Tarjanee Bhadla Instagram – ૩ એક્કાના ની જીત ની પાછળ નો ચોથો એક્કો એટલે AUDIENCE!
Thank you for showering your love!
This has been possible only because of you!
Anand Pandit Motion Pictures and Jannock Films Present “ 𝟑 𝐄𝐊𝐊𝐀 “
Starring @actoryash @malhar028 @mitragadhvi @esharkansara @kinjalrajpriya @tarjanee_official @dharmesh64 and @hitukanodia
Produced by @anandpandit and @vaishalshah7
Directed by @rajesh_filmcrafting
Written by @parth__85 and @chetandaiya
Creative director @parth__85
@anandpanditmotionpictures @jannockfilmsllp @jojoapp.in @colorsgujaratiofficial #3Ekka #TronEkka | Posted on 28/Aug/2023 16:20:27