Gladys Li Top 100 Instagram Photos and Posts

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Gladys Li Most Liked Photos and Posts

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Most liked photo of Gladys Li with over 3.1K likes is the following photo

Most liked Instagram photo of Gladys Li
We have around 101 most liked photos of Gladys Li with the thumbnails listed below. Click on any of them to view the full image along with its caption, like count, and a button to download the photo.

Gladys Li Instagram - It’s Friday… wanna go down like (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) ✨
Gladys Li Instagram - To all my friends who are drunk again *leonardo cheers gif*

Drunk - @keshi cover by @robertomadan & 

Mixed by @tombeats.bass 
#keshi #cover #drunk
Gladys Li Instagram - 我記得好耐之前有人喺你問我答問過我 「最中意自己邊首歌?」我答下一首 不是懶有型 我最喜歡的就係呢首歌 只係無諗過 等咗咁耐佢先可以同大家見面

首先要多謝 @gilitteleung 如果唔係佢本身都無得開始呢個project(´・ω・`)
呢首歌 無論係寫定係錄 都係前所未有地咁好玩同輕鬆 @sotoc thankyou! (記住聽下牛頭角小春in the background) 
@chungsaid 第一次合作多多指教 下次一齊唱xd

also s/o to @cow10_ 識咗咁耐第一次合作 thankyou for creating the perfect visuals for this song 
and also s/o to the whole mv team i truly appreciate everyones hardwork esp the art n cg 
大癲 無諗過我嘅mv can afford green screen xddddd

last but not least s/o to my 扮靚靚team angel, ziv, nam (遙距支持), and sam拍到行屍走肉咁thanks so much:’))))) 

我打完呢段captions 應該都差唔多00:00 《00000》is out now!☆

if not 可以睇住low res bts first, i have no idea why the quality is so bad and i could not find the original but ok la xd
Gladys Li Instagram - 我記得好耐之前有人喺你問我答問過我 「最中意自己邊首歌?」我答下一首 不是懶有型 我最喜歡的就係呢首歌 只係無諗過 等咗咁耐佢先可以同大家見面

首先要多謝 @gilitteleung 如果唔係佢本身都無得開始呢個project(´・ω・`)
呢首歌 無論係寫定係錄 都係前所未有地咁好玩同輕鬆 @sotoc thankyou! (記住聽下牛頭角小春in the background) 
@chungsaid 第一次合作多多指教 下次一齊唱xd

also s/o to @cow10_ 識咗咁耐第一次合作 thankyou for creating the perfect visuals for this song 
and also s/o to the whole mv team i truly appreciate everyones hardwork esp the art n cg 
大癲 無諗過我嘅mv can afford green screen xddddd

last but not least s/o to my 扮靚靚team angel, ziv, nam (遙距支持), and sam拍到行屍走肉咁thanks so much:’))))) 

我打完呢段captions 應該都差唔多00:00 《00000》is out now!☆

if not 可以睇住low res bts first, i have no idea why the quality is so bad and i could not find the original but ok la xd
Gladys Li Instagram - 我記得好耐之前有人喺你問我答問過我 「最中意自己邊首歌?」我答下一首 不是懶有型 我最喜歡的就係呢首歌 只係無諗過 等咗咁耐佢先可以同大家見面

首先要多謝 @gilitteleung 如果唔係佢本身都無得開始呢個project(´・ω・`)
呢首歌 無論係寫定係錄 都係前所未有地咁好玩同輕鬆 @sotoc thankyou! (記住聽下牛頭角小春in the background) 
@chungsaid 第一次合作多多指教 下次一齊唱xd

also s/o to @cow10_ 識咗咁耐第一次合作 thankyou for creating the perfect visuals for this song 
and also s/o to the whole mv team i truly appreciate everyones hardwork esp the art n cg 
大癲 無諗過我嘅mv can afford green screen xddddd

last but not least s/o to my 扮靚靚team angel, ziv, nam (遙距支持), and sam拍到行屍走肉咁thanks so much:’))))) 

我打完呢段captions 應該都差唔多00:00 《00000》is out now!☆

if not 可以睇住low res bts first, i have no idea why the quality is so bad and i could not find the original but ok la xd
Gladys Li Instagram - 我記得好耐之前有人喺你問我答問過我 「最中意自己邊首歌?」我答下一首 不是懶有型 我最喜歡的就係呢首歌 只係無諗過 等咗咁耐佢先可以同大家見面

首先要多謝 @gilitteleung 如果唔係佢本身都無得開始呢個project(´・ω・`)
呢首歌 無論係寫定係錄 都係前所未有地咁好玩同輕鬆 @sotoc thankyou! (記住聽下牛頭角小春in the background) 
@chungsaid 第一次合作多多指教 下次一齊唱xd

also s/o to @cow10_ 識咗咁耐第一次合作 thankyou for creating the perfect visuals for this song 
and also s/o to the whole mv team i truly appreciate everyones hardwork esp the art n cg 
大癲 無諗過我嘅mv can afford green screen xddddd

last but not least s/o to my 扮靚靚team angel, ziv, nam (遙距支持), and sam拍到行屍走肉咁thanks so much:’))))) 

我打完呢段captions 應該都差唔多00:00 《00000》is out now!☆

if not 可以睇住low res bts first, i have no idea why the quality is so bad and i could not find the original but ok la xd
Gladys Li Instagram - 我記得好耐之前有人喺你問我答問過我 「最中意自己邊首歌?」我答下一首 不是懶有型 我最喜歡的就係呢首歌 只係無諗過 等咗咁耐佢先可以同大家見面

首先要多謝 @gilitteleung 如果唔係佢本身都無得開始呢個project(´・ω・`)
呢首歌 無論係寫定係錄 都係前所未有地咁好玩同輕鬆 @sotoc thankyou! (記住聽下牛頭角小春in the background) 
@chungsaid 第一次合作多多指教 下次一齊唱xd

also s/o to @cow10_ 識咗咁耐第一次合作 thankyou for creating the perfect visuals for this song 
and also s/o to the whole mv team i truly appreciate everyones hardwork esp the art n cg 
大癲 無諗過我嘅mv can afford green screen xddddd

last but not least s/o to my 扮靚靚team angel, ziv, nam (遙距支持), and sam拍到行屍走肉咁thanks so much:’))))) 

我打完呢段captions 應該都差唔多00:00 《00000》is out now!☆

if not 可以睇住low res bts first, i have no idea why the quality is so bad and i could not find the original but ok la xd
Gladys Li Instagram - 我記得好耐之前有人喺你問我答問過我 「最中意自己邊首歌?」我答下一首 不是懶有型 我最喜歡的就係呢首歌 只係無諗過 等咗咁耐佢先可以同大家見面

首先要多謝 @gilitteleung 如果唔係佢本身都無得開始呢個project(´・ω・`)
呢首歌 無論係寫定係錄 都係前所未有地咁好玩同輕鬆 @sotoc thankyou! (記住聽下牛頭角小春in the background) 
@chungsaid 第一次合作多多指教 下次一齊唱xd

also s/o to @cow10_ 識咗咁耐第一次合作 thankyou for creating the perfect visuals for this song 
and also s/o to the whole mv team i truly appreciate everyones hardwork esp the art n cg 
大癲 無諗過我嘅mv can afford green screen xddddd

last but not least s/o to my 扮靚靚team angel, ziv, nam (遙距支持), and sam拍到行屍走肉咁thanks so much:’))))) 

我打完呢段captions 應該都差唔多00:00 《00000》is out now!☆

if not 可以睇住low res bts first, i have no idea why the quality is so bad and i could not find the original but ok la xd
Gladys Li Instagram - 很像差一點什麼



📸: @dangraphy_ #Danieology 
#hongkong #ifyouknowyouknow #moody #staypositive #stayhappy #night #nightphotography #portrait #portraitphotography #canonhk #hkig  #emotions #emo
Gladys Li Instagram - 很像差一點什麼



📸: @dangraphy_ #Danieology 
#hongkong #ifyouknowyouknow #moody #staypositive #stayhappy #night #nightphotography #portrait #portraitphotography #canonhk #hkig  #emotions #emo
Gladys Li Instagram - 很像差一點什麼



📸: @dangraphy_ #Danieology 
#hongkong #ifyouknowyouknow #moody #staypositive #stayhappy #night #nightphotography #portrait #portraitphotography #canonhk #hkig  #emotions #emo
Gladys Li Instagram - 很像差一點什麼



