Happy New Year! I bow humbly to the last decade & all its gifts, the joy & blessings, the pain & lessons. Welcoming the next with gratitude & an open & curious heart. May your 20’s be filled with an evolution of consciousness helping you to make better decisions to best empower yourself, support others & this beautiful living, breathing planet and ALL of it’s inhabitants. We are all brothers & sisters from the same creator. I pray for more compassion, wisdom, tolerance, peace & generosity in our world. Blessings, love & light to all. May your New year be filled with the grace of your divine soul ❤️💫🧚🏻♀️🎊💋
Happy New Year! I bow humbly to the last decade & all its gifts, the joy & blessings, the pain & lessons. Welcoming the next with gratitude & an open & curious heart. May your 20’s be filled with an evolution of consciousness helping you to make better decisions to best empower yourself, support others & this beautiful living, breathing planet and ALL of it’s inhabitants. We are all brothers & sisters from the same creator. I pray for more compassion, wisdom, tolerance, peace & generosity in our world. Blessings, love & light to all. May your New year be filled with the grace of your divine soul ❤️💫🧚🏻♀️🎊💋
Happy New Year! I bow humbly to the last decade & all its gifts, the joy & blessings, the pain & lessons. Welcoming the next with gratitude & an open & curious heart. May your 20’s be filled with an evolution of consciousness helping you to make better decisions to best empower yourself, support others & this beautiful living, breathing planet and ALL of it’s inhabitants. We are all brothers & sisters from the same creator. I pray for more compassion, wisdom, tolerance, peace & generosity in our world. Blessings, love & light to all. May your New year be filled with the grace of your divine soul ❤️💫🧚🏻♀️🎊💋
Merriest of Christmas from India, with so much love & well wishes. Traveling in the MotherLand, the origin of all religion & culture & meeting so many open hearted & beautiful people is the best Gift of all. I wish only peace, joy & blessings to all. The 7.7 billion people on this planet need to unite to take care of each other, that is the only way we all have a future on this planet 🥰🌎💫❤️🇮🇳 Im pretty certain that Jesus would agree with that too 🙏💞 #Hampi #HampiChristmas
The Cold Moon turns 100% full tonight. 12/12 at 12.12am Eastern time. It’s the last full moon of this decade. I thank this Long nights moon for closing out the last ten years & moving us into a new chapter with new energy. I’m so grateful for all the lessons & blessings of the last ten years. Thank you for helping me grow, even when I didn’t want to 🥰 I welcome the next with an open heart & the faith that I have all I need to step into the new possibilities & potentials. Love & light to all beings & gratitude to La luna & Pachamama for bringing us into this miracle of being 🌎❤️🧚🏻♀️💫🌕🙏 I pray that the next ten years bring with it the shift in consciousness that will truly support & sustain all life on this beautiful planet ⭐️🌳💫🌺🌲
Happy anniversary my love! 💝 So proud of you dear, sweet, kind hearted man @bernie_cahill2 🥰🥰🥰so inspired by all the good you & @activistartists are manifesting & co creating, all the magic that is unfolding from your conscious intention, Integrity & hard work ❤️❤️❤️ you are my hero, best friend & home 😍 🏡 I love you 💕
Today we march together. Pan Pacific Park 7600 Beverly Blvd, West Hollywood, Los Angeles #blacklivesmatter #georgefloyd @golokatv @activistartists @bernie_cahill2 ❤️🙏🏽🌎✊🏽
Happy 4th July. 💖 I am so proud of all the Americans coming together & demanding the freedom, liberty & independence of ALL peoples. Americans who are re-examining their history & prepared to make the changes necessary for a better future. American who understand that until we are all free none of us are truly free. That is a powerful America. May we think of freedom not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right. Happy 4th of July. 💖 #powertothepeople #4thofjuly 🌈🇺🇸🙏🏽✨ I believe in the independence, liberty & power of ALL. We can do this if we work together & honor ALL voices & experiences 💖✨🎉
Happy 4th July. 💖 I am so proud of all the Americans coming together & demanding the freedom, liberty & independence of ALL peoples. Americans who are re-examining their history & prepared to make the changes necessary for a better future. American who understand that until we are all free none of us are truly free. That is a powerful America. May we think of freedom not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right. Happy 4th of July. 💖 #powertothepeople #4thofjuly 🌈🇺🇸🙏🏽✨ I believe in the independence, liberty & power of ALL. We can do this if we work together & honor ALL voices & experiences 💖✨🎉
Happy 4th July. 💖 I am so proud of all the Americans coming together & demanding the freedom, liberty & independence of ALL peoples. Americans who are re-examining their history & prepared to make the changes necessary for a better future. American who understand that until we are all free none of us are truly free. That is a powerful America. May we think of freedom not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right. Happy 4th of July. 💖 #powertothepeople #4thofjuly 🌈🇺🇸🙏🏽✨ I believe in the independence, liberty & power of ALL. We can do this if we work together & honor ALL voices & experiences 💖✨🎉
