Bernie Sanders Top 100 Instagram Photos and Posts

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1. 298.6K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 298.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : Israel’s indiscriminate bombing is hitting hospitals, refugee camps, and killing thousands of innocent people. It must stop now.
Likes : 298612

2. 286.1K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 286.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 286111

3. 264.4K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 264.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : When we talk about divisions in this country, we’re not talking about Republicans versus Democrats. It is the billionaire class versus everybody else.
Likes : 264408

4. 200.5K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 200.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 200461

5. 194.8K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 194.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 194772

6. 194K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 194K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 194026

7. 137.5K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 137.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 137495

8. 132.7K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 132.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : Congress must not provide any more U.S. funding for Netanyahu’s illegal, immoral, and brutal war that is destroying the lives of innocent men, women, and children in Gaza.
Likes : 132685

9. 132.2K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 132.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : Netanyahu’s right-wing government is starving the Palestinian people. On top of its indiscriminate bombardment, Israel is imposing onerous restrictions to block the delivery of essential humanitarian aid. The U.S. must use all of its leverage to end this horrific war.
Likes : 132223

10. 126.9K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 126.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : I believe that it would be irresponsible for us to provide an additional $10.1 billion in unconditional military aid that will allow the Netanyahu government to continue its current offensive military approach.
Likes : 126878

11. 116.3K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 116.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : Netanyahu has again rejected a two-state solution. He said: “the prime minister needs to be able to say no, even to our best friends.” I have a message: it’s time for the U.S. to say NO to Netanyahu. Tens of thousands of lives hang in the balance. Read the full op-ed here:
Likes : 116309

12. 111.5K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 111.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 111484

13. 111.2K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 111.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : During Trump’s presidency, he gave massive tax breaks to the rich, tried to throw millions of Americans off of their health care insurance, appointed union busters to his administration, and fought to take away women’s right to control their own body. He must be defeated.
Likes : 111200

14. 108.1K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 108.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 108099

15. 105.5K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 105.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : The United States must do everything it can to put pressure on Netanyahu’s right-wing extremist government to end this disastrous military approach, which is causing such horrific damage to human life in Palestine.
Likes : 105517

16. 104.5K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 104.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : Right now, the Senate is considering giving Netanyahu’s right-wing government $14B to continue its indiscriminate bombing in Gaza. How can we, with a straight face, rightly criticize Putin’s war crimes in Ukraine, while ignoring the killing of 27,000 Palestinians?
Likes : 104544

17. 101.2K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 101.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 101221

18. 100.4K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 100.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : Some things never change.
Likes : 100418

19. 99.2K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 99.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : Justice for Palestinians. Security for Israel. Please read the op-ed I wrote for the New York Times.
Likes : 99197

20. 95.3K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 95.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 95267

21. 93.7K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 93.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : We cannot continue to give Netanyahu and his right-wing government billions of dollars to continue their war against the entire Palestinian people.
Likes : 93722

22. 92.8K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 92.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 92821

23. 91.5K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 91.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 91494

24. 89K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 89K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : The word is that drug company CEOs are a little NERVOUS about Chairman Bernie Sanders holding them accountable for their reckless greed. Should they be worried? Yeah. They should be very worried.
Likes : 89006

25. 88.6K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 88.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 88648

26. 88.5K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 88.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : The immediate task is to stop the bombing, end the horrific humanitarian disaster in Gaza, and go forward with the entire world toward a two-state solution.
Likes : 88460

27. 87.6K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 87.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 87646

28. 87.5K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 87.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 87478

29. 87K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 87K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : In 2019, I traveled by bus up to Canada with a group of diabetics to purchase insulin for a fraction of what they were paying here in the United States. Today, Eli Lily has significantly lowered its insulin price to $35 a month. Grassroots pressure works. Let’s keep going.
Likes : 87029

30. 86.7K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 86.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : What’s going on in Gaza right now is a humanitarian catastrophe. Children in Gaza are starving to death. More than 23,000 people in Gaza have been killed and more than 85% of the population displaced. Congress must take action.
Likes : 86691

31. 84.1K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 84.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 84068

32. 82.8K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 82.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : This Oscar-nominated actor lost his health insurance during the pandemic after filming his last movie. How absurd is that? It makes no sense to me, to you, or to anybody else in this country that your ability to see a doctor is treated as a job benefit and not a human right.
Likes : 82842

33. 82K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 82K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 82016

34. 81.1K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 81.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : If I were giving the State of the Union address tonight, here’s what I’d say:
Likes : 81088

35. 77.9K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 77.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 77932

36. 76.7K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 76.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : The oligarchs and the corporate class of this country are waging class war against working Americans. The working class needs a party that’s going to fight back — and win.
Likes : 76683

37. 74.7K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 74.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 74691

38. 72.6K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 72.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : If millionaires and billionaires paid the taxes that they legally owe, we could raise $150B more in revenue each year. That’s more than enough to provide tuition-free college to all Americans. Maybe instead of cutting IRS funding, we should make the wealthy pay their fair share.
Likes : 72624