📸: @dangraphy_ #Danieology 
#hongkong #ifyouknowyouknow #moody #staypositive #stayhappy #night #nightphotography #portrait #portraitphotography #canonhk #hkig  #emotions #emo
Gladys Li Instagram - it’s something harsh
Gladys Li Instagram - pancakes on my mind🥞
Gladys Li Instagram - 多謝多謝多謝! 多謝所有恨駕嘅觀眾嘅支持 將我哋送去大阪
希望下次可以恨駕去德國or 冰島or anywhere around the world
辛苦哂this amazing crew 話說我哋架車有個walkie 可以同crew車聯繫 開咗車五分鐘walkie已經無人應 因為全部攰到訓哂覺d(^_^o)
anyway fun trip and hope you guys enjoy the show!★彡
Gladys Li Instagram - 多謝多謝多謝! 多謝所有恨駕嘅觀眾嘅支持 將我哋送去大阪
希望下次可以恨駕去德國or 冰島or anywhere around the world
辛苦哂this amazing crew 話說我哋架車有個walkie 可以同crew車聯繫 開咗車五分鐘walkie已經無人應 因為全部攰到訓哂覺d(^_^o)
anyway fun trip and hope you guys enjoy the show!★彡
Gladys Li Instagram - 多謝多謝多謝! 多謝所有恨駕嘅觀眾嘅支持 將我哋送去大阪
希望下次可以恨駕去德國or 冰島or anywhere around the world
辛苦哂this amazing crew 話說我哋架車有個walkie 可以同crew車聯繫 開咗車五分鐘walkie已經無人應 因為全部攰到訓哂覺d(^_^o)
anyway fun trip and hope you guys enjoy the show!★彡
Gladys Li Instagram - 多謝多謝多謝! 多謝所有恨駕嘅觀眾嘅支持 將我哋送去大阪
希望下次可以恨駕去德國or 冰島or anywhere around the world
辛苦哂this amazing crew 話說我哋架車有個walkie 可以同crew車聯繫 開咗車五分鐘walkie已經無人應 因為全部攰到訓哂覺d(^_^o)
anyway fun trip and hope you guys enjoy the show!★彡
Gladys Li Instagram - 多謝多謝多謝! 多謝所有恨駕嘅觀眾嘅支持 將我哋送去大阪
希望下次可以恨駕去德國or 冰島or anywhere around the world
辛苦哂this amazing crew 話說我哋架車有個walkie 可以同crew車聯繫 開咗車五分鐘walkie已經無人應 因為全部攰到訓哂覺d(^_^o)
anyway fun trip and hope you guys enjoy the show!★彡
Gladys Li Instagram - 多謝多謝多謝! 多謝所有恨駕嘅觀眾嘅支持 將我哋送去大阪
希望下次可以恨駕去德國or 冰島or anywhere around the world
辛苦哂this amazing crew 話說我哋架車有個walkie 可以同crew車聯繫 開咗車五分鐘walkie已經無人應 因為全部攰到訓哂覺d(^_^o)
anyway fun trip and hope you guys enjoy the show!★彡
Gladys Li Instagram - b for brilliant! ★彡
n with a shirt that i really wanted to buy but i did not
Gladys Li Instagram - b for brilliant! ★彡
n with a shirt that i really wanted to buy but i did not
Gladys Li Instagram - b for brilliant! ★彡
n with a shirt that i really wanted to buy but i did not
Gladys Li Instagram - b for brilliant! ★彡
n with a shirt that i really wanted to buy but i did not
Gladys Li Instagram - b for brilliant! ★彡
n with a shirt that i really wanted to buy but i did not
Gladys Li Instagram - b for brilliant! ★彡
n with a shirt that i really wanted to buy but i did not
Gladys Li Instagram - b for brilliant! ★彡
n with a shirt that i really wanted to buy but i did not
Gladys Li Instagram - my solo tokyo tripv(^_^v)♪
Gladys Li Instagram - my solo tokyo tripv(^_^v)♪
Gladys Li Instagram - my solo tokyo tripv(^_^v)♪
Gladys Li Instagram - my solo tokyo tripv(^_^v)♪
Gladys Li Instagram - my solo tokyo tripv(^_^v)♪
Gladys Li Instagram - my solo tokyo tripv(^_^v)♪
Gladys Li Instagram - my solo tokyo tripv(^_^v)♪
Gladys Li Instagram - tick tick tick... that‘s the sound of time passing by... make every moment count with CHAGALL’S BLUE CIRCUS​

@swatch @swatch_hk​
#SwatchxTateGallery #SwatchLovesArt​

CHAGALL ®️ and MARC CHAGALL®️ are registered trade marks owned by Comité Marc Chagall ©️ DACS 2024 ©️ Tate
Gladys Li Instagram - tick tick tick... that‘s the sound of time passing by... make every moment count with CHAGALL’S BLUE CIRCUS​

@swatch @swatch_hk​
#SwatchxTateGallery #SwatchLovesArt​

CHAGALL ®️ and MARC CHAGALL®️ are registered trade marks owned by Comité Marc Chagall ©️ DACS 2024 ©️ Tate
Gladys Li Instagram - tick tick tick... that‘s the sound of time passing by... make every moment count with CHAGALL’S BLUE CIRCUS​

@swatch @swatch_hk​
#SwatchxTateGallery #SwatchLovesArt​

CHAGALL ®️ and MARC CHAGALL®️ are registered trade marks owned by Comité Marc Chagall ©️ DACS 2024 ©️ Tate
Gladys Li Instagram - tick tick tick... that‘s the sound of time passing by... make every moment count with CHAGALL’S BLUE CIRCUS​

@swatch @swatch_hk​
#SwatchxTateGallery #SwatchLovesArt​

CHAGALL ®️ and MARC CHAGALL®️ are registered trade marks owned by Comité Marc Chagall ©️ DACS 2024 ©️ Tate
Gladys Li Instagram - 想分享在北京的超豪華用餐體驗~ 因為人數眾多的關係 經常用包廂 literally eating like a boss 每次入房都嚇一跳 個人認為 咁多度菜的mvp 是脆皮鴨壽司(自己改嘅名xd) 口感層次非常豐富 皮脆 但油香給下面的脆脆吸收了 令我感受到長達五分鐘的口腔高潮 
還有2015年得獎的魚 香滑 有魚香 無骨 我估佢加咗啲梅中和咗魚腥帶出清甜感覺
作為打邊爐之鬼 食羊配麻醬ok 牛普通
Gladys Li Instagram - 想分享在北京的超豪華用餐體驗~ 因為人數眾多的關係 經常用包廂 literally eating like a boss 每次入房都嚇一跳 個人認為 咁多度菜的mvp 是脆皮鴨壽司(自己改嘅名xd) 口感層次非常豐富 皮脆 但油香給下面的脆脆吸收了 令我感受到長達五分鐘的口腔高潮 
還有2015年得獎的魚 香滑 有魚香 無骨 我估佢加咗啲梅中和咗魚腥帶出清甜感覺
作為打邊爐之鬼 食羊配麻醬ok 牛普通
Gladys Li Instagram - 想分享在北京的超豪華用餐體驗~ 因為人數眾多的關係 經常用包廂 literally eating like a boss 每次入房都嚇一跳 個人認為 咁多度菜的mvp 是脆皮鴨壽司(自己改嘅名xd) 口感層次非常豐富 皮脆 但油香給下面的脆脆吸收了 令我感受到長達五分鐘的口腔高潮 
還有2015年得獎的魚 香滑 有魚香 無骨 我估佢加咗啲梅中和咗魚腥帶出清甜感覺
作為打邊爐之鬼 食羊配麻醬ok 牛普通
Gladys Li Instagram - 想分享在北京的超豪華用餐體驗~ 因為人數眾多的關係 經常用包廂 literally eating like a boss 每次入房都嚇一跳 個人認為 咁多度菜的mvp 是脆皮鴨壽司(自己改嘅名xd) 口感層次非常豐富 皮脆 但油香給下面的脆脆吸收了 令我感受到長達五分鐘的口腔高潮 
還有2015年得獎的魚 香滑 有魚香 無骨 我估佢加咗啲梅中和咗魚腥帶出清甜感覺
作為打邊爐之鬼 食羊配麻醬ok 牛普通
Gladys Li Instagram - 想分享在北京的超豪華用餐體驗~ 因為人數眾多的關係 經常用包廂 literally eating like a boss 每次入房都嚇一跳 個人認為 咁多度菜的mvp 是脆皮鴨壽司(自己改嘅名xd) 口感層次非常豐富 皮脆 但油香給下面的脆脆吸收了 令我感受到長達五分鐘的口腔高潮 
還有2015年得獎的魚 香滑 有魚香 無骨 我估佢加咗啲梅中和咗魚腥帶出清甜感覺
作為打邊爐之鬼 食羊配麻醬ok 牛普通
Gladys Li Instagram - 想分享在北京的超豪華用餐體驗~ 因為人數眾多的關係 經常用包廂 literally eating like a boss 每次入房都嚇一跳 個人認為 咁多度菜的mvp 是脆皮鴨壽司(自己改嘅名xd) 口感層次非常豐富 皮脆 但油香給下面的脆脆吸收了 令我感受到長達五分鐘的口腔高潮 
還有2015年得獎的魚 香滑 有魚香 無骨 我估佢加咗啲梅中和咗魚腥帶出清甜感覺
作為打邊爐之鬼 食羊配麻醬ok 牛普通
Gladys Li Instagram - 想分享在北京的超豪華用餐體驗~ 因為人數眾多的關係 經常用包廂 literally eating like a boss 每次入房都嚇一跳 個人認為 咁多度菜的mvp 是脆皮鴨壽司(自己改嘅名xd) 口感層次非常豐富 皮脆 但油香給下面的脆脆吸收了 令我感受到長達五分鐘的口腔高潮 
還有2015年得獎的魚 香滑 有魚香 無骨 我估佢加咗啲梅中和咗魚腥帶出清甜感覺
作為打邊爐之鬼 食羊配麻醬ok 牛普通
Gladys Li Instagram - 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪

Look: @moschino
Heels: @jimmychoo
Jewellery: @damianiofficial
styled by @yoyokwans 
hair by @haffmancheng
Gladys Li Instagram - 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪

Look: @moschino
Heels: @jimmychoo
Jewellery: @damianiofficial
styled by @yoyokwans 
hair by @haffmancheng
Gladys Li Instagram - 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪

Look: @moschino
Heels: @jimmychoo
Jewellery: @damianiofficial
styled by @yoyokwans 
hair by @haffmancheng
Gladys Li Instagram - 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪

Look: @moschino
Heels: @jimmychoo
Jewellery: @damianiofficial
styled by @yoyokwans 
hair by @haffmancheng
Gladys Li Instagram - 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪

Look: @moschino
Heels: @jimmychoo
Jewellery: @damianiofficial
styled by @yoyokwans 
hair by @haffmancheng
Gladys Li Instagram - 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪

