Iniya tamil puthandu vazhtukal!
Vishu ashamsagal!!
Iniya tamil puthandu vazhtukal!
Vishu ashamsagal!!
BTS stills from FLAWS.
I could be myself right there , dancing and swirling in the rain.
PC: @ajai_al_dop
Every year around this time I try and go to the hills.
This year has been absolutely no travel year and I can’t wait to get out soon.
@heretochillvidhya we must go soooon. 🙂 Kalpa, Himachal.
Football days.
Can’t wait to get back to it.
Football days.
Can’t wait to get back to it.
Football days.
Can’t wait to get back to it.
Football days.
Can’t wait to get back to it.
@vidhyavijay ♥️ Chitkul
Okay , this place is Vagamon.
Okay , this place is Vagamon.
Okay , this place is Vagamon.
Happy birthday azhagi.
You are that someone who’s been there thro some of my toughest days and I cannot be more grateful to you. I love you @kavyasriraam. You are one to never let go of no matter how much we argue with each other, no matter how loud you get. You are ❤️.
This one is for my uncle. I ve spent most of my childhood with them and I remember calling up his workplace and giving a list of things to buy for the weekend 🙂 lots of love to attimber.
Popeye, milkbikis with the smiley , tinkle books , chocolates .. these are a few of my fav things from back then. 🙂 PC : @dilipparam thanks for sending us these pics. It’s GOLD.
Missing the hills and forest so much!
This is probably the first I’m uploading multiple photos the same day. That’s how much I miss going back to hills.
Can’t wait for the uncertainty to end.
Chitkul , Himachal Pradesh.
In a tangled web so beautifully.
Withering away!
Revealing the first look poster of Padavettu. Watch this space tomorrow @ 10 am.
Keep connected.
#Padavettu #PadavettuMovie #PadavettuMovieOfficial #SunnyWayneProductions #NewSuryaFilms #NivinPauly #LijuKrishna #ManjuWarrier #BibinPaul #AditiBalan #ShineTomChacko #DeepakDMenon #GovindVasantha #ShafiqueMuhammedAli #SubhashKarun #RanganathRavee #RonexXavier #MasharHamsa #AnwarAli #ShaniShaki #BijithDharmadam #JavedChempu #ShafeekAsees #Mindstein #OldMonks #MalayalamMovie
@padavettumovie @liju_krishna @nivinpaulyactor @sunnywayn
Krishna called me up one day and asked me if I wanted to be a part of a test shoot, a film camera test shoot. It had been ages since I stood in front of a camera and the first time for a film camera. Of course I needed the experiment. I was filled with curiosity and so I immediately said yes to it. I never thought of a release but this one felt just so apt for quarantine time.
Little did I know this was going to turn into a fun shoot with Niketh doing his magic on screen as always. I saw the struggle they faced to load the film onto the camera but also saw excitement to another level.
Also felt perfect cos of the song in it. it’s my all time favourite by the artist called dot.
Everybody dances to techno.
Everyone loves to dance 😍
@krishnafilmmaker @nikethbommi
@pallavi_85 @krips_pk @danixycode
Thank you team for the memories.
Link for the video is on my bio.
Arunagiri Perumalae. Poorva is a musical documentary which is one of the best and soulful projects I ve ever come across in recent times.
The link to it is on my bio. Do check it out.
Lots of love to @pradeep_kumar1123 @kalyaninair86 @rseanroldan @sushasings @vidhyavijay and the entire team.