Hong Huifang Top 100 Instagram Photos and Posts

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Most liked photo of Hong Huifang with over 5.4K likes is the following photo

Most liked Instagram photo of Hong Huifang
We have around 101 most liked photos of Hong Huifang with the thumbnails listed below. Click on any of them to view the full image along with its caption, like count, and a button to download the photo.

Hong Huifang Instagram - 在我心中,你始终是那个坚韧不拔、无畏前行的女性楷模,无论面对何种挑战,都能从容应对,勇往直前。
Hong Huifang Instagram - Hong Hui Fang, who is currently filming in Kinmen Islands, received a beautiful bouquet from hubby Zheng Ge Ping for their 30th wedding anniversary – love is truly in the air!❤️
Hong Huifang Instagram - Hong Hui Fang, who is currently filming in Kinmen Islands, received a beautiful bouquet from hubby Zheng Ge Ping for their 30th wedding anniversary – love is truly in the air!❤️
Hong Huifang Instagram - 亲爱的朋友,圣诞节来临,愿这份节日的温暖和祝福,带给你们无尽的幸福与喜悦。
Dear friend, as Christmas arrives, may the warmth and blessings of this festive season bring you endless happiness and joy.
@zhenggeping @tayying_ @calverttay
Hong Huifang Instagram - 安全抵达,先来杯咖啡乌解解馋🤣🤣 在台北时想念新加坡的家人和朋友们,回来了又想念台北的朋友们,希望我们很快能够再相聚❤️❤️
@catwalktaiwan @catwalk.actors
#凶宅专賣店 #不如海边吹吹风
Hong Huifang Instagram - 开心❤️
Hong Huifang Instagram - 开心❤️
Hong Huifang Instagram - 开心❤️
Hong Huifang Instagram - 开心❤️
Hong Huifang Instagram - 开心❤️
Hong Huifang Instagram - 开心❤️
Hong Huifang Instagram - 开心❤️
Hong Huifang Instagram - 开心❤️
Hong Huifang Instagram - 开心❤️
Hong Huifang Instagram - 非常感谢我的团队帮我打扮的美美,容光焕发出席盛会。
Outfit designed & stylef by: @anniechuasg
Make up by: @limelightstudiosg
Hair by: @limelightstudiosg
Photo by: @bryanfoong

Handcrafted flower @gioiellisg 
Jewelry @thisisstateproperty
Jewelry brand is - State Property Fine Jewelry
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Hong Huifang Instagram - 非常感谢我的团队帮我打扮的美美,容光焕发出席盛会。
Outfit designed & stylef by: @anniechuasg
Make up by: @limelightstudiosg
Hair by: @limelightstudiosg
Photo by: @bryanfoong

Handcrafted flower @gioiellisg 
Jewelry @thisisstateproperty
Jewelry brand is - State Property Fine Jewelry
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Hong Huifang Instagram - 非常感谢我的团队帮我打扮的美美,容光焕发出席盛会。
Outfit designed & stylef by: @anniechuasg
Make up by: @limelightstudiosg
Hair by: @limelightstudiosg
Photo by: @bryanfoong

Handcrafted flower @gioiellisg 
Jewelry @thisisstateproperty
Jewelry brand is - State Property Fine Jewelry
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Hong Huifang Instagram - 非常感谢我的团队帮我打扮的美美,容光焕发出席盛会。
Outfit designed & stylef by: @anniechuasg
Make up by: @limelightstudiosg
Hair by: @limelightstudiosg
Photo by: @bryanfoong

Handcrafted flower @gioiellisg 
Jewelry @thisisstateproperty
Jewelry brand is - State Property Fine Jewelry
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Hong Huifang Instagram - 非常感谢我的团队帮我打扮的美美,容光焕发出席盛会。
Outfit designed & stylef by: @anniechuasg
Make up by: @limelightstudiosg
Hair by: @limelightstudiosg
Photo by: @bryanfoong

Handcrafted flower @gioiellisg 
Jewelry @thisisstateproperty
Jewelry brand is - State Property Fine Jewelry
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Hong Huifang Instagram - 非常感谢我的团队帮我打扮的美美,容光焕发出席盛会。
Outfit designed & stylef by: @anniechuasg
Make up by: @limelightstudiosg
Hair by: @limelightstudiosg
Photo by: @bryanfoong

Handcrafted flower @gioiellisg 
Jewelry @thisisstateproperty
Jewelry brand is - State Property Fine Jewelry
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Hong Huifang Instagram - 原来是7.2级的强震,难怪晃得这么厉害,谢谢大家的关心,我们都很平安🙏❤️
Hong Huifang Instagram - @honghuifang #洪慧芳 is in the midst of an exciting shoot for a festive movie #新年.奇迹号 as her character 嘟妈 at the cool and misty Genting Highlands, alongside a fun group of 🇲🇾artistes! 