Look: @moschino
Heels: @jimmychoo
Jewellery: @damianiofficial
styled by @yoyokwans 
hair by @haffmancheng
Gladys Li Instagram - 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪

Look: @moschino
Heels: @jimmychoo
Jewellery: @damianiofficial
styled by @yoyokwans 
hair by @haffmancheng
Gladys Li Instagram - 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪

Look: @moschino
Heels: @jimmychoo
Jewellery: @damianiofficial
styled by @yoyokwans 
hair by @haffmancheng
Gladys Li Instagram - 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪

Look: @moschino
Heels: @jimmychoo
Jewellery: @damianiofficial
styled by @yoyokwans 
hair by @haffmancheng
Gladys Li Instagram - 又一年金像獎! 每年都好感動! 的確電影圈是一個好需要耐性的地方 所以想恭喜所有得獎者 你們的等待得到回報了!!!!! 是日最感動的一定是 @norris_wong_lyricist @ngayiii 有看填詞L的你會懂
起哂雞皮!!!!! 期待下一年的盛事! ★彡

wearing @sportmax @sportmax_hk 
with @jimmychoo 
make up by myself haha im impressed by my own makeup
Gladys Li Instagram - 又一年金像獎! 每年都好感動! 的確電影圈是一個好需要耐性的地方 所以想恭喜所有得獎者 你們的等待得到回報了!!!!! 是日最感動的一定是 @norris_wong_lyricist @ngayiii 有看填詞L的你會懂
起哂雞皮!!!!! 期待下一年的盛事! ★彡

wearing @sportmax @sportmax_hk 
with @jimmychoo 
make up by myself haha im impressed by my own makeup
Gladys Li Instagram - 又一年金像獎! 每年都好感動! 的確電影圈是一個好需要耐性的地方 所以想恭喜所有得獎者 你們的等待得到回報了!!!!! 是日最感動的一定是 @norris_wong_lyricist @ngayiii 有看填詞L的你會懂
起哂雞皮!!!!! 期待下一年的盛事! ★彡

wearing @sportmax @sportmax_hk 
with @jimmychoo 
make up by myself haha im impressed by my own makeup
Gladys Li Instagram - i accidentally finished five seasons of Kim’s Convenience🫠
Gladys Li Instagram - i accidentally finished five seasons of Kim’s Convenience🫠
Gladys Li Instagram - i accidentally finished five seasons of Kim’s Convenience🫠
Gladys Li Instagram - i accidentally finished five seasons of Kim’s Convenience🫠
Gladys Li Instagram - i accidentally finished five seasons of Kim’s Convenience🫠
Gladys Li Instagram - i accidentally finished five seasons of Kim’s Convenience🫠
Gladys Li Instagram - i accidentally finished five seasons of Kim’s Convenience🫠
Gladys Li Instagram - this new ari song has been stuck in my head for a while, so I’ve decided to make it contagious (^_−)−☆

thank you @tombeats.bass for mixing this(^O^☆♪
Gladys Li Instagram - dope days, chill nights, good company, and mellow vibes💯💌🪩
Gladys Li Instagram - dope days, chill nights, good company, and mellow vibes💯💌🪩
Gladys Li Instagram - dope days, chill nights, good company, and mellow vibes💯💌🪩
Gladys Li Instagram - dope days, chill nights, good company, and mellow vibes💯💌🪩
Gladys Li Instagram - denim on denim could never go wrong! 👕👖🧢🐟

@atsurotayama @sidefamehk
#AtsuroTayama #avantgarde #SS24
Gladys Li Instagram - denim on denim could never go wrong! 👕👖🧢🐟

@atsurotayama @sidefamehk
#AtsuroTayama #avantgarde #SS24
Gladys Li Instagram - denim on denim could never go wrong! 👕👖🧢🐟

@atsurotayama @sidefamehk
#AtsuroTayama #avantgarde #SS24
Gladys Li Instagram - sakura seasonΣ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ
Gladys Li Instagram - sakura seasonΣ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ
Gladys Li Instagram - sakura seasonΣ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ
Gladys Li Instagram - sakura seasonΣ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ
Gladys Li Instagram - sakura seasonΣ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ
Gladys Li Instagram - touring around on the Marimekko Unikko tramv(^_^v)♪

@marimekkohk #marimekko #marimekkohk #unikko60years
Gladys Li Instagram - touring around on the Marimekko Unikko tramv(^_^v)♪

@marimekkohk #marimekko #marimekkohk #unikko60years
Gladys Li Instagram - touring around on the Marimekko Unikko tramv(^_^v)♪

@marimekkohk #marimekko #marimekkohk #unikko60years
Gladys Li Instagram - touring around on the Marimekko Unikko tramv(^_^v)♪

@marimekkohk #marimekko #marimekkohk #unikko60years
Gladys Li Instagram - moonlit whisper, twilight kisses🌙
Gladys Li Instagram - moonlit whisper, twilight kisses🌙
Gladys Li Instagram - moonlit whisper, twilight kisses🌙
Gladys Li Instagram - 又到咗每年嘅雪季 要好好珍惜
過來人表示 唔好覺得可以靠自己睇下youtube就滑到好勁 真係唔好浪費時間 一定要搵個好嘅教練( ;´Д`) 我就白白浪費咗兩個雪季 滑黎滑去都係咁 今年終於覺得自己進步咗啲啲 仲有啲新野練下

去開白馬/ 湯沢可以搵 風趣幽默 細心有耐性嘅滑雪小王子 @derrickiiiwong 
希望下個雪季可以再進步!!! v(^_^v)♪
Gladys Li Instagram - a day in hakuba
Gladys Li Instagram - a day in hakuba
Gladys Li Instagram - a day in hakuba
Gladys Li Instagram - a day in hakuba
Gladys Li Instagram - a day in hakuba
Gladys Li Instagram - a day in hakuba
Gladys Li Instagram - i guess you wonder where i’d been☃️
Gladys Li Instagram - Wrapped in the classic allure of Burberry’s trench and carrying the new Knight Bag, I move through the world with an effortless grace
@Burberry #Burberry 
@HarbourCity #HarbourCity
Gladys Li Instagram - Wrapped in the classic allure of Burberry’s trench and carrying the new Knight Bag, I move through the world with an effortless grace
@Burberry #Burberry 
@HarbourCity #HarbourCity
Gladys Li Instagram - Wrapped in the classic allure of Burberry’s trench and carrying the new Knight Bag, I move through the world with an effortless grace
@Burberry #Burberry 
@HarbourCity #HarbourCity
Gladys Li Instagram - 每次都會和自己說
 📸 : @dangraphy_ #danieology 
#hongkong #canonhk #hkig #moody #film #portraitphotography #portrait #vibe #staypositive #moveon #hongkonger #hk #canonr6 #staystrong
Gladys Li Instagram - 每次都會和自己說
 📸 : @dangraphy_ #danieology 
#hongkong #canonhk #hkig #moody #film #portraitphotography #portrait #vibe #staypositive #moveon #hongkonger #hk #canonr6 #staystrong
Gladys Li Instagram - 每次都會和自己說
 📸 : @dangraphy_ #danieology 
#hongkong #canonhk #hkig #moody #film #portraitphotography #portrait #vibe #staypositive #moveon #hongkonger #hk #canonr6 #staystrong
Gladys Li Instagram - 🥀
@ralphlauren @poloralphlauren 
Gladys Li Instagram - 🥀
@ralphlauren @poloralphlauren 
Gladys Li - 3.1K Likes - It’s Friday… wanna go down like (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) ✨

3.1K Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : It’s Friday… wanna go down like (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) ✨
Likes : 3075
Gladys Li - 2.1K Likes - To all my friends who are drunk again *leonardo cheers gif*

Drunk - @keshi cover by @robertomadan & 

Mixed by @tombeats.bass 
#keshi #cover #drunk

2.1K Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : To all my friends who are drunk again *leonardo cheers gif* Drunk – @keshi cover by @robertomadan & Mixed by @tombeats.bass #keshi #cover #drunk
Likes : 2128
Gladys Li - 1.4K Likes - 我記得好耐之前有人喺你問我答問過我 「最中意自己邊首歌?」我答下一首 不是懶有型 我最喜歡的就係呢首歌 只係無諗過 等咗咁耐佢先可以同大家見面

首先要多謝 @gilitteleung 如果唔係佢本身都無得開始呢個project(´・ω・`)
呢首歌 無論係寫定係錄 都係前所未有地咁好玩同輕鬆 @sotoc thankyou! (記住聽下牛頭角小春in the background) 
@chungsaid 第一次合作多多指教 下次一齊唱xd

also s/o to @cow10_ 識咗咁耐第一次合作 thankyou for creating the perfect visuals for this song 
and also s/o to the whole mv team i truly appreciate everyones hardwork esp the art n cg 
大癲 無諗過我嘅mv can afford green screen xddddd

last but not least s/o to my 扮靚靚team angel, ziv, nam (遙距支持), and sam拍到行屍走肉咁thanks so much:’))))) 

我打完呢段captions 應該都差唔多00:00 《00000》is out now!☆

if not 可以睇住low res bts first, i have no idea why the quality is so bad and i could not find the original but ok la xd

