Taking a lil breaky break starting tomorrow, a Juneteenth for the books. To rest. To shift perspective. To dream. ✨🌱✨🦋✨🧘🏾♀️✨ Deep, deep gratitude for everyone here who has shared and allowed me to share. Love you. Take care of yourselves and each other. Also….Black people do not hang themselves from trees. ✊🏾
I’d planned to go quiet today, but @ascfashionmagazine had a PERIODT! on my declaration of rest. Wanted to share now. On this grand Juneteenth In our mistress’s year of 2020. Thank you, thank you, thank you @wesleyvolcy for making sure this shoot happened. Your sense of adventure and play are life-giving! He does the most on both sides of the camera, ya’ll. Swipe for a look at one of his self-portraits and get into him, honey! Thank you @makeup.by.saeed for your professionalism, humble heart and sensitive eye. You knew what every moment needed. You give the people what they want on the regular; fashionistas, take note! Thank you @corerhythmfitness for helping me learn how to give myself and my body the BEST! Love you down!! Thank you @ascfashionmagazine for giving our project a home. Thank you, Almighty, for this beautiful earth, for artists, for collaboration, for FREEDOM and rest. May all beings be free in all ways for all time. ✌🏾See ya’ll after a while.
I’d planned to go quiet today, but @ascfashionmagazine had a PERIODT! on my declaration of rest. Wanted to share now. On this grand Juneteenth In our mistress’s year of 2020. Thank you, thank you, thank you @wesleyvolcy for making sure this shoot happened. Your sense of adventure and play are life-giving! He does the most on both sides of the camera, ya’ll. Swipe for a look at one of his self-portraits and get into him, honey! Thank you @makeup.by.saeed for your professionalism, humble heart and sensitive eye. You knew what every moment needed. You give the people what they want on the regular; fashionistas, take note! Thank you @corerhythmfitness for helping me learn how to give myself and my body the BEST! Love you down!! Thank you @ascfashionmagazine for giving our project a home. Thank you, Almighty, for this beautiful earth, for artists, for collaboration, for FREEDOM and rest. May all beings be free in all ways for all time. ✌🏾See ya’ll after a while.
I’d planned to go quiet today, but @ascfashionmagazine had a PERIODT! on my declaration of rest. Wanted to share now. On this grand Juneteenth In our mistress’s year of 2020. Thank you, thank you, thank you @wesleyvolcy for making sure this shoot happened. Your sense of adventure and play are life-giving! He does the most on both sides of the camera, ya’ll. Swipe for a look at one of his self-portraits and get into him, honey! Thank you @makeup.by.saeed for your professionalism, humble heart and sensitive eye. You knew what every moment needed. You give the people what they want on the regular; fashionistas, take note! Thank you @corerhythmfitness for helping me learn how to give myself and my body the BEST! Love you down!! Thank you @ascfashionmagazine for giving our project a home. Thank you, Almighty, for this beautiful earth, for artists, for collaboration, for FREEDOM and rest. May all beings be free in all ways for all time. ✌🏾See ya’ll after a while.
@heywardsr.charles could NEVA not claim me, ok?! 😂😂 Here he is last year coming home from a meeting in the middle of the day (a rarity). Next to him is a pic of me performing in THE DEVIL IS AN ASS at @americanshakespearecenter. I think Pastor Heyward could have a special appreciation for that play. Flash forward to lock down and there are no more father/daughter paparazzi moments. Thanks, Corona. Pops heard about the random livestream I did a while ago and wanted to check out this Instagram thing. So we’re gonna live stream together this Sunday, May 24th @ 4pm!! He’s got a story, ya’ll. – Born in Charleston, SC – 1st male college grad among his siblings – Lucky enough to marry my mama – Left the business world for a life in ministry – Pastored two churches over his career – Blessed ya’ll with a whole me – Recently retired and still a leader in the Presbyterian Church, USA – And now…braving social media He’s seen A LOT. And we’re gonna talk about it. Join us!!
The signage at yesterday’s #blacktranslivesmatter march said what they said! (I stayed at the back of yesterday’s march, cause the way my social anxiety is set up, crowds are usually a hard pass. But usual is not what we need.)
The signage at yesterday’s #blacktranslivesmatter march said what they said! (I stayed at the back of yesterday’s march, cause the way my social anxiety is set up, crowds are usually a hard pass. But usual is not what we need.)
The signage at yesterday’s #blacktranslivesmatter march said what they said! (I stayed at the back of yesterday’s march, cause the way my social anxiety is set up, crowds are usually a hard pass. But usual is not what we need.)
