Home Actor Rishi Sunak HD Instagram Photos and Wallpapers September 2023 Rishi Sunak Instagram - I want to make the dream of homeownership a reality for more people. During a visit to Norwich today, I announced that we’re taking another step to achieving that by reforming old EU ‘nutrient neutrality' laws that prevent thousands of homes from being built here in the UK. These reforms will mean local communities get the homes they’ve been asking for while protecting Britain’s countryside. In total it could unlock up to 100,000 new homes - supporting more families onto the housing ladder and protecting Britain’s countryside. Norwich, UK

Rishi Sunak Instagram – I want to make the dream of homeownership a reality for more people. During a visit to Norwich today, I announced that we’re taking another step to achieving that by reforming old EU ‘nutrient neutrality’ laws that prevent thousands of homes from being built here in the UK. These reforms will mean local communities get the homes they’ve been asking for while protecting Britain’s countryside. In total it could unlock up to 100,000 new homes – supporting more families onto the housing ladder and protecting Britain’s countryside. Norwich, UK

Rishi Sunak Instagram - I want to make the dream of homeownership a reality for more people. During a visit to Norwich today, I announced that we’re taking another step to achieving that by reforming old EU ‘nutrient neutrality' laws that prevent thousands of homes from being built here in the UK. These reforms will mean local communities get the homes they’ve been asking for while protecting Britain’s countryside. In total it could unlock up to 100,000 new homes - supporting more families onto the housing ladder and protecting Britain’s countryside. Norwich, UK

Rishi Sunak Instagram – I want to make the dream of homeownership a reality for more people.

During a visit to Norwich today, I announced that we’re taking another step to achieving that by reforming old EU ‘nutrient neutrality’ laws that prevent thousands of homes from being built here in the UK.

These reforms will mean local communities get the homes they’ve been asking for while protecting Britain’s countryside.

In total it could unlock up to 100,000 new homes – supporting more families onto the housing ladder and protecting Britain’s countryside. Norwich, UK | Posted on 29/Aug/2023 21:30:26

Rishi Sunak Instagram – As a father of two, I found Olivia Pratt-Korbel’s murder deeply shocking. 

And I shared the public’s outrage when her killer refused to hear the sentence for his heinous crime. 

Today I met with Olivia’s mum Cheryl to discuss my plans to ensure no other family suffers in the same way. 

Read more via the link in my bio 👆
Rishi Sunak Instagram – Full steam ahead on my plans to give every kid in this country a world-class education. 

This week @conservatives delivered: 

🧒 Record investment in childcare
🏫 22 new free schools
📈 Grades back to normal post-pandemic

No matter where you live, I’m determined you get you the opportunities you deserve.

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