Thank you for the overwhelming response. Glad so many of you are sharing the film. I am not tech savvy but I am told I should put the video on IGTV. Here it is! Also sorry, the comment button was off on YouTube. Would love to know your thoughts, so do share.
#ListentoHer #domesticviolence #unwomen #unesco #unfpa #unicef #southasiafoundation #nanditadas #ncw
At 12 noon I will share with you a 7min film called Listen to Her that I wrote, directed, acted and produced during the lockdown. The film is a spontaneous response to the irony of “STAY HOME, STAY SAFE” for millions of women in India and around the world. Stay tuned!
#ListentoHer #domesticviolence #unwomen #unesco #unfpa #unicef #southasiafoundation #nanditadas #ncw
Listen to Her is a spontaneous response to the irony of “Stay Home Stay Safe” for many women in India and around the world.
Please share if you like it and help break the silence.
Women Helpline – 181
Distress Helpline – 112
Link in bio
Listen to Her is a spontaneous response to the irony of “Stay Home Stay Safe” for many women in India and around the world.
Please share if you like it and help break the silence.
Women Helpline – 181
Distress Helpline – 112
Link in bio
Listen to Her is a spontaneous response to the irony of “Stay Home Stay Safe” for many women in India and around the world.
Please share if you like it and help break the silence.
Women Helpline – 181
Distress Helpline – 112
Link in bio
My father has been painting away!
My father has been painting away!
My father has been painting away!
Look forward to sharing how art has shaped me and in times of enormous crisis, why we need art. And why it’s important to support vulnerable art communities. You don’t need to be an artist to participate in this conversation! Just a lover of the arts.
Registration link in bio
No filters needed. The sky is changing every second. Magical. #sky
No filters needed. The sky is changing every second. Magical. #sky
No filters needed. The sky is changing every second. Magical. #sky
No filters needed. The sky is changing every second. Magical. #sky
We should have made a poster before, but in the rush to get the film out, we forgot! Here is one from our NDI team. #ListentoHer
Please feel free to share if you have any more ideas
Link to the film in bio
Speaking in a few hours about the importance of learning through diverse experiences. Mainly for young people, but then we are all young! We are all learning.
#Repost @artnsoulmumbai
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Orissa born, Indian artist #JatinDas is a well known painter, sculptor, muralist and poet. A student of the Sir J J School of Art, under Professor S.B. Palsikar, Das is known for his dynamic human figures and his impactful and powerful strokes. He has been participating in exhibitions and displayed his work and held over 60 one man exhibitions.
This #throwbackthursday we have Das’ work displayed at Bengaluru airport. Jatin Das’ site specific work of art affords a panoramic view of a sculptor excavating and unearthing sculptures from the ancient past of rich cultural heritage.
The goat is symbolic as a witness to the sculptors process, thereby portraying the role of a sutradhar. The story unfolds gradually to the passenger, accompanying him, as he transits from on area to another.
He is also the founder of @jdcentreofart that houses classical, contemporary, traditional and folk art. Currently activities include a monthly Meet the Artist Program and a biennial Film Festival on Art and Artists. Under the banner of Creative Dignity, hundreds of individuals & organisations who work with craft communities have come together to provide immediate relief to craftspeople across the country. JD Centre of Art has taken the initiative to be the state anchor in Odisha for this nation-wide initiative.As they continue to educate, inspire, and sensitise artists, art lovers and the public at large, during these trying times, JDCA is looking for contributions and donations that will help them survive during these trying times.
#throwbackthursday #artnsoul #jatindas #bengaluruairport
Here is a conversation I did last evening. Thank you @ravichandar_v , #Abhishekpoddar and #Kiranmajumdarshaw – all friends and patrons of the arts. Thanks @kavereeb for making me reflect and share stories about my work and life, and the recent short film #ListentoHer
@mapbangalore @bicblr
Link in bio
#Repost @mapbangalore
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Next up in MAP’s Art and Culture Lecture Series, filmmaker Nandita Das will be in conversation with journalist Kaveree Bamzai. Das talks about her personal experiences on what it means to be a ‘woman director’, while exploring the ideas of the female gaze, the realities of sexism and more.
