Bhumika Chawla Top 100 Instagram Photos and Posts

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Most liked photo of Bhumika Chawla with over 661.6K likes is the following photo

Most liked Instagram photo of Bhumika Chawla
We have around 101 most liked posts and photos of Bhumika Chawla with the thumbnails listed below. Click on any of them to view the full image along with its caption, like count, and a button to download the photo.

Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail -  Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 661.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 354.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 281K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 260.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 192.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 192.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 192.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 192.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 192.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 192.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 192.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 192.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 168.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 168.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 168.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 168.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 168.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 168.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 168.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 166K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 165.2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 165.2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 165.2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 165.2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 165.2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 165.2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 156K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 156K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 156K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 156K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 154.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 154.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 142.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 142.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 142.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
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Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 129.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 129.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 129.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 129.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 129.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 129.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 114K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 113.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 110.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 110.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 110.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 108.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 108.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 108.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 108.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 108.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 108.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 108.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
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Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 100.1K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 100.1K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 100.1K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 100.1K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 100.1K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 100.1K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 100.1K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 100.1K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 100.1K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 88.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 87.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 82.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 82.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 82.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 82.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 82.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 82.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 82.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 82.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 82.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 82.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 82.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 82.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 82.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 82.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 82.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 82.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 78K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 78K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 78K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 78K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 78K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 78K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 78K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 78K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 78K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 77.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 77.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 77.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 77.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 77.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 77.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 77.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Bhumika Chawla Thumbnail - 77.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

1. 661.6K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 661.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : This was the last day we shot for M S DHONI … in Mumbai … took this photo together and left 2016 jan … and it was The End … and this is The end …🙏
Likes : 661620

2. 354.7K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 354.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Hope you have reached your Final Destination …. And hope you have Met your Mother . It’s so heart breaking … Wish you had spoken to friends and family … wish they had understood your silence as well … 🙏 God give strength to your family . And to all those who silently deal with the dark dungeons …. Talk it helps … People pls listen and give time to those in need …. PRAY … STEP out of your home even if it is for a few brief moments …. 🙏 Pray Pray Pray
Likes : 354663

3. 281K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 281K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Dear Sushant – wherever you are – you are in the hands of God …. it’s Been a week since you have gone … What took you away —- THE SECRET HAS GONE WITH YOU — buried deep in your heart and mind …. I wish to tell all the people who are affected by this to pray and devote your time to things like —-Taking care of yourself , of the people around you … There are speculations of why it happened …. THERE IS MUD SLINGING – there is wrath – there is —“ who is to be blamed “ —— there is “ industry did it “ —- “ relationship did this” … so on and so forth …. Dear PEOPLE RESPECT A SOUL GONE … PRAY AND LOOK AHEAD ….. SPEND THAt TIME In caring for each other / CARING FOR THE NEEDS OF kids who need education : teach them in which ever way you can / PRAY for yourselves and others around you / EXERCISE —- stay positive … LETS NOT BLAMe PEOPLE —— LETS RESPECT Each other … LET THE industry find a solution within itself and not do public discussions on public domains —- Prayers for him
Likes : 281047

4. 260.6K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 260.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Gratitude 🙏
Likes : 260570

5. 192.6K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 192.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Have a Blessed Sunday ✨
Likes : 192639

6. 192.6K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 192.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Have a Blessed Sunday ✨
Likes : 192639

7. 192.6K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 192.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Have a Blessed Sunday ✨
Likes : 192639

8. 192.6K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 192.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Have a Blessed Sunday ✨
Likes : 192639

9. 192.6K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 192.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Have a Blessed Sunday ✨
Likes : 192639

10. 192.6K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 192.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Have a Blessed Sunday ✨
Likes : 192639

11. 192.6K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 192.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Have a Blessed Sunday ✨
Likes : 192639

12. 192.6K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 192.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Have a Blessed Sunday ✨
Likes : 192639

13. 168.6K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 168.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : … ✨ Dress-@manalipural Make up – @ashokrathod14 Hair – Shashi
Likes : 168612

14. 168.6K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 168.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : … ✨ Dress-@manalipural Make up – @ashokrathod14 Hair – Shashi
Likes : 168612

15. 168.6K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 168.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : … ✨ Dress-@manalipural Make up – @ashokrathod14 Hair – Shashi
Likes : 168612

16. 168.6K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 168.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : … ✨ Dress-@manalipural Make up – @ashokrathod14 Hair – Shashi
Likes : 168612

17. 168.6K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 168.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : … ✨ Dress-@manalipural Make up – @ashokrathod14 Hair – Shashi
Likes : 168612