The signage at yesterday’s #blacktranslivesmatter march said what they said! (I stayed at the back of yesterday’s march, cause the way my social anxiety is set up, crowds are usually a hard pass. But usual is not what we need.)
The signage at yesterday’s #blacktranslivesmatter march said what they said! (I stayed at the back of yesterday’s march, cause the way my social anxiety is set up, crowds are usually a hard pass. But usual is not what we need.)
The signage at yesterday’s #blacktranslivesmatter march said what they said! (I stayed at the back of yesterday’s march, cause the way my social anxiety is set up, crowds are usually a hard pass. But usual is not what we need.)
Grateful for the chance to wrestle with some big ideas during today’s reading of BIG LOVE. Thanks for having me @saudadetheatre! For anyone struggling in a domestic situation that feels unsafe, you can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233. Big hug, from me to you.
Life is like… It’s only been ten days 🤷🏾♀️ And It’s only been ten days!! 👩🏾🌾
Life is like… It’s only been ten days 🤷🏾♀️ And It’s only been ten days!! 👩🏾🌾
I take some time out to talk to my dad about his calling and passions and how it showed up in my role on @oitnb Head to https://shecarestoo.jewelpads.com/Home/ to follow up on the parents units’ latest endeavor to bring relief to lady bits everywhere!
Remember these babies? They’ve had a busy few weeks! Swipe to see why it’s almost moving day!! 👩🏾🌾
Remember these babies? They’ve had a busy few weeks! Swipe to see why it’s almost moving day!! 👩🏾🌾
Taking this moment to shed. This moment to shed will last as long as necessary. Love you. Carry on.
“This is what you get.”
🦋 in the sky I can go twice as high Take a look It’s in a 📗 Reading 🌈 I can do anything Way to grow Things to know Reading 💜💙💚💛🧡❤️ Folks are reading and studying and assimilating new info! Getting thier lives like this video gave me mine. @therealbtc thank you for posting this! Listening to @tinafabrique rock this acapella took Em’s back to days watching #readingrainbow🌈 What ya’ll reading? What ya’ll learning?
History served HAWT!!🔥🔥🔥
When the point is made like 🎯 Repost from @lavernecox • I been trying to tell y’all but maybe my sister @ashleemariepreston can bring it home to you. We mustn’t succomb to divide and conquer tactics. UNITE!!! … Reposted from @ashleemariepreston Cisgender folks: If you think the Trump administration’s decision to revoke the transgender community’s civil rights in healthcare is “only” about trans rights, you’re still not paying attention…👀 #TransRights #Pride #BLM #intersectionality #unity #solidarity #allyship #allofus #showup #pullup #civilrights #healthcare #politics #activism #activist #listen #learn #act #endwhitesupremacy #racism #sexism #transphobia #homophobia #lgbtq #queer #translivesmatter #vote #election #resist #justice
Marvela Lereaux has never been farther from Shelby, NC. And never had a more monumental call. Repost from @24hourplays • By Stacey Rose, performed by Susan Heyward. @therose92 @susanheyward #24viralmonologues Please consider making a donation!! This round’s proceeds support Communities United For Police Reform (CPR). See how much we’ve raised and donate now – link in bio!
Thank you @iamnataliepaul and @colorofchange! Having played a police officer in a fantastical world for POWERS and a corrections officer in @oitnb, I know the power of a writer’s room populated with various points of view. Check out the organizing work done by @colorofchange. ✊🏾 Then watch beautiful @iamnataliepaul tell a 🤰🏾story on @Hulu’s DELIVERED. I see you lady!! #amplifymelanatedvoices #storytelling #policychanges Repost from @iamnataliepaul • #amplifymelanatedvoices “We have to change the story.” – Rashaad Robinson of @colorofchange. Today is dedicated to my friends in storytelling. Yesterday In conversation with President Barack Obama, Mr. Robinson explained how no matter how many petitions or breakdowns of data they would present, some crucial people in power were already too indoctrinated in anti-blackness to be moved. That the fight to to change the unwritten laws of culture, hearts and minds, is still extremely relevant and important. So as you listen to us and donate and take action this week, please please be aware of the cultural fight. This is absolutely necessary in stories about police and criminal justice, but it also extends beyond. This is about how you see us. Of course we have made strides. But in ways so insulting to our dignity and privacy that no Black person will ever admit to you without you *doing the work*, we have still a long ways to go. I invite you to watch some titles that are a little more challenging to your ego and comfort than have been circulating. I put them in my stories. I hope this helps in your continued study. I hope this reaches 1 person in our industry. ♥️ #blacklivesmatter #blackstoriesmatter