Happy 4th July. 💖 I am so proud of all the Americans coming together & demanding the freedom, liberty & independence of ALL peoples. Americans who are re-examining their history & prepared to make the changes necessary for a better future. American who understand that until we are all free none of us are truly free. That is a powerful America. May we think of freedom not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right. Happy 4th of July. 💖 #powertothepeople #4thofjuly 🌈🇺🇸🙏🏽✨ I believe in the independence, liberty & power of ALL. We can do this if we work together & honor ALL voices & experiences 💖✨🎉
Happy 4th July. 💖 I am so proud of all the Americans coming together & demanding the freedom, liberty & independence of ALL peoples. Americans who are re-examining their history & prepared to make the changes necessary for a better future. American who understand that until we are all free none of us are truly free. That is a powerful America. May we think of freedom not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right. Happy 4th of July. 💖 #powertothepeople #4thofjuly 🌈🇺🇸🙏🏽✨ I believe in the independence, liberty & power of ALL. We can do this if we work together & honor ALL voices & experiences 💖✨🎉
Happy 4th July. 💖 I am so proud of all the Americans coming together & demanding the freedom, liberty & independence of ALL peoples. Americans who are re-examining their history & prepared to make the changes necessary for a better future. American who understand that until we are all free none of us are truly free. That is a powerful America. May we think of freedom not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right. Happy 4th of July. 💖 #powertothepeople #4thofjuly 🌈🇺🇸🙏🏽✨ I believe in the independence, liberty & power of ALL. We can do this if we work together & honor ALL voices & experiences 💖✨🎉
Happy 4th July. 💖 I am so proud of all the Americans coming together & demanding the freedom, liberty & independence of ALL peoples. Americans who are re-examining their history & prepared to make the changes necessary for a better future. American who understand that until we are all free none of us are truly free. That is a powerful America. May we think of freedom not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right. Happy 4th of July. 💖 #powertothepeople #4thofjuly 🌈🇺🇸🙏🏽✨ I believe in the independence, liberty & power of ALL. We can do this if we work together & honor ALL voices & experiences 💖✨🎉
75% of my fb feed is conspiracy theories. So much fearful certainty manifesting half truths into fantasy. It’s fascinating how close the views of the far right are with the far left. Less of a spectrum and more of a horse shoe. Same original source. It’s hard to see people abdicating responsibility to some shadowy, all powerful, highly organized and intelligent ‘other’ whilst Rome burns. You know your society is bad when so many would rather make themselves a victim to some reptilian overlord than take action to hold themselves and systems of government accountable. All this noise distracts from the real slight of hand and we will get another 4 years of the highly dangerous, very dumb but very real enemy. Let’s unite and take action to stop that from happening. Your planet and your people need you ❤️🙏🏽🧚🏻♀️✨🌍
Precious dear sweet @_nasreensheikh 💖 This birthday message brought tears of joy to my eyes. 🎂 I am, without doubt, the luckiest girl of all to know YOU! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. 💋🥰🌹 This is especially poignant as I know I will surly never know the hardships you and @empowerment_collective have been through this year in Nepal and I am so proud of what you have achieved regardless of all the odds. I am in awe of the difference you make in so many peoples lives. You saw indescribable hardships and near starvation and knew you had no option but to take action. Even though you were in a very remote part of Nepal with incredibly limited resources and so many overwhelming forces working against you, never once did you consider that it was too much for one person with their own struggles. One woman alone in a very challenging patriarchal society. You were able to help feed 3500 people who were in a life and death situation. You are still searching for ways to continue to enrich and be of service to the community after you have left quarantine. You are a bright light shining in this world and you refuse to ever leave anyone else behind in the darkness. You are such a leader, a powerful teacher and an inspiration to us all. I am so honored to know you, let alone to be able to call you my friend and sister. I cannot even believe what you have overcome and what you are achieving in this world, I support you and am in awe of you. As our world is going through a very rough initiation you give us so much hope that we might harness this shift for good and that there is ALWAYS hope and the opportunity to evolve when you lead with your heart ❤️ We are going to achieve your dreams. That is my birthday wish 💖🙏🏽✨ I wish I could hug you tight and this birthday message means the world to me. I am so grateful for you and lucky to know you. May God bless you always 💖💖💖🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽✨✨✨✨ So much LOVE XxxxxxxxxxxxX If you are able to contribute to this amazing woman please go to https://empowermentcollective.org/donate/
