Home Actress Michelle Obama HD Photos and Wallpapers January 2023 Michelle Obama Instagram - I was lucky enough to grow up surrounded by relatives—grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins, and more—with stories to tell and a willingness to share them. Over the years, through these conversations, I learned that I was the descendant of slaves—my grandfather’s grandmother lived her life in bondage. Discovering that slavery was a part of my family’s story was painful and sobering. Like many African Americans, reflecting on this dark part of our history is never comfortable. And it still opens up wounds that many of us still aren’t ready to deal with just yet. But to this day, I am so grateful for the chance to hear about my ancestors. Because despite how difficult it was to hear some of them, it helped me develop a greater sense of self—and gave me motivation to keep going, work my hardest, and be the best that I could be. I want my story to honor theirs. I want to make the most of my opportunities when so many who came before me had so few. And that’s why the film Descendant on Netflix means so much to me. It comes from our production company, @HigherGroundMedia, and it tells the story of the descendants of the survivors of the Clotilda, which is believed to be the last ship that carried enslaved Africans to the United States. To me, the film is about navigating the delicate parts of our history—and the power that comes from learning about the people who came before you. It’s about reclaiming our stories—and owning them for ourselves. Have you had a chance to check it out? Did it make you reflect about your own ancestry, too? I’d love to know if there is an ancestor of yours who has influenced your life. Tell me more in the comments and join the Descendant Challenge by sharing photos and more about your family history using the hashtag #DescendantChallenge. I wanted to share these photos of various members of my family with all of you. I can't wait to hear about your story, too.

Michelle Obama Instagram – I was lucky enough to grow up surrounded by relatives—grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins, and more—with stories to tell and a willingness to share them. Over the years, through these conversations, I learned that I was the descendant of slaves—my grandfather’s grandmother lived her life in bondage. Discovering that slavery was a part of my family’s story was painful and sobering. Like many African Americans, reflecting on this dark part of our history is never comfortable. And it still opens up wounds that many of us still aren’t ready to deal with just yet. But to this day, I am so grateful for the chance to hear about my ancestors. Because despite how difficult it was to hear some of them, it helped me develop a greater sense of self—and gave me motivation to keep going, work my hardest, and be the best that I could be. I want my story to honor theirs. I want to make the most of my opportunities when so many who came before me had so few. And that’s why the film Descendant on Netflix means so much to me. It comes from our production company, @HigherGroundMedia, and it tells the story of the descendants of the survivors of the Clotilda, which is believed to be the last ship that carried enslaved Africans to the United States. To me, the film is about navigating the delicate parts of our history—and the power that comes from learning about the people who came before you. It’s about reclaiming our stories—and owning them for ourselves. Have you had a chance to check it out? Did it make you reflect about your own ancestry, too? I’d love to know if there is an ancestor of yours who has influenced your life. Tell me more in the comments and join the Descendant Challenge by sharing photos and more about your family history using the hashtag #DescendantChallenge. I wanted to share these photos of various members of my family with all of you. I can’t wait to hear about your story, too.

Michelle Obama Instagram - I was lucky enough to grow up surrounded by relatives—grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins, and more—with stories to tell and a willingness to share them. Over the years, through these conversations, I learned that I was the descendant of slaves—my grandfather’s grandmother lived her life in bondage. Discovering that slavery was a part of my family’s story was painful and sobering. Like many African Americans, reflecting on this dark part of our history is never comfortable. And it still opens up wounds that many of us still aren’t ready to deal with just yet. But to this day, I am so grateful for the chance to hear about my ancestors. Because despite how difficult it was to hear some of them, it helped me develop a greater sense of self—and gave me motivation to keep going, work my hardest, and be the best that I could be. I want my story to honor theirs. I want to make the most of my opportunities when so many who came before me had so few. And that’s why the film Descendant on Netflix means so much to me. It comes from our production company, @HigherGroundMedia, and it tells the story of the descendants of the survivors of the Clotilda, which is believed to be the last ship that carried enslaved Africans to the United States. To me, the film is about navigating the delicate parts of our history—and the power that comes from learning about the people who came before you. It’s about reclaiming our stories—and owning them for ourselves. Have you had a chance to check it out? Did it make you reflect about your own ancestry, too? I’d love to know if there is an ancestor of yours who has influenced your life. Tell me more in the comments and join the Descendant Challenge by sharing photos and more about your family history using the hashtag #DescendantChallenge. I wanted to share these photos of various members of my family with all of you. I can't wait to hear about your story, too.

