감사합니다 여러분 🙏
Thanks for you guys support🙏
Lets STEP 🔥
감사합니다 여러분 🙏
Thanks for you guys support🙏
Lets STEP 🔥
An amazing night with G-Class. The legend goes electric! It’s so cool!Gelandewagen, Electrified.
Thank you @mercedesbenz . Thank you G-Class. ⚡️
An amazing night with G-Class. The legend goes electric! It’s so cool!Gelandewagen, Electrified.
Thank you @mercedesbenz . Thank you G-Class. ⚡️
O-U-T N-🔮-W #Psychic #visitdubai
had the honor of having a cameo in @layzhang and @lauvsongs ‘s music video for their new song called Run Back To You! So nice to meet them both ☺️
had the honor of having a cameo in @layzhang and @lauvsongs ‘s music video for their new song called Run Back To You! So nice to meet them both ☺️
had the honor of having a cameo in @layzhang and @lauvsongs ‘s music video for their new song called Run Back To You! So nice to meet them both ☺️
had the honor of having a cameo in @layzhang and @lauvsongs ‘s music video for their new song called Run Back To You! So nice to meet them both ☺️
who can keep up? 😉💜 #psychic #visitdubai #alfahidi
#RB2U Krump version 🤪
RUN BACK TO YOU // OUT NOW💜@layzhang x @lauvsongs
Director // @photokohli
Producer // @mariahsalive
Executive Producer // @ryanhuffmann
Production Company // @huffmancreative
Executive Producer // @katie.sarrels
Production Manager // @jieunypig
Asst Production Manager // @so_treble
Creative Agency // sturdy.co
Creative Director // @adrian.martinez
Executive Producer // @kylepnolan
Project Manager // @ajgroy
Art Director // @cameron.galley
Accounts Manager // @jameshanousek
Hair Styling – Hochan
Makeup – Jisun
Stylist – Jung JinA
Digital // @getengaged @marcoimendez
Lauv: Ari Leff
Lauv Management: Matt Graham and Cameron Lutz from Range
Music: Jonathan Koby
Director of Label Operations: Emma MacDonald
Makeup: Athena Alberto
Stylist: Emma Wendorff
Director of Photography // @belkasemi
1st AC // @waltercwat
2nd AC // @te.lim
Loader // @c.m.solorzano
B Cam // @kocmos
1st AD // @thaithai_
2nd AD // @vitolyles
Choreographer // @mattypcock
VTR // @1gnacio2
Key Grip // @JQDaSilva
BBG // @austindeats
Dolly Grip // gerardodeniro94
Grip // @beau_diggles
Grip // @ bowasyang
Grip // Ryan Sparling
Grip // @fernando_nevarez26
Gaffer // @mrgrip.pro
BBE // @flylighting_jay728
Electric // @ethanspencer
Electric // @ryancsilver
Electric // @nick_550
Electric // @eddiefresnel
Production Designer // @freyjabardell
Lead // @hankhennry
Project Technician // @talk2timbo
Set Dresser // @space___jack
Art Assistant // Jason Valdez
Picture Car // @mr_vintage_machine
BTS Photo // @mazharbadani
BTS Video // @jonahgeorge
PA // @camillebrimmer
PA // @kingseyeview21
PA // @goldbouri
PA // @alicine__
PA Truck // @hailnecroplasm
Location Manager – Connor Lindenmuth
Location Manager // Jhonatan Guzman
Location Rep // Mary Courtney
Craft Services // @milacraftservice
Catering // @losamigoscatering
Limitless Studio Services // @limitless_studioservices
Post Producer // @nikovernic
Editor // @troycharbonnet
Colorist // @jalob
VFX – Purple Patch VFX
Lay Zhang teaches me Mandarin!
no mistakes.. create your own dance! #RB2U 👾
Before and after 🕺 We love watching your videos!! Thanks for listening 💜 #RB2U @layzhang @lauvsongs
Behind the scenes // Run Back To You 💜 Video out now! @lauvsongs
@layzhang and @lauvsongs just dropped “Run Back to You.” The Chinese superstar talks to @travismills about the track and his forthcoming all-English album. #RB2U
Psychic video is out now! Thank you @andrewdonoho and my amazing team! #psychic lets gooooo 💜#VisitDubai
link in bio to watch on @youtube
psychic video drops in 1 day! I hope you are liking the song 💜🔮🐪 #visitdubai
psychic video drops in 1 day! I hope you are liking the song 💜🔮🐪 #visitdubai
psychic video drops in 1 day! I hope you are liking the song 💜🔮🐪 #visitdubai
psychic video drops in 1 day! I hope you are liking the song 💜🔮🐪 #visitdubai