1.4K Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 我記得好耐之前有人喺你問我答問過我 「最中意自己邊首歌?」我答下一首 不是懶有型 我最喜歡的就係呢首歌 只係無諗過 等咗咁耐佢先可以同大家見面 首先要多謝 @gilitteleung 如果唔係佢本身都無得開始呢個project(´・ω・`) 呢首歌 無論係寫定係錄 都係前所未有地咁好玩同輕鬆 @sotoc thankyou! (記住聽下牛頭角小春in the background) @chungsaid 第一次合作多多指教 下次一齊唱xd also s/o to @cow10_ 識咗咁耐第一次合作 thankyou for creating the perfect visuals for this song and also s/o to the whole mv team i truly appreciate everyones hardwork esp the art n cg 大癲 無諗過我嘅mv can afford green screen xddddd last but not least s/o to my 扮靚靚team angel, ziv, nam (遙距支持), and sam拍到行屍走肉咁thanks so much:’))))) 我打完呢段captions 應該都差唔多00:00 《00000》is out now!☆ if not 可以睇住low res bts first, i have no idea why the quality is so bad and i could not find the original but ok la xd
Likes : 1392
Gladys Li - 1.4K Likes - 我記得好耐之前有人喺你問我答問過我 「最中意自己邊首歌?」我答下一首 不是懶有型 我最喜歡的就係呢首歌 只係無諗過 等咗咁耐佢先可以同大家見面

首先要多謝 @gilitteleung 如果唔係佢本身都無得開始呢個project(´・ω・`)
呢首歌 無論係寫定係錄 都係前所未有地咁好玩同輕鬆 @sotoc thankyou! (記住聽下牛頭角小春in the background) 
@chungsaid 第一次合作多多指教 下次一齊唱xd

also s/o to @cow10_ 識咗咁耐第一次合作 thankyou for creating the perfect visuals for this song 
and also s/o to the whole mv team i truly appreciate everyones hardwork esp the art n cg 
大癲 無諗過我嘅mv can afford green screen xddddd

last but not least s/o to my 扮靚靚team angel, ziv, nam (遙距支持), and sam拍到行屍走肉咁thanks so much:’))))) 

我打完呢段captions 應該都差唔多00:00 《00000》is out now!☆

if not 可以睇住low res bts first, i have no idea why the quality is so bad and i could not find the original but ok la xd

1.4K Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 我記得好耐之前有人喺你問我答問過我 「最中意自己邊首歌?」我答下一首 不是懶有型 我最喜歡的就係呢首歌 只係無諗過 等咗咁耐佢先可以同大家見面 首先要多謝 @gilitteleung 如果唔係佢本身都無得開始呢個project(´・ω・`) 呢首歌 無論係寫定係錄 都係前所未有地咁好玩同輕鬆 @sotoc thankyou! (記住聽下牛頭角小春in the background) @chungsaid 第一次合作多多指教 下次一齊唱xd also s/o to @cow10_ 識咗咁耐第一次合作 thankyou for creating the perfect visuals for this song and also s/o to the whole mv team i truly appreciate everyones hardwork esp the art n cg 大癲 無諗過我嘅mv can afford green screen xddddd last but not least s/o to my 扮靚靚team angel, ziv, nam (遙距支持), and sam拍到行屍走肉咁thanks so much:’))))) 我打完呢段captions 應該都差唔多00:00 《00000》is out now!☆ if not 可以睇住low res bts first, i have no idea why the quality is so bad and i could not find the original but ok la xd
Likes : 1392
Gladys Li - 1.4K Likes - 我記得好耐之前有人喺你問我答問過我 「最中意自己邊首歌?」我答下一首 不是懶有型 我最喜歡的就係呢首歌 只係無諗過 等咗咁耐佢先可以同大家見面

首先要多謝 @gilitteleung 如果唔係佢本身都無得開始呢個project(´・ω・`)
呢首歌 無論係寫定係錄 都係前所未有地咁好玩同輕鬆 @sotoc thankyou! (記住聽下牛頭角小春in the background) 
@chungsaid 第一次合作多多指教 下次一齊唱xd

also s/o to @cow10_ 識咗咁耐第一次合作 thankyou for creating the perfect visuals for this song 
and also s/o to the whole mv team i truly appreciate everyones hardwork esp the art n cg 
大癲 無諗過我嘅mv can afford green screen xddddd

last but not least s/o to my 扮靚靚team angel, ziv, nam (遙距支持), and sam拍到行屍走肉咁thanks so much:’))))) 

我打完呢段captions 應該都差唔多00:00 《00000》is out now!☆

if not 可以睇住low res bts first, i have no idea why the quality is so bad and i could not find the original but ok la xd

1.4K Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 我記得好耐之前有人喺你問我答問過我 「最中意自己邊首歌?」我答下一首 不是懶有型 我最喜歡的就係呢首歌 只係無諗過 等咗咁耐佢先可以同大家見面 首先要多謝 @gilitteleung 如果唔係佢本身都無得開始呢個project(´・ω・`) 呢首歌 無論係寫定係錄 都係前所未有地咁好玩同輕鬆 @sotoc thankyou! (記住聽下牛頭角小春in the background) @chungsaid 第一次合作多多指教 下次一齊唱xd also s/o to @cow10_ 識咗咁耐第一次合作 thankyou for creating the perfect visuals for this song and also s/o to the whole mv team i truly appreciate everyones hardwork esp the art n cg 大癲 無諗過我嘅mv can afford green screen xddddd last but not least s/o to my 扮靚靚team angel, ziv, nam (遙距支持), and sam拍到行屍走肉咁thanks so much:’))))) 我打完呢段captions 應該都差唔多00:00 《00000》is out now!☆ if not 可以睇住low res bts first, i have no idea why the quality is so bad and i could not find the original but ok la xd
Likes : 1392
Gladys Li - 1.4K Likes - 我記得好耐之前有人喺你問我答問過我 「最中意自己邊首歌?」我答下一首 不是懶有型 我最喜歡的就係呢首歌 只係無諗過 等咗咁耐佢先可以同大家見面

首先要多謝 @gilitteleung 如果唔係佢本身都無得開始呢個project(´・ω・`)
呢首歌 無論係寫定係錄 都係前所未有地咁好玩同輕鬆 @sotoc thankyou! (記住聽下牛頭角小春in the background) 
@chungsaid 第一次合作多多指教 下次一齊唱xd

also s/o to @cow10_ 識咗咁耐第一次合作 thankyou for creating the perfect visuals for this song 
and also s/o to the whole mv team i truly appreciate everyones hardwork esp the art n cg 
大癲 無諗過我嘅mv can afford green screen xddddd

last but not least s/o to my 扮靚靚team angel, ziv, nam (遙距支持), and sam拍到行屍走肉咁thanks so much:’))))) 

我打完呢段captions 應該都差唔多00:00 《00000》is out now!☆

if not 可以睇住low res bts first, i have no idea why the quality is so bad and i could not find the original but ok la xd

1.4K Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 我記得好耐之前有人喺你問我答問過我 「最中意自己邊首歌?」我答下一首 不是懶有型 我最喜歡的就係呢首歌 只係無諗過 等咗咁耐佢先可以同大家見面 首先要多謝 @gilitteleung 如果唔係佢本身都無得開始呢個project(´・ω・`) 呢首歌 無論係寫定係錄 都係前所未有地咁好玩同輕鬆 @sotoc thankyou! (記住聽下牛頭角小春in the background) @chungsaid 第一次合作多多指教 下次一齊唱xd also s/o to @cow10_ 識咗咁耐第一次合作 thankyou for creating the perfect visuals for this song and also s/o to the whole mv team i truly appreciate everyones hardwork esp the art n cg 大癲 無諗過我嘅mv can afford green screen xddddd last but not least s/o to my 扮靚靚team angel, ziv, nam (遙距支持), and sam拍到行屍走肉咁thanks so much:’))))) 我打完呢段captions 應該都差唔多00:00 《00000》is out now!☆ if not 可以睇住low res bts first, i have no idea why the quality is so bad and i could not find the original but ok la xd
Likes : 1392
Gladys Li - 1.4K Likes - 我記得好耐之前有人喺你問我答問過我 「最中意自己邊首歌?」我答下一首 不是懶有型 我最喜歡的就係呢首歌 只係無諗過 等咗咁耐佢先可以同大家見面

首先要多謝 @gilitteleung 如果唔係佢本身都無得開始呢個project(´・ω・`)
呢首歌 無論係寫定係錄 都係前所未有地咁好玩同輕鬆 @sotoc thankyou! (記住聽下牛頭角小春in the background) 
@chungsaid 第一次合作多多指教 下次一齊唱xd

also s/o to @cow10_ 識咗咁耐第一次合作 thankyou for creating the perfect visuals for this song 
and also s/o to the whole mv team i truly appreciate everyones hardwork esp the art n cg 
大癲 無諗過我嘅mv can afford green screen xddddd

last but not least s/o to my 扮靚靚team angel, ziv, nam (遙距支持), and sam拍到行屍走肉咁thanks so much:’))))) 

我打完呢段captions 應該都差唔多00:00 《00000》is out now!☆

if not 可以睇住low res bts first, i have no idea why the quality is so bad and i could not find the original but ok la xd

1.4K Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 我記得好耐之前有人喺你問我答問過我 「最中意自己邊首歌?」我答下一首 不是懶有型 我最喜歡的就係呢首歌 只係無諗過 等咗咁耐佢先可以同大家見面 首先要多謝 @gilitteleung 如果唔係佢本身都無得開始呢個project(´・ω・`) 呢首歌 無論係寫定係錄 都係前所未有地咁好玩同輕鬆 @sotoc thankyou! (記住聽下牛頭角小春in the background) @chungsaid 第一次合作多多指教 下次一齊唱xd also s/o to @cow10_ 識咗咁耐第一次合作 thankyou for creating the perfect visuals for this song and also s/o to the whole mv team i truly appreciate everyones hardwork esp the art n cg 大癲 無諗過我嘅mv can afford green screen xddddd last but not least s/o to my 扮靚靚team angel, ziv, nam (遙距支持), and sam拍到行屍走肉咁thanks so much:’))))) 我打完呢段captions 應該都差唔多00:00 《00000》is out now!☆ if not 可以睇住low res bts first, i have no idea why the quality is so bad and i could not find the original but ok la xd
Likes : 1392
Gladys Li - 1.4K Likes - 我記得好耐之前有人喺你問我答問過我 「最中意自己邊首歌?」我答下一首 不是懶有型 我最喜歡的就係呢首歌 只係無諗過 等咗咁耐佢先可以同大家見面

