PewDiePie Instagram – Tomorrow..

PewDiePie Instagram - Tomorrow..

PewDiePie Instagram – Tomorrow.. | Posted on 13/Feb/2021 22:13:17

PewDiePie Instagram – I built a mf closet gamers.. 😤😤😤 Sometimes you just gotta real life Minecraft, ya know?
We have this akward space in front of our bed that goes up from the floor. It kind of blocks away space and ends up piling up mess. 
So, decided to extend the closet from the wall out over and also build the TV into it. Marzia had the great idea to put a bookshelf on the end. On the backside of it, there’s sliding doors with shelves for storage inside.
Shoutout to my neighbour for letting me borrow his garage and tools 👍and mertz for helping me paint it and also my dad for giving advise. Never built anything this big in wood before, but was really fun and turned out not too shabby. 🙉
PewDiePie Instagram – 🤝

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