Like everyone else quarantined at home perusing what to watch next on Netflix I came across “Tiger King” and was instantly hooked.
The most shocking part to me, though, wasn’t the eccentric characters or the sensationalism —
it was the missed opportunity to tell the story of the real issue: big cats in captivity.
These beautiful creatures face lifetimes of pain and suffering. We are the cause, and can be the solution.
If you care to read more on my feelings about this I added a swipe up to a little something I wrote in my stories if you’re interested.
Stay safe everyone.
Sending love and gratitude to all.
She brought out the baby hairs just for me.
This beautiful human commutes back and forth from Burbank to Tijuana to run @yeswecanwf that she created so migrant children aren’t sitting around all day every day lacking the mental and emotional stimulation they need in order to thrive and grow. In order for them to adapt to a new and foreign environment providing that they’ll eventually make it into the U.S.
Along with a therapist who helps them understand and be able to communicate their feelings around their new circumstance, there are three teachers, accredited in Mexico, who have experience working with displaced children in Latin America and is working to bring on a fourth teacher who speaks two indigenous languages, in addition to Spanish and English.
Thousands of migrant families find themselves with no other choice than to leave their home countries on a daily bases, not only in search for a better quality of life, but most often due to persecution, poverty, and extreme violence.
Most of the children are from families that are stuck in limbo in Tijuana for weeks or months as they inch higher on a long wait list to apply for asylum in the United States.
If the program can secure enough funding, she wants to build 2 more buses to expand to Ciudad Juarez and Mexicali, other border cities with surging migrant populations.
To say that @estefaniarebellon is a hero of mine would be an understatement. I am so inspired by her heart and passion for giving back to these babies that she sees herself in once upon a time when she migrated at 10 years old with her parents from from Columbia to Miami.
It costs 65K to buy and renovate a bus, and 140K to run it for a year. @thisisabouthumanity has raised 40K so far.
These kids didn’t ask for this circumstance. They deserve a chance at a better life and all the love, nourishment and support we can offer them.
If you feel so inclined please visit @yeswecanwf or @thisisabouthumanity to make a donation.
Even $5 will do.
Thank you for reading this very long message.
❤️ México, Tijuana
This beautiful human commutes back and forth from Burbank to Tijuana to run @yeswecanwf that she created so migrant children aren’t sitting around all day every day lacking the mental and emotional stimulation they need in order to thrive and grow. In order for them to adapt to a new and foreign environment providing that they’ll eventually make it into the U.S.
Along with a therapist who helps them understand and be able to communicate their feelings around their new circumstance, there are three teachers, accredited in Mexico, who have experience working with displaced children in Latin America and is working to bring on a fourth teacher who speaks two indigenous languages, in addition to Spanish and English.
Thousands of migrant families find themselves with no other choice than to leave their home countries on a daily bases, not only in search for a better quality of life, but most often due to persecution, poverty, and extreme violence.
Most of the children are from families that are stuck in limbo in Tijuana for weeks or months as they inch higher on a long wait list to apply for asylum in the United States.
If the program can secure enough funding, she wants to build 2 more buses to expand to Ciudad Juarez and Mexicali, other border cities with surging migrant populations.
To say that @estefaniarebellon is a hero of mine would be an understatement. I am so inspired by her heart and passion for giving back to these babies that she sees herself in once upon a time when she migrated at 10 years old with her parents from from Columbia to Miami.
It costs 65K to buy and renovate a bus, and 140K to run it for a year. @thisisabouthumanity has raised 40K so far.
These kids didn’t ask for this circumstance. They deserve a chance at a better life and all the love, nourishment and support we can offer them.
If you feel so inclined please visit @yeswecanwf or @thisisabouthumanity to make a donation.
Even $5 will do.
Thank you for reading this very long message.
❤️ México, Tijuana
This beautiful human commutes back and forth from Burbank to Tijuana to run @yeswecanwf that she created so migrant children aren’t sitting around all day every day lacking the mental and emotional stimulation they need in order to thrive and grow. In order for them to adapt to a new and foreign environment providing that they’ll eventually make it into the U.S.
Along with a therapist who helps them understand and be able to communicate their feelings around their new circumstance, there are three teachers, accredited in Mexico, who have experience working with displaced children in Latin America and is working to bring on a fourth teacher who speaks two indigenous languages, in addition to Spanish and English.