39. 72.5K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 72.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : No one in Congress should vote to send $10 billion in military aid to Netanyahu’s war machine when they are responsible for an unprecedented humanitarian disaster.
Likes : 72529

40. 72.5K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 72.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : If the big three can afford to give a pay raise of more than 40% to their CEOs, they can provide the same type of pay raise for the autoworkers who make their products.
Likes : 72518

41. 71.7K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 71.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : President Carter led our nation with dignity and, in retirement, has devoted his life to serving ordinary people all over the world. I had the privilege of meeting with him at the Carter Center several years ago and will always cherish his kind words about our shared agenda.
Likes : 71650

42. 70.8K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 70.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : Unless there is a major increase in global consciousness around climate change, the planet we will leave our kids and future generations will be increasingly unhealthy and uninhabitable. Arizona has had a record-breaking heat wave. China has had unprecedented flooding. The oceans have never been warmer. Meanwhile, oil companies continue to lie and obfuscate while making hundreds of billions in profits. Democrats are doing too little about this existential threat. Republicans, at best, are ignoring it. And readers and viewers of FOX News continue to be misinformed. While we organize for bold climate action, we must reach out to all Americans. Read an op-ed I wrote that appeared today on the FOX News website at the link in my bio.
Likes : 70777

43. 70.1K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 70.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : Bottom line is this. The way to win elections is to say loudly and clearly to the American people: We are going to create an economy and society that works for you, not just for billionaires.
Likes : 70129

44. 69.6K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 69.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : I hope you enjoy my new book, It’s Okay To Be Angry About Capitalism.
Likes : 69562

45. 68.1K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 68.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : Another Trump presidency would be a disaster — not only for our country, but for the world. We will lose the fight against climate change. Women will no longer have control over their own bodies. Billionaires will get richer and working people will suffer.
Likes : 68096

46. 66.1K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 66.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : The American people are increasingly disgusted by the destruction of Gaza and the unbelievable misery that is befalling the Palestinian people. This must end. No more taxpayer dollars to fund Netanyahu’s war machine.
Likes : 66080

47. 65.3K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 65.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : I want to say a few words about what I consider to be the greatest threat, facing our country and all of humanity.
Likes : 65259

48. 64.6K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 64.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 64553

49. 63K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 63K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : If you’ve got $5 billion, do you really need to step on people in order to get ANOTHER $5 billion? When is ‘enough’ going to be enough for these guys?
Likes : 63045

50. 61.5K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 61.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 61463

51. 61K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 61K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 61047

52. 60.8K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 60.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : What Democrats have got to do is have the guts to take on corporate greed.
Likes : 60781

53. 60.2K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 60.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : This election cycle, the billionaire-backed AIPAC Super PAC is expected to spend $100 million to unseat progressive members of Congress who dare to speak out about the horrific disaster in Gaza. Their message is clear: If you criticize Netanyahu, you will be targeted.
Likes : 60245

54. 59.7K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 59.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : While I am sorry that I cannot be there to help @sethmeyers make better decisions, I can say that it is always a bad idea to trust Wall Street and the big banks to write their own rules and regulations.
Likes : 59745

55. 59.6K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 59.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : Only one candidate understands that we must address the threat of climate change; that women have a right to control their own bodies; and that our economy must work for working people and not just billionaires. That candidate is Joe Biden.
Likes : 59619

56. 59.6K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 59.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : Even when working Americans face a serious disease like cancer, they have no guarantee of paid sick leave. When will we join the rest of the world in ensuring that ailing workers can get well without going broke?
Likes : 59552

57. 57.5K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 57.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : The devastating effects of the climate crisis are here. Now is the time to act boldly.
Likes : 57522

58. 56.5K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 56.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 56507

59. 56K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 56K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : Here’s something you won’t hear about in the mainstream media: we are not that divided as a country. Whether you are progressive, conservative, or independent, you’re sick and tired of getting ripped off and paying the highest prices on the planet for prescription drugs.
Likes : 56035

60. 54.1K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 54.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : Through our financial support of Israel, the U.S. is complicit in the humanitarian disaster in Gaza. I will be damned if I’m going to give another nickel to the Netanyahu government in order to continue this war against the Palestinian people.
Likes : 54118

61. 53.2K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 53.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 53237

62. 53.1K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 53.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 53064

63. 52.3K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 52.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : I’m going to tell you something you won’t hear about too much in the mainstream media. We have a corrupt political system in which billionaires through super PACs can buy elections in this country.
Likes : 52335

64. 52.3K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 52.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : “Stop trying to screw the workers.” — @sagaftra President @officialfrandrescher’s message to greedy CEOs.
Likes : 52310

65. 51.1K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 51.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : The U.S. is facing massive devastation as a result of climate change. China is facing massive devastation as a result of climate change. Instead of spending billions planning for a war against each other, these two countries should work together to combat climate change.
Likes : 51106

66. 46.1K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 46.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 46072

67. 45.8K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 45.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 45779

68. 45.1K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 45.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : One person makes $100 million a year. Another person makes $160,000 a year. Both of those people put the exact same amount of money into Social Security. We must scrap the cap on the wealthy and expand Social Security benefits — not cut them.
Likes : 45120