18. 168.6K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 168.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : … ✨ Dress-@manalipural Make up – @ashokrathod14 Hair – Shashi
Likes : 168612

19. 168.6K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 168.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : … ✨ Dress-@manalipural Make up – @ashokrathod14 Hair – Shashi
Likes : 168612

20. 166K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 166K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Gratitude 🙏 When you can work and work with wonderful people and can play like a child at work 😊 what else could you ask for . Mixing play with work 🙂 ( GOT 2 in a row ) 😊 God is kind . Thank you to the wonderful loving , kind people around . 🙏✨😊 And when at times one feels one is missing … something … maybe a simple small town life … go back to beautiful memories and bring the energy back in the present moment …
Likes : 166001

21. 165.2K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 165.2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Sometimes I wonder … I wonder why we post so much ? Sometimes I wonder why we click so much … I wonder why we share so much … Sometimes I wonder .. why we dilute our life so much ? Sometimes I wonder why there are no real genuine moments lived so much ? Sometimes the running in big cities and tonnes of things happening and people around … Take away the real moments away … They are happening … Things are happening … But are we actually taking moments to pause and live , experience … feel … ? We forget to JUST BE ….. ✨ —photo credit – @picks_era_sunil
Likes : 165198

22. 165.2K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 165.2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Sometimes I wonder … I wonder why we post so much ? Sometimes I wonder why we click so much … I wonder why we share so much … Sometimes I wonder .. why we dilute our life so much ? Sometimes I wonder why there are no real genuine moments lived so much ? Sometimes the running in big cities and tonnes of things happening and people around … Take away the real moments away … They are happening … Things are happening … But are we actually taking moments to pause and live , experience … feel … ? We forget to JUST BE ….. ✨ —photo credit – @picks_era_sunil
Likes : 165198

23. 165.2K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 165.2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Sometimes I wonder … I wonder why we post so much ? Sometimes I wonder why we click so much … I wonder why we share so much … Sometimes I wonder .. why we dilute our life so much ? Sometimes I wonder why there are no real genuine moments lived so much ? Sometimes the running in big cities and tonnes of things happening and people around … Take away the real moments away … They are happening … Things are happening … But are we actually taking moments to pause and live , experience … feel … ? We forget to JUST BE ….. ✨ —photo credit – @picks_era_sunil
Likes : 165198

24. 165.2K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 165.2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Sometimes I wonder … I wonder why we post so much ? Sometimes I wonder why we click so much … I wonder why we share so much … Sometimes I wonder .. why we dilute our life so much ? Sometimes I wonder why there are no real genuine moments lived so much ? Sometimes the running in big cities and tonnes of things happening and people around … Take away the real moments away … They are happening … Things are happening … But are we actually taking moments to pause and live , experience … feel … ? We forget to JUST BE ….. ✨ —photo credit – @picks_era_sunil
Likes : 165198

25. 165.2K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 165.2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Sometimes I wonder … I wonder why we post so much ? Sometimes I wonder why we click so much … I wonder why we share so much … Sometimes I wonder .. why we dilute our life so much ? Sometimes I wonder why there are no real genuine moments lived so much ? Sometimes the running in big cities and tonnes of things happening and people around … Take away the real moments away … They are happening … Things are happening … But are we actually taking moments to pause and live , experience … feel … ? We forget to JUST BE ….. ✨ —photo credit – @picks_era_sunil
Likes : 165198

26. 165.2K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 165.2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Sometimes I wonder … I wonder why we post so much ? Sometimes I wonder why we click so much … I wonder why we share so much … Sometimes I wonder .. why we dilute our life so much ? Sometimes I wonder why there are no real genuine moments lived so much ? Sometimes the running in big cities and tonnes of things happening and people around … Take away the real moments away … They are happening … Things are happening … But are we actually taking moments to pause and live , experience … feel … ? We forget to JUST BE ….. ✨ —photo credit – @picks_era_sunil
Likes : 165198

27. 156K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 156K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : ✨ Photo credit – Bharat
Likes : 155984

28. 156K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 156K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : ✨ Photo credit – Bharat
Likes : 155984

29. 156K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 156K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : ✨ Photo credit – Bharat
Likes : 155984

30. 156K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 156K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : ✨ Photo credit – Bharat
Likes : 155984

31. 154.8K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 154.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Taash ke paton ki tarah khel khelte hai jo… Ikke or Badshah ke dum pe Rehte hai jo … Khel khatam hone pe …. IKKA AUR GULAM Aakhir Rehte toh ek hi taash ki gaddi mein hai . — #kumaransilks.delhi
Likes : 154785

