Zhen Hao Li Top 100 Instagram Photos and Posts

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1. 16.7K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 16.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 從相簿突然掉出來的照片with 收工後的牛肉麵👏🏻 #默默的我不默默的我們 #AboutYouth #ootdshare #universitylife #highschoolers #meee
Likes : 16749

2. 16.7K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 16.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 從相簿突然掉出來的照片with 收工後的牛肉麵👏🏻 #默默的我不默默的我們 #AboutYouth #ootdshare #universitylife #highschoolers #meee
Likes : 16749

3. 16.5K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 16.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 校外版⋯好像幾乎都只在晚上出門的葉廣 大家喜歡制服還是私服廣呢~? Which do u prefer? School uniform in the last post or casual outfits…⭐️ #默默的我不默默的我們 #AboutYouth #meee #universitylife #ootdshare #highschoolers
Likes : 16466

4. 16.5K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 16.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 校外版⋯好像幾乎都只在晚上出門的葉廣 大家喜歡制服還是私服廣呢~? Which do u prefer? School uniform in the last post or casual outfits…⭐️ #默默的我不默默的我們 #AboutYouth #meee #universitylife #ootdshare #highschoolers
Likes : 16466

5. 16.5K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 16.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 校外版⋯好像幾乎都只在晚上出門的葉廣 大家喜歡制服還是私服廣呢~? Which do u prefer? School uniform in the last post or casual outfits…⭐️ #默默的我不默默的我們 #AboutYouth #meee #universitylife #ootdshare #highschoolers
Likes : 16466

6. 16.5K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 16.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 校外版⋯好像幾乎都只在晚上出門的葉廣 大家喜歡制服還是私服廣呢~? Which do u prefer? School uniform in the last post or casual outfits…⭐️ #默默的我不默默的我們 #AboutYouth #meee #universitylife #ootdshare #highschoolers
Likes : 16466

7. 16.5K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 16.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 校外版⋯好像幾乎都只在晚上出門的葉廣 大家喜歡制服還是私服廣呢~? Which do u prefer? School uniform in the last post or casual outfits…⭐️ #默默的我不默默的我們 #AboutYouth #meee #universitylife #ootdshare #highschoolers
Likes : 16466

8. 12K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 12K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 葉廣 下台一鞠躬🔜謝謝大家 Hopefully we meet again. #aboutyouth #默默的我不默默的我們 #ootdshare #universitylife #meee #joyfulliving
Likes : 12016

9. 12K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 12K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 葉廣 下台一鞠躬🔜謝謝大家 Hopefully we meet again. #aboutyouth #默默的我不默默的我們 #ootdshare #universitylife #meee #joyfulliving
Likes : 12016

10. 12K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 12K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 葉廣 下台一鞠躬🔜謝謝大家 Hopefully we meet again. #aboutyouth #默默的我不默默的我們 #ootdshare #universitylife #meee #joyfulliving
Likes : 12016

11. 12K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 12K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 葉廣 下台一鞠躬🔜謝謝大家 Hopefully we meet again. #aboutyouth #默默的我不默默的我們 #ootdshare #universitylife #meee #joyfulliving
Likes : 12016

12. 11.1K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 11.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 實在太喜歡冬天⋯ 大家喜歡什麼季節呢? Loving winter already… what about you? #meee #winteroutfit #selfietime #chillin #universitylife #delighted #ootd
Likes : 11130

13. 11.1K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 11.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 實在太喜歡冬天⋯ 大家喜歡什麼季節呢? Loving winter already… what about you? #meee #winteroutfit #selfietime #chillin #universitylife #delighted #ootd
Likes : 11130

14. 11.1K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 11.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 實在太喜歡冬天⋯ 大家喜歡什麼季節呢? Loving winter already… what about you? #meee #winteroutfit #selfietime #chillin #universitylife #delighted #ootd
Likes : 11130

15. 10.7K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 10.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 那天的花環真的很好看🤣 Love the flowers❤️ #默默的我不默默的我們 #aboutyouth #meee #ootd #universitylife
Likes : 10735

16. 10.7K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 10.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 那天的花環真的很好看🤣 Love the flowers❤️ #默默的我不默默的我們 #aboutyouth #meee #ootd #universitylife
Likes : 10735

