#HappyNewYear my dear friends and Family from our house to yours! May 2020 be filled with #Promise, #Prosperity and #Purpose! #Newdecade #Goals #NewBeginnings #NewYou #NewHope #Celebrate #NewYearsCelebration #GodsWillBeDone #Hello2020 #Goodbye2019 #Health
Tonight thousands of #Fireworks seen from our balcony as we gathered to #Celebrate #Freedom #GodBlesstheUSA! We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. You can cancel #Fireworks, but you can’t cancel #Freedom! #IndependenceDay #Celebrating #4thofJuly #America
#BrianDennehy Was a treasure it was to work with such a phenomenal talent. I will miss you Brian Dennehy! Award-Winning Actor of Stage, Film and TV. See you in #Heaven! 😇 #Oscars #Tonys #GoldenGlobes #ActorsLife #TV #Filming #Movies #OnTheSet #Blessed
So tearful to see the tragedy that took the precious life of #GeorgeFloyd. We need to #Love one Another! Pray for the #Family. 😢🙏❤️ How can this still be happening? #JusticeforFloyd #JusticeforAhmaud #JusticeforBreonna #Pray for #Justice #Pray for #Peace. God help us. Lives wrongfully taken. Burning Businesses will not help heal this problem. Prayer and Love works! 🙏❤️
Today we remember the greatest sacrifice of all time. Jesus dying on a cross for all of our sins, so we could have the perfect relationship with God. Thank you Jesus. Join live stream Good Friday Service 7:00pm hopechapel.org
A Picture says a thousand words #BlackLivesMatter #LoveOneAnother #JusticeforFloyd #BeTheChange #PeacefulProtests in LA I can’t imagine what it has been like living life as an African American man or woman. But, I am listening. I am learning. I am standing with you. We will be the change we want to see in our world. “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13:34
#HappyMemorial Day. #ThankYou to our #Heroes, #Brave men and women #Protecting our #Freedom #Grateful #GodBlessAmerica #Service #Sacrifice #Love
Pursue #Love What are you Pursuing? #TuesdayInspiration Great message Pastor Mike. It all starts with #Love! @nazarian @drosjk @HopeChapel @WomenofHope @HopeChapelhb #God IsGood @Godly_Life @Gods_Graces @GodsJoy2012 @LovlikeJesus @GodVineCam @DesiringGod @The_Gospels @FaithReel in
#William Devane has played our US President 4 times in Film and TV. Can you name them? He would make a great “Real” President. ❤️ #ActorsLife #TV #Filming #Movies #OnTheSet
You can Trust God even in the most difficult times! #Thanks Pastor Mike for the #Mission @nazarian @drosjk @HopeChapel @WomenofHope @HopeChapelhb #CoronaVirus #COVID19 God is still on the throne!
#PrayForAustralia #AustraliaWildfires #Australia has been devastated. My heart 💔 breaks for all this helpless creatures. #PrayingForRain 🙏#Koalas #Kangaroos #Safety #GodBless the #RescueTeam To help, you can donate to #redcrossaustralia www.redcross.org.au/
#HappyMothersDay to all you #Wonderful #Moms! You deserve to be #pampered! This beauty, completely #surprised me today! #Quarantine #COVID-19 have kept us apart, but not TODAY! #Blessed #Love #Mom #momsday
Tragic! Such a Legend! Please pray for Vanessa and the 3 remaining daughters, Natalia, Bianca and Capri #Heartbroken Lord God, please comfort the family. #kobebryant #Tearful #Kobe #24 #Lakers 🙏😢
Why are you worrying? There is no problem too big for God! @HopeChapel #God IsGood @Godly_Life @Gods_Graces @GodsJoy2012 @LovlikeJesus @GodVineCam @DesiringGod @The_Gospels @FaithReel @DailyBible #Blessed #Hopeful
Honoring Martin Luther King Jr. a legend whose words still inspire! What’s your favorite quote? #MLK #MLKday #Visionary #Servant #Sacrifice #Legend #MLKjrquote #Inspiration #IHadaDream #HistoryMaker #MartinLutherKing #MondayMotivation
Beautiful morning with #God 🙏#Gratitude #Meditate Now it’s #MovieDay 🎥🍿 #SAGAwards #Oscars I love the Behind the Scenes discoveries! #Entertainment #Producer #Actor #ActorsLife #Film #Voting #Screenings #Invitation #Cinema #AwardSeason #ilovemovies
Pookey steals the Dance ! When you try and tape your Zoom dance class while #Quarantined & your fur baby steals the show! Happy #Caturday #Dance #DanceClass #Fun in spite of #COVID-19! Pookey has the final meow (last frame)! Happy #Caturday @adamparson #Choreography #ActorsLife
Impossible to not break character working with this funny man, who invented the #Fun in #Funny! Love you @Fred_Willard #FredWillard So Blessed to work with you! #Comedy #Comedienne #Actor #ActorsLife See you in heaven! 🙏😇😢 Gone but not forgotten!
What say you? #voting? These are my loves, not my predictions. 🙀 🏆 It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood #BeautifulDayMovie, & Ford Vs Ferrari are Feel Good Favs! #1917 is spellbinding! 🏆 2 AMAZING PERFORMANCES from @CynthiaErivo in Harriet & @ChristianBale in Ford Vs Ferrari! ALL the cast of Bombshell #BombshellMovie get my wows & bows! 🙇♀️ #Fleabag & #MrsMaisel are so well written and performed! #BingeWatch #SagAwards #Oscars #Producer #Actor #ActorsLife #GoldenGlobes #Performances #Kandra’sChoices I’m sad they left out @TheFarewell @deteem & @Awkwafina 😢
@JayLeno Hey Jay, I’m ready for my ride on @LenosGarage Tell @McdowellMalc not to worry. He’ll get his turn! 🤣 #TV #Laughs #Love #Comedy #ActorsLife
Happy Valentine’s Day! 20 years of Valentine’s Day together and my heart still skips a beat when I see you! #HappyValentinesDay #Jack #Love #Forever
Staying SIX-FEET away from others is wise. But, a SMILE goes a MILE! Smile at someone today! #Caturday #COVID-19 #QuarantineLife #SaturdayVibes #Inspiration #TooBlessedtoStress #Smile #StayAtHome #trustgod
Something remarkable transpires when women corporately surrender to God! @HopeChapel @WomenofHope @kingdom.holy @daily_Gods_Word @women_Of_Christ @WomenOfHopeHi @hopechapelhb #InspirationalWomen #WomenOfFaith @Women_of_Prayer
So long #Kobe You will always be a #LosAngeles Icon! You remain an example of constantly striving to be the #Best! You lived in our #homes and in our #hearts. Gigi #2 Kobe #24 You are missed, but together in Heaven. Please continue to pray for Vanessa and the 3 remaining daughters, Nani, Bibi and Cocoa. Lord God, please comfort the family. #Mamba #MambaForever #Lakers #24 #Hero #Legend #Father #Friend #Champion #Leader #Coach