32. 154.8K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 154.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Taash ke paton ki tarah khel khelte hai jo… Ikke or Badshah ke dum pe Rehte hai jo … Khel khatam hone pe …. IKKA AUR GULAM Aakhir Rehte toh ek hi taash ki gaddi mein hai . — #kumaransilks.delhi
Likes : 154785

33. 142.5K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 142.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Happy 2024 ✨✨ go shine bright … work hard ../ enjoy .. relax …. Just be … climb the mountains , swim the seas , fly through skies … just be home … walk on beach …. Try new things … Be grateful … Be grateful .. Be grateful … Be kind … Be a learner Be a teacher … Be a somebody .. Be a nobody … Be free …. Plan and yet not for though we look far and beyond … It’s all here … ✨✨✨✨✨❤️
Likes : 142463

34. 142.5K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 142.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Happy 2024 ✨✨ go shine bright … work hard ../ enjoy .. relax …. Just be … climb the mountains , swim the seas , fly through skies … just be home … walk on beach …. Try new things … Be grateful … Be grateful .. Be grateful … Be kind … Be a learner Be a teacher … Be a somebody .. Be a nobody … Be free …. Plan and yet not for though we look far and beyond … It’s all here … ✨✨✨✨✨❤️
Likes : 142463

35. 142.5K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 142.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Happy 2024 ✨✨ go shine bright … work hard ../ enjoy .. relax …. Just be … climb the mountains , swim the seas , fly through skies … just be home … walk on beach …. Try new things … Be grateful … Be grateful .. Be grateful … Be kind … Be a learner Be a teacher … Be a somebody .. Be a nobody … Be free …. Plan and yet not for though we look far and beyond … It’s all here … ✨✨✨✨✨❤️
Likes : 142463

36. 129.3K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 129.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 129282

37. 129.3K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 129.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 129282

38. 129.3K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 129.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 129282

39. 129.3K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 129.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 129282

40. 129.3K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 129.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 129282

41. 129.3K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 129.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 129282

42. 129.3K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 129.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 129282

43. 114K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 114K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Shocked to hear about Sushant Singh Rajput … We worked together in 2015 in M. S Dhoni . It’s heartbreaking… what ever it was …. it’s sad …. we all go through our downs in life …. wish you had spoken ….THE REALITY IS WHEN TIME COMES —- Clock stops … God decides AND NONE OF US CAN CHANGE IT …. only wish is —- wish ….. wish you had spoken …. and that time had not yet come …May God give strength to your family 🙏
Likes : 113983

44. 113.8K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 113.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : It’s been almost 20 days … and I wake up thinking of you . Still wondering what it was … one only shared the screen space as a character briefly but still associated together …. Was it depression – personal — then you should have spoken …. If it was professional – you had already done such good films .. YES I AGREE it’s not easy to survive here — I am not talking of insider or outsiders — IT IS WHAT IT IS — yes if I have to connect with someone even after having done 50 plus films it ain’t easy — but I am still grateful I am doing work — maybe I just choose to work on this perspective — constantly pushing myself to think and believe good .. Yes there are times when you call or message people from the industry ( Bollywood or other places ) most people are really WARM and KIND but we do find those who refuse to acknowledge or just brush you aside — THE WORLD IS MADE OF ALL SORTS …. THERE are most who will respect you always but rare few when they need you they come to you – but when you drop a tinkle saying you would love to work together with them , they say we will see …. or smile it off ( though I never believed in doing that earlier , I did in the last few years make an effort — that’s what life is — nothing comes without effort and hard work -) … YET I STILL THANK GOD FOR Everything … I choose to say that it’s ok – maybe one doesn’t fit the bill , the role and so it’s ok ….. POSITIVE …. and finally if there is any thing more to you going than professional disappointment , or depression cause of various reasons —- YEH SHAHAR HAME HAMARE SAPNE DETA HAI , Naam deta hai … kabhi Kabhi Gumnaam bhi karta … lakho ki aabadi mein kuch TANHA BHI KARTA HAI ….. …….. if there was anything more I hope we come to know what it was … until then FINAL GOODBYE …. PRAYERS FOR YOU – wherever you are and prayers for your family
Likes : 113755

45. 110.3K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 110.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : My mother’s favourite attire was a saree and she believed that a woman looked most beautiful and graceful in a saree ❤️ She wore sarees almost every day for the longest time and when she went out for the Army parties with my father she was always elegant and graceful , she took time to dress up and as my father says she took pride in dressing up gracefully . Mummy this is for you . I miss you so much , every single day❤️❤️❤️
Likes : 110306