17. 10.6K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 10.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 好多遺漏的照片⋯🤔 (Didn’t know I have this pic. #meee #universitylife #ootd #默默的我不默默的我們 #AboutYouth
Likes : 10561

18. 10.1K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 10.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 為大家獻上 學生時期的葉廣與他的快樂小夥伴們🤩 I present u student yeguang & and his buddies ~ #meee #universitylife #highschool #uniformes #aboutyouth #默默的我不默默的我們
Likes : 10146

19. 10.1K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 10.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 為大家獻上 學生時期的葉廣與他的快樂小夥伴們🤩 I present u student yeguang & and his buddies ~ #meee #universitylife #highschool #uniformes #aboutyouth #默默的我不默默的我們
Likes : 10146

20. 10.1K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 10.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 為大家獻上 學生時期的葉廣與他的快樂小夥伴們🤩 I present u student yeguang & and his buddies ~ #meee #universitylife #highschool #uniformes #aboutyouth #默默的我不默默的我們
Likes : 10146

21. 10.1K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 10.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 為大家獻上 學生時期的葉廣與他的快樂小夥伴們🤩 I present u student yeguang & and his buddies ~ #meee #universitylife #highschool #uniformes #aboutyouth #默默的我不默默的我們
Likes : 10146

22. 10.1K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 10.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 為大家獻上 學生時期的葉廣與他的快樂小夥伴們🤩 I present u student yeguang & and his buddies ~ #meee #universitylife #highschool #uniformes #aboutyouth #默默的我不默默的我們
Likes : 10146

23. 9.9K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 9.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : AboutYouth很珍貴的幾個瞬間⋯ 八集一轉眼就結束了,心裡既開心也酸酸的,這一個月跟著大家一起期待每個禮拜一,準時上線一起收看最新的AY,那種感覺人生不會再有第二次,因為這是第一部戲,是最青澀模樣,人生中的許多第一次都毫無保留的獻給了這部劇和最棒的粉絲們,我沒有遺憾,每次看著大家鼓勵我和我們的評論,心中真的都超級開心,你們的每句話都是我很大的動力,山與山不能相見,我與你們定會重逢。 要感謝的人實在太多實在不知道該怎麼表達我的心意,一路上幫助過我的人是那麼的溫暖那麼的友善,謝謝每個出現在我這拍攝到宣傳一路中的好朋友們,我愛你們。 最棒的沈駿、碩廷和信赫,祝你們未來順風順水,謝謝你們。
Likes : 9868

24. 9.9K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 9.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : AboutYouth很珍貴的幾個瞬間⋯ 八集一轉眼就結束了,心裡既開心也酸酸的,這一個月跟著大家一起期待每個禮拜一,準時上線一起收看最新的AY,那種感覺人生不會再有第二次,因為這是第一部戲,是最青澀模樣,人生中的許多第一次都毫無保留的獻給了這部劇和最棒的粉絲們,我沒有遺憾,每次看著大家鼓勵我和我們的評論,心中真的都超級開心,你們的每句話都是我很大的動力,山與山不能相見,我與你們定會重逢。 要感謝的人實在太多實在不知道該怎麼表達我的心意,一路上幫助過我的人是那麼的溫暖那麼的友善,謝謝每個出現在我這拍攝到宣傳一路中的好朋友們,我愛你們。 最棒的沈駿、碩廷和信赫,祝你們未來順風順水,謝謝你們。
Likes : 9868

25. 9.9K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 9.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : AboutYouth很珍貴的幾個瞬間⋯ 八集一轉眼就結束了,心裡既開心也酸酸的,這一個月跟著大家一起期待每個禮拜一,準時上線一起收看最新的AY,那種感覺人生不會再有第二次,因為這是第一部戲,是最青澀模樣,人生中的許多第一次都毫無保留的獻給了這部劇和最棒的粉絲們,我沒有遺憾,每次看著大家鼓勵我和我們的評論,心中真的都超級開心,你們的每句話都是我很大的動力,山與山不能相見,我與你們定會重逢。 要感謝的人實在太多實在不知道該怎麼表達我的心意,一路上幫助過我的人是那麼的溫暖那麼的友善,謝謝每個出現在我這拍攝到宣傳一路中的好朋友們,我愛你們。 最棒的沈駿、碩廷和信赫,祝你們未來順風順水,謝謝你們。
Likes : 9868

