Alicia Garza Most Liked Photos and Posts

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1. 9.2K Likes

Alicia Garza - 9.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : #TyreNichols
Likes : 9207

2. 8.4K Likes

Alicia Garza - 8.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : YALLLLLLLLL … if you know anything about me you know I luurrrrrrve Sex and the City. I’ve seen every episode at least ten times and on a yearly basis I go back to episode one season one and marathon. And I live for the spin-off And Just Like That … so imagine my actual deep joy when a friend sent me this from this week’s episode (which I’ve been saving for this weekend so I could truly enjoy Aiden’s return)… achievement level UNLOCKED and shout out to the kind soul who put my book front and center 🫶🏾
Likes : 8440

3. 7.8K Likes

Alicia Garza - 7.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : Man…just four days after the end of women’s history month, here y’all go talkin that Miss Millie shit again. Why are we always telling Black women to shrink, to not be too loud, too confident, too good at what we do? Why are we always requiring grace from Black women? The goalposts are always being moved for Black women. ALWAYS. So I’m not even a big sports fan like that but lemme tell you what…@angelreese10… TALK YO SHIT SIS. And thank the good lord for every person who taught you how to love yourself knowing good and damn well that waiting for them to love you first will ALWAYS be a losing battle. I love the way you love yourself — and you ain’t too big, too bold, too brash, too hood for me. In fact, I want you to take up more space sis. You earned that shit! Don’t let NOBODY dim your light or diminish your accomplishments. Oh and ps — it ain’t always your responsibility to understand people’s “good intentions.” Let God do that. Just keep doing what YOU do cuz we see and appreciate you!
Likes : 7824

4. 4.7K Likes

Alicia Garza - 4.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : Last week a big chapter in my life closed — I signed my divorce papers. Two years ago, a little voice in my spirit got louder and louder and said — pursue your happiness, even if it hurts. I was scared but determined. My partner and I separated, and I moved across country. One year ago I filed for divorce. And almost exactly one year later, we signed the papers, back in the Town, where our life together began nearly 18 years prior. This last two years has been the hardest on record for me — but I have learned so much about myself. My biggest lesson? Don’t postpone joy. A friend told me today that everyone gets divorced in their 40s — almost like it’s a right of passage. My doctor today told me she has a similar story and she’s now friends with her ex husbands wife — who he started dating two months after they separated 🤷🏾‍♀️Another friend asked how one commemorates a milestone like this — do you go on vacation? Do you surrender to the streets? Do you turn up? Iono but I’m feeling like maybe it’s a combination of all those things. Don’t get me wrong — there’s still grief there. A grieving of who I knew myself to be and the ending of a relationship that meant a lot to me. We damn near grew up together. But there’s a freedom and a peace in choice, especially in choosing you. And I’m grateful to me for having the courage to do so, even though it was really hard and even though it hurt a lot. Since then I have grown, and parts of me have withered away. I have discovered myself in ways I wouldn’t have recognized then. I’ve learned that there is healing in sunsets and porches, tequila and talk therapy, workouts and walks, work and vacations, tears and (ahem) temporary encounters. I’m so grateful to my friends who really held me down — like the one who sent me these beautiful flowers today to remind me of how far I’ve come. It really wouldn’t have been possible without y’all. Thanks for holding me down, from near and from far.
Likes : 4735

5. 4.3K Likes

Alicia Garza - 4.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : There’s been so much nonsense in the news about what’s happening in the Bay — and don’t get me wrong, every place got problems. One day we gon talk about what happens to a city when you do massive giveaways to tech companies in the form of entire cities and ask for nothing in return for the people living there — but y’all ain’t ready for that conversation yet you just wanna talk about crime and violence and lawlessness. Who sucked all the resources from our sacred places for schools and housing and services? So instead of that convo I’ll just give you reason 4080 that Oakland is undefeated with this photo I took today by the lake. We really just don’t have any fuks to give #TownBiz #OaklandAgainstTheWorld
Likes : 4267

6. 3.9K Likes

Alicia Garza - 3.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : What I say? Y’all heaux could NEVER. @badgalriri YOU BETTA!!!!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Likes : 3902

7. 2.6K Likes

Alicia Garza - 2.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : PERIODT
Likes : 2606