46. 110.3K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 110.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : My mother’s favourite attire was a saree and she believed that a woman looked most beautiful and graceful in a saree ❤️ She wore sarees almost every day for the longest time and when she went out for the Army parties with my father she was always elegant and graceful , she took time to dress up and as my father says she took pride in dressing up gracefully . Mummy this is for you . I miss you so much , every single day❤️❤️❤️
Likes : 110306

47. 110.3K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 110.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : My mother’s favourite attire was a saree and she believed that a woman looked most beautiful and graceful in a saree ❤️ She wore sarees almost every day for the longest time and when she went out for the Army parties with my father she was always elegant and graceful , she took time to dress up and as my father says she took pride in dressing up gracefully . Mummy this is for you . I miss you so much , every single day❤️❤️❤️
Likes : 110306

48. 108.7K Likes

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Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : …
Likes : 108668

49. 108.7K Likes

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Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : …
Likes : 108668

50. 108.7K Likes

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Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : …
Likes : 108668

51. 108.7K Likes

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Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : …
Likes : 108668

52. 108.7K Likes

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Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : …
Likes : 108668

53. 108.7K Likes

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Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : …
Likes : 108668

54. 108.7K Likes

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Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : …
Likes : 108668

55. 100.3K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 100.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Though the sun has set for the day … a new beginning there is again . Life there is so much to be grateful for 🙏✨
Likes : 100266

56. 100.1K Likes

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Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Focus … and then a blur ✨
Likes : 100138

57. 100.1K Likes

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Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Focus … and then a blur ✨
Likes : 100138

58. 100.1K Likes

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Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Focus … and then a blur ✨
Likes : 100138

59. 100.1K Likes

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Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Focus … and then a blur ✨
Likes : 100138

60. 100.1K Likes

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Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Focus … and then a blur ✨
Likes : 100138

61. 100.1K Likes

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Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Focus … and then a blur ✨
Likes : 100138

62. 100.1K Likes

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Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Focus … and then a blur ✨
Likes : 100138

63. 100.1K Likes

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Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Focus … and then a blur ✨
Likes : 100138

64. 100.1K Likes

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Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Focus … and then a blur ✨
Likes : 100138

65. 88.3K Likes

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Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Dear Sushant Hope you found PEACE – ultimately … something we all have a DEEP QUEST for One year … has Passed by since you left .. No I didn’t know you very well . I worked with you and Spent a . Few days together on the sets of MS Dhoni as your colleague and playing the role of your sister and we did sit together and talked to each other about a few things and life .. Last year I remember this day so clearly . I was out in Devlali with my father and the little one in the car out for a drive in the rain when I got the message that you were no more . It didn’t settle in my mind . What I thought was LIFE — is a bubble – here now and POOF ! It’s gone .. I couldn’t figure why this happened .. Maybe because there was a dark place engulfing you inside while on the outside you looked fine – your going shook the world up – maybe coz you were the happy sorts , the simple one , the hard working young man , the super intelligent kind , the one who looked all positive and happy , straight and honest , and had a great bucket list being ticked off .. and a lot going for you … Then the news , the investigations started . Two months later half the channels had show going on at night with your news still trying to figure .. what happened I understand — the one most important thing in life is good company … people who walk with you and show you the right path . Family support – if you don’t have that , fine — a few good friends to sail you through ..coz if that’s not there any one of us can slip into that dark hole … But when you are in the company of those that look fine and all fun and an abundance of everything of fun , food , substance , money … and no real deep conversations then it’s a strange kind of whirlpool you enter without your knowing . The fact that that substance is still freely accessible to people and discussions on panels saying it’s healthy ?! Is beyond my comprehension .. Well a year of Covid — 2020 and lot of more broken hearts . Year 2021 still continues to. Be the same .. for the world is going through its own share of tough time … ( part 1 .) #sushantsinghrajput
Likes : 88314

66. 87.6K Likes

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Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : ( part 2 ) The only thing I wish to say here is most times we surround ourselves with such farce that we are all blinded and walking through life in a Daze … One day rolling into another like ……… Most of us don’t have the courage to stand up to things going wrong around us — we see and we choose not to see !! We all need to step back sometimes Take some moments to understand life and ourselves .. sincere prayers for you – wherever you are 🙏
Likes : 87624

67. 82.9K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 82.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Sometimes having nothing to say .. is so nice …. and just post photos … that’s it … 💕
Likes : 82903