Michelle Obama Instagram – I was lucky enough to grow up surrounded by relatives—grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins, and more—with stories to tell and a willingness to share them. Over the years, through these conversations, I learned that I was the descendant of slaves—my grandfather’s grandmother lived her life in bondage.

Discovering that slavery was a part of my family’s story was painful and sobering. Like many African Americans, reflecting on this dark part of our history is never comfortable. And it still opens up wounds that many of us still aren’t ready to deal with just yet.

But to this day, I am so grateful for the chance to hear about my ancestors. Because despite how difficult it was to hear some of them, it helped me develop a greater sense of self—and gave me motivation to keep going, work my hardest, and be the best that I could be. I want my story to honor theirs. I want to make the most of my opportunities when so many who came before me had so few.

And that’s why the film Descendant on Netflix means so much to me. It comes from our production company, @HigherGroundMedia, and it tells the story of the descendants of the survivors of the Clotilda, which is believed to be the last ship that carried enslaved Africans to the United States. To me, the film is about navigating the delicate parts of our history—and the power that comes from learning about the people who came before you. It’s about reclaiming our stories—and owning them for ourselves.

Have you had a chance to check it out? Did it make you reflect about your own ancestry, too? I’d love to know if there is an ancestor of yours who has influenced your life. Tell me more in the comments and join the Descendant Challenge by sharing photos and more about your family history using the hashtag #DescendantChallenge. I wanted to share these photos of various members of my family with all of you. I can’t wait to hear about your story, too. | Posted on 10/Jan/2023 23:30:58

Michelle Obama Instagram – I was lucky enough to grow up surrounded by relatives—grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins, and more—with stories to tell and a willingness to share them. Over the years, through these conversations, I learned that I was the descendant of slaves—my grandfather’s grandmother lived her life in bondage. 
Discovering that slavery was a part of my family’s story was painful and sobering. Like many African Americans, reflecting on this dark part of our history is never comfortable. And it still opens up wounds that many of us still aren’t ready to deal with just yet.
But to this day, I am so grateful for the chance to hear about my ancestors. Because despite how difficult it was to hear some of them, it helped me develop a greater sense of self—and gave me motivation to keep going, work my hardest, and be the best that I could be. I want my story to honor theirs. I want to make the most of my opportunities when so many who came before me had so few.
And that’s why the film Descendant on Netflix means so much to me. It comes from our production company, @HigherGroundMedia, and it tells the story of the descendants of the survivors of the Clotilda, which is believed to be the last ship that carried enslaved Africans to the United States. To me, the film is about navigating the delicate parts of our history—and the power that comes from learning about the people who came before you. It’s about reclaiming our stories—and owning them for ourselves. 
Have you had a chance to check it out? Did it make you reflect about your own ancestry, too? I’d love to know if there is an ancestor of yours who has influenced your life. Tell me more in the comments and join the Descendant Challenge by sharing photos and more about your family history using the hashtag #DescendantChallenge. I wanted to share these photos of various members of my family with all of you. I can’t wait to hear about your story, too.
Michelle Obama Instagram – I never could have imagined that the phrase “when they go low, we go high” would become synonymous with my name. So, over the six years since I said those words at the Democratic National Convention, I’ve had a lot of time to reflect about the concept more broadly. And in The Light We Carry, I wrote about it. 
For a long time, “going high” was a simple mantra that Barack and I used to encourage each other. It was a simplification of our ideals, everything we’d gleaned from our upbringings that had been simmered into us over time: Tell the truth, do your best by others, keep perspective, and find a way to stay tough through it all.
And let’s be clear: Going high doesn’t mean doing nothing. It’s not disengagement or simply turning the other cheek. It’s about making your work count and your voice heard in a way that’s authentic to you and constructive for others. It’s about making sure your commitment to dignity and decency lights the way in everything you do—how you treat others, how you show up in the world, how you respond when your back’s against a wall. 
So as we wrap up this year and look to the start of a new one, let’s remember the power that lies in our words and our actions. Some folks are always going to try to bring us down. But the moment we stoop down to their level? That’s the moment we surrender our power to them. So for me, even when it’s hard, even when we don’t feel like we want to, going high will always be the answer. #TheLightWeCarry

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