Excitedly awaiting its release during the 2025 Lunar New Year season. Can’t wait for it! #huatahhh 

Hong Huifang Instagram - @honghuifang #洪慧芳 is in the midst of an exciting shoot for a festive movie #新年.奇迹号 as her character 嘟妈 at the cool and misty Genting Highlands, alongside a fun group of 🇲🇾artistes! 

Excitedly awaiting its release during the 2025 Lunar New Year season. Can’t wait for it! #huatahhh 

Hong Huifang Instagram - @honghuifang #洪慧芳 is in the midst of an exciting shoot for a festive movie #新年.奇迹号 as her character 嘟妈 at the cool and misty Genting Highlands, alongside a fun group of 🇲🇾artistes! 

Excitedly awaiting its release during the 2025 Lunar New Year season. Can’t wait for it! #huatahhh 

Hong Huifang Instagram - @honghuifang #洪慧芳 is in the midst of an exciting shoot for a festive movie #新年.奇迹号 as her character 嘟妈 at the cool and misty Genting Highlands, alongside a fun group of 🇲🇾artistes! 

Excitedly awaiting its release during the 2025 Lunar New Year season. Can’t wait for it! #huatahhh 

Hong Huifang Instagram - @honghuifang #洪慧芳 is in the midst of an exciting shoot for a festive movie #新年.奇迹号 as her character 嘟妈 at the cool and misty Genting Highlands, alongside a fun group of 🇲🇾artistes! 

Excitedly awaiting its release during the 2025 Lunar New Year season. Can’t wait for it! #huatahhh 

Hong Huifang Instagram - 谢谢大家满满的爱与祝福,谢谢在金门拍摄的这些日子大家对我的照顾,感恩❤️❤️
@ryan_chieh @chang859 @carolcheng1971 @imcharleslin 
@a.rose1110 @jacktoo0524 
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Hong Huifang Instagram - 谢谢大家满满的爱与祝福,谢谢在金门拍摄的这些日子大家对我的照顾,感恩❤️❤️
@ryan_chieh @chang859 @carolcheng1971 @imcharleslin 
@a.rose1110 @jacktoo0524 
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Hong Huifang Instagram - 谢谢大家满满的爱与祝福,谢谢在金门拍摄的这些日子大家对我的照顾,感恩❤️❤️
@ryan_chieh @chang859 @carolcheng1971 @imcharleslin 
@a.rose1110 @jacktoo0524 
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Hong Huifang Instagram - 谢谢大家满满的爱与祝福,谢谢在金门拍摄的这些日子大家对我的照顾,感恩❤️❤️
@ryan_chieh @chang859 @carolcheng1971 @imcharleslin 
@a.rose1110 @jacktoo0524 
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Hong Huifang Instagram - 谢谢大家满满的爱与祝福,谢谢在金门拍摄的这些日子大家对我的照顾,感恩❤️❤️
@ryan_chieh @chang859 @carolcheng1971 @imcharleslin 
@a.rose1110 @jacktoo0524 
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Hong Huifang Instagram - 最真实 最可爱 最爱玩 的 @honghuifang ❤️

Meet my first ever on-screen mom! In 2015, we acted in the movie 7 Letters. Many years later we sitting down having 7 Drinks 🥹