68. 82.9K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 82.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Sometimes having nothing to say .. is so nice …. and just post photos … that’s it … 💕
Likes : 82903

69. 82.9K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 82.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Sometimes having nothing to say .. is so nice …. and just post photos … that’s it … 💕
Likes : 82903

70. 82.9K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 82.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Sometimes having nothing to say .. is so nice …. and just post photos … that’s it … 💕
Likes : 82903

71. 82.9K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 82.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Sometimes having nothing to say .. is so nice …. and just post photos … that’s it … 💕
Likes : 82903

72. 82.9K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 82.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Sometimes having nothing to say .. is so nice …. and just post photos … that’s it … 💕
Likes : 82903

73. 82.8K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 82.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Somebody sent this to my husband … ( saying it’s for your kind wife ) …. Interesting अमृतमय विष ये निगाहें थीं या सावन की बारिश पलकें थीं या किसी छांव की चादर नजाकत थी या हुस्न की उल्फत जो भी थी, कायनात से अच्छी थी ये हंसी थी या दमकता क्रंदन कातिल नजरें थीं या बाज की कश अदाएं थीं या अप्सराओं की झलक जो भी थी, स्वपनों की नूर थी मेरी मंजिल थी या मात्र शिकस्त कोई तलाश थी या सिर्फ भटकन मेरी जीत थी या हारी हुई बाजी जो भी थी, जीवंत अमृत थी आखिर थी साधारण या कोहिनूर पास आकर भी उतनी क्यों दूर भरी झोली को क्यों करती उजाड़ अमृतमय विष या विषमय ज्वार राजीव Photos creasit @bhagatmakka , dress – @manalipural , make up – @ashokrathod14 , Hair – Shashi More
Likes : 82826

74. 82.8K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 82.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Somebody sent this to my husband … ( saying it’s for your kind wife ) …. Interesting अमृतमय विष ये निगाहें थीं या सावन की बारिश पलकें थीं या किसी छांव की चादर नजाकत थी या हुस्न की उल्फत जो भी थी, कायनात से अच्छी थी ये हंसी थी या दमकता क्रंदन कातिल नजरें थीं या बाज की कश अदाएं थीं या अप्सराओं की झलक जो भी थी, स्वपनों की नूर थी मेरी मंजिल थी या मात्र शिकस्त कोई तलाश थी या सिर्फ भटकन मेरी जीत थी या हारी हुई बाजी जो भी थी, जीवंत अमृत थी आखिर थी साधारण या कोहिनूर पास आकर भी उतनी क्यों दूर भरी झोली को क्यों करती उजाड़ अमृतमय विष या विषमय ज्वार राजीव Photos creasit @bhagatmakka , dress – @manalipural , make up – @ashokrathod14 , Hair – Shashi More
Likes : 82826

75. 82.8K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 82.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Somebody sent this to my husband … ( saying it’s for your kind wife ) …. Interesting अमृतमय विष ये निगाहें थीं या सावन की बारिश पलकें थीं या किसी छांव की चादर नजाकत थी या हुस्न की उल्फत जो भी थी, कायनात से अच्छी थी ये हंसी थी या दमकता क्रंदन कातिल नजरें थीं या बाज की कश अदाएं थीं या अप्सराओं की झलक जो भी थी, स्वपनों की नूर थी मेरी मंजिल थी या मात्र शिकस्त कोई तलाश थी या सिर्फ भटकन मेरी जीत थी या हारी हुई बाजी जो भी थी, जीवंत अमृत थी आखिर थी साधारण या कोहिनूर पास आकर भी उतनी क्यों दूर भरी झोली को क्यों करती उजाड़ अमृतमय विष या विषमय ज्वार राजीव Photos creasit @bhagatmakka , dress – @manalipural , make up – @ashokrathod14 , Hair – Shashi More
Likes : 82826

76. 82.8K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 82.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Somebody sent this to my husband … ( saying it’s for your kind wife ) …. Interesting अमृतमय विष ये निगाहें थीं या सावन की बारिश पलकें थीं या किसी छांव की चादर नजाकत थी या हुस्न की उल्फत जो भी थी, कायनात से अच्छी थी ये हंसी थी या दमकता क्रंदन कातिल नजरें थीं या बाज की कश अदाएं थीं या अप्सराओं की झलक जो भी थी, स्वपनों की नूर थी मेरी मंजिल थी या मात्र शिकस्त कोई तलाश थी या सिर्फ भटकन मेरी जीत थी या हारी हुई बाजी जो भी थी, जीवंत अमृत थी आखिर थी साधारण या कोहिनूर पास आकर भी उतनी क्यों दूर भरी झोली को क्यों करती उजाड़ अमृतमय विष या विषमय ज्वार राजीव Photos creasit @bhagatmakka , dress – @manalipural , make up – @ashokrathod14 , Hair – Shashi More
Likes : 82826

