Narelle Kheng Instagram – 🌅

Narelle Kheng Instagram - 🌅

Narelle Kheng Instagram – 🌅 | Posted on 10/Aug/2023 11:22:51

Narelle Kheng Instagram – Graduated my 20s !!💕 

Walking into 30 with a spring in my step, a heart full of life, and much more pain in my back. 

For the longest time, every birthday wish was simply, to be happy. That slowly evolved into a little goal I set with my heart — that I would enter 30s radiating true joy, presence and untainted, unconditional love. How could I say I really lived my 20s while still carrying on to so much pain and self-sabotage? If I didn’t dedicate myself to healing now, when would I ever? 

When covid first fell at our doorstep I was completing my last and only solo album, it was a project for myself and done out of necessity to decipher how I was feeling when I had completely dissociated. At its completion was the first time I took a good hard look at how heavy I felt and realised I was not the person I had hoped to be, and I didn’t feel free. 

Anyway, the past 3 years I’ve kept for myself because truly, nothing is worth your peace. Not careers, not accolades. Not even art. And I’ve loved every second of it. I found love, family and passion; and I feel present and alive but truthfully sometimes lonely. Not having societal goals to discuss often finds me sans connection in a meritocrial society, but I guess what I did find is my own truth in living and a love for myself I couldn’t even dream of. For that I can say I really did live my 20s and achieved everything I would have wanted for it 🤍 

Turned out to be a much longer post that I expected haha I’m 30🥳 excited to continue this life journey!!
Narelle Kheng Instagram – 🌅

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