This is my Taylor Swift hat moment or my Nicki Minaj Night is Still Young moment haha 😆 DEVASTATIA world tour coming to a city near you! Tix on sale now 🎟️
STAMPEDE STRONG 💪🏾 I found out that this is the first year @calgarystampede @csprideday invited a headliner for the stampede! They’ve had incredible drag performers perform every single year and the event kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger! With over 4000 people in attendance, it’s safe to say that we are not going anywhere! 🌈 we aren’t a religion or a cult… we’re human! I’ll see you again Calgary when I come back from my DEVASTATIA tour in October/November… Look out soon for more dates 🚌 #calgarystampede #devastatia photo by @philcrozier video by Patrick McCloighlin dancers @emilyxxavier @karinagrzella hair @tananuff hair colour @hairbymarcandre costume @marcosquared dancer costumes @aka.thestore in ears @jhaudio
STAMPEDE STRONG 💪🏾 I found out that this is the first year @calgarystampede @csprideday invited a headliner for the stampede! They’ve had incredible drag performers perform every single year and the event kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger! With over 4000 people in attendance, it’s safe to say that we are not going anywhere! 🌈 we aren’t a religion or a cult… we’re human! I’ll see you again Calgary when I come back from my DEVASTATIA tour in October/November… Look out soon for more dates 🚌 #calgarystampede #devastatia photo by @philcrozier video by Patrick McCloighlin dancers @emilyxxavier @karinagrzella hair @tananuff hair colour @hairbymarcandre costume @marcosquared dancer costumes @aka.thestore in ears @jhaudio
STAMPEDE STRONG 💪🏾 I found out that this is the first year @calgarystampede @csprideday invited a headliner for the stampede! They’ve had incredible drag performers perform every single year and the event kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger! With over 4000 people in attendance, it’s safe to say that we are not going anywhere! 🌈 we aren’t a religion or a cult… we’re human! I’ll see you again Calgary when I come back from my DEVASTATIA tour in October/November… Look out soon for more dates 🚌 #calgarystampede #devastatia photo by @philcrozier video by Patrick McCloighlin dancers @emilyxxavier @karinagrzella hair @tananuff hair colour @hairbymarcandre costume @marcosquared dancer costumes @aka.thestore in ears @jhaudio
STAMPEDE STRONG 💪🏾 I found out that this is the first year @calgarystampede @csprideday invited a headliner for the stampede! They’ve had incredible drag performers perform every single year and the event kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger! With over 4000 people in attendance, it’s safe to say that we are not going anywhere! 🌈 we aren’t a religion or a cult… we’re human! I’ll see you again Calgary when I come back from my DEVASTATIA tour in October/November… Look out soon for more dates 🚌 #calgarystampede #devastatia photo by @philcrozier video by Patrick McCloighlin dancers @emilyxxavier @karinagrzella hair @tananuff hair colour @hairbymarcandre costume @marcosquared dancer costumes @aka.thestore in ears @jhaudio
STAMPEDE STRONG 💪🏾 I found out that this is the first year @calgarystampede @csprideday invited a headliner for the stampede! They’ve had incredible drag performers perform every single year and the event kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger! With over 4000 people in attendance, it’s safe to say that we are not going anywhere! 🌈 we aren’t a religion or a cult… we’re human! I’ll see you again Calgary when I come back from my DEVASTATIA tour in October/November… Look out soon for more dates 🚌 #calgarystampede #devastatia photo by @philcrozier video by Patrick McCloighlin dancers @emilyxxavier @karinagrzella hair @tananuff hair colour @hairbymarcandre costume @marcosquared dancer costumes @aka.thestore in ears @jhaudio