77. 82.8K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 82.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Somebody sent this to my husband … ( saying it’s for your kind wife ) …. Interesting अमृतमय विष ये निगाहें थीं या सावन की बारिश पलकें थीं या किसी छांव की चादर नजाकत थी या हुस्न की उल्फत जो भी थी, कायनात से अच्छी थी ये हंसी थी या दमकता क्रंदन कातिल नजरें थीं या बाज की कश अदाएं थीं या अप्सराओं की झलक जो भी थी, स्वपनों की नूर थी मेरी मंजिल थी या मात्र शिकस्त कोई तलाश थी या सिर्फ भटकन मेरी जीत थी या हारी हुई बाजी जो भी थी, जीवंत अमृत थी आखिर थी साधारण या कोहिनूर पास आकर भी उतनी क्यों दूर भरी झोली को क्यों करती उजाड़ अमृतमय विष या विषमय ज्वार राजीव Photos creasit @bhagatmakka , dress – @manalipural , make up – @ashokrathod14 , Hair – Shashi More
Likes : 82826

78. 82.8K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 82.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Somebody sent this to my husband … ( saying it’s for your kind wife ) …. Interesting अमृतमय विष ये निगाहें थीं या सावन की बारिश पलकें थीं या किसी छांव की चादर नजाकत थी या हुस्न की उल्फत जो भी थी, कायनात से अच्छी थी ये हंसी थी या दमकता क्रंदन कातिल नजरें थीं या बाज की कश अदाएं थीं या अप्सराओं की झलक जो भी थी, स्वपनों की नूर थी मेरी मंजिल थी या मात्र शिकस्त कोई तलाश थी या सिर्फ भटकन मेरी जीत थी या हारी हुई बाजी जो भी थी, जीवंत अमृत थी आखिर थी साधारण या कोहिनूर पास आकर भी उतनी क्यों दूर भरी झोली को क्यों करती उजाड़ अमृतमय विष या विषमय ज्वार राजीव Photos creasit @bhagatmakka , dress – @manalipural , make up – @ashokrathod14 , Hair – Shashi More
Likes : 82826

79. 82.8K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 82.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Somebody sent this to my husband … ( saying it’s for your kind wife ) …. Interesting अमृतमय विष ये निगाहें थीं या सावन की बारिश पलकें थीं या किसी छांव की चादर नजाकत थी या हुस्न की उल्फत जो भी थी, कायनात से अच्छी थी ये हंसी थी या दमकता क्रंदन कातिल नजरें थीं या बाज की कश अदाएं थीं या अप्सराओं की झलक जो भी थी, स्वपनों की नूर थी मेरी मंजिल थी या मात्र शिकस्त कोई तलाश थी या सिर्फ भटकन मेरी जीत थी या हारी हुई बाजी जो भी थी, जीवंत अमृत थी आखिर थी साधारण या कोहिनूर पास आकर भी उतनी क्यों दूर भरी झोली को क्यों करती उजाड़ अमृतमय विष या विषमय ज्वार राजीव Photos creasit @bhagatmakka , dress – @manalipural , make up – @ashokrathod14 , Hair – Shashi More
Likes : 82826

80. 82.8K Likes

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Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Somebody sent this to my husband … ( saying it’s for your kind wife ) …. Interesting अमृतमय विष ये निगाहें थीं या सावन की बारिश पलकें थीं या किसी छांव की चादर नजाकत थी या हुस्न की उल्फत जो भी थी, कायनात से अच्छी थी ये हंसी थी या दमकता क्रंदन कातिल नजरें थीं या बाज की कश अदाएं थीं या अप्सराओं की झलक जो भी थी, स्वपनों की नूर थी मेरी मंजिल थी या मात्र शिकस्त कोई तलाश थी या सिर्फ भटकन मेरी जीत थी या हारी हुई बाजी जो भी थी, जीवंत अमृत थी आखिर थी साधारण या कोहिनूर पास आकर भी उतनी क्यों दूर भरी झोली को क्यों करती उजाड़ अमृतमय विष या विषमय ज्वार राजीव Photos creasit @bhagatmakka , dress – @manalipural , make up – @ashokrathod14 , Hair – Shashi More
Likes : 82826