Thousands of migrant families find themselves with no other choice than to leave their home countries on a daily bases, not only in search for a better quality of life, but most often due to persecution, poverty, and extreme violence.
Most of the children are from families that are stuck in limbo in Tijuana for weeks or months as they inch higher on a long wait list to apply for asylum in the United States.
If the program can secure enough funding, she wants to build 2 more buses to expand to Ciudad Juarez and Mexicali, other border cities with surging migrant populations.
To say that @estefaniarebellon is a hero of mine would be an understatement. I am so inspired by her heart and passion for giving back to these babies that she sees herself in once upon a time when she migrated at 10 years old with her parents from from Columbia to Miami.
It costs 65K to buy and renovate a bus, and 140K to run it for a year. @thisisabouthumanity has raised 40K so far.
These kids didn’t ask for this circumstance. They deserve a chance at a better life and all the love, nourishment and support we can offer them.
If you feel so inclined please visit @yeswecanwf or @thisisabouthumanity to make a donation.
Even $5 will do.
Thank you for reading this very long message.
❤️ México, Tijuana
This beautiful human commutes back and forth from Burbank to Tijuana to run @yeswecanwf that she created so migrant children aren’t sitting around all day every day lacking the mental and emotional stimulation they need in order to thrive and grow. In order for them to adapt to a new and foreign environment providing that they’ll eventually make it into the U.S.
Along with a therapist who helps them understand and be able to communicate their feelings around their new circumstance, there are three teachers, accredited in Mexico, who have experience working with displaced children in Latin America and is working to bring on a fourth teacher who speaks two indigenous languages, in addition to Spanish and English.
Thousands of migrant families find themselves with no other choice than to leave their home countries on a daily bases, not only in search for a better quality of life, but most often due to persecution, poverty, and extreme violence.
Most of the children are from families that are stuck in limbo in Tijuana for weeks or months as they inch higher on a long wait list to apply for asylum in the United States.
If the program can secure enough funding, she wants to build 2 more buses to expand to Ciudad Juarez and Mexicali, other border cities with surging migrant populations.
To say that @estefaniarebellon is a hero of mine would be an understatement. I am so inspired by her heart and passion for giving back to these babies that she sees herself in once upon a time when she migrated at 10 years old with her parents from from Columbia to Miami.
It costs 65K to buy and renovate a bus, and 140K to run it for a year. @thisisabouthumanity has raised 40K so far.
These kids didn’t ask for this circumstance. They deserve a chance at a better life and all the love, nourishment and support we can offer them.
If you feel so inclined please visit @yeswecanwf or @thisisabouthumanity to make a donation.
Even $5 will do.
Thank you for reading this very long message.
❤️ México, Tijuana
This beautiful human commutes back and forth from Burbank to Tijuana to run @yeswecanwf that she created so migrant children aren’t sitting around all day every day lacking the mental and emotional stimulation they need in order to thrive and grow. In order for them to adapt to a new and foreign environment providing that they’ll eventually make it into the U.S.
Along with a therapist who helps them understand and be able to communicate their feelings around their new circumstance, there are three teachers, accredited in Mexico, who have experience working with displaced children in Latin America and is working to bring on a fourth teacher who speaks two indigenous languages, in addition to Spanish and English.
Thousands of migrant families find themselves with no other choice than to leave their home countries on a daily bases, not only in search for a better quality of life, but most often due to persecution, poverty, and extreme violence.
Most of the children are from families that are stuck in limbo in Tijuana for weeks or months as they inch higher on a long wait list to apply for asylum in the United States.
If the program can secure enough funding, she wants to build 2 more buses to expand to Ciudad Juarez and Mexicali, other border cities with surging migrant populations.
To say that @estefaniarebellon is a hero of mine would be an understatement. I am so inspired by her heart and passion for giving back to these babies that she sees herself in once upon a time when she migrated at 10 years old with her parents from from Columbia to Miami.
It costs 65K to buy and renovate a bus, and 140K to run it for a year. @thisisabouthumanity has raised 40K so far.
These kids didn’t ask for this circumstance. They deserve a chance at a better life and all the love, nourishment and support we can offer them.
If you feel so inclined please visit @yeswecanwf or @thisisabouthumanity to make a donation.
Even $5 will do.
Thank you for reading this very long message.
