The American people owe President Biden an enormous debt of gratitude for the unparalleled progress he has delivered over the last four years – and we will honor that legacy, and the decision that he has made today, through a firm commitment to nominating and electing a Democratic president this November who will carry that torch into the next four years. The work that we must do now, while unprecedented, is clear. In the coming days, the Party will undertake a transparent and orderly process to move forward as a united Democratic Party with a candidate who can defeat Donald Trump in November. This process will be governed by established rules and procedures of the Party. Our delegates are prepared to take seriously their responsibility in swiftly delivering a candidate to the American people. Democrats are prepared and united in our resolve to win in November. As we move forward to formally select our Party’s nominee, our values as Democrats remain the same – lowering costs, restoring freedom, protecting the rights of all people, and saving our democracy from the threat of dictatorship. We have and will continue to make this case to the American people. In short order, the American people will hear from the Democratic Party on next steps and the path forward for the nomination process.
The American people owe President Biden an enormous debt of gratitude for the unparalleled progress he has delivered over the last four years – and we will honor that legacy, and the decision that he has made today, through a firm commitment to nominating and electing a Democratic president this November who will carry that torch into the next four years. The work that we must do now, while unprecedented, is clear. In the coming days, the Party will undertake a transparent and orderly process to move forward as a united Democratic Party with a candidate who can defeat Donald Trump in November. This process will be governed by established rules and procedures of the Party. Our delegates are prepared to take seriously their responsibility in swiftly delivering a candidate to the American people. Democrats are prepared and united in our resolve to win in November. As we move forward to formally select our Party’s nominee, our values as Democrats remain the same – lowering costs, restoring freedom, protecting the rights of all people, and saving our democracy from the threat of dictatorship. We have and will continue to make this case to the American people. In short order, the American people will hear from the Democratic Party on next steps and the path forward for the nomination process.
The American people owe President Biden an enormous debt of gratitude for the unparalleled progress he has delivered over the last four years – and we will honor that legacy, and the decision that he has made today, through a firm commitment to nominating and electing a Democratic president this November who will carry that torch into the next four years. The work that we must do now, while unprecedented, is clear. In the coming days, the Party will undertake a transparent and orderly process to move forward as a united Democratic Party with a candidate who can defeat Donald Trump in November. This process will be governed by established rules and procedures of the Party. Our delegates are prepared to take seriously their responsibility in swiftly delivering a candidate to the American people. Democrats are prepared and united in our resolve to win in November. As we move forward to formally select our Party’s nominee, our values as Democrats remain the same – lowering costs, restoring freedom, protecting the rights of all people, and saving our democracy from the threat of dictatorship. We have and will continue to make this case to the American people. In short order, the American people will hear from the Democratic Party on next steps and the path forward for the nomination process.
The American people owe President Biden an enormous debt of gratitude for the unparalleled progress he has delivered over the last four years – and we will honor that legacy, and the decision that he has made today, through a firm commitment to nominating and electing a Democratic president this November who will carry that torch into the next four years. The work that we must do now, while unprecedented, is clear. In the coming days, the Party will undertake a transparent and orderly process to move forward as a united Democratic Party with a candidate who can defeat Donald Trump in November. This process will be governed by established rules and procedures of the Party. Our delegates are prepared to take seriously their responsibility in swiftly delivering a candidate to the American people. Democrats are prepared and united in our resolve to win in November. As we move forward to formally select our Party’s nominee, our values as Democrats remain the same – lowering costs, restoring freedom, protecting the rights of all people, and saving our democracy from the threat of dictatorship. We have and will continue to make this case to the American people. In short order, the American people will hear from the Democratic Party on next steps and the path forward for the nomination process.
If Trump wins the election and implements Project 2025, we will see an unprecedented assault on our rights and freedoms. Folks, the future of America is at stake this November.
Keep an eye out: We’ve got new billboards running to hold Trump and Vance accountable for their extremist Project 2025 agenda. We won’t let voters forget the dangerous policies this ticket has promised!
Keep an eye out: We’ve got new billboards running to hold Trump and Vance accountable for their extremist Project 2025 agenda. We won’t let voters forget the dangerous policies this ticket has promised!
Keep an eye out: We’ve got new billboards running to hold Trump and Vance accountable for their extremist Project 2025 agenda. We won’t let voters forget the dangerous policies this ticket has promised!
I will be voting for President @JoeBiden, who will continue to transform the lives of the American people.
Donald Trump has named J.D. Vance as his VP pick. Vance embodies MAGA, and has championed and enabled Trump’s worst policies for years. With so much on the line, it’s more important than ever to reelect President @JoeBiden and Vice President @KamalaHarris.
Trump lied 50 times during the debate: on abortion, foreign policy, President Biden’s character, the economy, and denying the results of the 2020 election. We expect more of the same at his rally tonight—because he’s nothing more than a con man peddling a bunch of lies.
We need to elect President @JoeBiden because he’s a president who Gets. Stuff. Done.
President @JoeBiden called on Congress to pass the Biden-Harris Housing Plan so millions of Americans can become homeowners! Let’s make the American Dream a reality for people across the nation.
Like birds of a feather, convicted felons flock together.
Trump can try to distance himself from Project 2025 all he wants, but we’re not falling for it. This is the extreme playbook for his second term: written by former members of his administration and MAGA allies. Learn more at the link in my bio.
Make no mistake about it.
President @JoeBiden beat Trump before, and he will beat Trump again. That’s our president!!
The choice is yours: President Biden’s economic vision or Trump’s, which has failed America.
President @JoeBiden is the most pro-union president we’ve seen, and here are a few of the things he’s done for workers since taking office: -Creating good-paying union jobs in clean energy -Extending overtime protections -Wage growth is beating price growth for 15 months in a row
Here’s President @JoeBiden’s plan for renters ⬆️
President @JoeBiden stands with union workers who built this country. Donald Trump stands with corporate CEOs and the ultra-wealthy, and wants to erase the gains unions have made in the last three years. There’s no question about which candidate is better for the American people.
J.D. Vance is Trump’s MAGA Mini-Me.
With JD Vance now on the ticket, it is even clearer why we must reelect President @JoeBiden and Vice President @KamalaHarris. It’s time to knock on doors and mobilize our communities. Let’s go win this!
For 248 years, the United States has been a guiding light for democracies worldwide. Trump has made it clear that he doesn’t represent or respect the values that make our nation great—but there is one candidate in this election who does, and that’s President @JoeBiden.