81. 82.8K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 82.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Somebody sent this to my husband … ( saying it’s for your kind wife ) …. Interesting अमृतमय विष ये निगाहें थीं या सावन की बारिश पलकें थीं या किसी छांव की चादर नजाकत थी या हुस्न की उल्फत जो भी थी, कायनात से अच्छी थी ये हंसी थी या दमकता क्रंदन कातिल नजरें थीं या बाज की कश अदाएं थीं या अप्सराओं की झलक जो भी थी, स्वपनों की नूर थी मेरी मंजिल थी या मात्र शिकस्त कोई तलाश थी या सिर्फ भटकन मेरी जीत थी या हारी हुई बाजी जो भी थी, जीवंत अमृत थी आखिर थी साधारण या कोहिनूर पास आकर भी उतनी क्यों दूर भरी झोली को क्यों करती उजाड़ अमृतमय विष या विषमय ज्वार राजीव Photos creasit @bhagatmakka , dress – @manalipural , make up – @ashokrathod14 , Hair – Shashi More
Likes : 82826

82. 82.8K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 82.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : Somebody sent this to my husband … ( saying it’s for your kind wife ) …. Interesting अमृतमय विष ये निगाहें थीं या सावन की बारिश पलकें थीं या किसी छांव की चादर नजाकत थी या हुस्न की उल्फत जो भी थी, कायनात से अच्छी थी ये हंसी थी या दमकता क्रंदन कातिल नजरें थीं या बाज की कश अदाएं थीं या अप्सराओं की झलक जो भी थी, स्वपनों की नूर थी मेरी मंजिल थी या मात्र शिकस्त कोई तलाश थी या सिर्फ भटकन मेरी जीत थी या हारी हुई बाजी जो भी थी, जीवंत अमृत थी आखिर थी साधारण या कोहिनूर पास आकर भी उतनी क्यों दूर भरी झोली को क्यों करती उजाड़ अमृतमय विष या विषमय ज्वार राजीव Photos creasit @bhagatmakka , dress – @manalipural , make up – @ashokrathod14 , Hair – Shashi More
Likes : 82826

83. 78K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 78K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE .. AM NOT THE ONLY STORY ..ONE IS NOT THE ONLY ONE We are all stories — of different kinds , different colours and hues ✨ we are all stars .. or star DUST …. We are stories that have started and are being written every day by the decisions we make … we meet so many people every day … some pass by … some stories get etched in your life to make you think , inspire you , show you the other side of life of courage and faith and you come out learning so much about strength …. One is one story .. Wonder if I have inspired anyone .. This story is in a stage where getting the next page written requires detailed thought research , and the right choice of words ✨ The story of our lives…. Is to be continued ✨ Photos – @picks_era_sunil
Likes : 77988

84. 78K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 78K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE .. AM NOT THE ONLY STORY ..ONE IS NOT THE ONLY ONE We are all stories — of different kinds , different colours and hues ✨ we are all stars .. or star DUST …. We are stories that have started and are being written every day by the decisions we make … we meet so many people every day … some pass by … some stories get etched in your life to make you think , inspire you , show you the other side of life of courage and faith and you come out learning so much about strength …. One is one story .. Wonder if I have inspired anyone .. This story is in a stage where getting the next page written requires detailed thought research , and the right choice of words ✨ The story of our lives…. Is to be continued ✨ Photos – @picks_era_sunil
Likes : 77988

85. 78K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 78K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE .. AM NOT THE ONLY STORY ..ONE IS NOT THE ONLY ONE We are all stories — of different kinds , different colours and hues ✨ we are all stars .. or star DUST …. We are stories that have started and are being written every day by the decisions we make … we meet so many people every day … some pass by … some stories get etched in your life to make you think , inspire you , show you the other side of life of courage and faith and you come out learning so much about strength …. One is one story .. Wonder if I have inspired anyone .. This story is in a stage where getting the next page written requires detailed thought research , and the right choice of words ✨ The story of our lives…. Is to be continued ✨ Photos – @picks_era_sunil
Likes : 77988

86. 78K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 78K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE .. AM NOT THE ONLY STORY ..ONE IS NOT THE ONLY ONE We are all stories — of different kinds , different colours and hues ✨ we are all stars .. or star DUST …. We are stories that have started and are being written every day by the decisions we make … we meet so many people every day … some pass by … some stories get etched in your life to make you think , inspire you , show you the other side of life of courage and faith and you come out learning so much about strength …. One is one story .. Wonder if I have inspired anyone .. This story is in a stage where getting the next page written requires detailed thought research , and the right choice of words ✨ The story of our lives…. Is to be continued ✨ Photos – @picks_era_sunil
Likes : 77988