26. 9.9K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 9.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : AboutYouth很珍貴的幾個瞬間⋯ 八集一轉眼就結束了,心裡既開心也酸酸的,這一個月跟著大家一起期待每個禮拜一,準時上線一起收看最新的AY,那種感覺人生不會再有第二次,因為這是第一部戲,是最青澀模樣,人生中的許多第一次都毫無保留的獻給了這部劇和最棒的粉絲們,我沒有遺憾,每次看著大家鼓勵我和我們的評論,心中真的都超級開心,你們的每句話都是我很大的動力,山與山不能相見,我與你們定會重逢。 要感謝的人實在太多實在不知道該怎麼表達我的心意,一路上幫助過我的人是那麼的溫暖那麼的友善,謝謝每個出現在我這拍攝到宣傳一路中的好朋友們,我愛你們。 最棒的沈駿、碩廷和信赫,祝你們未來順風順水,謝謝你們。
Likes : 9868

27. 9.9K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 9.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : AboutYouth很珍貴的幾個瞬間⋯ 八集一轉眼就結束了,心裡既開心也酸酸的,這一個月跟著大家一起期待每個禮拜一,準時上線一起收看最新的AY,那種感覺人生不會再有第二次,因為這是第一部戲,是最青澀模樣,人生中的許多第一次都毫無保留的獻給了這部劇和最棒的粉絲們,我沒有遺憾,每次看著大家鼓勵我和我們的評論,心中真的都超級開心,你們的每句話都是我很大的動力,山與山不能相見,我與你們定會重逢。 要感謝的人實在太多實在不知道該怎麼表達我的心意,一路上幫助過我的人是那麼的溫暖那麼的友善,謝謝每個出現在我這拍攝到宣傳一路中的好朋友們,我愛你們。 最棒的沈駿、碩廷和信赫,祝你們未來順風順水,謝謝你們。
Likes : 9868

28. 9.9K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 9.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : AboutYouth很珍貴的幾個瞬間⋯ 八集一轉眼就結束了,心裡既開心也酸酸的,這一個月跟著大家一起期待每個禮拜一,準時上線一起收看最新的AY,那種感覺人生不會再有第二次,因為這是第一部戲,是最青澀模樣,人生中的許多第一次都毫無保留的獻給了這部劇和最棒的粉絲們,我沒有遺憾,每次看著大家鼓勵我和我們的評論,心中真的都超級開心,你們的每句話都是我很大的動力,山與山不能相見,我與你們定會重逢。 要感謝的人實在太多實在不知道該怎麼表達我的心意,一路上幫助過我的人是那麼的溫暖那麼的友善,謝謝每個出現在我這拍攝到宣傳一路中的好朋友們,我愛你們。 最棒的沈駿、碩廷和信赫,祝你們未來順風順水,謝謝你們。
Likes : 9868

29. 9.6K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 9.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : #AboutUs 【EP5】 🏕默默的愛心早餐 越野摩托車 & 槍彈挑戰初體驗! 第一次這樣出去露營 太開心啦🤩🤩 立即打開 #bilibili觀看【完整版】 ​ |ⒶⓎ特別節目《About Us》每週四、日更新​💙 |NFT扭蛋發售中,抽取獲得與我們視訊電話機會📞 詳情請至 @bilibili__cheers #AboutYouth粉絲見面會1023台北場 9/28開始售票🏷 ​ 🤫默默關注ⒶⓎ ​ ▌ IG官方帳號: @aboutyouth_official​ ▌ Twitter官方帳號: @koko_AboutYouth​ ​ #AboutYouth​ #默默的我不默默的我們​ #B追腐劇 #BL ​ #嗶哩嗶哩 #bilibili
Likes : 9635