首先要多謝 @gilitteleung 如果唔係佢本身都無得開始呢個project(´・ω・`)
呢首歌 無論係寫定係錄 都係前所未有地咁好玩同輕鬆 @sotoc thankyou! (記住聽下牛頭角小春in the background) 
@chungsaid 第一次合作多多指教 下次一齊唱xd

also s/o to @cow10_ 識咗咁耐第一次合作 thankyou for creating the perfect visuals for this song 
and also s/o to the whole mv team i truly appreciate everyones hardwork esp the art n cg 
大癲 無諗過我嘅mv can afford green screen xddddd

last but not least s/o to my 扮靚靚team angel, ziv, nam (遙距支持), and sam拍到行屍走肉咁thanks so much:’))))) 

我打完呢段captions 應該都差唔多00:00 《00000》is out now!☆

if not 可以睇住low res bts first, i have no idea why the quality is so bad and i could not find the original but ok la xd

1.4K Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 我記得好耐之前有人喺你問我答問過我 「最中意自己邊首歌?」我答下一首 不是懶有型 我最喜歡的就係呢首歌 只係無諗過 等咗咁耐佢先可以同大家見面 首先要多謝 @gilitteleung 如果唔係佢本身都無得開始呢個project(´・ω・`) 呢首歌 無論係寫定係錄 都係前所未有地咁好玩同輕鬆 @sotoc thankyou! (記住聽下牛頭角小春in the background) @chungsaid 第一次合作多多指教 下次一齊唱xd also s/o to @cow10_ 識咗咁耐第一次合作 thankyou for creating the perfect visuals for this song and also s/o to the whole mv team i truly appreciate everyones hardwork esp the art n cg 大癲 無諗過我嘅mv can afford green screen xddddd last but not least s/o to my 扮靚靚team angel, ziv, nam (遙距支持), and sam拍到行屍走肉咁thanks so much:’))))) 我打完呢段captions 應該都差唔多00:00 《00000》is out now!☆ if not 可以睇住low res bts first, i have no idea why the quality is so bad and i could not find the original but ok la xd
Likes : 1392
Gladys Li - 1K Likes - 很像差一點什麼



📸: @dangraphy_ #Danieology 
#hongkong #ifyouknowyouknow #moody #staypositive #stayhappy #night #nightphotography #portrait #portraitphotography #canonhk #hkig  #emotions #emo

1K Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 很像差一點什麼 每次回想起 都感到有點憂愁 生活裏遇到失意的事 人生中遇上不同的難關 現實裏那些大大小小的問題 想著想著 又會變得很脆弱 讓自己徘徊在情緒之間 有時候 其實沒有放不下的情緒 只有放不下的你 對的 原來是差一點正能量 差一點快樂 – Artist: 📸: @dangraphy_ #Danieology – #hongkong #ifyouknowyouknow #moody #staypositive #stayhappy #night #nightphotography #portrait #portraitphotography #canonhk #hkig #emotions #emo
Likes : 1022
Gladys Li - 1K Likes - 很像差一點什麼



📸: @dangraphy_ #Danieology 
#hongkong #ifyouknowyouknow #moody #staypositive #stayhappy #night #nightphotography #portrait #portraitphotography #canonhk #hkig  #emotions #emo

1K Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 很像差一點什麼 每次回想起 都感到有點憂愁 生活裏遇到失意的事 人生中遇上不同的難關 現實裏那些大大小小的問題 想著想著 又會變得很脆弱 讓自己徘徊在情緒之間 有時候 其實沒有放不下的情緒 只有放不下的你 對的 原來是差一點正能量 差一點快樂 – Artist: 📸: @dangraphy_ #Danieology – #hongkong #ifyouknowyouknow #moody #staypositive #stayhappy #night #nightphotography #portrait #portraitphotography #canonhk #hkig #emotions #emo
Likes : 1022
Gladys Li - 1K Likes - 很像差一點什麼



📸: @dangraphy_ #Danieology 
#hongkong #ifyouknowyouknow #moody #staypositive #stayhappy #night #nightphotography #portrait #portraitphotography #canonhk #hkig  #emotions #emo

1K Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 很像差一點什麼 每次回想起 都感到有點憂愁 生活裏遇到失意的事 人生中遇上不同的難關 現實裏那些大大小小的問題 想著想著 又會變得很脆弱 讓自己徘徊在情緒之間 有時候 其實沒有放不下的情緒 只有放不下的你 對的 原來是差一點正能量 差一點快樂 – Artist: 📸: @dangraphy_ #Danieology – #hongkong #ifyouknowyouknow #moody #staypositive #stayhappy #night #nightphotography #portrait #portraitphotography #canonhk #hkig #emotions #emo
Likes : 1022
Gladys Li - 1K Likes - 很像差一點什麼



📸: @dangraphy_ #Danieology 
#hongkong #ifyouknowyouknow #moody #staypositive #stayhappy #night #nightphotography #portrait #portraitphotography #canonhk #hkig  #emotions #emo

1K Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 很像差一點什麼 每次回想起 都感到有點憂愁 生活裏遇到失意的事 人生中遇上不同的難關 現實裏那些大大小小的問題 想著想著 又會變得很脆弱 讓自己徘徊在情緒之間 有時候 其實沒有放不下的情緒 只有放不下的你 對的 原來是差一點正能量 差一點快樂 – Artist: 📸: @dangraphy_ #Danieology – #hongkong #ifyouknowyouknow #moody #staypositive #stayhappy #night #nightphotography #portrait #portraitphotography #canonhk #hkig #emotions #emo
Likes : 1022
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - it’s something harsh

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : it’s something harsh
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - pancakes on my mind🥞

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : pancakes on my mind🥞
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 多謝多謝多謝! 多謝所有恨駕嘅觀眾嘅支持 將我哋送去大阪
希望下次可以恨駕去德國or 冰島or anywhere around the world
辛苦哂this amazing crew 話說我哋架車有個walkie 可以同crew車聯繫 開咗車五分鐘walkie已經無人應 因為全部攰到訓哂覺d(^_^o)
anyway fun trip and hope you guys enjoy the show!★彡

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 多謝多謝多謝! 多謝所有恨駕嘅觀眾嘅支持 將我哋送去大阪 希望下次可以恨駕去德國or 冰島or anywhere around the world 辛苦哂this amazing crew 話說我哋架車有個walkie 可以同crew車聯繫 開咗車五分鐘walkie已經無人應 因為全部攰到訓哂覺d(^_^o) anyway fun trip and hope you guys enjoy the show!★彡
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 多謝多謝多謝! 多謝所有恨駕嘅觀眾嘅支持 將我哋送去大阪
希望下次可以恨駕去德國or 冰島or anywhere around the world
辛苦哂this amazing crew 話說我哋架車有個walkie 可以同crew車聯繫 開咗車五分鐘walkie已經無人應 因為全部攰到訓哂覺d(^_^o)
anyway fun trip and hope you guys enjoy the show!★彡

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 多謝多謝多謝! 多謝所有恨駕嘅觀眾嘅支持 將我哋送去大阪 希望下次可以恨駕去德國or 冰島or anywhere around the world 辛苦哂this amazing crew 話說我哋架車有個walkie 可以同crew車聯繫 開咗車五分鐘walkie已經無人應 因為全部攰到訓哂覺d(^_^o) anyway fun trip and hope you guys enjoy the show!★彡
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 多謝多謝多謝! 多謝所有恨駕嘅觀眾嘅支持 將我哋送去大阪
希望下次可以恨駕去德國or 冰島or anywhere around the world
辛苦哂this amazing crew 話說我哋架車有個walkie 可以同crew車聯繫 開咗車五分鐘walkie已經無人應 因為全部攰到訓哂覺d(^_^o)
anyway fun trip and hope you guys enjoy the show!★彡

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 多謝多謝多謝! 多謝所有恨駕嘅觀眾嘅支持 將我哋送去大阪 希望下次可以恨駕去德國or 冰島or anywhere around the world 辛苦哂this amazing crew 話說我哋架車有個walkie 可以同crew車聯繫 開咗車五分鐘walkie已經無人應 因為全部攰到訓哂覺d(^_^o) anyway fun trip and hope you guys enjoy the show!★彡
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 多謝多謝多謝! 多謝所有恨駕嘅觀眾嘅支持 將我哋送去大阪
希望下次可以恨駕去德國or 冰島or anywhere around the world
辛苦哂this amazing crew 話說我哋架車有個walkie 可以同crew車聯繫 開咗車五分鐘walkie已經無人應 因為全部攰到訓哂覺d(^_^o)
anyway fun trip and hope you guys enjoy the show!★彡

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 多謝多謝多謝! 多謝所有恨駕嘅觀眾嘅支持 將我哋送去大阪 希望下次可以恨駕去德國or 冰島or anywhere around the world 辛苦哂this amazing crew 話說我哋架車有個walkie 可以同crew車聯繫 開咗車五分鐘walkie已經無人應 因為全部攰到訓哂覺d(^_^o) anyway fun trip and hope you guys enjoy the show!★彡
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 多謝多謝多謝! 多謝所有恨駕嘅觀眾嘅支持 將我哋送去大阪
希望下次可以恨駕去德國or 冰島or anywhere around the world
辛苦哂this amazing crew 話說我哋架車有個walkie 可以同crew車聯繫 開咗車五分鐘walkie已經無人應 因為全部攰到訓哂覺d(^_^o)
anyway fun trip and hope you guys enjoy the show!★彡