STAMPEDE STRONG 💪🏾 I found out that this is the first year @calgarystampede @csprideday invited a headliner for the stampede! They’ve had incredible drag performers perform every single year and the event kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger! With over 4000 people in attendance, it’s safe to say that we are not going anywhere! 🌈 we aren’t a religion or a cult… we’re human! I’ll see you again Calgary when I come back from my DEVASTATIA tour in October/November… Look out soon for more dates 🚌 #calgarystampede #devastatia photo by @philcrozier video by Patrick McCloighlin dancers @emilyxxavier @karinagrzella hair @tananuff hair colour @hairbymarcandre costume @marcosquared dancer costumes @aka.thestore in ears @jhaudio
STAMPEDE STRONG 💪🏾 I found out that this is the first year @calgarystampede @csprideday invited a headliner for the stampede! They’ve had incredible drag performers perform every single year and the event kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger! With over 4000 people in attendance, it’s safe to say that we are not going anywhere! 🌈 we aren’t a religion or a cult… we’re human! I’ll see you again Calgary when I come back from my DEVASTATIA tour in October/November… Look out soon for more dates 🚌 #calgarystampede #devastatia photo by @philcrozier video by Patrick McCloighlin dancers @emilyxxavier @karinagrzella hair @tananuff hair colour @hairbymarcandre costume @marcosquared dancer costumes @aka.thestore in ears @jhaudio
STAMPEDE STRONG 💪🏾 I found out that this is the first year @calgarystampede @csprideday invited a headliner for the stampede! They’ve had incredible drag performers perform every single year and the event kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger! With over 4000 people in attendance, it’s safe to say that we are not going anywhere! 🌈 we aren’t a religion or a cult… we’re human! I’ll see you again Calgary when I come back from my DEVASTATIA tour in October/November… Look out soon for more dates 🚌 #calgarystampede #devastatia photo by @philcrozier video by Patrick McCloighlin dancers @emilyxxavier @karinagrzella hair @tananuff hair colour @hairbymarcandre costume @marcosquared dancer costumes @aka.thestore in ears @jhaudio
STAMPEDE STRONG 💪🏾 I found out that this is the first year @calgarystampede @csprideday invited a headliner for the stampede! They’ve had incredible drag performers perform every single year and the event kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger! With over 4000 people in attendance, it’s safe to say that we are not going anywhere! 🌈 we aren’t a religion or a cult… we’re human! I’ll see you again Calgary when I come back from my DEVASTATIA tour in October/November… Look out soon for more dates 🚌 #calgarystampede #devastatia photo by @philcrozier video by Patrick McCloighlin dancers @emilyxxavier @karinagrzella hair @tananuff hair colour @hairbymarcandre costume @marcosquared dancer costumes @aka.thestore in ears @jhaudio
“We’re not beneath anybody. We can all succeed.” Singer and drag queen Priyanka (@thequeenpriyanka) stopped by Studio 9 to share what representation truly means, and why it’s in important to see it in everyday life as well. 💖
OTTAWA! See you TONIGHT on the @siriusxmcanada stage @ottawabluesfest at 8pm 🕘 CALGARY! See you at the @calgarystampede on SATURDAY! summer festivals let’s go!!!!
