Home Actress Aparnaa Bajpai HD Photos and Wallpapers September 2020 Aparnaa Bajpai Instagram - contd.. As mentioned in the previous post, ASANAS is just one part of yoga but regular practice of these physical postures are highly beneficial. The Goal of performing asanas is to make your body free of all illnesses and make it so fit that you can sit through long hours of meditation. And for that purpose the primary most important asana is Padmasana. Asanas give you the max benefit if done right with correct Drishti, Mudra & Bandhas. - But before we begin meditation & concentration, there are two important steps to really go inwards & detach from the outside. One is PRANAYAMA, a beautiful technique to master your breath & enter deeper levels of brain waves. Next is PRATYAHARA, without which concentration is near to impossible. In this step a practitioner needs to practice complete detachment from the outside world, his own bodily sensations and afflictions of his own mind. It’s only after withdrawal or control of his senses, will he be able to immerse himself in concentration. - PS:- in my next post, I’ll discuss the last three steps of the eight fold path of yoga. - And my dear beautiful humans, if you really wish to practice yoga and meet your real self all over again; you got to understand the real meaning of what your getting into and practice all steps of ashtanga yoga. - That being said, Start slow Listen to yourself The answers are there! OM✨ Patanjali's Yoga Sutras

Aparnaa Bajpai Instagram – contd.. As mentioned in the previous post, ASANAS is just one part of yoga but regular practice of these physical postures are highly beneficial. The Goal of performing asanas is to make your body free of all illnesses and make it so fit that you can sit through long hours of meditation. And for that purpose the primary most important asana is Padmasana. Asanas give you the max benefit if done right with correct Drishti, Mudra & Bandhas. – But before we begin meditation & concentration, there are two important steps to really go inwards & detach from the outside. One is PRANAYAMA, a beautiful technique to master your breath & enter deeper levels of brain waves. Next is PRATYAHARA, without which concentration is near to impossible. In this step a practitioner needs to practice complete detachment from the outside world, his own bodily sensations and afflictions of his own mind. It’s only after withdrawal or control of his senses, will he be able to immerse himself in concentration. – PS:- in my next post, I’ll discuss the last three steps of the eight fold path of yoga. – And my dear beautiful humans, if you really wish to practice yoga and meet your real self all over again; you got to understand the real meaning of what your getting into and practice all steps of ashtanga yoga. – That being said, Start slow Listen to yourself The answers are there! OM✨ Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

Aparnaa Bajpai Instagram - contd.. As mentioned in the previous post, ASANAS is just one part of yoga but regular practice of these physical postures are highly beneficial. The Goal of performing asanas is to make your body free of all illnesses and make it so fit that you can sit through long hours of meditation. And for that purpose the primary most important asana is Padmasana. Asanas give you the max benefit if done right with correct Drishti, Mudra & Bandhas. - But before we begin meditation & concentration, there are two important steps to really go inwards & detach from the outside. One is PRANAYAMA, a beautiful technique to master your breath & enter deeper levels of brain waves. Next is PRATYAHARA, without which concentration is near to impossible. In this step a practitioner needs to practice complete detachment from the outside world, his own bodily sensations and afflictions of his own mind. It’s only after withdrawal or control of his senses, will he be able to immerse himself in concentration. - PS:- in my next post, I’ll discuss the last three steps of the eight fold path of yoga. - And my dear beautiful humans, if you really wish to practice yoga and meet your real self all over again; you got to understand the real meaning of what your getting into and practice all steps of ashtanga yoga. - That being said, Start slow Listen to yourself The answers are there! OM✨ Patanjali's Yoga Sutras

Aparnaa Bajpai Instagram – contd..
As mentioned in the previous post, ASANAS is just one part of yoga but regular practice of these physical postures are highly beneficial. The Goal of performing asanas is to make your body free of all illnesses and make it so fit that you can sit through long hours of meditation. And for that purpose the primary most important asana is Padmasana. Asanas give you the max benefit if done right with correct Drishti, Mudra & Bandhas.

But before we begin meditation & concentration, there are two important steps to really go inwards & detach from the outside.

One is PRANAYAMA, a beautiful technique to master your breath & enter deeper levels of brain waves.

Next is PRATYAHARA, without which concentration is near to impossible. In this step a practitioner needs to practice complete detachment from the outside world, his own bodily sensations and afflictions of his own mind. It’s only after withdrawal or control of his senses, will he be able to immerse himself in concentration.

PS:- in my next post, I’ll discuss the last three steps of the eight fold path of yoga.

And my dear beautiful humans, if you really wish to practice yoga and meet your real self all over again; you got to understand the real meaning of what your getting into and practice all steps of ashtanga yoga.

That being said,
Start slow
Listen to yourself
The answers are there!
OM✨ Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras | Posted on 12/Sep/2020 21:10:21

Aparnaa Bajpai Instagram – Contd…
And after understanding from the previous two posts, y’all know that a yogi’s primary goal is samadhi & to reach that he has to follow the path of ashtanga (8 limbs) yoga.
After pratyahara which is turning inwards by withdrawing from his senses, a yogi enters DHARANA.
This is the most important part of meditation which is ‘concentration’. During this stage a yogi puts all his awareness, focus & concentration on one object (which is subtle in the inner realm of the mental plane).
After mastering this one pointed concentration, a yogi enters DHYANA. Which is meditation, when a yogi has totally submerged in his practice & has completely surrendered to the abyss of self knowledge, self reflection & self awareness.
Which leads to SAMADHI, when the yogi becomes one with his meditation, one with the knowledge, one with the self; one with the source. This Union is yoga🧘🏼‍♀️

OM✨ Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras
Aparnaa Bajpai Instagram – Let’s learn backwards🧘🏼‍♀️
The ultimate goal of yoga is samadhi, easily put ‘self actualization’. It is in this final step when a yogi attains a Union of the Self (consciousness) with the the Supreme (universal consciousness). This Union is Yoga meaning yuj in Sanskrit.
But to reach this divine state of Yoga, you need to go through some rigorous steps of cleansing yourself of all the ego & realize your true nature, the pure essence which we all are. 
The very first 2 steps even before you walk in to later steps of yoga postures, breathing & meditation; sets up the foundation of making a practitioner fit & pure from within.
Ahimsa— non-harming
Satya— refraining from dishonesty
Asteya— non-stealing
Brahmacharya— wise use of sexual energy
Aparigraha— non-possessiveness/ detachment 
Saucha—  purity
Santosha— contentment
Svadhyaya— study of the self
Ishvara pranidhana— surrender to a higher source
ASANAS is a very small but important aspect of a yoga practice which helps in making a practitioner physically fit by releasing not only bodily tension but also stagnant energies & emotions stored within the physical body. 
Then comes the practice of PRANAYAMA, PRATAYAHARA, DHARANA & DHAYANA which are techniques  from the ancient yogic sciences to:-
.understand the breath & merge with it
.detach from the outside & control the senses
.steady the mind & find one object concentration.
To finally merge with the source.
That is Yoga.
But without the practice of first 2 steps, the later steps will only be futile attempts to gain momentarily peace & relaxation.
PS:More on the later steps in my next posts.
🙏🏽 Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

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