enmeshed within a system, that we cannot see that a system exists. We are the fish who don’t comprehend the existence of water. Listen now: We can forgive ourselves for accepting this sanitized history as children. But we as adults have no excuse. The smart phone you’re reading this on contains 100,000x more processing power than the computer that helped put a man on the moon. Re-educate yourself. There is no excuse.
Edit: “where do I start??”
How To Be An Antiracist by @ibramxk
White Fragility by Robin Diangelo
American history has been sanitized. Any truths deemed too unpleasant or shameful have been minimized or erased. You may know this, but think it has nothing to do with today. Please ask: Whom does a sanitized history benefit, and to what end? How has our collective miseducation informed our behavior, and our beliefs about ourselves and others? If your knee-jerk reaction is to say, “The past is the past, GET OVER IT!”, why? What is underneath that tight feeling of defensiveness? Pain cannot be healed until it is acknowledged. A cycle cannot be broken until we understand what perpetuates it.
Why is the picture in my previous post of a mob harassing Edith and Arthur Lee not in our American History books? Why did so many people, myself included, first learn about the Tulsa Race Massacre after seeing it depicted on the Watchmen on HBO Max? We are so deeply enmeshed within a system, that we cannot see that a system exists. We are the fish who don’t comprehend the existence of water. Listen now: We can forgive ourselves for accepting this sanitized history as children. But we as adults have no excuse. The smart phone you’re reading this on contains 100,000x more processing power than the computer that helped put a man on the moon. Re-educate yourself. There is no excuse.
Edit: “where do I start??”
How To Be An Antiracist by @ibramxk
White Fragility by Robin Diangelo
Piper did the push-up challenge so I wouldn’t have to. She’s good like that. Hope you’ll accept her as my substitute for your challenge, @travismcelroy 🏋🏻♀️ (All my energy has gone to wrestling a 7yo w/ the strength of a grown man). HOWEVER, I will challenge @brandonjrouth just so you can see his awesome push-up video💫
#Fallout4 #Piper #pushupchallenge #quarantine
from @lexx_valdez: “Until the killing of black men, black mothers’ sons, becomes as important to the rest of the country as the killing of a white mother’s son, we who believe in freedom cannot rest until this happens.”- #EllaBaker #justiceforgeorgefloyd
via @culturestrike and @sarajbenincasa
Your kids aren’t too young to talk about race. @pretty_good_design has put together a list of resources to help. Link in bio!
So, still seeing people I know and love not taking this whole thing seriously, or if we dig deep into the psychology, not wanting to take it seriously due to fear of facing fear. So, no time for nice shit. There are people who are immunocompromised out there with preexisting conditions. If you think you don’t know anyone at risk, well hi there, you know me. I have scarring in my lungs from a previous bout of bilateral pneumonia. My grandmother is in assisted living. From our family to yours: stop being an asshole.
Seasonal flu mortality rate: 0.1%
Coronavirus mortality rate: 1%-2%
At the LOWEST end, that is TEN TIMES MORE DEADLY, and that’s if hospitals are well equipped to handle the flood of patients. Reach out to some doctors and nurses. Listen to what they have to say.
The virus is also more contagious than the seasonal flu. It’s lasting longer on surfaces: 24 hrs for cardboard, 2-3 days for steel and plastic, 4 days for glass. They still found virus on cruise ships after 17 days. Wipe your shit down.
Denial as a defense mechanism is human, but not helpful. Stop being an asshole.
_ 📷 @effinbirds
Kipo season 2!
#repost my sis @taylororci 🌟🌟🌟
repost: Kipo season 2 is out today! I wrote episodes 4 and 7🌟🌟🌟
❤️ via artist “To everyone who is out there working tirelessly so that we can #StayHome, we see you and we love you.
This design is available for free download to print and share via my ( website. Please spread the love. Display it in your windows. Give it to someone who needs a boost. ❤️ And if you don’t see yourself visually represented here, know that this still means you. 💫”
They canceled San Diego Comic Con, so @sarajbenincasa and @cecilseaskull organized their own! It’s #SOCIALLYDISTANTCOMICCON this Friday, May 1 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Pacific, and I will be jumping in for an interview @ 1pm pst on Sara’s IG Live. Hope to see you there!
They canceled San Diego Comic Con, so @sarajbenincasa and @cecilseaskull organized their own! It’s #SOCIALLYDISTANTCOMICCON this Friday, May 1 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Pacific, and I will be jumping in for an interview @ 1pm pst on Sara’s IG Live. Hope to see you there!
As always: draw your own, tag me, and I will post in my stories. (The unicorn tutorial is no longer up as a preview, but is still up on IGTV under “Leo Draws”👍🏼)
Hi guys! Just wanted to spread the word about #Project100. Their goal is to give direct cash assistance to SNAP recipients who are out of work due to the shut down. They have raised over $55M so far for families hit hard by COVID-19 in the U.S. In 100 days, @GiveDirectly is aiming to raise $100M for 100K households in need w/ @freshEBT & @standforchildren. If you are able, you can donate here:
If donating isn’t possible at this time, you can still help by spending the word on social media❤️