8. 2.4K Likes

Alicia Garza - 2.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : @brotherjones_ @justinjpearson we standing with you — we are all watching and we are standing with you. Tennessee…goddamn.
Likes : 2366

9. 1.7K Likes

Alicia Garza - 1.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : The break I needed…between running an organization, taking care of my dad who is dying of pancreatic cancer, trying to remain hopeful and clear and hold the big picture while navigating a world that is heartbreakingly cruel and unjust, life has been a lot. A lot of days feel like one foot in front of the other but I was committed to getting on that plane. I’m glad I did. Barbados, you owe me absolutely nothing. Thank you for letting me soak up your sun, cleanse in your waters, and thank you for reminding me that always everywhere all the time there is joy and the infinite possibilities for freedom. Thank you to my most gracious host for creating space for me to breathe. Even your mosquitos were mostly kind.
Likes : 1737

10. 1.7K Likes

Alicia Garza - 1.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : The break I needed…between running an organization, taking care of my dad who is dying of pancreatic cancer, trying to remain hopeful and clear and hold the big picture while navigating a world that is heartbreakingly cruel and unjust, life has been a lot. A lot of days feel like one foot in front of the other but I was committed to getting on that plane. I’m glad I did. Barbados, you owe me absolutely nothing. Thank you for letting me soak up your sun, cleanse in your waters, and thank you for reminding me that always everywhere all the time there is joy and the infinite possibilities for freedom. Thank you to my most gracious host for creating space for me to breathe. Even your mosquitos were mostly kind.
Likes : 1737

11. 1.7K Likes

Alicia Garza - 1.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : The break I needed…between running an organization, taking care of my dad who is dying of pancreatic cancer, trying to remain hopeful and clear and hold the big picture while navigating a world that is heartbreakingly cruel and unjust, life has been a lot. A lot of days feel like one foot in front of the other but I was committed to getting on that plane. I’m glad I did. Barbados, you owe me absolutely nothing. Thank you for letting me soak up your sun, cleanse in your waters, and thank you for reminding me that always everywhere all the time there is joy and the infinite possibilities for freedom. Thank you to my most gracious host for creating space for me to breathe. Even your mosquitos were mostly kind.
Likes : 1737

12. 1.7K Likes

Alicia Garza - 1.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : The break I needed…between running an organization, taking care of my dad who is dying of pancreatic cancer, trying to remain hopeful and clear and hold the big picture while navigating a world that is heartbreakingly cruel and unjust, life has been a lot. A lot of days feel like one foot in front of the other but I was committed to getting on that plane. I’m glad I did. Barbados, you owe me absolutely nothing. Thank you for letting me soak up your sun, cleanse in your waters, and thank you for reminding me that always everywhere all the time there is joy and the infinite possibilities for freedom. Thank you to my most gracious host for creating space for me to breathe. Even your mosquitos were mostly kind.
Likes : 1737

13. 1.7K Likes

Alicia Garza - 1.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : The break I needed…between running an organization, taking care of my dad who is dying of pancreatic cancer, trying to remain hopeful and clear and hold the big picture while navigating a world that is heartbreakingly cruel and unjust, life has been a lot. A lot of days feel like one foot in front of the other but I was committed to getting on that plane. I’m glad I did. Barbados, you owe me absolutely nothing. Thank you for letting me soak up your sun, cleanse in your waters, and thank you for reminding me that always everywhere all the time there is joy and the infinite possibilities for freedom. Thank you to my most gracious host for creating space for me to breathe. Even your mosquitos were mostly kind.
Likes : 1737

14. 1.7K Likes

Alicia Garza - 1.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : The break I needed…between running an organization, taking care of my dad who is dying of pancreatic cancer, trying to remain hopeful and clear and hold the big picture while navigating a world that is heartbreakingly cruel and unjust, life has been a lot. A lot of days feel like one foot in front of the other but I was committed to getting on that plane. I’m glad I did. Barbados, you owe me absolutely nothing. Thank you for letting me soak up your sun, cleanse in your waters, and thank you for reminding me that always everywhere all the time there is joy and the infinite possibilities for freedom. Thank you to my most gracious host for creating space for me to breathe. Even your mosquitos were mostly kind.
Likes : 1737

