Chris Christie Top 100 Instagram Photos and Posts

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1. 4K Likes

Chris Christie - 4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : If someone asked me what the cause of the Civil War was, it’s easy. It’s slavery. The Civil War was not a choice between change and tradition. It was a choice between right and wrong.
Likes : 4011

2. 2.8K Likes

Chris Christie - 2.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : I promise you this: I will make sure that in no way do I enable Donald Trump to ever be President of the United States again. That’s more important than my own personal ambition.
Likes : 2752

3. 2.7K Likes

Chris Christie - 2.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : This is the fourth debate @vivekgramaswamy would be voted in the first 20 minutes as the most obnoxious blowhard in America.
Likes : 2732

4. 2.6K Likes

Chris Christie - 2.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Donald Trump’s actions are unacceptable. Those who support him are enabling him and should be ashamed of themselves.
Likes : 2577

5. 2.5K Likes

Chris Christie - 2.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Today, I toured the Kfar Aza Kibbutz in the Gaza envelope with the Speaker of the Knesset, Amir Ohana. I came here to see with my own eyes what took place on October 7 and there are few words that can capture the brutality of it — dozens of men, women, and children murdered in their homes by Hamas. It’s one thing to talk about these atrocities from the comfort of thousands of miles away. It’s another to see them firsthand. To listen to people on the ground, and to see the destruction and despair.
Likes : 2502

6. 2.1K Likes

Chris Christie - 2.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : I was wrong on gay marriage when I was Governor. True leaders aren’t afraid to admit when they were wrong.
Likes : 2113

7. 2K Likes

Chris Christie - 2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Whether it’s in a diner, the airport, Rotary Club, or town hall, the greatest part of the last few months has been meeting all of you. Looking forward to returning to the trail and traveling to New Hampshire today.
Likes : 1980

8. 2K Likes

Chris Christie - 2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Telling the truth isn’t hard. What kind of President do we want? A liar or someone who has the guts to tell the truth?
Likes : 1977

9. 1.9K Likes

Chris Christie - 1.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : With our prayers for a peaceful world and our best wishes for a wonderful holiday season and 2024. From our family to you and yours, a very Merry Christmas! Love, The Christies
Likes : 1942

10. 1.9K Likes

Chris Christie - 1.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : I’m the only one willing to tell the truth about Trump. If you aren’t taking him on, you aren’t actually running for President.
Likes : 1928

11. 1.7K Likes

Chris Christie - 1.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : If you’re pro-life, that means for the entire life. The drug addicted 16 year-old on the floor in county lock-up is just as precious as the life in the womb. Time we start telling the truth and speaking from the heart.
Likes : 1679

12. 1.7K Likes

Chris Christie - 1.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : The Salvation Army does incredible work year round and especially over the holidays. Mary Pat and I were lucky to come support and help ring the bell with them this week in New Hampshire.
Likes : 1664

13. 1.7K Likes

Chris Christie - 1.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : The Salvation Army does incredible work year round and especially over the holidays. Mary Pat and I were lucky to come support and help ring the bell with them this week in New Hampshire.
Likes : 1664

14. 1.7K Likes

Chris Christie - 1.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : The Salvation Army does incredible work year round and especially over the holidays. Mary Pat and I were lucky to come support and help ring the bell with them this week in New Hampshire.
Likes : 1664

15. 1.7K Likes

Chris Christie - 1.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : The Salvation Army does incredible work year round and especially over the holidays. Mary Pat and I were lucky to come support and help ring the bell with them this week in New Hampshire.
Likes : 1664

16. 1.6K Likes

Chris Christie - 1.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : I am beyond grateful for everything Vice President Mike Pence has done for this country. He has consistently fought for American values from his time in Congress to his governorship and serving the American people as Vice President. Mike Pence stood for the constitution of the United States. He deserves our thanks as Americans for putting his oath of office and the Constitution of the United States before personal and political pressure. Thank you for your service.
Likes : 1568

17. 1.5K Likes

Chris Christie - 1.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : People from New Jersey always find each other – even if it’s nearly a decade later. Glad to reunite with this Dartmouth student after we met nine years ago on the boardwalk.
Likes : 1527

18. 1.5K Likes

Chris Christie - 1.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : I’m a simple guy, I get asked a question and I answer it. Guess it’s not as simple for others.
Likes : 1494

19. 1.4K Likes

Chris Christie - 1.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : You can’t change a party by yourself. When six of the eight people running for president said they’d support Donald Trump even if he were a convicted felon, it tells voters his conduct is okay. Too many love their title more than they love their country.
Likes : 1392