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 多謝多謝多謝! 多謝所有恨駕嘅觀眾嘅支持 將我哋送去大阪 希望下次可以恨駕去德國or 冰島or anywhere around the world 辛苦哂this amazing crew 話說我哋架車有個walkie 可以同crew車聯繫 開咗車五分鐘walkie已經無人應 因為全部攰到訓哂覺d(^_^o) anyway fun trip and hope you guys enjoy the show!★彡
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 多謝多謝多謝! 多謝所有恨駕嘅觀眾嘅支持 將我哋送去大阪
希望下次可以恨駕去德國or 冰島or anywhere around the world
辛苦哂this amazing crew 話說我哋架車有個walkie 可以同crew車聯繫 開咗車五分鐘walkie已經無人應 因為全部攰到訓哂覺d(^_^o)
anyway fun trip and hope you guys enjoy the show!★彡

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 多謝多謝多謝! 多謝所有恨駕嘅觀眾嘅支持 將我哋送去大阪 希望下次可以恨駕去德國or 冰島or anywhere around the world 辛苦哂this amazing crew 話說我哋架車有個walkie 可以同crew車聯繫 開咗車五分鐘walkie已經無人應 因為全部攰到訓哂覺d(^_^o) anyway fun trip and hope you guys enjoy the show!★彡
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - b for brilliant! ★彡
n with a shirt that i really wanted to buy but i did not

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : b for brilliant! ★彡 n with a shirt that i really wanted to buy but i did not
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - b for brilliant! ★彡
n with a shirt that i really wanted to buy but i did not

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : b for brilliant! ★彡 n with a shirt that i really wanted to buy but i did not
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - b for brilliant! ★彡
n with a shirt that i really wanted to buy but i did not

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : b for brilliant! ★彡 n with a shirt that i really wanted to buy but i did not
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - b for brilliant! ★彡
n with a shirt that i really wanted to buy but i did not

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : b for brilliant! ★彡 n with a shirt that i really wanted to buy but i did not
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - b for brilliant! ★彡
n with a shirt that i really wanted to buy but i did not

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : b for brilliant! ★彡 n with a shirt that i really wanted to buy but i did not
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - b for brilliant! ★彡
n with a shirt that i really wanted to buy but i did not

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : b for brilliant! ★彡 n with a shirt that i really wanted to buy but i did not
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - b for brilliant! ★彡
n with a shirt that i really wanted to buy but i did not

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : b for brilliant! ★彡 n with a shirt that i really wanted to buy but i did not
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - my solo tokyo tripv(^_^v)♪

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : my solo tokyo tripv(^_^v)♪
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - my solo tokyo tripv(^_^v)♪

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : my solo tokyo tripv(^_^v)♪
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - my solo tokyo tripv(^_^v)♪

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : my solo tokyo tripv(^_^v)♪
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - my solo tokyo tripv(^_^v)♪

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : my solo tokyo tripv(^_^v)♪
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - my solo tokyo tripv(^_^v)♪

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : my solo tokyo tripv(^_^v)♪
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - my solo tokyo tripv(^_^v)♪

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : my solo tokyo tripv(^_^v)♪
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - my solo tokyo tripv(^_^v)♪

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : my solo tokyo tripv(^_^v)♪
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - tick tick tick... that‘s the sound of time passing by... make every moment count with CHAGALL’S BLUE CIRCUS​

@swatch @swatch_hk​
#SwatchxTateGallery #SwatchLovesArt​

CHAGALL ®️ and MARC CHAGALL®️ are registered trade marks owned by Comité Marc Chagall ©️ DACS 2024 ©️ Tate

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : tick tick tick… that‘s the sound of time passing by… make every moment count with CHAGALL’S BLUE CIRCUS​ @swatch @swatch_hk​ #SwatchxTateGallery #SwatchLovesArt​ #Swatch​ CHAGALL ®️ and MARC CHAGALL®️ are registered trade marks owned by Comité Marc Chagall ©️ DACS 2024 ©️ Tate
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - tick tick tick... that‘s the sound of time passing by... make every moment count with CHAGALL’S BLUE CIRCUS​

@swatch @swatch_hk​
#SwatchxTateGallery #SwatchLovesArt​

CHAGALL ®️ and MARC CHAGALL®️ are registered trade marks owned by Comité Marc Chagall ©️ DACS 2024 ©️ Tate

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : tick tick tick… that‘s the sound of time passing by… make every moment count with CHAGALL’S BLUE CIRCUS​ @swatch @swatch_hk​ #SwatchxTateGallery #SwatchLovesArt​ #Swatch​ CHAGALL ®️ and MARC CHAGALL®️ are registered trade marks owned by Comité Marc Chagall ©️ DACS 2024 ©️ Tate
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - tick tick tick... that‘s the sound of time passing by... make every moment count with CHAGALL’S BLUE CIRCUS​

@swatch @swatch_hk​
#SwatchxTateGallery #SwatchLovesArt​

CHAGALL ®️ and MARC CHAGALL®️ are registered trade marks owned by Comité Marc Chagall ©️ DACS 2024 ©️ Tate

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : tick tick tick… that‘s the sound of time passing by… make every moment count with CHAGALL’S BLUE CIRCUS​ @swatch @swatch_hk​ #SwatchxTateGallery #SwatchLovesArt​ #Swatch​ CHAGALL ®️ and MARC CHAGALL®️ are registered trade marks owned by Comité Marc Chagall ©️ DACS 2024 ©️ Tate
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - tick tick tick... that‘s the sound of time passing by... make every moment count with CHAGALL’S BLUE CIRCUS​

@swatch @swatch_hk​
#SwatchxTateGallery #SwatchLovesArt​

CHAGALL ®️ and MARC CHAGALL®️ are registered trade marks owned by Comité Marc Chagall ©️ DACS 2024 ©️ Tate

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : tick tick tick… that‘s the sound of time passing by… make every moment count with CHAGALL’S BLUE CIRCUS​ @swatch @swatch_hk​ #SwatchxTateGallery #SwatchLovesArt​ #Swatch​ CHAGALL ®️ and MARC CHAGALL®️ are registered trade marks owned by Comité Marc Chagall ©️ DACS 2024 ©️ Tate
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 想分享在北京的超豪華用餐體驗~ 因為人數眾多的關係 經常用包廂 literally eating like a boss 每次入房都嚇一跳 個人認為 咁多度菜的mvp 是脆皮鴨壽司(自己改嘅名xd) 口感層次非常豐富 皮脆 但油香給下面的脆脆吸收了 令我感受到長達五分鐘的口腔高潮 
還有2015年得獎的魚 香滑 有魚香 無骨 我估佢加咗啲梅中和咗魚腥帶出清甜感覺
作為打邊爐之鬼 食羊配麻醬ok 牛普通

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 想分享在北京的超豪華用餐體驗~ 因為人數眾多的關係 經常用包廂 literally eating like a boss 每次入房都嚇一跳 個人認為 咁多度菜的mvp 是脆皮鴨壽司(自己改嘅名xd) 口感層次非常豐富 皮脆 但油香給下面的脆脆吸收了 令我感受到長達五分鐘的口腔高潮 還有2015年得獎的魚 香滑 有魚香 無骨 我估佢加咗啲梅中和咗魚腥帶出清甜感覺 作為打邊爐之鬼 食羊配麻醬ok 牛普通
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 想分享在北京的超豪華用餐體驗~ 因為人數眾多的關係 經常用包廂 literally eating like a boss 每次入房都嚇一跳 個人認為 咁多度菜的mvp 是脆皮鴨壽司(自己改嘅名xd) 口感層次非常豐富 皮脆 但油香給下面的脆脆吸收了 令我感受到長達五分鐘的口腔高潮 
還有2015年得獎的魚 香滑 有魚香 無骨 我估佢加咗啲梅中和咗魚腥帶出清甜感覺
作為打邊爐之鬼 食羊配麻醬ok 牛普通

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 想分享在北京的超豪華用餐體驗~ 因為人數眾多的關係 經常用包廂 literally eating like a boss 每次入房都嚇一跳 個人認為 咁多度菜的mvp 是脆皮鴨壽司(自己改嘅名xd) 口感層次非常豐富 皮脆 但油香給下面的脆脆吸收了 令我感受到長達五分鐘的口腔高潮 還有2015年得獎的魚 香滑 有魚香 無骨 我估佢加咗啲梅中和咗魚腥帶出清甜感覺 作為打邊爐之鬼 食羊配麻醬ok 牛普通
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 想分享在北京的超豪華用餐體驗~ 因為人數眾多的關係 經常用包廂 literally eating like a boss 每次入房都嚇一跳 個人認為 咁多度菜的mvp 是脆皮鴨壽司(自己改嘅名xd) 口感層次非常豐富 皮脆 但油香給下面的脆脆吸收了 令我感受到長達五分鐘的口腔高潮 
還有2015年得獎的魚 香滑 有魚香 無骨 我估佢加咗啲梅中和咗魚腥帶出清甜感覺
作為打邊爐之鬼 食羊配麻醬ok 牛普通

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 想分享在北京的超豪華用餐體驗~ 因為人數眾多的關係 經常用包廂 literally eating like a boss 每次入房都嚇一跳 個人認為 咁多度菜的mvp 是脆皮鴨壽司(自己改嘅名xd) 口感層次非常豐富 皮脆 但油香給下面的脆脆吸收了 令我感受到長達五分鐘的口腔高潮 還有2015年得獎的魚 香滑 有魚香 無骨 我估佢加咗啲梅中和咗魚腥帶出清甜感覺 作為打邊爐之鬼 食羊配麻醬ok 牛普通
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 想分享在北京的超豪華用餐體驗~ 因為人數眾多的關係 經常用包廂 literally eating like a boss 每次入房都嚇一跳 個人認為 咁多度菜的mvp 是脆皮鴨壽司(自己改嘅名xd) 口感層次非常豐富 皮脆 但油香給下面的脆脆吸收了 令我感受到長達五分鐘的口腔高潮 
還有2015年得獎的魚 香滑 有魚香 無骨 我估佢加咗啲梅中和咗魚腥帶出清甜感覺
作為打邊爐之鬼 食羊配麻醬ok 牛普通