15. 1.7K Likes

Alicia Garza - 1.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : The break I needed…between running an organization, taking care of my dad who is dying of pancreatic cancer, trying to remain hopeful and clear and hold the big picture while navigating a world that is heartbreakingly cruel and unjust, life has been a lot. A lot of days feel like one foot in front of the other but I was committed to getting on that plane. I’m glad I did. Barbados, you owe me absolutely nothing. Thank you for letting me soak up your sun, cleanse in your waters, and thank you for reminding me that always everywhere all the time there is joy and the infinite possibilities for freedom. Thank you to my most gracious host for creating space for me to breathe. Even your mosquitos were mostly kind.
Likes : 1737

16. 1.7K Likes

Alicia Garza - 1.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : The break I needed…between running an organization, taking care of my dad who is dying of pancreatic cancer, trying to remain hopeful and clear and hold the big picture while navigating a world that is heartbreakingly cruel and unjust, life has been a lot. A lot of days feel like one foot in front of the other but I was committed to getting on that plane. I’m glad I did. Barbados, you owe me absolutely nothing. Thank you for letting me soak up your sun, cleanse in your waters, and thank you for reminding me that always everywhere all the time there is joy and the infinite possibilities for freedom. Thank you to my most gracious host for creating space for me to breathe. Even your mosquitos were mostly kind.
Likes : 1737

17. 1.7K Likes

Alicia Garza - 1.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : The break I needed…between running an organization, taking care of my dad who is dying of pancreatic cancer, trying to remain hopeful and clear and hold the big picture while navigating a world that is heartbreakingly cruel and unjust, life has been a lot. A lot of days feel like one foot in front of the other but I was committed to getting on that plane. I’m glad I did. Barbados, you owe me absolutely nothing. Thank you for letting me soak up your sun, cleanse in your waters, and thank you for reminding me that always everywhere all the time there is joy and the infinite possibilities for freedom. Thank you to my most gracious host for creating space for me to breathe. Even your mosquitos were mostly kind.
Likes : 1737

18. 1.7K Likes

Alicia Garza - 1.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : The break I needed…between running an organization, taking care of my dad who is dying of pancreatic cancer, trying to remain hopeful and clear and hold the big picture while navigating a world that is heartbreakingly cruel and unjust, life has been a lot. A lot of days feel like one foot in front of the other but I was committed to getting on that plane. I’m glad I did. Barbados, you owe me absolutely nothing. Thank you for letting me soak up your sun, cleanse in your waters, and thank you for reminding me that always everywhere all the time there is joy and the infinite possibilities for freedom. Thank you to my most gracious host for creating space for me to breathe. Even your mosquitos were mostly kind.
Likes : 1737

19. 1.4K Likes

Alicia Garza - 1.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : 43 today and grateful. 43 doesn’t feel like such a big age, but I’m older than I am younger and when my mama was 43 she had a whole 16 year old on her hands and lord when I think about having a 16 year old at this tender age I thank you for protecting me from myself 😂 Every year on my birthday we had the same routine…she knew how much I loved my birthday and so she was always the first to call. “Happy birthday babygirl!” she would exclaim. And I would reply “Thank you for giving birth to a legend!” And she would laugh that sweet laugh. I would try to convince her to come out to whatever I was doing so that she could be celebrated. Most of the time she would oblige. I miss that woman so much… 2023 was an epic year. This was the year I really learned to embrace my no, and make room for my yes. There’s folks that were in my life this time last year that ain’t there this year and to be clear, I’m ok with that. Because the people that are here are world class. This year’s mantra is “wait for it…” cuz you betta believe we standing on business this year…been on that since I was 2 and if you don’t believe me check the photos. Y’all know I always come with receipts. If you have loved on me, kicked it with me, taught me, listened to me, sat in silence with me, porch karaoked with me, eaten with me, told somebody with a big mouth and a lot of hot air to fuck off in defense of me, handled business with me — I thank you. Y’all mean more to me than you will ever know. And as always, big thanks to my mama — mumsie, we just getting started. 🥰😘
Likes : 1367