Breonna Taylor would have been 27 years old today. Breonna loved to help people. She was an award-winning EMT and first responder in Lousiville, KY, who loved helping her patients and her community. “She was an essential worker. She had to go to work,” her mother, Tamika Palmer said of her dedication to standing on the frontlines of this pandemic. “She didn’t have a problem with that.” Breonna survived the frontlines of a pandemic that disproportionately kills Black people, only to have her life stolen by police. Breonna should be alive. On the night of March 13th, the Louisville Metro Police executed a warrant, looking for drugs they never found, reportedly trafficked by a person who did not live with Breonna or in her complex-and whom they already had in custody. They sprayed her home with 20 rounds, shooting Breonna 8 times, killing her in her bed. Breonna deserves accountability. Neither the Louisville Metro Police nor Mayor Greg Fischer have given her mother any answers. “Not one person has talked to me. Not one person has explained anything to me,” Tamika Palmer, Taylor’s mother, said in an interview “I want justice for her. I want them to say her name. There’s no reason Breonna should be dead at all.” #sayhername #breonnataylor #birthdayforbreonna https://justiceforbreonna.org/
Breonna Taylor would have been 27 years old today. Breonna loved to help people. She was an award-winning EMT and first responder in Lousiville, KY, who loved helping her patients and her community. “She was an essential worker. She had to go to work,” her mother, Tamika Palmer said of her dedication to standing on the frontlines of this pandemic. “She didn’t have a problem with that.” Breonna survived the frontlines of a pandemic that disproportionately kills Black people, only to have her life stolen by police. Breonna should be alive. On the night of March 13th, the Louisville Metro Police executed a warrant, looking for drugs they never found, reportedly trafficked by a person who did not live with Breonna or in her complex-and whom they already had in custody. They sprayed her home with 20 rounds, shooting Breonna 8 times, killing her in her bed. Breonna deserves accountability. Neither the Louisville Metro Police nor Mayor Greg Fischer have given her mother any answers. “Not one person has talked to me. Not one person has explained anything to me,” Tamika Palmer, Taylor’s mother, said in an interview “I want justice for her. I want them to say her name. There’s no reason Breonna should be dead at all.” #sayhername #breonnataylor #birthdayforbreonna https://justiceforbreonna.org/
Happy International Womens to my amazing friend & inspiring Activist @_nasreensheikh I am so grateful to have your beautiful light in our lives ✨❤️🙏🏽 At the age of nine years old all of Nasreen’s freedom was taken from her and her suffering ignored. Forced to work in the sweat shops of Nepal she was taught that her value as a human being came down to how many garments she could produce in a fifteen-hour work day. Today, Nasreen is a fearless anti-sweatshop advocate and the first girl in her village to escape forced marriage. At thirteen years old Nasreen founded a fair-trade, women’s sewing collective called Local Women’s Handicrafts (LWH) providing disadvantaged women with skills training and sponsorship to empower them to start their own businesses. Nasreen also founded @empowerment__collective a nonprofit organization that envisions a world where women are leaders in their communities — in control of their own lives, their own rights and their own decisions. As Nasreen continues her work in Nepal, she strives to use her powerful story to shine a light on the devastating humanitarian and environmental costs of fast fashion. @_nasreensheikh you are a Warrior Woman and an Angel. Thank you for all that you do, I and everyone at @activistartists are so proud to support you in any way we can. Please go to her page and @empowerment__collective to learn more about the #ResilientHer movement, hear more powerful, inspiring stories and show your support by contributing your own story #happyinternationalwomensday we will go so much further by lifting and supporting our sisters as we rise! ❤️🌈🧚🏻♀️🙏🏽💪
Happy International Womens to my amazing friend & inspiring Activist @_nasreensheikh I am so grateful to have your beautiful light in our lives ✨❤️🙏🏽 At the age of nine years old all of Nasreen’s freedom was taken from her and her suffering ignored. Forced to work in the sweat shops of Nepal she was taught that her value as a human being came down to how many garments she could produce in a fifteen-hour work day. Today, Nasreen is a fearless anti-sweatshop advocate and the first girl in her village to escape forced marriage. At thirteen years old Nasreen founded a fair-trade, women’s sewing collective called Local Women’s Handicrafts (LWH) providing disadvantaged women with skills training and sponsorship to empower them to start their own businesses. Nasreen also founded @empowerment__collective a nonprofit organization that envisions a world where women are leaders in their communities — in control of their own lives, their own rights and their own decisions. As Nasreen continues her work in Nepal, she strives to use her powerful story to shine a light on the devastating humanitarian and environmental costs of fast fashion. @_nasreensheikh you are a Warrior Woman and an Angel. Thank you for all that you do, I and everyone at @activistartists are so proud to support you in any way we can. Please go to her page and @empowerment__collective to learn more about the #ResilientHer movement, hear more powerful, inspiring stories and show your support by contributing your own story #happyinternationalwomensday we will go so much further by lifting and supporting our sisters as we rise! ❤️🌈🧚🏻♀️🙏🏽💪