30. 9.6K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 9.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : #AboutUs 【EP5】 🏕默默的愛心早餐 越野摩托車 & 槍彈挑戰初體驗! 第一次這樣出去露營 太開心啦🤩🤩 立即打開 #bilibili觀看【完整版】 ​ |ⒶⓎ特別節目《About Us》每週四、日更新​💙 |NFT扭蛋發售中,抽取獲得與我們視訊電話機會📞 詳情請至 @bilibili__cheers #AboutYouth粉絲見面會1023台北場 9/28開始售票🏷 ​ 🤫默默關注ⒶⓎ ​ ▌ IG官方帳號: @aboutyouth_official​ ▌ Twitter官方帳號: @koko_AboutYouth​ ​ #AboutYouth​ #默默的我不默默的我們​ #B追腐劇 #BL ​ #嗶哩嗶哩 #bilibili
Likes : 9635

31. 9.6K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 9.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : #AboutUs 【EP5】 🏕默默的愛心早餐 越野摩托車 & 槍彈挑戰初體驗! 第一次這樣出去露營 太開心啦🤩🤩 立即打開 #bilibili觀看【完整版】 ​ |ⒶⓎ特別節目《About Us》每週四、日更新​💙 |NFT扭蛋發售中,抽取獲得與我們視訊電話機會📞 詳情請至 @bilibili__cheers #AboutYouth粉絲見面會1023台北場 9/28開始售票🏷 ​ 🤫默默關注ⒶⓎ ​ ▌ IG官方帳號: @aboutyouth_official​ ▌ Twitter官方帳號: @koko_AboutYouth​ ​ #AboutYouth​ #默默的我不默默的我們​ #B追腐劇 #BL ​ #嗶哩嗶哩 #bilibili
Likes : 9635

32. 9.5K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 9.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 如果二十二年前便17歲,也許就是這個樣子,那個錯過的2001。究竟會在等誰⋯ #meee #winteroutfit #ootdshare #universitylife #highschool #schooluniform #nostalgic #復古穿搭 #美好年代
Likes : 9512

33. 9.5K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 9.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 今日彩排的我⋯ Me during rehearsal🌊 #meee #AboutYouth #默默的我不默默的我們 #universitylife #singing #dancing #ootd
Likes : 9495

34. 9.5K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 9.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 今日彩排的我⋯ Me during rehearsal🌊 #meee #AboutYouth #默默的我不默默的我們 #universitylife #singing #dancing #ootd
Likes : 9495

35. 9.2K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 9.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : Don’t worry I’ve already got my hair done… #winteroutfit #winter #meee #universitylife #ootdshare #homesweethome
Likes : 9188

36. 8.8K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 8.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : I prefer weird selfie angles. (·_·;) #ootdshare #winterstyle #moodyportrait #meee #universitylife
Likes : 8845

37. 8.8K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 8.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : I prefer weird selfie angles. (·_·;) #ootdshare #winterstyle #moodyportrait #meee #universitylife
Likes : 8845

38. 8.8K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 8.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : Fav pic of the day. About u ,About me 那天最喜歡的照片❤️ #AboutYouth #meee #together #universitylife #ootd #默默的我不默默的我們
Likes : 8788

39. 8.5K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 8.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 這天錄影好開心 @0809ww 默契其實不錯😍 @vito_hsia 超會主持🤩 #AboutYouth #完全娛樂 #meee #together #ootdshare #universitylife
Likes : 8481

40. 8.5K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 8.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 這天錄影好開心 @0809ww 默契其實不錯😍 @vito_hsia 超會主持🤩 #AboutYouth #完全娛樂 #meee #together #ootdshare #universitylife
Likes : 8481

41. 8.5K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 8.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 這天錄影好開心 @0809ww 默契其實不錯😍 @vito_hsia 超會主持🤩 #AboutYouth #完全娛樂 #meee #together #ootdshare #universitylife
Likes : 8481

42. 8.4K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 8.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : I luv apples. What about you? Photo by : @0503_yu #universitylife #portraitphotography #suitstyle #myhomevibe #boystyle #政大
Likes : 8370

43. 8.4K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 8.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : I luv apples. What about you? Photo by : @0503_yu #universitylife #portraitphotography #suitstyle #myhomevibe #boystyle #政大
Likes : 8370

44. 8K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : Those great camping moments with @0809ww #AboutYouth #camping #universitylife #ootdshare #meee
Likes : 7981