20. 1.4K Likes

Chris Christie - 1.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : We have too many people in our party who complain about Donald Trump privately but are not willing to do the hard work. We need more leaders who will stand up and push back against Donald Trump’s lies.
Likes : 1375

21. 1.3K Likes

Chris Christie - 1.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : The truth is the one non-negotiable commodity. It’s what people need and deserve to hear.
Likes : 1297

22. 1.3K Likes

Chris Christie - 1.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : 2024 is presenting us with a choice. Who do we want to be as a country? Donald Trump will sell the soul of this country. While I may not be perfect, I will always tell you the truth. It’s up to you.
Likes : 1283

23. 1.2K Likes

Chris Christie - 1.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : I have no issue with people who have voted for Trump. I supported him, and I was wrong. We know now that he was all talk with no action. That’s the difference between me and him. I like to get stuff done, not just talk about it.
Likes : 1174

24. 1.1K Likes

Chris Christie - 1.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : New Hampshire’s whisper will be a roar on Election Day. #FITN
Likes : 1141

25. 1.1K Likes

Chris Christie - 1.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : The only way to win this race is by taking on Donald Trump directly. I’m the only one who is. Donald Trump is unfit for office.
Likes : 1080

26. 1.1K Likes

Chris Christie - 1.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Hearing from President Herzog and seeing his empathetic approach, as well as bearing witness to the horrific attacks, made our visit not only impactful but one I will never forget. Thank you, President Herzog, for your strong leadership.
Likes : 1076

27. 1.1K Likes

Chris Christie - 1.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Hearing from President Herzog and seeing his empathetic approach, as well as bearing witness to the horrific attacks, made our visit not only impactful but one I will never forget. Thank you, President Herzog, for your strong leadership.
Likes : 1076

28. 1K Likes

Chris Christie - 1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Most of the leaders in the Republican Party today will not stand up against Donald Trump’s lies. Ronald Reagan would have. That’s why I wrote my new book, “What Would Reagan Do?” Get your copy now:
Likes : 1048

29. 1K Likes

Chris Christie - 1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Let’s have some fun.
Likes : 1046

30. 1K Likes

Chris Christie - 1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : I want the people of Israel to know that there are hundreds of millions of Americans who stand with them, who understand the atrocities that were committed, and why in the future we need to stand absolutely shoulder to shoulder with Israel.
Likes : 1029

31. 1K Likes

Chris Christie - 1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Let’s make sure this Thanksgiving is the last one where we let Donald Trump divide us at the dinner table. Your family and friends are more important than him. Join us today at
Likes : 993

32. 1K Likes

Chris Christie - 1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Trump is a fool for praising Hezbollah and Israel’s adversaries right now. This is someone who cares not about the American people, not about the people of Israel, but about himself. This is further proof that he has no business being President of the United States.
Likes : 989

33. 1K Likes

Chris Christie - 1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : The Texas Supreme Court got it wrong. In a situation like this, you’re not protecting life because the child has been diagnosed with a fatal condition. All you’re doing is putting the life of the mother at risk by making her carry to term.
Likes : 976

34. 1K Likes

Chris Christie - 1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Everybody wants to be careful. I’m out here not being careful. I’m the only one on the stage that didn’t raise my hand and say I’d support a convicted felon. I don’t care that I got booed by 5,000 people in Milwaukee. Really, we want a potential convicted felon to be president of the United States? Be a part of the team that takes down Trump. Chip in $1 today to keep me on the next debate stage:
Likes : 971

35. 1K Likes

Chris Christie - 1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : I would not sign an abortion ban of any kind. If you’re going to be pro-life, how about we be pro-life for the whole life.
Likes : 958

36. 0.9K Likes

Chris Christie - 0.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Last night was a very sad night for American leadership. The loss of Secretary Henry Kissinger leaves a void all around the world. He was a brilliant voice for the indispensable role America must play in the world. He has been a good friend and mentor since baseball opening day 2009. What a gift. He will be missed.
Likes : 930

37. 893 Likes

Chris Christie - 893 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : I have an admission to make: Eight years ago, I endorsed Donald Trump because he was winning. I was wrong. And unlike everyone else in this race, I can admit when I make a mistake. In the end, the most important characteristic of any candidate for president of the United States is simple: Character.
Likes : 893

38. 881 Likes

Chris Christie - 881 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Like it or not, I’m telling the truth tonight. Get ready…
Likes : 881

39. 849 Likes

Chris Christie - 849 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : New Hampshire, the more time I spend in the Granite State, the more hope it gives me. Together we want what’s best for our country but only together can we make it happen. See you tomorrow.
Likes : 849