87. 78K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 78K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE .. AM NOT THE ONLY STORY ..ONE IS NOT THE ONLY ONE We are all stories — of different kinds , different colours and hues ✨ we are all stars .. or star DUST …. We are stories that have started and are being written every day by the decisions we make … we meet so many people every day … some pass by … some stories get etched in your life to make you think , inspire you , show you the other side of life of courage and faith and you come out learning so much about strength …. One is one story .. Wonder if I have inspired anyone .. This story is in a stage where getting the next page written requires detailed thought research , and the right choice of words ✨ The story of our lives…. Is to be continued ✨ Photos – @picks_era_sunil
Likes : 77988

88. 78K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 78K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE .. AM NOT THE ONLY STORY ..ONE IS NOT THE ONLY ONE We are all stories — of different kinds , different colours and hues ✨ we are all stars .. or star DUST …. We are stories that have started and are being written every day by the decisions we make … we meet so many people every day … some pass by … some stories get etched in your life to make you think , inspire you , show you the other side of life of courage and faith and you come out learning so much about strength …. One is one story .. Wonder if I have inspired anyone .. This story is in a stage where getting the next page written requires detailed thought research , and the right choice of words ✨ The story of our lives…. Is to be continued ✨ Photos – @picks_era_sunil
Likes : 77988

89. 78K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 78K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE .. AM NOT THE ONLY STORY ..ONE IS NOT THE ONLY ONE We are all stories — of different kinds , different colours and hues ✨ we are all stars .. or star DUST …. We are stories that have started and are being written every day by the decisions we make … we meet so many people every day … some pass by … some stories get etched in your life to make you think , inspire you , show you the other side of life of courage and faith and you come out learning so much about strength …. One is one story .. Wonder if I have inspired anyone .. This story is in a stage where getting the next page written requires detailed thought research , and the right choice of words ✨ The story of our lives…. Is to be continued ✨ Photos – @picks_era_sunil
Likes : 77988

90. 78K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 78K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE .. AM NOT THE ONLY STORY ..ONE IS NOT THE ONLY ONE We are all stories — of different kinds , different colours and hues ✨ we are all stars .. or star DUST …. We are stories that have started and are being written every day by the decisions we make … we meet so many people every day … some pass by … some stories get etched in your life to make you think , inspire you , show you the other side of life of courage and faith and you come out learning so much about strength …. One is one story .. Wonder if I have inspired anyone .. This story is in a stage where getting the next page written requires detailed thought research , and the right choice of words ✨ The story of our lives…. Is to be continued ✨ Photos – @picks_era_sunil
Likes : 77988

91. 78K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 78K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE .. AM NOT THE ONLY STORY ..ONE IS NOT THE ONLY ONE We are all stories — of different kinds , different colours and hues ✨ we are all stars .. or star DUST …. We are stories that have started and are being written every day by the decisions we make … we meet so many people every day … some pass by … some stories get etched in your life to make you think , inspire you , show you the other side of life of courage and faith and you come out learning so much about strength …. One is one story .. Wonder if I have inspired anyone .. This story is in a stage where getting the next page written requires detailed thought research , and the right choice of words ✨ The story of our lives…. Is to be continued ✨ Photos – @picks_era_sunil
Likes : 77988

92. 77.9K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 77.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : .. Photos credit – @picks_era_sunil Hair — @its_nehu1998
Likes : 77872

93. 77.9K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 77.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : .. Photos credit – @picks_era_sunil Hair — @its_nehu1998
Likes : 77872

94. 77.9K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 77.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : .. Photos credit – @picks_era_sunil Hair — @its_nehu1998
Likes : 77872

95. 77.9K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 77.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : .. Photos credit – @picks_era_sunil Hair — @its_nehu1998
Likes : 77872

96. 77.9K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 77.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : .. Photos credit – @picks_era_sunil Hair — @its_nehu1998
Likes : 77872

97. 77.9K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 77.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : .. Photos credit – @picks_era_sunil Hair — @its_nehu1998
Likes : 77872

98. 77.9K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 77.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : .. Photos credit – @picks_era_sunil Hair — @its_nehu1998
Likes : 77872

99. 77.9K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 77.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : .. Photos credit – @picks_era_sunil Hair — @its_nehu1998
Likes : 77872

100. 77.9K Likes

Bhumika Chawla - 77.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Bhumika Chawla Instagram
Caption : .. Photos credit – @picks_era_sunil Hair — @its_nehu1998
Likes : 77872