30th May | 6.00 pm
Register through the link in our bio.
You can also watch it live here:
#museumofartandphotography #MAPTalks #webinar #nanditadas
@bicblr @nanditadasofficial
We just don’t talk enough about caste. The oppression and violence are unimaginable and ignored. A personal beginning to know more. Here is a talk with @fraserscott1 and @Sheena_chohan
You can tune into for the conversation
“Work, Discipline & Yoga”
You can see my #YogaDay Special talk on the section of the curefit app.
If you don’t have it, please download the @becurefit app and join the talk for free.
#Motivation #PopLive #India #WeAreLive #YogaDay
Do watch the lovely @rasikadugal and the fab @mukulchadda in yet another lockdown film Banana Bread
#Repost @rasikadugal
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Our short film #Bananabread is live now ! Link in Bio ( Made during #lockdown …..made at home with the director @thevaas and producers @ttt_official on #googlemeets 😀. Also @mukulchadda and I discovered what it takes to be behind the camera while simultaneously being in front of it ! And also collaborating with each other to write this . Many first times on this one ! Do watch @fankaarfilms
………………………………………………………………….. Shruti is home alone during the pandemic, when the arrival of someone redefines what’s acceptable in a time of Distancing.
Watch our latest terribly tiny talkie Banana Bread Directed by Srinivas Sunderrajan (@thevaas) and Starring Rasika Dugal (@rasikadugal) and Mukul Chadda (@mukulchadda) here : (link in bio)
And just like the Bread, Made at Home in Lockdown! Take a bite and tell us what you think?
Cast: Rasika Dugal and Mukul Chadda
Story, Screenplay & Dialogues by Rasika Dugal and Mukul Chadda
Producer: Anuj Gosalia (@anujgosalia)
Creative Producer: Sharanya Rajgopal (@sharanyantics)
Executive Producer: Pracchi Batnagar (@pracchibatnagar)
Framed and Edited by: Srinivas Sunderrajan
Shot by Rasika Dugal and Mukul Chadda
Music Composer and Producer: Rahul Kannan (@rahulkmusic) and Kaushik Ramachandran (@kaushik_r)
Lyrics: Kaushik Ramachandran
Sound Designer: Rahul Kannan
Mix and Master: Ariel Samson (@arielsmsn)
Vocals: Roshni Sridhar (@roshnitrainsdogs)
Grade: Srinivas Sunderrajan
Visual Promotions ttt: Kshitij Jatale (@kshitijjatale), Akansha Kapoor (@lostinmyownworld24), Garima Sachdeva (@gari_sachdeva), Tanmay Gawade (t_nm_y)
Community Manager : Utsav Raj (@myspirals)
Special Thanks: Prerana Manker (@pre_rana), Kunj Sanghvi (@kunjsanghvi), Ankit Doshi (@ankit9doshi) and Ronit Jadhav (@ronitjadhav77)
#shortfilms #lockdown #madeathome #films #youtube #wild #quarantine #ttt #terriblytinytales #cough
#lockdownwork #remotework #workfromhome
Quite a mix and all women – promises to be interesting…and fun!
#Repost @altbalaji
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Join this incredible panel of women at The Big Debate with Shobhaa De, as they discuss the hidden truths & complications of love and relationships . Know more about topics like infidelity, lack of communication, monogamy, divorce, children after separation and second marriages on 6th June, 7 PM.
@ektarkapoor @shobhaade @nanditadasofficial @maliniagarwal @gulpanag @ronitboseroy @monajsingh @gurdippunjj
@poojabanerjeee @palakjain786 @sayushsanjaynayyar @aditivasudev @apurvaagnihotri02 @suchipillai @sharonprabakar @nzoomfakih @bigfmrani @muktadhond @jaya_misra @chloejferns @abhijitdas4575 @dhruvdawer @bhavnarawail @jassi.saluja22 @chavandeepak15 @balajitelefilmslimited @zee5premium
Looking forward to an honest sharing and listening, about a subject that has troubled me for long
@suraj.yengde @jaysagathia #mauktikkulkarni