❤️ México, Tijuana
I didn’t understand what it meant to defund the police so in the slim chance any of you who follow me might still be unsure, here’s what I’ve learned…
1st we should note that the title itself is an agitating title.
Agitate : to excite and often trouble the mind or feelings of : disturb. Only until we’re uncomfortable are we be able to see & acknowledge that change is necessary.
Reform is not enough.
This is a radical idea to white folks, not so much for the black community. It means there needs to be something else that changes this ongoing racial terror by police.
And not so much when you know we’ve been defunding education for years…
We can re-think the police. Re-think how we protect people and keep people safe. I don’t believe we need armed police to help us solve all our problems.
I think we put too much on our police.
The people who respond to crises should be the people who are best equipped to deal with those crises.
You shouldn’t be arrested for being homeless. For having a mental health breakdown. For being naughty in school.
We can create space for more mental health service providers, social workers, victim/survivor advocates – as opposed to strangers armed with guns.
In many countries police would be the last resort when people are going through a mental health crisis but in the US, they are often the first to respond because of a lack of more specialized agencies.
To truly fight crime, I don’t believe we need more police.
We need more jobs, more educational opportunities, more arts programs, mental health centers, community centers and the like.
This work is not about defunding every department instantly.
It’s about gradual process of strategically reallocating resources, funding, and responsibility away from police and toward community based models for safety.
Police will still be there enforcing the law, but maybe with some other tools for deescalation than weapons.
Imagine feeling the need to declare that your life – just – matters.
When you look at the history and the very foundation of our country, black lives not only matter, black lives are critical and essential.
I didn’t understand what it meant to defund the police so in the slim chance any of you who follow me might still be unsure, here’s what I’ve learned…
1st we should note that the title itself is an agitating title.
Agitate : to excite and often trouble the mind or feelings of : disturb. Only until we’re uncomfortable are we be able to see & acknowledge that change is necessary.
Reform is not enough.
This is a radical idea to white folks, not so much for the black community. It means there needs to be something else that changes this ongoing racial terror by police.
And not so much when you know we’ve been defunding education for years…
We can re-think the police. Re-think how we protect people and keep people safe. I don’t believe we need armed police to help us solve all our problems.
I think we put too much on our police.
The people who respond to crises should be the people who are best equipped to deal with those crises.
You shouldn’t be arrested for being homeless. For having a mental health breakdown. For being naughty in school.
We can create space for more mental health service providers, social workers, victim/survivor advocates – as opposed to strangers armed with guns.
In many countries police would be the last resort when people are going through a mental health crisis but in the US, they are often the first to respond because of a lack of more specialized agencies.
To truly fight crime, I don’t believe we need more police.
We need more jobs, more educational opportunities, more arts programs, mental health centers, community centers and the like.
This work is not about defunding every department instantly.
It’s about gradual process of strategically reallocating resources, funding, and responsibility away from police and toward community based models for safety.
Police will still be there enforcing the law, but maybe with some other tools for deescalation than weapons.
Imagine feeling the need to declare that your life – just – matters.
When you look at the history and the very foundation of our country, black lives not only matter, black lives are critical and essential.
Happy birthday pops. You are my best friend and my favorite story teller.
But mostly you’re a real pain in the ass.
I love you.
Happy birthday pops. You are my best friend and my favorite story teller.
But mostly you’re a real pain in the ass.
I love you.
Thank you #AmyCooper for giving us all video evidence of what weaponizing your privilege looks like. What covert racism looks like. For showing that racism doesn’t only equal ‘I hate black people’.
That racism equals people leveraging their privilege against non-white people when they’re in their way.
I will support people like @EOrlins a decades long public defender in Manhattan running for DA who understands 911 calls like Ms Coopers are all too common and the system in place that enables people like her is long overdue for reform.
I don’t believe any of these men ever consented to be instruments of political enlightenment and I’m sorry it’s taking these videos for the world to see what’s been happening all along.
As we all know, what’s happening isn’t new, photographic evidence is. So now, (very) slowly but surely, people are being held accountable.
I’m sorry for the countless other innocent men and women who were brutally murdered that we don’t hear about, that don’t go viral. I’m sorry for the inflicting trauma it causes black people to have to watch black bodies lynched on video time and time again.
We need to Demand D.A. Jackie Johnson resign for failing to arrest the murderers of #AhmaudArbery.