45. 8K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : Those great camping moments with @0809ww #AboutYouth #camping #universitylife #ootdshare #meee
Likes : 7981

46. 8K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : Those great camping moments with @0809ww #AboutYouth #camping #universitylife #ootdshare #meee
Likes : 7981

47. 8K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : Those great camping moments with @0809ww #AboutYouth #camping #universitylife #ootdshare #meee
Likes : 7981

48. 7.9K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 7.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : Thank u all, love u all❤️ No cap.
Likes : 7920

49. 7.7K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 7.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 不多說了 這陣子最常見的人 @0809ww 😍🤣 記得看到最後一張^ ^ The one person I see the most recently. No cap😍🤣 #together #meee #universitylife #ootd #AboutYouth
Likes : 7684

50. 7.7K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 7.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 不多說了 這陣子最常見的人 @0809ww 😍🤣 記得看到最後一張^ ^ The one person I see the most recently. No cap😍🤣 #together #meee #universitylife #ootd #AboutYouth
Likes : 7684

51. 7.7K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 7.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 不多說了 這陣子最常見的人 @0809ww 😍🤣 記得看到最後一張^ ^ The one person I see the most recently. No cap😍🤣 #together #meee #universitylife #ootd #AboutYouth
Likes : 7684

52. 7.7K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 7.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 其實內心也有想當歌手的靈魂(? Being a singer seems to be a not bad option as well… #meee #singingcover #universitylife #ootdshare #AboutYouth
Likes : 7680

53. 7.7K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 7.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 其實內心也有想當歌手的靈魂(? Being a singer seems to be a not bad option as well… #meee #singingcover #universitylife #ootdshare #AboutYouth
Likes : 7680

54. 7.4K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 7.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : First time ever. @vue.official_🙏 Stylist: @freddy.makeup
Likes : 7379

55. 7.4K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 7.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : First time ever. @vue.official_🙏 Stylist: @freddy.makeup
Likes : 7379

56. 7.4K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 7.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : First time ever. @vue.official_🙏 Stylist: @freddy.makeup
Likes : 7379

57. 7.4K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 7.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : First time ever. @vue.official_🙏 Stylist: @freddy.makeup
Likes : 7379

58. 7.4K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 7.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : First time ever. @vue.official_🙏 Stylist: @freddy.makeup
Likes : 7379

59. 7.4K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 7.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : Nice place to be. Recharged🔋 Hostel : @grandmaskenting Arrange : @doubletisoppo
Likes : 7374

60. 7.4K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 7.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : Nice place to be. Recharged🔋 Hostel : @grandmaskenting Arrange : @doubletisoppo
Likes : 7374

61. 7.4K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 7.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : Nice place to be. Recharged🔋 Hostel : @grandmaskenting Arrange : @doubletisoppo
Likes : 7374

62. 7.4K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 7.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : Nice place to be. Recharged🔋 Hostel : @grandmaskenting Arrange : @doubletisoppo
Likes : 7374

63. 7K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 人生第一次的翻唱🤣😵‍💫 first ever cover done by me… #meee #universitylife #piano #coversong #musiclife #ootd
Likes : 6994

64. 6.9K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 6.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 拍基影作業順便⋯(●°u°●)​ 」 第一張Photo by : @eddie.9040 #sonyphotography #meee #university #coat #winteroutfit
Likes : 6930

65. 6.9K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 6.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 拍基影作業順便⋯(●°u°●)​ 」 第一張Photo by : @eddie.9040 #sonyphotography #meee #university #coat #winteroutfit
Likes : 6930

66. 6.6K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 6.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : ELLE is something else 🔥 @elletaiwan #台北電影節 #非常新人
Likes : 6559

67. 6.6K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 6.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : ELLE is something else 🔥 @elletaiwan #台北電影節 #非常新人
Likes : 6559

68. 6.6K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 6.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : ELLE is something else 🔥 @elletaiwan #台北電影節 #非常新人
Likes : 6559

69. 6.3K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 6.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 今日是個小文青 How about we read some books together today? #AboutYouth #meee #ootdshare #universitylife #readingtime
Likes : 6284

