Home Actress Angelina Jolie HD Photos and Wallpapers November 2023 Angelina Jolie Instagram - Last year I shared with you “Piqui’s Law,” a brave effort by my friend Ana Estevez – whose five-year-old son, Piqui, was murdered – to pass a law in California to help keep children safe from family violence. The bill is coming before the California State Assembly for its final vote. If passed, new training will ensure that judges and authorities don’t ignore the signs of abuse that cause harm and even death to many children in our country. I’m sending Ana my love.  #PiquisLaw #SB331

Angelina Jolie Instagram – Last year I shared with you “Piqui’s Law,” a brave effort by my friend Ana Estevez – whose five-year-old son, Piqui, was murdered – to pass a law in California to help keep children safe from family violence. The bill is coming before the California State Assembly for its final vote. If passed, new training will ensure that judges and authorities don’t ignore the signs of abuse that cause harm and even death to many children in our country. I’m sending Ana my love.  #PiquisLaw #SB331

Angelina Jolie Instagram - Last year I shared with you “Piqui’s Law,” a brave effort by my friend Ana Estevez – whose five-year-old son, Piqui, was murdered – to pass a law in California to help keep children safe from family violence. The bill is coming before the California State Assembly for its final vote. If passed, new training will ensure that judges and authorities don’t ignore the signs of abuse that cause harm and even death to many children in our country. I’m sending Ana my love.  #PiquisLaw #SB331

Angelina Jolie Instagram – Last year I shared with you “Piqui’s Law,” a brave effort by my friend Ana Estevez – whose five-year-old son, Piqui, was murdered – to pass a law in California to help keep children safe from family violence. The bill is coming before the California State Assembly for its final vote. If passed, new training will ensure that judges and authorities don’t ignore the signs of abuse that cause harm and even death to many children in our country. I’m sending Ana my love. 

#PiquisLaw #SB331 | Posted on 09/Sep/2023 08:24:17

Angelina Jolie Instagram – To claim your rights, you have to know what they are. Article 42 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child requires governments to ensure that children and parents are aware of the principles and rights enshrined in the convention. Pleased that our book on youth rights is now also being published in Albania, Kosovo, Poland, Romania and Moldova, and sending my respect to all the young activists defending child rights in the region and using their right to a voice.

Për t’i kërkuar të drejtat tuaja, duhet t’i njihni ato. Neni 42 i Konventës për të Drejtat e Fëmijëve i detyron qeveritë të sigurohen që fëmijët dhe prindërit të jenë të vetëdijshëm për parimet dhe të drejtat e mbrojtura me konventë. Jam e lumtur që libri ynë për të drejtat e të rinjve tani është publikuar në Shqipëri, Kosovë, Poloni, Rumani dhe Moldavi, dhe ua dërgoj respektin tim të gjithë aktivistëve/eve që mbrojnë të drejtat e fëmijëve në rajon dhe që përdorin të drejtën e tyre të jenë të zëshëm.

Pentru a-ți revendica drepturile, trebuie să știi care sunt acestea. Articolul 42 din Convenția cu privire la drepturile copilului prevede că guvernele trebuie să se asigure că copiii și părinții cunosc principiile și drepturile, care se regăsesc în această Convenție. Mă bucur că cartea “Cunoaște-ți Drepturile și Revendică-le” este acum publicată în Republica Moldova, România, Albania, Kosovo și Polonia. Îmi exprim respectul față de toți tinerii activiști, care apără drepturile copilului în regiune și își valorifică dreptul de a vorbi public despre acest lucru. 
Musisz znać swoje prawa, aby móc się o nie upomnieć. Artykuł 42 Konwencji o prawach dziecka nakłada na rządy obowiązek zapewnienia, aby dzieci i rodzice znali prawa i zasady zawarte w Konwencji. To dla nas czysta przyjemność, że nasza książka o prawach dzieci ukazuje się w Albanii, Kosowie, Polsce, Rumunii i w Mołdawii. Pragnę wyrazić ogromny szacunek dla wszystkich młodych aktywistów i aktywistek, które bronią praw dzieci w regionie i korzystają ze swojego prawa do wyrażania opinii.

@Amnesty @amnesty_international_polska @amnesty_md #Knowyourrights #Njihnitëddrejtattuaja
Angelina Jolie Instagram – Pakistan has been a supporter for many Afghan refugee families for decades. I am saddened they would so abruptly push back refugees who face the impossible realities of trying to survive in today’s Afghanistan, where women have again been deprived of all rights and the possibility of education, many are being imprisoned, and there is a deep humanitarian crisis. 

It is yet another example of the backsliding in human rights globally, and is a new tragedy in the long history of the suffering of Afghan people – who have experienced nothing but war and conflict and displacement for over forty years, and are being abandoned by the world after all the promises that were made of a better future for the Afghan people. 

Please, if you can, try to stay aware and informed. See link in my bio for Afghan reporting.

#Afghanistan #Pakistan

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