她吃的盐比我吃的米多 感谢姐姐分享许多金玉良言!
You’re not gonna regret this episode. 
Watch it now! Link in my bio 🫶🏻
Hong Huifang Instagram - 温拿乐队的演唱会就像一条时光隧道,带我们回到了那个充满激情与梦想的青春时代。当音乐响起,仿佛瞬间回到了那些年,和朋友们一起在磁带机前听温拿的歌曲,唱着《Sha-La-La-La》。
Hong Huifang Instagram - 温拿乐队的演唱会就像一条时光隧道,带我们回到了那个充满激情与梦想的青春时代。当音乐响起,仿佛瞬间回到了那些年,和朋友们一起在磁带机前听温拿的歌曲,唱着《Sha-La-La-La》。
Hong Huifang Instagram - 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天!
Hong Huifang Instagram - 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天!
Hong Huifang Instagram - 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天!
Hong Huifang Instagram - 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天!
Hong Huifang Instagram - 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天!
Hong Huifang Instagram - 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天!
Hong Huifang Instagram - 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天!
Hong Huifang Instagram - 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天!
Hong Huifang Instagram - 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天!
Hong Huifang Instagram - 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天!
Hong Huifang Instagram - 祝愿全天下妈妈们母亲节快乐,生活开心幸福,健康平安❤️
@zhenggeping @calverttay
@tayying_ @_wusihan_
Hong Huifang Instagram - 祝愿全天下妈妈们母亲节快乐,生活开心幸福,健康平安❤️
@zhenggeping @calverttay
@tayying_ @_wusihan_
Hong Huifang Instagram - 朋友们都问我,为什么这么大妈, 好吧,就来个秒变💜💚🧡💛
Hong Huifang Instagram - 朋友们都问我,常常自己一个人在国外开工,不觉得孤独寂寞吗?只要家人不用再让我操心和牵挂,而且最重要的是得到另一半的鼓励与支持,在国外独立生活与工作能够让我从新找到自己与世界的平衡点,它既是一种挑战,也是一种自由。
@the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan 
@catwalk.actors @catwalkasia 
Hong Huifang Instagram - Good morning,  another work trip till september,  byebye singapore❤️❤️
@catwalktaiwan @catwalkasia
Hong Huifang Instagram - Here is a smile for you, Wishing you a weekend filled with joy, relaxation and all the things that make you happy.
#TGIF #goodfriday #anothergoodday 
#happymood #relax #enjoyingworklife 
@the_celebrityagency @catwalk.actors
Hong Huifang Instagram - We are excited to share that Hong Hui Fang is currently in Taiwan gearing up for her next production《凶宅专卖店》, where she will be acting alongside Christopher 李铭顺、Buffy 陈妍霏、Fandy 范少勳 and many more amazing talents!😊

We can’t wait for what’s to come and the chemistry that they will bring to the audience!

Hong Huifang Instagram - We are excited to share that Hong Hui Fang is currently in Taiwan gearing up for her next production《凶宅专卖店》, where she will be acting alongside Christopher 李铭顺、Buffy 陈妍霏、Fandy 范少勳 and many more amazing talents!😊

We can’t wait for what’s to come and the chemistry that they will bring to the audience!

Hong Huifang Instagram - 今天9月1日,2024年就剩下1/3的日子了,希望这个月一切顺利,开心快活!
@the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan 
@catwalkasia @catwalk.actors
Hong Huifang Instagram - 又是一个悠闲的周末,在这个美好的日子,送上我真挚的祝福,愿您快乐,舒心,轻松,惬意,周五好心情,周末轻松愉快。
#TGIF #happyweekend 
@the_celebrityagency @catwalkasia
Hong Huifang Instagram - 虽然还没杀青,但已经有着不舍的情怀,抓住这个美好的时刻。
#新年奇迹号 @lomopictures 
@ryonlion @aniuverygood 
@the_celebrityagency @catwalk.actors
Hong Huifang Instagram - Don’t miss Breeze By The Sea starring @honghuifang streaming now on MOD, Hami Video, and AXN!🌊✨


♡ MOD與Hami Video影劇館首週六日連更4集
♡ AXN(67台)首週六日播出4集


#catwalktaiwan #不如海邊吹吹風 #BreezeByTheSea #Honghuifang
Hong Huifang Instagram - Don’t miss Breeze By The Sea starring @honghuifang streaming now on MOD, Hami Video, and AXN!🌊✨


♡ MOD與Hami Video影劇館首週六日連更4集
♡ AXN(67台)首週六日播出4集


#catwalktaiwan #不如海邊吹吹風 #BreezeByTheSea #Honghuifang
Hong Huifang Instagram - Don’t miss Breeze By The Sea starring @honghuifang streaming now on MOD, Hami Video, and AXN!🌊✨