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 想分享在北京的超豪華用餐體驗~ 因為人數眾多的關係 經常用包廂 literally eating like a boss 每次入房都嚇一跳 個人認為 咁多度菜的mvp 是脆皮鴨壽司(自己改嘅名xd) 口感層次非常豐富 皮脆 但油香給下面的脆脆吸收了 令我感受到長達五分鐘的口腔高潮 還有2015年得獎的魚 香滑 有魚香 無骨 我估佢加咗啲梅中和咗魚腥帶出清甜感覺 作為打邊爐之鬼 食羊配麻醬ok 牛普通
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 想分享在北京的超豪華用餐體驗~ 因為人數眾多的關係 經常用包廂 literally eating like a boss 每次入房都嚇一跳 個人認為 咁多度菜的mvp 是脆皮鴨壽司(自己改嘅名xd) 口感層次非常豐富 皮脆 但油香給下面的脆脆吸收了 令我感受到長達五分鐘的口腔高潮 
還有2015年得獎的魚 香滑 有魚香 無骨 我估佢加咗啲梅中和咗魚腥帶出清甜感覺
作為打邊爐之鬼 食羊配麻醬ok 牛普通

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 想分享在北京的超豪華用餐體驗~ 因為人數眾多的關係 經常用包廂 literally eating like a boss 每次入房都嚇一跳 個人認為 咁多度菜的mvp 是脆皮鴨壽司(自己改嘅名xd) 口感層次非常豐富 皮脆 但油香給下面的脆脆吸收了 令我感受到長達五分鐘的口腔高潮 還有2015年得獎的魚 香滑 有魚香 無骨 我估佢加咗啲梅中和咗魚腥帶出清甜感覺 作為打邊爐之鬼 食羊配麻醬ok 牛普通
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 想分享在北京的超豪華用餐體驗~ 因為人數眾多的關係 經常用包廂 literally eating like a boss 每次入房都嚇一跳 個人認為 咁多度菜的mvp 是脆皮鴨壽司(自己改嘅名xd) 口感層次非常豐富 皮脆 但油香給下面的脆脆吸收了 令我感受到長達五分鐘的口腔高潮 
還有2015年得獎的魚 香滑 有魚香 無骨 我估佢加咗啲梅中和咗魚腥帶出清甜感覺
作為打邊爐之鬼 食羊配麻醬ok 牛普通

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 想分享在北京的超豪華用餐體驗~ 因為人數眾多的關係 經常用包廂 literally eating like a boss 每次入房都嚇一跳 個人認為 咁多度菜的mvp 是脆皮鴨壽司(自己改嘅名xd) 口感層次非常豐富 皮脆 但油香給下面的脆脆吸收了 令我感受到長達五分鐘的口腔高潮 還有2015年得獎的魚 香滑 有魚香 無骨 我估佢加咗啲梅中和咗魚腥帶出清甜感覺 作為打邊爐之鬼 食羊配麻醬ok 牛普通
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 想分享在北京的超豪華用餐體驗~ 因為人數眾多的關係 經常用包廂 literally eating like a boss 每次入房都嚇一跳 個人認為 咁多度菜的mvp 是脆皮鴨壽司(自己改嘅名xd) 口感層次非常豐富 皮脆 但油香給下面的脆脆吸收了 令我感受到長達五分鐘的口腔高潮 
還有2015年得獎的魚 香滑 有魚香 無骨 我估佢加咗啲梅中和咗魚腥帶出清甜感覺
作為打邊爐之鬼 食羊配麻醬ok 牛普通

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 想分享在北京的超豪華用餐體驗~ 因為人數眾多的關係 經常用包廂 literally eating like a boss 每次入房都嚇一跳 個人認為 咁多度菜的mvp 是脆皮鴨壽司(自己改嘅名xd) 口感層次非常豐富 皮脆 但油香給下面的脆脆吸收了 令我感受到長達五分鐘的口腔高潮 還有2015年得獎的魚 香滑 有魚香 無骨 我估佢加咗啲梅中和咗魚腥帶出清甜感覺 作為打邊爐之鬼 食羊配麻醬ok 牛普通
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪

Look: @moschino
Heels: @jimmychoo
Jewellery: @damianiofficial
styled by @yoyokwans 
hair by @haffmancheng

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪ Look: @moschino Heels: @jimmychoo Jewellery: @damianiofficial styled by @yoyokwans hair by @haffmancheng
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪

Look: @moschino
Heels: @jimmychoo
Jewellery: @damianiofficial
styled by @yoyokwans 
hair by @haffmancheng

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪ Look: @moschino Heels: @jimmychoo Jewellery: @damianiofficial styled by @yoyokwans hair by @haffmancheng
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪

Look: @moschino
Heels: @jimmychoo
Jewellery: @damianiofficial
styled by @yoyokwans 
hair by @haffmancheng

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪ Look: @moschino Heels: @jimmychoo Jewellery: @damianiofficial styled by @yoyokwans hair by @haffmancheng
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪

Look: @moschino
Heels: @jimmychoo
Jewellery: @damianiofficial
styled by @yoyokwans 
hair by @haffmancheng

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪ Look: @moschino Heels: @jimmychoo Jewellery: @damianiofficial styled by @yoyokwans hair by @haffmancheng
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪

Look: @moschino
Heels: @jimmychoo
Jewellery: @damianiofficial
styled by @yoyokwans 
hair by @haffmancheng

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪ Look: @moschino Heels: @jimmychoo Jewellery: @damianiofficial styled by @yoyokwans hair by @haffmancheng
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪

Look: @moschino
Heels: @jimmychoo
Jewellery: @damianiofficial
styled by @yoyokwans 
hair by @haffmancheng

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪ Look: @moschino Heels: @jimmychoo Jewellery: @damianiofficial styled by @yoyokwans hair by @haffmancheng
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪

Look: @moschino
Heels: @jimmychoo
Jewellery: @damianiofficial
styled by @yoyokwans 
hair by @haffmancheng

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪ Look: @moschino Heels: @jimmychoo Jewellery: @damianiofficial styled by @yoyokwans hair by @haffmancheng
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪

Look: @moschino
Heels: @jimmychoo
Jewellery: @damianiofficial
styled by @yoyokwans 
hair by @haffmancheng

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪ Look: @moschino Heels: @jimmychoo Jewellery: @damianiofficial styled by @yoyokwans hair by @haffmancheng
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪

Look: @moschino
Heels: @jimmychoo
Jewellery: @damianiofficial
styled by @yoyokwans 
hair by @haffmancheng

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 很榮幸能到北京國際電影節走紅地氈 這趟認識了好多新朋友 吃了好多美食 又跟北京的觀眾見面 hao kai xin yo v(^_^v)♪ Look: @moschino Heels: @jimmychoo Jewellery: @damianiofficial styled by @yoyokwans hair by @haffmancheng
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 又一年金像獎! 每年都好感動! 的確電影圈是一個好需要耐性的地方 所以想恭喜所有得獎者 你們的等待得到回報了!!!!! 是日最感動的一定是 @norris_wong_lyricist @ngayiii 有看填詞L的你會懂
起哂雞皮!!!!! 期待下一年的盛事! ★彡

wearing @sportmax @sportmax_hk 
with @jimmychoo 
make up by myself haha im impressed by my own makeup

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 又一年金像獎! 每年都好感動! 的確電影圈是一個好需要耐性的地方 所以想恭喜所有得獎者 你們的等待得到回報了!!!!! 是日最感動的一定是 @norris_wong_lyricist @ngayiii 有看填詞L的你會懂 起哂雞皮!!!!! 期待下一年的盛事! ★彡 wearing @sportmax @sportmax_hk with @jimmychoo @styledbybhisan @hairby_cooney make up by myself haha im impressed by my own makeup
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 又一年金像獎! 每年都好感動! 的確電影圈是一個好需要耐性的地方 所以想恭喜所有得獎者 你們的等待得到回報了!!!!! 是日最感動的一定是 @norris_wong_lyricist @ngayiii 有看填詞L的你會懂
起哂雞皮!!!!! 期待下一年的盛事! ★彡

wearing @sportmax @sportmax_hk 
with @jimmychoo 
make up by myself haha im impressed by my own makeup

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 又一年金像獎! 每年都好感動! 的確電影圈是一個好需要耐性的地方 所以想恭喜所有得獎者 你們的等待得到回報了!!!!! 是日最感動的一定是 @norris_wong_lyricist @ngayiii 有看填詞L的你會懂 起哂雞皮!!!!! 期待下一年的盛事! ★彡 wearing @sportmax @sportmax_hk with @jimmychoo @styledbybhisan @hairby_cooney make up by myself haha im impressed by my own makeup
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 又一年金像獎! 每年都好感動! 的確電影圈是一個好需要耐性的地方 所以想恭喜所有得獎者 你們的等待得到回報了!!!!! 是日最感動的一定是 @norris_wong_lyricist @ngayiii 有看填詞L的你會懂
起哂雞皮!!!!! 期待下一年的盛事! ★彡

wearing @sportmax @sportmax_hk 
with @jimmychoo 
make up by myself haha im impressed by my own makeup