40. 847 Likes

Chris Christie - 847 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : For a moment, I was transported back to New Jersey. But she’s right. I am the only one taking the gloves off against @realDonaldTrump.
Likes : 847

41. 843 Likes

Chris Christie - 843 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : I believe in our democracy. I believe we need to have more confidence in the people of this country.
Likes : 843

42. 822 Likes

Chris Christie - 822 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : We’re surging, let’s keep it going. I’m the only candidate who can take out Trump.
Likes : 822

43. 793 Likes

Chris Christie - 793 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : If we want to truly love this country, we have to learn to love each other again. We have to share a common belief in goodness of this country and of each other.
Likes : 793

44. 786 Likes

Chris Christie - 786 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : I’m ready for the debate tomorrow night, but just like the last one, Donald Trump IS NOT. He’s eventually going to have to show up, and it’s up to you to keep me up there for when he finally does. We need 70,000 unique donors for the next debate. This ends with you. Chip in $1 today:
Likes : 786

45. 783 Likes

Chris Christie - 783 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Almost 10 year old Hannah might not be able to vote for me yet, but she came to our Concord town hall with some great questions. #FITN
Likes : 783

46. 783 Likes

Chris Christie - 783 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Why is Donald Trump not showing up to the debates? He’s afraid of his record. Instead he holds fake rallies and has volunteers act as autoworkers. Just more scam and grift. It’s time to put an end to Trump. Join me in doing so here:
Likes : 783

47. 780 Likes

Chris Christie - 780 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Drama and chaos follow Donald Trump because he creates it.
Likes : 780

48. 767 Likes

Chris Christie - 767 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Hope is not a strategy. If you want to beat someone, you have to go out and tell people why he’s not right for the job, and you are. That’s what our campaign is all about.
Likes : 767

49. 764 Likes

Chris Christie - 764 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : We had a packed house in New Hampshire this evening, and I didn’t hold back. If you missed it, you can join the team and watch here:
Likes : 764

50. 764 Likes

Chris Christie - 764 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : We had a packed house in New Hampshire this evening, and I didn’t hold back. If you missed it, you can join the team and watch here:
Likes : 764

51. 764 Likes

Chris Christie - 764 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : We had a packed house in New Hampshire this evening, and I didn’t hold back. If you missed it, you can join the team and watch here:
Likes : 764

52. 764 Likes

Chris Christie - 764 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : We had a packed house in New Hampshire this evening, and I didn’t hold back. If you missed it, you can join the team and watch here:
Likes : 764

53. 763 Likes

Chris Christie - 763 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Voters need more information, not less. That’s why I agreed to go one-on-one with Vivek Ramaswamy on Fox News. But Trump allies in the RNC put an end to it. They’re silencing real conversation, and now Trump is even calling on the RNC to cancel debates. Nothing new… Party bosses doing everything possible to keep Trump in power. We can stop them. Be a part of the team that puts an end to Trump TODAY. Chip in $1:
Likes : 763

54. 758 Likes

Chris Christie - 758 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : I’m running for president of the United States because I’m tired of seeing the division and the anger across this country. Americans are exhausted with the petty personal politics that have taken over. We can do the big things, and I will be a president of consequence. Stand up with me today:
Likes : 758

55. 749 Likes

Chris Christie - 749 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Want to see the only person taking on Donald Trump at the debate next week? Enter the RNC contest today for a chance to win, and join me at the debate next week. -Two tickets for the winner and a guest to the 4th GOP Presidential Primary Debate in Alabama -Airfare for two -Hotel accommodations Chip in just $1 today and enter the contest:
Likes : 749

56. 748 Likes

Chris Christie - 748 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : The Granite State will send a clear message to the rest of the nation on Jan. 23rd. It’s time to reject Trump and his sycophants. We can’t beat Joe Biden with a convicted felon, and I’m the only one who will take Trump on directly.
Likes : 748

57. 742 Likes

Chris Christie - 742 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Thank you to all who came out across New Hampshire college campuses for some direct answers. You all made Christie on Campus a success. #FITN
Likes : 742

58. 742 Likes

Chris Christie - 742 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Thank you to all who came out across New Hampshire college campuses for some direct answers. You all made Christie on Campus a success. #FITN
Likes : 742

59. 742 Likes

Chris Christie - 742 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Thank you to all who came out across New Hampshire college campuses for some direct answers. You all made Christie on Campus a success. #FITN
Likes : 742