iDEVASTATIA, my debut album drops August 23 2024! the DEVASTATIA world tour, kicks off Oct 2024! tickets ON SALE now at, limited meet & greet avail – many cities sold out already 😭 which city are you coming too?! or which city did I miss? OCT 09 | KINGSTON, ON | THE BROOM FACTORY | @broomfactorykingston @flyingv_productions OCT 11 | MONTREAL, QC | STUDIO TD | @lestudiotd @evenko OCT 19 | NEW YORK CITY | MERCURY LOUNGE | @mercuryeast OCT 20 | WASHINGTON D.C. | SONGBYRD | @songbyrddc OCT 23 | CHICAGO, IL | SCHUBAS TAVERN | @lh_schubas OCT 25 | WINNIPEG, MB | WEST END CULT. CENTRE | @thewecc OCT 26 | REGINA, SK | THE EXCHANGE | @theexchangelive OCT 27 | SASKATOON, SK | LOUIS’ PUB | OCT 28 | EDMONTON, AB | DOUBLE DRAGON | @double_dragon_double_dragon @modoliveofficial OCT 31 | VANCOUVER, BC | CELEBRITIES NIGHTCLUB | @celebrities_van @thisisblueprint NOV 01 | VICTORIA, BC | CAPITAL BALLROOM | @capitalballrm @mrgevents NOV 02 | SEATTLE, WA | MADAME LOU’S | @madame_lous NOV 03 | PORTLAND, OR | MISSISSIPPI STUDIOS | @mississippistudios @truewestconcerts NOV 08 | SAN FRANCISCO, CA | RICKSHAW STOP | @rickshawstop NOV 09 | LOS ANGELES, CA | PEPPERMINT CLUB | @thepeppermintclub @livenation NOV 13 | LONDON, ON | RUM RUNNERS | @londonmusichall NOV 15 | WINDSOR, ON | ROCKSTAR MUSIC HALL | @rockstarwindsor @kokostarrevents NOV 22 | CHARLOTTETOWN, PEI | PEI BREWING | @peibrewingcompany @whitecapentertainment NOV 23 | FREDERICTON, NB | CHARLOTTE ST. ARTS CENTRE | @charlottestreetarts NOV 24 | QUEBEC CITY, QC | LE DRAGUE | @ledraguecabaretclub @unidsounds NOV 27 | TORONTO, ON | AXIS CLUB | @theaxisclub @livenationcanada Creative Directors @taminaparis & @thequeenpriyanka Choreography by @taminaparis, @chauchautrain, @tabbyrockstar & @richysquirrel Dancers @emilyxxavier @ireland_byrne @jamaicafraser @loic.belair @_praveeni @rashae.w @willemsadler Music @joshtrymusic Tour Routing/Live Music Agents @paquinartists / @tao_owl | @tbaagency / @devinlandau stand-by for the album cover drop and more show dates. Get your tickets – you will black out from JOY <3 thank you love you!!! poster @danpolyak photo @merzetti
iDEVASTATIA, my debut album drops August 23 2024! the DEVASTATIA world tour, kicks off Oct 2024! tickets ON SALE now at, limited meet & greet avail – many cities sold out already 😭 which city are you coming too?! or which city did I miss? OCT 09 | KINGSTON, ON | THE BROOM FACTORY | @broomfactorykingston @flyingv_productions OCT 11 | MONTREAL, QC | STUDIO TD | @lestudiotd @evenko OCT 19 | NEW YORK CITY | MERCURY LOUNGE | @mercuryeast OCT 20 | WASHINGTON D.C. | SONGBYRD | @songbyrddc OCT 23 | CHICAGO, IL | SCHUBAS TAVERN | @lh_schubas OCT 25 | WINNIPEG, MB | WEST END CULT. CENTRE | @thewecc OCT 26 | REGINA, SK | THE EXCHANGE | @theexchangelive OCT 27 | SASKATOON, SK | LOUIS’ PUB | OCT 28 | EDMONTON, AB | DOUBLE DRAGON | @double_dragon_double_dragon @modoliveofficial OCT 31 | VANCOUVER, BC | CELEBRITIES NIGHTCLUB | @celebrities_van @thisisblueprint NOV 01 | VICTORIA, BC | CAPITAL BALLROOM | @capitalballrm @mrgevents NOV 02 | SEATTLE, WA | MADAME LOU’S | @madame_lous NOV 03 | PORTLAND, OR | MISSISSIPPI STUDIOS | @mississippistudios @truewestconcerts NOV 08 | SAN FRANCISCO, CA | RICKSHAW STOP | @rickshawstop NOV 09 | LOS ANGELES, CA | PEPPERMINT CLUB | @thepeppermintclub @livenation NOV 13 | LONDON, ON | RUM RUNNERS | @londonmusichall NOV 15 | WINDSOR, ON | ROCKSTAR MUSIC HALL | @rockstarwindsor @kokostarrevents NOV 22 | CHARLOTTETOWN, PEI | PEI BREWING | @peibrewingcompany @whitecapentertainment NOV 23 | FREDERICTON, NB | CHARLOTTE ST. ARTS CENTRE | @charlottestreetarts NOV 24 | QUEBEC CITY, QC | LE DRAGUE | @ledraguecabaretclub @unidsounds NOV 27 | TORONTO, ON | AXIS CLUB | @theaxisclub @livenationcanada Creative Directors @taminaparis & @thequeenpriyanka Choreography by @taminaparis, @chauchautrain, @tabbyrockstar & @richysquirrel Dancers @emilyxxavier @ireland_byrne @jamaicafraser @loic.belair @_praveeni @rashae.w @willemsadler Music @joshtrymusic Tour Routing/Live Music Agents @paquinartists / @tao_owl | @tbaagency / @devinlandau stand-by for the album cover drop and more show dates. Get your tickets – you will black out from JOY <3 thank you love you!!! poster @danpolyak photo @merzetti