20. 1.4K Likes

Alicia Garza - 1.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : 43 today and grateful. 43 doesn’t feel like such a big age, but I’m older than I am younger and when my mama was 43 she had a whole 16 year old on her hands and lord when I think about having a 16 year old at this tender age I thank you for protecting me from myself 😂 Every year on my birthday we had the same routine…she knew how much I loved my birthday and so she was always the first to call. “Happy birthday babygirl!” she would exclaim. And I would reply “Thank you for giving birth to a legend!” And she would laugh that sweet laugh. I would try to convince her to come out to whatever I was doing so that she could be celebrated. Most of the time she would oblige. I miss that woman so much… 2023 was an epic year. This was the year I really learned to embrace my no, and make room for my yes. There’s folks that were in my life this time last year that ain’t there this year and to be clear, I’m ok with that. Because the people that are here are world class. This year’s mantra is “wait for it…” cuz you betta believe we standing on business this year…been on that since I was 2 and if you don’t believe me check the photos. Y’all know I always come with receipts. If you have loved on me, kicked it with me, taught me, listened to me, sat in silence with me, porch karaoked with me, eaten with me, told somebody with a big mouth and a lot of hot air to fuck off in defense of me, handled business with me — I thank you. Y’all mean more to me than you will ever know. And as always, big thanks to my mama — mumsie, we just getting started. 🥰😘
Likes : 1367

21. 1.4K Likes

Alicia Garza - 1.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : 43 today and grateful. 43 doesn’t feel like such a big age, but I’m older than I am younger and when my mama was 43 she had a whole 16 year old on her hands and lord when I think about having a 16 year old at this tender age I thank you for protecting me from myself 😂 Every year on my birthday we had the same routine…she knew how much I loved my birthday and so she was always the first to call. “Happy birthday babygirl!” she would exclaim. And I would reply “Thank you for giving birth to a legend!” And she would laugh that sweet laugh. I would try to convince her to come out to whatever I was doing so that she could be celebrated. Most of the time she would oblige. I miss that woman so much… 2023 was an epic year. This was the year I really learned to embrace my no, and make room for my yes. There’s folks that were in my life this time last year that ain’t there this year and to be clear, I’m ok with that. Because the people that are here are world class. This year’s mantra is “wait for it…” cuz you betta believe we standing on business this year…been on that since I was 2 and if you don’t believe me check the photos. Y’all know I always come with receipts. If you have loved on me, kicked it with me, taught me, listened to me, sat in silence with me, porch karaoked with me, eaten with me, told somebody with a big mouth and a lot of hot air to fuck off in defense of me, handled business with me — I thank you. Y’all mean more to me than you will ever know. And as always, big thanks to my mama — mumsie, we just getting started. 🥰😘
Likes : 1367

22. 1.4K Likes

Alicia Garza - 1.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : 43 today and grateful. 43 doesn’t feel like such a big age, but I’m older than I am younger and when my mama was 43 she had a whole 16 year old on her hands and lord when I think about having a 16 year old at this tender age I thank you for protecting me from myself 😂 Every year on my birthday we had the same routine…she knew how much I loved my birthday and so she was always the first to call. “Happy birthday babygirl!” she would exclaim. And I would reply “Thank you for giving birth to a legend!” And she would laugh that sweet laugh. I would try to convince her to come out to whatever I was doing so that she could be celebrated. Most of the time she would oblige. I miss that woman so much… 2023 was an epic year. This was the year I really learned to embrace my no, and make room for my yes. There’s folks that were in my life this time last year that ain’t there this year and to be clear, I’m ok with that. Because the people that are here are world class. This year’s mantra is “wait for it…” cuz you betta believe we standing on business this year…been on that since I was 2 and if you don’t believe me check the photos. Y’all know I always come with receipts. If you have loved on me, kicked it with me, taught me, listened to me, sat in silence with me, porch karaoked with me, eaten with me, told somebody with a big mouth and a lot of hot air to fuck off in defense of me, handled business with me — I thank you. Y’all mean more to me than you will ever know. And as always, big thanks to my mama — mumsie, we just getting started. 🥰😘
Likes : 1367

23. 1.4K Likes

Alicia Garza - 1.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : I often think about what kind of leader I want to be when I’m 81 years old. This was an iconic moment for me — leadership across generations. I’m in a lot of reflection about how to keep listening to and learning from the generation coming up after mine. Congratulations to @rpcoalition on a historic leadership transition.
Likes : 1354

24. 1.4K Likes

Alicia Garza - 1.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : I often think about what kind of leader I want to be when I’m 81 years old. This was an iconic moment for me — leadership across generations. I’m in a lot of reflection about how to keep listening to and learning from the generation coming up after mine. Congratulations to @rpcoalition on a historic leadership transition.
Likes : 1354