60. 742 Likes

Chris Christie - 742 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Thank you to all who came out across New Hampshire college campuses for some direct answers. You all made Christie on Campus a success. #FITN
Likes : 742

61. 742 Likes

Chris Christie - 742 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Thank you to all who came out across New Hampshire college campuses for some direct answers. You all made Christie on Campus a success. #FITN
Likes : 742

62. 742 Likes

Chris Christie - 742 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Thank you to all who came out across New Hampshire college campuses for some direct answers. You all made Christie on Campus a success. #FITN
Likes : 742

63. 742 Likes

Chris Christie - 742 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Thank you to all who came out across New Hampshire college campuses for some direct answers. You all made Christie on Campus a success. #FITN
Likes : 742

64. 742 Likes

Chris Christie - 742 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Thank you to all who came out across New Hampshire college campuses for some direct answers. You all made Christie on Campus a success. #FITN
Likes : 742

65. 742 Likes

Chris Christie - 742 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Thank you to all who came out across New Hampshire college campuses for some direct answers. You all made Christie on Campus a success. #FITN
Likes : 742

66. 742 Likes

Chris Christie - 742 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Thank you to all who came out across New Hampshire college campuses for some direct answers. You all made Christie on Campus a success. #FITN
Likes : 742

67. 729 Likes

Chris Christie - 729 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Our country has always been the greatest not when we did small things and divided our country, but when we took on the big issues facing us. Real leaders make tough decisions that make this country even greater. Just look at our history.
Likes : 729

68. 726 Likes

Chris Christie - 726 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Trump wants to be Speaker so he can preen around there like the peacock he is. This is the same guy who accomplished nothing as president. Being Speaker would be no different. Other presidential candidates should stand up against this. I wouldn’t expect it, though. They all raised their hand, saying they would support him even if he was a convicted felon.
Likes : 726

69. 722 Likes

Chris Christie - 722 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : If we want to get serious about solving the opioid and addiction crisis gripping our country, it’s time we take a more compassionate approach with real solutions. We must stem the flow of fentanyl, meet people where they are and save lives. Read more here:
Likes : 722

70. 711 Likes

Chris Christie - 711 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : We can be honest even if it isn’t popular. We can fight for the things that matter. In 23 days, New Hampshire will set the tone for the rest of the country.
Likes : 711

71. 697 Likes

Chris Christie - 697 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : I’ve said this time and time again but I am grateful to be an American- it is a gift. It is also a gift and a privilege to be able to run for President. Through this process I continue to be grateful for the people of New Hampshire. It is clear they take their role in this election seriously and I will continue to show my commitment by doing the same. #FITN
Likes : 697

72. 695 Likes

Chris Christie - 695 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Let me be clear. I would not sign a six-week abortion ban. While others will say one thing in Iowa and another in New Hampshire, I will not put politics over people.
Likes : 695

73. 679 Likes

Chris Christie - 679 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : When America shows weakness and divisions, bad actors across the world try to capitalize on it. Not having a House Speaker right now is irresponsible. Three steps America must take: Get a House Speaker, contain the conflict so it doesn’t spread into other regions, and work with Benjamin Netanyahu to ensure they have everything they need.
Likes : 679

74. 676 Likes

Chris Christie - 676 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : We’ve had enough of slick politicians who try to be everything to everyone. Our next president has to be able to answer the simple questions clearly and directly.
Likes : 676

75. 648 Likes

Chris Christie - 648 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : If I’m president of the United States I’m going to make it very clear — hatred towards anyone in this country based upon their religious beliefs, their ethnicity, or their race is unacceptable.
Likes : 648

76. 644 Likes

Chris Christie - 644 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Kicking off the day in the Granite State by officially filing to be on the ballot in New Hampshire. I’m the only candidate in this race that will take on and defeat Donald Trump. We do not have to settle, and New Hampshire will be the first state to send a message to the rest of the country. We can and must do better.
Likes : 644

77. 644 Likes

Chris Christie - 644 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Kicking off the day in the Granite State by officially filing to be on the ballot in New Hampshire. I’m the only candidate in this race that will take on and defeat Donald Trump. We do not have to settle, and New Hampshire will be the first state to send a message to the rest of the country. We can and must do better.
Likes : 644

78. 633 Likes

Chris Christie - 633 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Thank you to the congregation of Tabernacle Baptist Church in Beaufort, S.C. for welcoming Mary Pat and me to this morning’s service. This community has a great sense of pride, and it was amazing to join them in a united wish that we all start listening to each other again.
Likes : 633