iDEVASTATIA, my debut album drops August 23 2024! the DEVASTATIA world tour, kicks off Oct 2024! tickets ON SALE now at, limited meet & greet avail – many cities sold out already 😭 which city are you coming too?! or which city did I miss? OCT 09 | KINGSTON, ON | THE BROOM FACTORY | @broomfactorykingston @flyingv_productions OCT 11 | MONTREAL, QC | STUDIO TD | @lestudiotd @evenko OCT 19 | NEW YORK CITY | MERCURY LOUNGE | @mercuryeast OCT 20 | WASHINGTON D.C. | SONGBYRD | @songbyrddc OCT 23 | CHICAGO, IL | SCHUBAS TAVERN | @lh_schubas OCT 25 | WINNIPEG, MB | WEST END CULT. CENTRE | @thewecc OCT 26 | REGINA, SK | THE EXCHANGE | @theexchangelive OCT 27 | SASKATOON, SK | LOUIS’ PUB | OCT 28 | EDMONTON, AB | DOUBLE DRAGON | @double_dragon_double_dragon @modoliveofficial OCT 31 | VANCOUVER, BC | CELEBRITIES NIGHTCLUB | @celebrities_van @thisisblueprint NOV 01 | VICTORIA, BC | CAPITAL BALLROOM | @capitalballrm @mrgevents NOV 02 | SEATTLE, WA | MADAME LOU’S | @madame_lous NOV 03 | PORTLAND, OR | MISSISSIPPI STUDIOS | @mississippistudios @truewestconcerts NOV 08 | SAN FRANCISCO, CA | RICKSHAW STOP | @rickshawstop NOV 09 | LOS ANGELES, CA | PEPPERMINT CLUB | @thepeppermintclub @livenation NOV 13 | LONDON, ON | RUM RUNNERS | @londonmusichall NOV 15 | WINDSOR, ON | ROCKSTAR MUSIC HALL | @rockstarwindsor @kokostarrevents NOV 22 | CHARLOTTETOWN, PEI | PEI BREWING | @peibrewingcompany @whitecapentertainment NOV 23 | FREDERICTON, NB | CHARLOTTE ST. ARTS CENTRE | @charlottestreetarts NOV 24 | QUEBEC CITY, QC | LE DRAGUE | @ledraguecabaretclub @unidsounds NOV 27 | TORONTO, ON | AXIS CLUB | @theaxisclub @livenationcanada Creative Directors @taminaparis & @thequeenpriyanka Choreography by @taminaparis, @chauchautrain, @tabbyrockstar & @richysquirrel Dancers @emilyxxavier @ireland_byrne @jamaicafraser @loic.belair @_praveeni @rashae.w @willemsadler Music @joshtrymusic Tour Routing/Live Music Agents @paquinartists / @tao_owl | @tbaagency / @devinlandau stand-by for the album cover drop and more show dates. Get your tickets – you will black out from JOY <3 thank you love you!!! poster @danpolyak photo @merzetti
lol im headlining @calgarystampede 🤯🎤✈️💝 Saturday July 06 @csprideday 2-6pm NASHVILLE NORTH …like this is actually CRAZY!!!!!!! album drops august! 💿 @tao_owl you outdid yourself with this one 🌈
lol im headlining @calgarystampede 🤯🎤✈️💝 Saturday July 06 @csprideday 2-6pm NASHVILLE NORTH …like this is actually CRAZY!!!!!!! album drops august! 💿 @tao_owl you outdid yourself with this one 🌈
lol im headlining @calgarystampede 🤯🎤✈️💝 Saturday July 06 @csprideday 2-6pm NASHVILLE NORTH …like this is actually CRAZY!!!!!!! album drops august! 💿 @tao_owl you outdid yourself with this one 🌈
lol im headlining @calgarystampede 🤯🎤✈️💝 Saturday July 06 @csprideday 2-6pm NASHVILLE NORTH …like this is actually CRAZY!!!!!!! album drops august! 💿 @tao_owl you outdid yourself with this one 🌈
lol im headlining @calgarystampede 🤯🎤✈️💝 Saturday July 06 @csprideday 2-6pm NASHVILLE NORTH …like this is actually CRAZY!!!!!!! album drops august! 💿 @tao_owl you outdid yourself with this one 🌈
We had the pleasure of hosting a drag show with none other than Canada’s drag queen, @thequeenpriyanka this week in support of #PrideMonth 🤩 Priyanka won the first season of Canada’s Drag Race in 2020 and is also featured in HBO’s series “We’re Here.” Did we mention she’ll be taking off on her world tour this fall? ✈️ Happy Pride! 🌈 #PearsonProud #PearsonPartner
WHAT’S HER NAME? @thequeenpriyanka, Canada’s Drag Race FIRST WINNER, is taking center stage this July in the OFFICIAL Mobile Game. Snatch that BPE (Big! Priyanka! Energy!) with her SEASON PASS, and TWO MAIN EVENTS you won’t want to miss. Download now! #RDRSuperstar #DragRace #Priyanka #CanadasDragRace
bitch, I’m busy! 🎥 @graemeleung
Get ready for your own HOT GIRL SUMMER with @thequeenpriyanka! Want to know what it feels like to be a WINNER? Then download @RDRSuperstar, The Official Mobile Game to snatch up some of her ICONIC looks! Download now from the 🔗 in bio! #RDRSuperstar #DragRace #CanadasDragRace #Priyanka