25. 1.3K Likes

Alicia Garza - 1.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : Magic. No filter.
Likes : 1251

26. 1.2K Likes

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Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : Remembering #MLK
Likes : 1241

27. 1.2K Likes

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Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : Remembering #MLK
Likes : 1241

28. 1.2K Likes

Alicia Garza - 1.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : Honestly y’all after getting to spend all this glorious time choppin it up with @brotherjones_ I am one hundred percent certain that with leaders like him we gon be alright. Such a powerful leader, humble and brilliant. I was moved to tears, I was made to think, I was emboldened and inspired. Thank you @netrootsnation for inviting me to hold a conversation I’ll remember and hold dear for the rest of my life. Let’s go brother!
Likes : 1169

29. 1.2K Likes

Alicia Garza - 1.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : Honestly y’all after getting to spend all this glorious time choppin it up with @brotherjones_ I am one hundred percent certain that with leaders like him we gon be alright. Such a powerful leader, humble and brilliant. I was moved to tears, I was made to think, I was emboldened and inspired. Thank you @netrootsnation for inviting me to hold a conversation I’ll remember and hold dear for the rest of my life. Let’s go brother!
Likes : 1169

30. 1.2K Likes

Alicia Garza - 1.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : Honestly y’all after getting to spend all this glorious time choppin it up with @brotherjones_ I am one hundred percent certain that with leaders like him we gon be alright. Such a powerful leader, humble and brilliant. I was moved to tears, I was made to think, I was emboldened and inspired. Thank you @netrootsnation for inviting me to hold a conversation I’ll remember and hold dear for the rest of my life. Let’s go brother!
Likes : 1169

31. 1.2K Likes

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Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : This is a @badgalriri account and I am a proud member of the #Navy. Y’all heaux could NEVER. Carry on.
Likes : 1163

32. 668 Likes

Alicia Garza - 668 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : Woke up with a smile on my face this fine morning! I am so grateful — grateful for 42 years, grateful for my friends family and community, grateful for breath, grateful for all the lessons I’ve learned in the last year, grateful for life. Grateful for all of the blessings that I have received. My wish for this year: more life, more love, more laughter.
Likes : 668

33. 658 Likes

Alicia Garza - 658 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : I love a party and also I be hiding out from the party — weird shit. But I’m so glad I went out last night on the last day of Black People Month — got to hug on some people I ain’t seen in a minute and as always, put some birds in the air. These days I’m more focused on being in the moment than in the picture — but these are some of the photos the homies caught! We gon be alright. Thank you @vp for having us at your crib — and we had a time for sure!
Likes : 658

34. 658 Likes

Alicia Garza - 658 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : I love a party and also I be hiding out from the party — weird shit. But I’m so glad I went out last night on the last day of Black People Month — got to hug on some people I ain’t seen in a minute and as always, put some birds in the air. These days I’m more focused on being in the moment than in the picture — but these are some of the photos the homies caught! We gon be alright. Thank you @vp for having us at your crib — and we had a time for sure!
Likes : 658

35. 658 Likes

Alicia Garza - 658 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : I love a party and also I be hiding out from the party — weird shit. But I’m so glad I went out last night on the last day of Black People Month — got to hug on some people I ain’t seen in a minute and as always, put some birds in the air. These days I’m more focused on being in the moment than in the picture — but these are some of the photos the homies caught! We gon be alright. Thank you @vp for having us at your crib — and we had a time for sure!
Likes : 658

36. 658 Likes

Alicia Garza - 658 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : I love a party and also I be hiding out from the party — weird shit. But I’m so glad I went out last night on the last day of Black People Month — got to hug on some people I ain’t seen in a minute and as always, put some birds in the air. These days I’m more focused on being in the moment than in the picture — but these are some of the photos the homies caught! We gon be alright. Thank you @vp for having us at your crib — and we had a time for sure!
Likes : 658

37. 658 Likes

Alicia Garza - 658 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : I love a party and also I be hiding out from the party — weird shit. But I’m so glad I went out last night on the last day of Black People Month — got to hug on some people I ain’t seen in a minute and as always, put some birds in the air. These days I’m more focused on being in the moment than in the picture — but these are some of the photos the homies caught! We gon be alright. Thank you @vp for having us at your crib — and we had a time for sure!
Likes : 658

