Home Actor Volodymyr Zelenskyy HD Photos and Wallpapers February 2024 Volodymyr Zelenskyy Instagram - I am grateful to General Zaluzhnyi for two years of defense. I appreciate every victory we have achieved together, thanks to all the Ukrainian warriors who are heroically carrying this war on their shoulders. We candidly discussed issues in the army that require change. I proposed to General Zaluzhnyi that we further remain together on the Ukrainian state team. I will be grateful for his acceptance of this proposal. Starting today, a new management team will take over leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. I want to ensure that our warriors in Robotyne and Avdiivka, as well as the General Staff and Staff meetings, all share the same war effort vision. I had dozens of conversations with commanders at various levels. I spoke, in particular, with brigade generals Andriy Hnatov, Mykhailo Drapatyi, and Ihor Skybiuk, as well as colonels Pavlo Palisa and Vadym Sukharevskyi. They are all being considered for army leadership positions, and they will be led by Ukraine’s most experienced commander. He has successful defensive experience, particularly in the Kyiv defense operation. He also has successful offensive experience, particularly in the Kharkiv liberation operation. I appointed Colonel-General Oleksandr Syrskyi as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Today, I also spoke with generals Moisiuk and Zabrodskyi. Their experience serves our country. 2024 can become successful for Ukraine only through effective changes in the basis of our defense, which is the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

Volodymyr Zelenskyy Instagram – I am grateful to General Zaluzhnyi for two years of defense. I appreciate every victory we have achieved together, thanks to all the Ukrainian warriors who are heroically carrying this war on their shoulders. We candidly discussed issues in the army that require change. I proposed to General Zaluzhnyi that we further remain together on the Ukrainian state team. I will be grateful for his acceptance of this proposal. Starting today, a new management team will take over leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. I want to ensure that our warriors in Robotyne and Avdiivka, as well as the General Staff and Staff meetings, all share the same war effort vision. I had dozens of conversations with commanders at various levels. I spoke, in particular, with brigade generals Andriy Hnatov, Mykhailo Drapatyi, and Ihor Skybiuk, as well as colonels Pavlo Palisa and Vadym Sukharevskyi. They are all being considered for army leadership positions, and they will be led by Ukraine’s most experienced commander. He has successful defensive experience, particularly in the Kyiv defense operation. He also has successful offensive experience, particularly in the Kharkiv liberation operation. I appointed Colonel-General Oleksandr Syrskyi as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Today, I also spoke with generals Moisiuk and Zabrodskyi. Their experience serves our country. 2024 can become successful for Ukraine only through effective changes in the basis of our defense, which is the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

Volodymyr Zelenskyy Instagram - I am grateful to General Zaluzhnyi for two years of defense. I appreciate every victory we have achieved together, thanks to all the Ukrainian warriors who are heroically carrying this war on their shoulders. We candidly discussed issues in the army that require change. I proposed to General Zaluzhnyi that we further remain together on the Ukrainian state team. I will be grateful for his acceptance of this proposal. Starting today, a new management team will take over leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. I want to ensure that our warriors in Robotyne and Avdiivka, as well as the General Staff and Staff meetings, all share the same war effort vision. I had dozens of conversations with commanders at various levels. I spoke, in particular, with brigade generals Andriy Hnatov, Mykhailo Drapatyi, and Ihor Skybiuk, as well as colonels Pavlo Palisa and Vadym Sukharevskyi. They are all being considered for army leadership positions, and they will be led by Ukraine’s most experienced commander. He has successful defensive experience, particularly in the Kyiv defense operation. He also has successful offensive experience, particularly in the Kharkiv liberation operation. I appointed Colonel-General Oleksandr Syrskyi as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Today, I also spoke with generals Moisiuk and Zabrodskyi. Their experience serves our country. 2024 can become successful for Ukraine only through effective changes in the basis of our defense, which is the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

Volodymyr Zelenskyy Instagram – I am grateful to General Zaluzhnyi for two years of defense. I appreciate every victory we have achieved together, thanks to all the Ukrainian warriors who are heroically carrying this war on their shoulders. We candidly discussed issues in the army that require change. I proposed to General Zaluzhnyi that we further remain together on the Ukrainian state team. I will be grateful for his acceptance of this proposal.
Starting today, a new management team will take over leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
I want to ensure that our warriors in Robotyne and Avdiivka, as well as the General Staff and Staff meetings, all share the same war effort vision.
I had dozens of conversations with commanders at various levels. I spoke, in particular, with brigade generals Andriy Hnatov, Mykhailo Drapatyi, and Ihor Skybiuk, as well as colonels Pavlo Palisa and Vadym Sukharevskyi.
They are all being considered for army leadership positions, and they will be led by Ukraine’s most experienced commander. He has successful defensive experience, particularly in the Kyiv defense operation. He also has successful offensive experience, particularly in the Kharkiv liberation operation.
I appointed Colonel-General Oleksandr Syrskyi as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Today, I also spoke with generals Moisiuk and Zabrodskyi. Their experience serves our country.
2024 can become successful for Ukraine only through effective changes in the basis of our defense, which is the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 | Posted on 08/Feb/2024 23:32:09

Volodymyr Zelenskyy Instagram – Ще 100 українців удома, в Україні. Нацгвардія, прикордонники, ЗСУ. Більшість – захисники Маріуполя. 

Усі – наші, усі – знову на рідній землі. Працюємо щодо кожного й кожної та не зупинимося, поки всіх не повернемо! 

Наша команда, яка займається обмінами, – дякую за потрібний країні результат!


Another 100 Ukrainians are back home in Ukraine. National Guard, Border Guards, and Armed Forces. The majority of them are Mariupol defenders.

These are all our people, and they have returned to their homeland. We are working on bringing back every Ukrainian who is still in captivity, and we will not stop until we do.

I am grateful to our team involved in the prisoner exchanges for the result the country needs. 

Volodymyr Zelenskyy Instagram – Я вдячний генералу Залужному за два роки захисту. Я вдячний за кожну перемогу, яких ми досягли разом і завдяки всім українським воїнам, які героїчно витягують цю війну на собі.
Відверто поговорили сьогодні про те, що потребує змін в армії. Термінових змін. Я запропонував генералу Залужному бути й надалі разом у команді Української держави. Буду вдячний за його згоду. 

Відсьогодні до керівництва Збройними Силами України приступає нова управлінська команда. Я хочу, щоб бачення війни було єдиним і в наших воїнів у Роботиному чи Авдіївці, і в Генеральному штабі та на Ставці. Я провів десятки розмов із командирами різного рівня. Зокрема, сьогодні говорив із бригадними генералами Андрієм Гнатовим, Михайлом Драпатим, Ігорем Скибюком та полковниками Павлом Палісою і Вадимом Сухаревським.
Усі вони розглядаються на керівні посади в армії та служитимуть під проводом найбільш досвідченого українського командувача. Він має успішний досвід захисту – провів Київську оборонну операцію. Він має також і успішний досвід наступу – Харківської визвольної операції. 
Я призначив генерал-полковника Сирського Головнокомандувачем Збройних Сил України.
Сьогодні ж говорив із генералами Мойсюком та Забродським. Їх досвід – на службі державі.

2024 рік може стати успішним для України лише за умови ефективних змін в основі нашої оборони, якою є Збройні Сили України.

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