79. 633 Likes

Chris Christie - 633 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Thank you to the congregation of Tabernacle Baptist Church in Beaufort, S.C. for welcoming Mary Pat and me to this morning’s service. This community has a great sense of pride, and it was amazing to join them in a united wish that we all start listening to each other again.
Likes : 633

80. 633 Likes

Chris Christie - 633 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Thank you to the congregation of Tabernacle Baptist Church in Beaufort, S.C. for welcoming Mary Pat and me to this morning’s service. This community has a great sense of pride, and it was amazing to join them in a united wish that we all start listening to each other again.
Likes : 633

81. 632 Likes

Chris Christie - 632 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Christie: I Think We Can Do A Hell Of A Lot Better
Likes : 632

82. 627 Likes

Chris Christie - 627 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : This is the greatest country in the world, let’s start acting like it. Chip in today if you want a president who will do just that:
Likes : 627

83. 622 Likes

Chris Christie - 622 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : While other candidates will say one thing in Iowa and another in New Hampshire, I will not play politics. As president, I would not sign a six-week national abortion ban.
Likes : 622

84. 617 Likes

Chris Christie - 617 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : JUST ANNOUNCED: Requirements for the next debate stage are 80,000 unique donors. I’m the only one in this race who will take on @realDonaldTrump. Want to see that happen? Chip in $1 today:
Likes : 617

85. 615 Likes

Chris Christie - 615 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Looking forward to being back in New Hampshire tonight for another town hall. I’m the only person in this race with the guts to take down Trump. You saw it at the debate, and you’ll see it again tonight. Watch live this evening at 6:30 PM ET at
Likes : 615

86. 603 Likes

Chris Christie - 603 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : It was great to have our next Secretary of Transportation at our town hall last week. #FITN
Likes : 603

87. 597 Likes

Chris Christie - 597 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : I think right now, task one is making sure that Hamas’s capabilities are degraded and protecting the safety and security of the Israeli people.
Likes : 597

88. 593 Likes

Chris Christie - 593 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Timidity to take on Trump will project timidity to the world and the world will notice.
Likes : 593

89. 578 Likes

Chris Christie - 578 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : As I said this weekend at the Republican Jewish Coalition Leadership Summit, what’s going on at our college campuses is not free speech. It is hate speech. It is inciting violence. It is inciting fear. We can no longer turn a blind eye to it.
Likes : 578

90. 571 Likes

Chris Christie - 571 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Speaking now at a town hall in New Hampshire. Tune in.
Likes : 571

91. 559 Likes

Chris Christie - 559 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Having Mary Pat on the trail with me has been a huge boost and I love having her by my side. Thanks for being a part of this journey with me.
Likes : 559

92. 551 Likes

Chris Christie - 551 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Donald Trump’s intolerant language and his intolerant conduct gives others permission to act the same.  Intolerance towards anyone encourages intolerance towards everyone.
Likes : 551

93. 551 Likes

Chris Christie - 551 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : We need a president who won’t just say the easy things but will take on the hard challenges. We need a president who will once again make us do better as a country. We need a president who will act with character and stand for truth. I’ll be that president for you.
Likes : 551

94. 546 Likes

Chris Christie - 546 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Voters deserve a straight answer, which is why I’ve consistently said I would not sign a six-week abortion ban. We fought for 50 years to put these decisions back in the hands of the people and that’s where they should stay.
Likes : 546

95. 534 Likes

Chris Christie - 534 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Appeasement and isolation doesn’t keep the world safe. It makes the world more chaotic and dangerous. When America shows weakness anywhere, it invites terrorists and despots to attack everywhere.
Likes : 534

96. 530 Likes

Chris Christie - 530 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : No B.S. Just truth tonight. Don’t miss it.
Likes : 530

97. 508 Likes

Chris Christie - 508 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 508

98. 495 Likes

Chris Christie - 495 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : If you want to beat Donald Trump, you have to actually run against him. Some candidates are afraid to even say his name. That’s not leadership, that’s cowardice. I’m the only one with the guts to take on and beat Trump. It’s up to you to keep me on the stage. Chip in $1 here today:
Likes : 495

99. 492 Likes

Chris Christie - 492 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : It’s time for House Republicans to pick a speaker and get to work. The American people are tired of watching this chaos while accomplishing nothing.
Likes : 492

100. 491 Likes

Chris Christie - 491 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Chris Christie Instagram
Caption : Ronald Reagan would not have recognized the Republican party today. He would be dumbfounded. I know this though: He would stand up. That’s why I wrote my new book, “What Would Reagan Do?” Get your copy today on President Reagan’s birthday:
Likes : 491