Home Actress Sonu Gowda HD Instagram Photos and Wallpapers March 2022 Sonu Gowda Instagram - My first Kannada album song with alok, as you guys know he always comes up with different themes and something apt, this video is for the farmers.. though it’s a proud moment song, I felt emotional don’t know why.. album releasing tomorrow.. 24.02.2022.. #farmersong #supportfarmers #agriculture #agricultureworldwide

Sonu Gowda Instagram – My first Kannada album song with alok, as you guys know he always comes up with different themes and something apt, this video is for the farmers.. though it’s a proud moment song, I felt emotional don’t know why.. album releasing tomorrow.. 24.02.2022.. #farmersong #supportfarmers #agriculture #agricultureworldwide

Sonu Gowda Instagram - My first Kannada album song with alok, as you guys know he always comes up with different themes and something apt, this video is for the farmers.. though it’s a proud moment song, I felt emotional don’t know why.. album releasing tomorrow.. 24.02.2022.. #farmersong #supportfarmers #agriculture #agricultureworldwide

Sonu Gowda Instagram – My first Kannada album song with alok, as you guys know he always comes up with different themes and something apt, this video is for the farmers.. though it’s a proud moment song, I felt emotional don’t know why.. album releasing tomorrow.. 24.02.2022..
#farmersong #supportfarmers #agriculture #agricultureworldwide | Posted on 23/Feb/2022 10:33:48

Sonu Gowda Instagram – MORNING VIBE.. positive thoughts and affirmations are important in life ❤️ Bangalore, India
Sonu Gowda Instagram – Something new I tried, first time in life.. #aimandshoot #shabdakannadamovie #hassan #hassanshootingsportsclub Hassan, Karnataka

Check out the latest gallery of Sonu Gowda (aka) Shruthi Ramakrishna