70. 6.3K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 6.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 今日是個小文青 How about we read some books together today? #AboutYouth #meee #ootdshare #universitylife #readingtime
Likes : 6284

71. 6.3K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 6.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 今日是個小文青 How about we read some books together today? #AboutYouth #meee #ootdshare #universitylife #readingtime
Likes : 6284

72. 6.3K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 6.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 今日是個小文青 How about we read some books together today? #AboutYouth #meee #ootdshare #universitylife #readingtime
Likes : 6284

73. 6.1K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 6.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 疫情終於好轉 繼續朝正常生活邁進~💪💪💪 忍一時風平浪靜,退一步海闊天空(? (●°u°●)​ 」 #防疫 #原相機 #selfie
Likes : 6058

74. 5.8K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 5.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : @taipeiff x 李振浩 ◐ 2023 非常新人 Supernova ◑ 「十位光彩熠熠的影壇新星,在稜鏡下,折射出獨一無二的動人樣貌。」   真的超開心也很榮幸能成為這屆的非常新人!實在完全沒有想過第一次的演出能夠獲得這樣的榮譽⋯謝謝最棒的甯聚力家人們、宓導和劇組以及大慕的團隊,也謝謝評審老師們🙏🙏 我會繼續努力,帶來更好的作品和自己🔥 6/22 ~7/8是台北電影節🎬 快來和我相見、跟我一起看電影吧! 也請記得鎖定🕶️ 台北電影節的臉書專頁和官網喔!   ⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀ 造型指導|@eleven0124 造型執行|吳儒亭Coco WU 彩妝|陳姿文 Chen Tzu-wen、@hihihi166 彩妝助理|郭子毓 KUO Tzu-yu 、呂欣倫 LU Hsin-lun 髮型|@signs0303、@uriel_zoom_hair AT Zoomhairstyling 視覺團隊|@gophoto_image 平面攝影|曹凱評 Sam TSAO 燈光|蔣秉翰 Alonso CHIANG 燈光助理|王建發 Afa WANG、鐘邑穀 Leon ZHONG、林恆 Undercover LIN、周祐安 Yooo CHOU 側拍|高敏智 Chris GAO 視覺統籌|@eebranding 視覺指導|@isesth 視覺企劃|Icy LEE李昀 視覺助理|Caroline TAN 談景方、YEH Sin-hong 葉信宏 動態製作|寶鳥映畫有限公司 Bird of Paradise Films Ltd. 動態導演|@kasseyhuang 動態攝影|蕭逸凡 Amber HSIAO 後期製作│劉漢青Raph LIU 造型│@bobjian 、@drmartenstw 特別感謝│@canvas_taipei、@mgrfilm 、@smajo.tw #2023非常新人Supernova #2023TaipeiFF #2023台北電影節
Likes : 5794

75. 5.8K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 5.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : @taipeiff x 李振浩 ◐ 2023 非常新人 Supernova ◑ 「十位光彩熠熠的影壇新星,在稜鏡下,折射出獨一無二的動人樣貌。」   真的超開心也很榮幸能成為這屆的非常新人!實在完全沒有想過第一次的演出能夠獲得這樣的榮譽⋯謝謝最棒的甯聚力家人們、宓導和劇組以及大慕的團隊,也謝謝評審老師們🙏🙏 我會繼續努力,帶來更好的作品和自己🔥 6/22 ~7/8是台北電影節🎬 快來和我相見、跟我一起看電影吧! 也請記得鎖定🕶️ 台北電影節的臉書專頁和官網喔!   ⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀ 造型指導|@eleven0124 造型執行|吳儒亭Coco WU 彩妝|陳姿文 Chen Tzu-wen、@hihihi166 彩妝助理|郭子毓 KUO Tzu-yu 、呂欣倫 LU Hsin-lun 髮型|@signs0303、@uriel_zoom_hair AT Zoomhairstyling 視覺團隊|@gophoto_image 平面攝影|曹凱評 Sam TSAO 燈光|蔣秉翰 Alonso CHIANG 燈光助理|王建發 Afa WANG、鐘邑穀 Leon ZHONG、林恆 Undercover LIN、周祐安 Yooo CHOU 側拍|高敏智 Chris GAO 視覺統籌|@eebranding 視覺指導|@isesth 視覺企劃|Icy LEE李昀 視覺助理|Caroline TAN 談景方、YEH Sin-hong 葉信宏 動態製作|寶鳥映畫有限公司 Bird of Paradise Films Ltd. 動態導演|@kasseyhuang 動態攝影|蕭逸凡 Amber HSIAO 後期製作│劉漢青Raph LIU 造型│@bobjian 、@drmartenstw 特別感謝│@canvas_taipei、@mgrfilm 、@smajo.tw #2023非常新人Supernova #2023TaipeiFF #2023台北電影節
Likes : 5794