38. 658 Likes

Alicia Garza - 658 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : I love a party and also I be hiding out from the party — weird shit. But I’m so glad I went out last night on the last day of Black People Month — got to hug on some people I ain’t seen in a minute and as always, put some birds in the air. These days I’m more focused on being in the moment than in the picture — but these are some of the photos the homies caught! We gon be alright. Thank you @vp for having us at your crib — and we had a time for sure!
Likes : 658

39. 640 Likes

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Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : Big news from me! Let’s go!
Likes : 640

40. 635 Likes

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Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : When Black women are gathered, magic appears. #MachetesInParis
Likes : 635

41. 635 Likes

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Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : When Black women are gathered, magic appears. #MachetesInParis
Likes : 635

42. 635 Likes

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Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : When Black women are gathered, magic appears. #MachetesInParis
Likes : 635

43. 635 Likes

Alicia Garza - 635 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : When Black women are gathered, magic appears. #MachetesInParis
Likes : 635

44. 618 Likes

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Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : Oh Tina. Rest well you did us SO proud.
Likes : 618

45. 542 Likes

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Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : Because my team be waaaay more organized than me 😂 I wanna thank yall for all the love and support and encouragement … I been getting texts and phone calls and all the things and I am grateful for each of you who took the time! I am really excited about the next era of leadership at @blackfutureslab and @black2thefutureaction and I’m not going far… I’ll be stepping into a Strategic Advisor role and joining the Board of Directors…and my badass colleague Kristin Powell will take the helm as the new Principal! Lemme tell you she is EVERYTHING plus some, and we love to see more Black women leading in abundance — rather than in crisis. You gon hear from us very soon and if you don’t know her yet, you will soon! Moving to JPB was not an easy decision for me to make, but I’m confident that it’s the right one, given the conditions that we are facing, and what we are up against. We need a movement that is strong enough and resourced enough to make big moves and win big wins. Some people make moves from their gig because they’re tired, or because there’s drama, or for a host of other reasons that involve rest. But for me, I’m more energized and more clear than ever before. I ain’t tired, ain’t no drama, we just over here doing work and ready to handle business! And the truth is — we need some clarity around the parts where the money is moving. So if you ready, I’m ready too. Feet on the ground, head in the sky, eyes on the prize. We got some winning to do!
Likes : 542

46. 519 Likes

Alicia Garza - 519 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : The maternal mortality rate in the United States is the highest it’s been since 1965. If that doesn’t make you furious—it should. This week, we’re getting loud about passing the Momnibus Act. Back on the floor for a third time, the #Momnibus is 13 bills designed to reduce preventable maternal deaths in the United States, and close the racial inequality gap in maternal health outcomes. If everyone who is a mother, has a mother, knows or cares about a mother raises their voice and shares their stories, this bill will pass. We can’t let one more year go by, or lose one more life. Share this post and write your rep. Go to to send your pre-written letter. #PassMomnibusNow LINK IN MY STORIES
Likes : 519

47. 519 Likes

Alicia Garza - 519 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : The maternal mortality rate in the United States is the highest it’s been since 1965. If that doesn’t make you furious—it should. This week, we’re getting loud about passing the Momnibus Act. Back on the floor for a third time, the #Momnibus is 13 bills designed to reduce preventable maternal deaths in the United States, and close the racial inequality gap in maternal health outcomes. If everyone who is a mother, has a mother, knows or cares about a mother raises their voice and shares their stories, this bill will pass. We can’t let one more year go by, or lose one more life. Share this post and write your rep. Go to to send your pre-written letter. #PassMomnibusNow LINK IN MY STORIES
Likes : 519

48. 513 Likes

Alicia Garza - 513 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : Now THIS is what leadership looks like. Thank you @raphaelwarnock for standing up for the 116,000 Atlantans who want a say over where we allocate our resources. #LetThePeopleDecide
Likes : 513

49. 495 Likes

Alicia Garza - 495 Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Alicia Garza Instagram
Caption : Oakland still brings me a lot of joy — mostly cuz of the real ones right here. I always wake up with a smile after hanging with these ones right here, and my a time was had. Dipped in and out for a quick trip, but I’ll be back soon. In the meantime, I take Oakland with me everywhere I go 💕🥰
Likes : 495