I’ll stay aware of what I am doing other than continuing to post and repost #Justicefor hashtags to make progressive change. I’ll continue to look for other ways and resources to help end violence against black men and women, both by police and by citizens.
George Floyd’s life mattered.
Ahmaud Arbery’s life mattered.
Breona Taylor’s life mattered.
Tony McDade’s life mattered.
After noticing that Ken slept with a photo of his late wife every night, one of the carers at Thistleton Lodge presented him with this incredible gift…❤️
Love to the point of tears. Always.
My goodness I love love.
What if… #BlackLivesMatter ❤️
“If you are irresponsible enough to think that you don’t mind if you get the flu, remember it’s not about you – it’s about everybody else.”
-Intensive care specialist Professor Hugh Montgomery
Today On June 5, Breonna Taylor would have been 27 years old. But she was killed two months ago when police broke down the door to her apartment in an attempted drug sting, and shot her eight times.
They had the wrong house.
She was not a threat or a suspect.
She was at home in her bed.
I read a conversation with her mother who got emotional when she considered that she was more concerned with her daughter’s safety as a health-care worker than she was about her being safe enough to sleep in her own bed without someone busting down her door and taking her life.
They fired more than 20 rounds of ammunition into her apartment. The man the police were looking for had already been detained.
Taylor’s boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, was also in the apartment. He is a licensed gun owner. He shot at who he thought, who we all would’ve thought, were intruders breaking in in the middle of the night when police bust down the door without announcing themselves.
He was arrested and faces charges of first-degree assault and attempted murder of a police officer.
Where is the NRA.
The three officers involved in her shooting have not been charged with any crimes.
Please see my story so you can easily swipe up for some concrete action items you can do to commemorate her life and fight to get her justice on her birthday.
I have no words…
Na’KiaCrawford was 18 years old. She graduated from High School less than two weeks before she was shot in broad daylight at a red light while driving home from the bank with her grandmother.
The next slide is a photo of a car the police believe is linked to her murder.
White male driving 2014-15 Black Camaro with dark tint.
If anyone has any information in this senseless murder there is a $50K reward.
Please call Akron police at (330)375-2490
Text tips to TIPSCO 274637
Call summit county crime stoppers (330)434-2677
#Rayshard Brooks
#DominiqueFells should all be alive right now.
I have no words…
Na’KiaCrawford was 18 years old. She graduated from High School less than two weeks before she was shot in broad daylight at a red light while driving home from the bank with her grandmother.
The next slide is a photo of a car the police believe is linked to her murder.
White male driving 2014-15 Black Camaro with dark tint.
If anyone has any information in this senseless murder there is a $50K reward.
Please call Akron police at (330)375-2490
Text tips to TIPSCO 274637
Call summit county crime stoppers (330)434-2677
#Rayshard Brooks
#DominiqueFells should all be alive right now.
Feels like a good time to revisit this one.
I cannot recommend this book more.
Reposting this from a couple years ago (hence the pre-pandemic gel mani).
A very important and illuminating read.
Really great to hear @michaelericdyson’s words from his own voice if audio-books are your thing.
We have an opportunity to participate in meaningful change.
There is a primary election coming up in Kentucky this Tuesday, TOMORROW June 23.
I’m supporting Charles Booker (@booker4ky) for U. S. Senate because he has a track record of showing up for Kentuckians, moving key legislation forward around voting rights (voter suppression is real. Jefferson County has ONE polling place for 600,000 people), criminal justice reform, workers rights and safety. He’s worked tirelessly for better schools, health care access and for racial and economic justice.
#BreonnaTaylor was murdered in Louisville, KY, and STILL there has been no justice. These last few weeks, he’s been on the streets with other Kentuckians organizing and fighting for justice for her.
We have a chance to replace Mitch McConnell with Charles Booker as senator, whose work, politically and on the ground, is in alignment with the change we need to see.
Spread the word. Donate. Volunteer.
This is how we hold those with power accountable. This is how we see real change.
To help, even if you don’t live in Kentucky, click the link in my bio and join me in phone banking and making donations.
In America, we all count.
Census Day is April 1st and you can complete the 2020 Census by mail, online at, or call 1-844-468-2020 to complete over the phone.
The process takes 10 minutes and determines how billions of dollars of government funding will go to programs like education and healthcare for the next 10 years. #BeCounted #2020Census #iamavoter