Lady Bunny Instagram – Stop!

Lady Bunny Instagram - Stop!

Lady Bunny Instagram – Stop! | Posted on 28/Jan/2024 01:13:14

Lady Bunny Instagram – The same Democrats who are rejoicing over the fact that Trump paid $83 million to someone he raped never mentioned Tara Reade, who credibly accused Joe of rape when working for then Senator Biden. If they did mention her, it was to malign her by claiming she’s Russian or a gold digger. 

In other words, they use rape victims as a football to score vs their political opponents. They only like to see GOP sexual assaults investigated. Total hypocrisy. I don’t remember ANY media calling for the Delaware university to release the employment records which contained, Tara claims, her complaints about Biden to her.
Lady Bunny Instagram – Jewish surgeon claims he needs for his patients to share his values or the plastic surgery he performs on them won’t have the best outcome. Thanks for letting everyone know that your “values” are genocide, and that you are too deranged to do your job unless they are similarly deranged.

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