Happy International Womens to my amazing friend & inspiring Activist @_nasreensheikh I am so grateful to have your beautiful light in our lives ✨❤️🙏🏽 At the age of nine years old all of Nasreen’s freedom was taken from her and her suffering ignored. Forced to work in the sweat shops of Nepal she was taught that her value as a human being came down to how many garments she could produce in a fifteen-hour work day. Today, Nasreen is a fearless anti-sweatshop advocate and the first girl in her village to escape forced marriage. At thirteen years old Nasreen founded a fair-trade, women’s sewing collective called Local Women’s Handicrafts (LWH) providing disadvantaged women with skills training and sponsorship to empower them to start their own businesses. Nasreen also founded @empowerment__collective a nonprofit organization that envisions a world where women are leaders in their communities — in control of their own lives, their own rights and their own decisions. As Nasreen continues her work in Nepal, she strives to use her powerful story to shine a light on the devastating humanitarian and environmental costs of fast fashion. @_nasreensheikh you are a Warrior Woman and an Angel. Thank you for all that you do, I and everyone at @activistartists are so proud to support you in any way we can. Please go to her page and @empowerment__collective to learn more about the #ResilientHer movement, hear more powerful, inspiring stories and show your support by contributing your own story #happyinternationalwomensday we will go so much further by lifting and supporting our sisters as we rise! ❤️🌈🧚🏻♀️🙏🏽💪
Happy International Womens to my amazing friend & inspiring Activist @_nasreensheikh I am so grateful to have your beautiful light in our lives ✨❤️🙏🏽 At the age of nine years old all of Nasreen’s freedom was taken from her and her suffering ignored. Forced to work in the sweat shops of Nepal she was taught that her value as a human being came down to how many garments she could produce in a fifteen-hour work day. Today, Nasreen is a fearless anti-sweatshop advocate and the first girl in her village to escape forced marriage. At thirteen years old Nasreen founded a fair-trade, women’s sewing collective called Local Women’s Handicrafts (LWH) providing disadvantaged women with skills training and sponsorship to empower them to start their own businesses. Nasreen also founded @empowerment__collective a nonprofit organization that envisions a world where women are leaders in their communities — in control of their own lives, their own rights and their own decisions. As Nasreen continues her work in Nepal, she strives to use her powerful story to shine a light on the devastating humanitarian and environmental costs of fast fashion. @_nasreensheikh you are a Warrior Woman and an Angel. Thank you for all that you do, I and everyone at @activistartists are so proud to support you in any way we can. Please go to her page and @empowerment__collective to learn more about the #ResilientHer movement, hear more powerful, inspiring stories and show your support by contributing your own story #happyinternationalwomensday we will go so much further by lifting and supporting our sisters as we rise! ❤️🌈🧚🏻♀️🙏🏽💪
Happy International Womens to my amazing friend & inspiring Activist @_nasreensheikh I am so grateful to have your beautiful light in our lives ✨❤️🙏🏽 At the age of nine years old all of Nasreen’s freedom was taken from her and her suffering ignored. Forced to work in the sweat shops of Nepal she was taught that her value as a human being came down to how many garments she could produce in a fifteen-hour work day. Today, Nasreen is a fearless anti-sweatshop advocate and the first girl in her village to escape forced marriage. At thirteen years old Nasreen founded a fair-trade, women’s sewing collective called Local Women’s Handicrafts (LWH) providing disadvantaged women with skills training and sponsorship to empower them to start their own businesses. Nasreen also founded @empowerment__collective a nonprofit organization that envisions a world where women are leaders in their communities — in control of their own lives, their own rights and their own decisions. As Nasreen continues her work in Nepal, she strives to use her powerful story to shine a light on the devastating humanitarian and environmental costs of fast fashion. @_nasreensheikh you are a Warrior Woman and an Angel. Thank you for all that you do, I and everyone at @activistartists are so proud to support you in any way we can. Please go to her page and @empowerment__collective to learn more about the #ResilientHer movement, hear more powerful, inspiring stories and show your support by contributing your own story #happyinternationalwomensday we will go so much further by lifting and supporting our sisters as we rise! ❤️🌈🧚🏻♀️🙏🏽💪
Showing us with grace, wisdom & charm why he was nicknamed ‘The Greatest’. What a legend 💖✊🏾✨