69. 43.9K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 43.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : There is a horrific humanitarian disaster in Gaza. The U.S. should not provide another nickel to the Netanyahu government unless there is a fundamental change in military policy and their response to the humanitarian crisis.
Likes : 43939

70. 43.5K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 43.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : Let me be very clear. We do not have a ‘labor shortage’ in this country. What we have is a working class who are saying they aren’t going to work longer hours for lower wages in unsafe conditions while corporations make record profits.
Likes : 43531

71. 43.5K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 43.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 43509

72. 42.4K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 42.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : You work hard, start a business, make some money, fine, become rich! But do you really need $50 or $100 BILLION? That is more money than you could spend in one lifetime. Should the wealthy in this country finally begin to pay their fair share? You’re damn right.
Likes : 42358

73. 42.1K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 42.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : Here’s my message to CEOs who think they alone can have it all.
Likes : 42114

74. 41.8K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 41.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 41771

75. 41.5K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 41.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 41544

76. 41.2K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 41.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : I hope my colleagues in Washington are breathing in the air and finally waking up to the reality that if we don’t act boldly to address climate change we won’t be leaving much of a planet for future generations.
Likes : 41229

77. 41.2K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 41.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : I wanted to say a few words today about our broken, dysfunctional health care system and give you an update on an important bipartisan bill that will be significant step forward.
Likes : 41182

78. 41K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 41K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 41015

79. 40.8K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 40.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 40824

80. 39.8K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 39.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 39837

81. 39.5K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 39.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : “You know, meteorologists need to be doing this more, not less.”
Likes : 39469

82. 39.3K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 39.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 39348

83. 39K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 39K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 39044

84. 38.7K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 38.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : Shock of shocks! An oil and gas lobbyist thinks Americans breathing in smoke from wildfires, which are a direct result of climate change, is no big deal. WRONG. We must take on Big Oil’s greed and fundamentally transform our energy system away from fossil fuels.
Likes : 38719

85. 38.6K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 38.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : It is imperative that we make sure that new technology like artificial intelligence works for us, and not just a few billionaires who already control everything else about our economy.
Likes : 38618

86. 38.3K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 38.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : As Americans die because they can’t afford the medications they need, 5 of the largest drug companies in the U.S. made nearly $80 billion in profits last year alone. As chairman of the HELP Committee, my promise to you is that we’re going to take on their greed.
Likes : 38347

87. 38.3K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 38.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 38314

88. 38.1K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 38.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : At a time when CEOs are making 400x more than the average worker, the American people are asking a simple question: Which side are you on?
Likes : 38061

89. 38K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 38K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : In my view, if Disney can afford to compensate its CEO to the tune of $27 million, it should not be paying the workers who run their theme parks so little that they are sleeping in their cars, relying on food banks, and unable to afford to get the health care they need.
Likes : 37992

90. 37.8K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 37.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : How can the U.S. condemn Russia’s bombing of civilians in Ukraine as a war crime but fund Netanyahu’s war machine, which has killed thousands? How can we criticize the human rights of Iran & China, but ignore the human rights of the Palestinian people?
Likes : 37840

91. 37.2K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 37.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 37221

92. 37.1K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 37.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : Last night, the people of Chicago proved that when they stand together, they can elect leadership that will invest in the needs of working families, not the wealthy and well-connected. CONGRATULATIONS to Mayor-Elect @brandon4chicago on your win last night!
Likes : 37055

93. 36.9K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 36.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : While Republicans say they are “deeply concerned” about the national debt, they support: -$1.8 trillion tax break for handful of multi-billionaires -$3.5 trillion extension of Trump’s tax breaks -Massive increase in $858B Pentagon budget This hypocrisy is truly breathtaking.
Likes : 36914

94. 36.7K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 36.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : Here is the simple reality: At one point or another, we’re all going to need to see a doctor. But our health care system remains unaffordable, inaccessible, and deeply dysfunctional. It is unacceptable. We need Medicare for All.
Likes : 36697

95. 36.6K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 36.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 36602

96. 36.3K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 36.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : The United States has got to say loudly and clearly to Netanyahu and his right-wing government: You are not getting another nickel of U.S. taxpayer money to murder women and children in Gaza.
Likes : 36319

97. 36K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 36K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : Exxon Mobil is blaming the public for the climate crisis. REALLY?   Let’s be clear.     Exxon knew the truth about fossil fuels and climate change for DECADES and lied to protect their bottom line at the expense of our people and our planet. They must be held accountable. Article here:
Likes : 36044

98. 36K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 36K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : I know, it sounds radical. But maybe, just maybe we should create an economy that works for all, not just for Mr. Bezos and Mr. Musk.
Likes : 35994

99. 35K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 35K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 35047

100. 34.4K Likes

Bernie Sanders - 34.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Bernie Sanders Instagram
Caption : Republicans say raising taxes on billionaires and Pentagon cost overruns are off the table in the debt limit negotiations. WRONG. What should be off the table are children, working families, and elderly Americans.
Likes : 34412