I bet my husband that this doesn’t necessarily have to be done in a”Sexy” way .. did I prove him wrong 😜….
My husband after watching this – Hey epudraawwww …. @amar_theinfinity_e hehehe 😂
#dreamumwakeupum #dance #funny #harija #dreamumwakeupumcriticalconditionum #newreels #
It’s hard when it comes to balancing it .. but when u try to love everything u do with zero regret then u becom the master of the art ❤️ Acting,Modelling,Directing and writing might look easy but when it comes to reality it’s totally different esply being a mother it is more challenging.. there are hard times that remind me how grateful I should b… idhuvum kadanthu pogum is my mantra (this too shall pass) … to overcome all the stress and anxiety
This is me .. laughing for no reason😍 and that’s y it’s candid … @amar_theinfinity_e next time try taking some good pics for me😅😝
Can listen to this song everyday ❤️ oru maari love feeling 🤍
@amarrameshofficial thank u for this visual 😘
Thankful to the universe and the whole team of Tara .. u guys are my chellakutties
Thanks to the entire team
Thankful to the universe and the whole team of Tara .. u guys are my chellakutties
Thanks to the entire team
Thankful to the universe and the whole team of Tara .. u guys are my chellakutties
Thanks to the entire team
Such emotions are difficult to even explain …
Friend – understands the situation and is concern
Hides her love – tries to swallow her emotion in order to pretend lik she understands.. but breaks inside
To learn more about small nuances in acting join my acting workshop
WhatsApp – 8610559944
Responses in a situation 🤍 Read caption
All hell is breaking loose here, a man is lashing out because of his pain and frustrations.
Trying to be controlled- This character here chooses to let them vent and let it all out.
Trying to Defend- is reacting and trying to defend their stand in the situation.
This is the surface of the situation. There is a lot of complexity that culminates into this happening/event.
To learn more about complex characters and how to decode them, join my acting workshop.
WhatsApp – 8610559944📍
Lots of love ❤️ Tara … thank you nextgen for this award means alot 💭
@amar_theinfinity_e the whole world will know u soon🫡
@logeshwar_official 🥰thank u da
@giffy_pgr the talented boy
And the boys behind the camera and the set ❣️❣️❣️nandrigal 🫰🏻
@filmdiarypictures our production🤍
Lots of love ❤️ Tara … thank you nextgen for this award means alot 💭
@amar_theinfinity_e the whole world will know u soon🫡
@logeshwar_official 🥰thank u da
@giffy_pgr the talented boy
And the boys behind the camera and the set ❣️❣️❣️nandrigal 🫰🏻
@filmdiarypictures our production🤍
Lots of love ❤️ Tara … thank you nextgen for this award means alot 💭
@amar_theinfinity_e the whole world will know u soon🫡
@logeshwar_official 🥰thank u da
@giffy_pgr the talented boy
And the boys behind the camera and the set ❣️❣️❣️nandrigal 🫰🏻
@filmdiarypictures our production🤍
Lots of love ❤️ Tara … thank you nextgen for this award means alot 💭
@amar_theinfinity_e the whole world will know u soon🫡
@logeshwar_official 🥰thank u da
@giffy_pgr the talented boy
And the boys behind the camera and the set ❣️❣️❣️nandrigal 🫰🏻
@filmdiarypictures our production🤍
WhatsApp – 8610554499 To register
It’s a 20 days acting workshop.. and this workshop is designed to break your performance anxiety,stage fear and to also understand yourself better as an Actor … We will have various activity which includes both practical and theoretical lessons. The activities aim to transform you as an actor and as a person it’s an EXPERIENCE ….
*Certificates will be provided …
Limited seats❤️🚨
Location – Coimbatore