76. 5.7K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 5.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 今天的我穿得像拐杖糖🤣 Totally dressing like a candy cane today lol Makeup: @shanshan3019 Hair: @yenli77 Outfit: @nihow_official
Likes : 5730

77. 5.7K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 5.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 今天的我穿得像拐杖糖🤣 Totally dressing like a candy cane today lol Makeup: @shanshan3019 Hair: @yenli77 Outfit: @nihow_official
Likes : 5730

78. 5.7K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 5.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 今天的我穿得像拐杖糖🤣 Totally dressing like a candy cane today lol Makeup: @shanshan3019 Hair: @yenli77 Outfit: @nihow_official
Likes : 5730

79. 5.2K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 5.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : Fascinating journey ❤️ 謝謝北影 @taipeiff 讓我有機會參與這麼多精彩的活動,認識了很厲害的新人們和許多優秀的前輩,不斷地被好電影和各種活動洗禮,真的很開心,很難忘。 Clothes : @balmain #minoshin Shoes :@Louboutinworld #ChristianLouboutin Jewelry:@bulgari #BULGARI #BulgariJewelry #BulgariWatches Stylist : @lovemma0308 Hair : @mm450324 Makeup: @shanshan_liu_1019 Photographer : @lucas__visual
Likes : 5174

80. 5.2K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 5.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : Fascinating journey ❤️ 謝謝北影 @taipeiff 讓我有機會參與這麼多精彩的活動,認識了很厲害的新人們和許多優秀的前輩,不斷地被好電影和各種活動洗禮,真的很開心,很難忘。 Clothes : @balmain #minoshin Shoes :@Louboutinworld #ChristianLouboutin Jewelry:@bulgari #BULGARI #BulgariJewelry #BulgariWatches Stylist : @lovemma0308 Hair : @mm450324 Makeup: @shanshan_liu_1019 Photographer : @lucas__visual
Likes : 5174

81. 5.2K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 5.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : Fascinating journey ❤️ 謝謝北影 @taipeiff 讓我有機會參與這麼多精彩的活動,認識了很厲害的新人們和許多優秀的前輩,不斷地被好電影和各種活動洗禮,真的很開心,很難忘。 Clothes : @balmain #minoshin Shoes :@Louboutinworld #ChristianLouboutin Jewelry:@bulgari #BULGARI #BulgariJewelry #BulgariWatches Stylist : @lovemma0308 Hair : @mm450324 Makeup: @shanshan_liu_1019 Photographer : @lucas__visual
Likes : 5174

82. 5.2K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 5.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : Fascinating journey ❤️ 謝謝北影 @taipeiff 讓我有機會參與這麼多精彩的活動,認識了很厲害的新人們和許多優秀的前輩,不斷地被好電影和各種活動洗禮,真的很開心,很難忘。 Clothes : @balmain #minoshin Shoes :@Louboutinworld #ChristianLouboutin Jewelry:@bulgari #BULGARI #BulgariJewelry #BulgariWatches Stylist : @lovemma0308 Hair : @mm450324 Makeup: @shanshan_liu_1019 Photographer : @lucas__visual
Likes : 5174

83. 5.2K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 5.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : Fascinating journey ❤️ 謝謝北影 @taipeiff 讓我有機會參與這麼多精彩的活動,認識了很厲害的新人們和許多優秀的前輩,不斷地被好電影和各種活動洗禮,真的很開心,很難忘。 Clothes : @balmain #minoshin Shoes :@Louboutinworld #ChristianLouboutin Jewelry:@bulgari #BULGARI #BulgariJewelry #BulgariWatches Stylist : @lovemma0308 Hair : @mm450324 Makeup: @shanshan_liu_1019 Photographer : @lucas__visual
Likes : 5174