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 又一年金像獎! 每年都好感動! 的確電影圈是一個好需要耐性的地方 所以想恭喜所有得獎者 你們的等待得到回報了!!!!! 是日最感動的一定是 @norris_wong_lyricist @ngayiii 有看填詞L的你會懂 起哂雞皮!!!!! 期待下一年的盛事! ★彡 wearing @sportmax @sportmax_hk with @jimmychoo @styledbybhisan @hairby_cooney make up by myself haha im impressed by my own makeup
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - i accidentally finished five seasons of Kim’s Convenience🫠

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : i accidentally finished five seasons of Kim’s Convenience🫠
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - i accidentally finished five seasons of Kim’s Convenience🫠

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : i accidentally finished five seasons of Kim’s Convenience🫠
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - i accidentally finished five seasons of Kim’s Convenience🫠

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : i accidentally finished five seasons of Kim’s Convenience🫠
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - i accidentally finished five seasons of Kim’s Convenience🫠

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : i accidentally finished five seasons of Kim’s Convenience🫠
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - i accidentally finished five seasons of Kim’s Convenience🫠

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : i accidentally finished five seasons of Kim’s Convenience🫠
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - i accidentally finished five seasons of Kim’s Convenience🫠

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : i accidentally finished five seasons of Kim’s Convenience🫠
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - i accidentally finished five seasons of Kim’s Convenience🫠

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : i accidentally finished five seasons of Kim’s Convenience🫠
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - this new ari song has been stuck in my head for a while, so I’ve decided to make it contagious (^_−)−☆

thank you @tombeats.bass for mixing this(^O^☆♪

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : this new ari song has been stuck in my head for a while, so I’ve decided to make it contagious (^_−)−☆ thank you @tombeats.bass for mixing this(^O^☆♪
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - dope days, chill nights, good company, and mellow vibes💯💌🪩

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : dope days, chill nights, good company, and mellow vibes💯💌🪩
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - dope days, chill nights, good company, and mellow vibes💯💌🪩

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : dope days, chill nights, good company, and mellow vibes💯💌🪩
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - dope days, chill nights, good company, and mellow vibes💯💌🪩

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : dope days, chill nights, good company, and mellow vibes💯💌🪩
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - dope days, chill nights, good company, and mellow vibes💯💌🪩

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : dope days, chill nights, good company, and mellow vibes💯💌🪩
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - denim on denim could never go wrong! 👕👖🧢🐟

@atsurotayama @sidefamehk
#AtsuroTayama #avantgarde #SS24

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : denim on denim could never go wrong! 👕👖🧢🐟 @atsurotayama @sidefamehk #AtsuroTayama #avantgarde #SS24
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - denim on denim could never go wrong! 👕👖🧢🐟

@atsurotayama @sidefamehk
#AtsuroTayama #avantgarde #SS24

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : denim on denim could never go wrong! 👕👖🧢🐟 @atsurotayama @sidefamehk #AtsuroTayama #avantgarde #SS24
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - denim on denim could never go wrong! 👕👖🧢🐟

@atsurotayama @sidefamehk
#AtsuroTayama #avantgarde #SS24

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : denim on denim could never go wrong! 👕👖🧢🐟 @atsurotayama @sidefamehk #AtsuroTayama #avantgarde #SS24
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - sakura seasonΣ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : sakura seasonΣ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - sakura seasonΣ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : sakura seasonΣ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - sakura seasonΣ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : sakura seasonΣ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - sakura seasonΣ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : sakura seasonΣ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - sakura seasonΣ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : sakura seasonΣ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - touring around on the Marimekko Unikko tramv(^_^v)♪

@marimekkohk #marimekko #marimekkohk #unikko60years

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : touring around on the Marimekko Unikko tramv(^_^v)♪ @marimekkohk #marimekko #marimekkohk #unikko60years
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - touring around on the Marimekko Unikko tramv(^_^v)♪

@marimekkohk #marimekko #marimekkohk #unikko60years

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : touring around on the Marimekko Unikko tramv(^_^v)♪ @marimekkohk #marimekko #marimekkohk #unikko60years
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - touring around on the Marimekko Unikko tramv(^_^v)♪

@marimekkohk #marimekko #marimekkohk #unikko60years

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : touring around on the Marimekko Unikko tramv(^_^v)♪ @marimekkohk #marimekko #marimekkohk #unikko60years
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - touring around on the Marimekko Unikko tramv(^_^v)♪

@marimekkohk #marimekko #marimekkohk #unikko60years

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : touring around on the Marimekko Unikko tramv(^_^v)♪ @marimekkohk #marimekko #marimekkohk #unikko60years
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - moonlit whisper, twilight kisses🌙

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : moonlit whisper, twilight kisses🌙
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - moonlit whisper, twilight kisses🌙

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : moonlit whisper, twilight kisses🌙
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - moonlit whisper, twilight kisses🌙

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : moonlit whisper, twilight kisses🌙
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 又到咗每年嘅雪季 要好好珍惜
過來人表示 唔好覺得可以靠自己睇下youtube就滑到好勁 真係唔好浪費時間 一定要搵個好嘅教練( ;´Д`) 我就白白浪費咗兩個雪季 滑黎滑去都係咁 今年終於覺得自己進步咗啲啲 仲有啲新野練下

去開白馬/ 湯沢可以搵 風趣幽默 細心有耐性嘅滑雪小王子 @derrickiiiwong 
希望下個雪季可以再進步!!! v(^_^v)♪

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 又到咗每年嘅雪季 要好好珍惜 過來人表示 唔好覺得可以靠自己睇下youtube就滑到好勁 真係唔好浪費時間 一定要搵個好嘅教練( ;´Д`) 我就白白浪費咗兩個雪季 滑黎滑去都係咁 今年終於覺得自己進步咗啲啲 仲有啲新野練下 去開白馬/ 湯沢可以搵 風趣幽默 細心有耐性嘅滑雪小王子 @derrickiiiwong 希望下個雪季可以再進步!!! v(^_^v)♪
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - a day in hakuba

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : a day in hakuba 圖六未夠11點已累成狗(・_・;
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - a day in hakuba

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : a day in hakuba 圖六未夠11點已累成狗(・_・;
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - a day in hakuba

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : a day in hakuba 圖六未夠11點已累成狗(・_・;
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - a day in hakuba

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : a day in hakuba 圖六未夠11點已累成狗(・_・;
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - a day in hakuba

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : a day in hakuba 圖六未夠11點已累成狗(・_・;
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - a day in hakuba

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : a day in hakuba 圖六未夠11點已累成狗(・_・;
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - i guess you wonder where i’d been☃️

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : i guess you wonder where i’d been☃️
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - Wrapped in the classic allure of Burberry’s trench and carrying the new Knight Bag, I move through the world with an effortless grace
@Burberry #Burberry 
@HarbourCity #HarbourCity

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : Wrapped in the classic allure of Burberry’s trench and carrying the new Knight Bag, I move through the world with an effortless grace @Burberry #Burberry @HarbourCity #HarbourCity
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - Wrapped in the classic allure of Burberry’s trench and carrying the new Knight Bag, I move through the world with an effortless grace
@Burberry #Burberry 
@HarbourCity #HarbourCity

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : Wrapped in the classic allure of Burberry’s trench and carrying the new Knight Bag, I move through the world with an effortless grace @Burberry #Burberry @HarbourCity #HarbourCity
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - Wrapped in the classic allure of Burberry’s trench and carrying the new Knight Bag, I move through the world with an effortless grace
@Burberry #Burberry 
@HarbourCity #HarbourCity

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : Wrapped in the classic allure of Burberry’s trench and carrying the new Knight Bag, I move through the world with an effortless grace @Burberry #Burberry @HarbourCity #HarbourCity
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 每次都會和自己說
 📸 : @dangraphy_ #danieology 
#hongkong #canonhk #hkig #moody #film #portraitphotography #portrait #vibe #staypositive #moveon #hongkonger #hk #canonr6 #staystrong

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 每次都會和自己說 人生就只不過是一場戲 不要太過擔心 不要逃避 不要經常胡思亂想 #ifyouknowyouknow – Artist: 📸 : @dangraphy_ #danieology – #hongkong #canonhk #hkig #moody #film #portraitphotography #portrait #vibe #staypositive #moveon #hongkonger #hk #canonr6 #staystrong
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 每次都會和自己說
 📸 : @dangraphy_ #danieology 
#hongkong #canonhk #hkig #moody #film #portraitphotography #portrait #vibe #staypositive #moveon #hongkonger #hk #canonr6 #staystrong

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 每次都會和自己說 人生就只不過是一場戲 不要太過擔心 不要逃避 不要經常胡思亂想 #ifyouknowyouknow – Artist: 📸 : @dangraphy_ #danieology – #hongkong #canonhk #hkig #moody #film #portraitphotography #portrait #vibe #staypositive #moveon #hongkonger #hk #canonr6 #staystrong
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 每次都會和自己說
 📸 : @dangraphy_ #danieology 
#hongkong #canonhk #hkig #moody #film #portraitphotography #portrait #vibe #staypositive #moveon #hongkonger #hk #canonr6 #staystrong

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 每次都會和自己說 人生就只不過是一場戲 不要太過擔心 不要逃避 不要經常胡思亂想 #ifyouknowyouknow – Artist: 📸 : @dangraphy_ #danieology – #hongkong #canonhk #hkig #moody #film #portraitphotography #portrait #vibe #staypositive #moveon #hongkonger #hk #canonr6 #staystrong
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 🥀
@ralphlauren @poloralphlauren 

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 🥀 @ralphlauren @poloralphlauren #RLArtistInResidence #PoloRalphLauren #RalphLaurenHK
Likes : 3
Gladys Li - 3 Likes - 🥀
@ralphlauren @poloralphlauren 

3 Likes – Gladys Li Instagram

Caption : 🥀 @ralphlauren @poloralphlauren #RLArtistInResidence #PoloRalphLauren #RalphLaurenHK
Likes : 3