Does anyone have any more information about this event? I mean, should I just show up? #disney #doofenshmirtz #phineasandferb
What’s a four syllable word with THREE U’s in it? #spelling #phineasandferb #doofenshmirtz #disney
@carolinerhea4real sent me a confusing video this morning. @themattfriend @rossmarquand #impressions #doofenshmirtz #phineasandferb #disney
@oliviaroseolson pointing out what, in retrospect, is obvious. #steveharvey #mrpotatohead #doofenshmirtz #disney #pixar #phineasandferb
He really is a marvel of evolutionary biology #perrytheplatupus #doofenshmirtz #phineasandferb #disney
Is this because I’m #ambidextrous (mixed dominant)? #phineasandferb #doofenshmirtz #disney
I am reasonably sure that Martin Olson is not a psychopath, but if he is, you heard it here first. @martinolson888 @oliviaroseolson #phineasandferb #doofenshmirtz #disney
It’s not just @taylorswift and @katyperry , sometimes we all have to do it with a broken heart. #torturedpoetsdepartment #icandoitwithabrokenheart #doofenshmirtz #phineasandferb #disney
Today in LA #phineasandferb
Never miss a content opportunity!
Ran into some old friends tonight, (one of which I’m still technically married to). @claripun @mikeymichaelhc
#genx was built different! #Doofenshmirtz #Disney #PhineasAndFerb
The head credits on Family Guy go on and on…and on. #familyguy #phineasandferb #doofenshmirtz #disney #foxtvanimation
Meli turned 16 yesterday and yelled out her Candle.
Apparently, I had too much free time when I was a kid. #doofenshmirtz #disney #phineasandferb
#nandibushell #davegrohl this made my morning!
@karalynndunton and @eatitkatie refuse to watch #phineasandferb. They have their reasons. #doofenshmirtz #disney @lewberger #comedy #music #bourbonroomhollywood
Monday doodle
Remember, @narestrepo used to have an enormous scorpion as a pet. #shoebill #dallasaquarium #doofenshmirtz #phineasandferb #disney
They were having a special on guys with mustaches and red beanies last night, so we got two @yourpal_austin
Vote for Susan Lambert’s podcast!
@80stvladies @susanlamberthatem Go vote for this podcast! #podcasts #doofenshmirtz #disney #phineasandferb