84. 5.2K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 5.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : I procrastinate sometimes but…my gratitude and love towards ya’ll is never late. 我愛大家 未來就請多指教了!也一起加油🔥 (大家拍第一張的時候我失蹤了 所以⋯⋯🤔) #family #newyear2023 #meee #universitylife #winteroutfit #ootdshare
Likes : 5163

85. 5.2K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 5.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : I procrastinate sometimes but…my gratitude and love towards ya’ll is never late. 我愛大家 未來就請多指教了!也一起加油🔥 (大家拍第一張的時候我失蹤了 所以⋯⋯🤔) #family #newyear2023 #meee #universitylife #winteroutfit #ootdshare
Likes : 5163

86. 5.2K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 5.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : I procrastinate sometimes but…my gratitude and love towards ya’ll is never late. 我愛大家 未來就請多指教了!也一起加油🔥 (大家拍第一張的時候我失蹤了 所以⋯⋯🤔) #family #newyear2023 #meee #universitylife #winteroutfit #ootdshare
Likes : 5163

87. 5.2K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 5.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : I procrastinate sometimes but…my gratitude and love towards ya’ll is never late. 我愛大家 未來就請多指教了!也一起加油🔥 (大家拍第一張的時候我失蹤了 所以⋯⋯🤔) #family #newyear2023 #meee #universitylife #winteroutfit #ootdshare
Likes : 5163

88. 5.2K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 5.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : I procrastinate sometimes but…my gratitude and love towards ya’ll is never late. 我愛大家 未來就請多指教了!也一起加油🔥 (大家拍第一張的時候我失蹤了 所以⋯⋯🤔) #family #newyear2023 #meee #universitylife #winteroutfit #ootdshare
Likes : 5163

89. 5.1K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 5.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 謝謝大家. 讓我19的尾聲如此圓滿❤️
Likes : 5149

90. 5.1K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 5.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 謝謝大家. 讓我19的尾聲如此圓滿❤️
Likes : 5149

91. 5.1K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 5.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 謝謝大家. 讓我19的尾聲如此圓滿❤️
Likes : 5149

92. 5.1K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 5.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 大家都有看最新的About Youth嗎🤣🤩 好開心能見到大家~~ 你們超棒❤️ Makeup: @shanshan3019 Hair: @yenli77 Outfit: @nihow_official #AboutYouth #默默的我不默默的我們 #meee #universitylife #ootd
Likes : 5064

93. 5.1K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 5.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 大家都有看最新的About Youth嗎🤣🤩 好開心能見到大家~~ 你們超棒❤️ Makeup: @shanshan3019 Hair: @yenli77 Outfit: @nihow_official #AboutYouth #默默的我不默默的我們 #meee #universitylife #ootd
Likes : 5064

94. 4.9K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 4.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 謝謝北影 謝謝身邊的所有人 引言這天真的很開心🍀 @taipeiff @ning_cohesion_creative
Likes : 4889

95. 4.9K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 4.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 謝謝北影 謝謝身邊的所有人 引言這天真的很開心🍀 @taipeiff @ning_cohesion_creative
Likes : 4889

96. 4.9K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 4.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 謝謝北影 謝謝身邊的所有人 引言這天真的很開心🍀 @taipeiff @ning_cohesion_creative
Likes : 4889

97. 4.6K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 4.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 有了目標,一切就都明朗多了。 (順便祝各位指考生們考試順利~ {˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵} #striveforgreatness #studioshoot
Likes : 4595

98. 4.6K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 4.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 好久不見⋯想念大家 Can’t even remember when was this taken
Likes : 4574

99. 4.5K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 4.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 繼續待在家會發霉 但防疫優先🥋 #大臉仔🤯 #stayhomestaysafe #selfie #bored #lazysunday
Likes : 4498

100. 4.4K Likes

Zhen Hao Li - 4.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Zhen Hao Li Instagram
Caption : 前後請問相似嗎(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)🤣
Likes : 4389