♡ MOD與Hami Video影劇館首週六日連更4集
♡ AXN(67台)首週六日播出4集


#catwalktaiwan #不如海邊吹吹風 #BreezeByTheSea #Honghuifang
Hong Huifang Instagram - 今天是电影《好孩子》的开镜大吉,祝福电影拍摄顺顺利利,开开心心,平平安安!
#好孩子 #AGoodChild 
@byleftproductions @cloverfilmssg @goldenvillagepictures @burger_gs @richiekrq @luszeming @charliegoh13 @_cherylchou_
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Hong Huifang Instagram - 大家下午好,养足了精神,让我们一起度过一个愉快的下午。
Hong Huifang Instagram - 大家下午好,养足了精神,让我们一起度过一个愉快的下午。
Hong Huifang Instagram - Here’s where you can find @honghuifang’s favourite Duck Porridge!🤤🤤

#tcacelebeats #fyp #foryourpage #trending #trendingreels #explore #explorepage
Hong Huifang Instagram - 早安!Selamat pagi! Good morning! 

嘟妈! @honghuifang #洪慧芳 
Starting work amidst the swirling mist at Genting Highlands!

#behindthescenes 🎥 贺岁片 #新年.奇迹号 
Hong Huifang Instagram - Catch Breeze By The Sea starring @honghuifang on MOD, Hami Video, and AXN now!🌊✨


♡ MOD與Hami Video影劇館首週六日連更4集
♡ AXN(67台)首週六日播出4集


#catwalktaiwan #不如海邊吹吹風 #BreezeByTheSea #Honghuifang
Hong Huifang Instagram - 电影 #好孩子 #AGoodChildMovie 杀青日,也是我戏中的"儿子" @richiekrq 生日,大家带着依依不舍的心情,一起庆祝,一起狂欢!
@burger_gs @melvinmakfilm
@_cherylchou_ @charliegoh13
@catwalktaiwan @catwalkasia 
Hong Huifang Instagram - “粽”有千般好,唯你最“粽”要,端午佳节,祝大家“粽”横四海,平安和顺!
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency 
Hong Huifang Instagram - 开工前来杯香浓的传统古早味咖啡,现在还能够喝到这种用牛奶空罐子装的咖啡,好怀念这种old school的感觉。
#AGoodChild #好孩子 
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency 
Hong Huifang Instagram - 拍摄幕后花絮 #AGoodChild #好孩子 
梳妝: @dolleiseah @joanlimua @makeupentourage
造型: @huiqinggg
服裝: @cosstores
@catwalkasia @catwalktaiwan
Hong Huifang Instagram - 拍摄幕后花絮 #AGoodChild #好孩子 
梳妝: @dolleiseah @joanlimua @makeupentourage
造型: @huiqinggg
服裝: @cosstores
@catwalkasia @catwalktaiwan
Hong Huifang Instagram - 拍摄幕后花絮 #AGoodChild #好孩子 
梳妝: @dolleiseah @joanlimua @makeupentourage
造型: @huiqinggg
服裝: @cosstores
@catwalkasia @catwalktaiwan
Hong Huifang Instagram - 拍摄幕后花絮 #AGoodChild #好孩子 
梳妝: @dolleiseah @joanlimua @makeupentourage
造型: @huiqinggg
服裝: @cosstores
@catwalkasia @catwalktaiwan
Hong Huifang Instagram - 是的,网络霸凌是一些只能躲在键盘背后自卑可怜的人,不要被他们的嫉妒无能影响到自己的磁场,加油💪💪
Hong Huifang Instagram - 用一颗美好之心,看世界风景;用一颗快乐之心,对生活琐碎;用一颗平常之心,看人生得失成败,坚信未来一片光明!星期五,早上安康!
#女儿的狗狗 @tayying_ 
#tgif #周末愉快💕
Hong Huifang Instagram - 谢谢我的造型团队,帮我打扮美美出席电影 《#好孩子》《#AGoodChild 》的开镜记者招待会。
化妝: @limelightstudiosg @peiyisheng
髮型: @limelightstudiosg @henryhongzhen_limelight
造型: @huiqinggg
服裝: @etro 
鞋子: @charleskeithofficial
Hong Huifang Instagram - Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot!
电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。
#AGoodChildMovie #好孩子
@byleftproductions (Production)
@cloverfilmssg (Production)
@goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical
@burger_gs (Director)
@_ cherylchou.
@the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan
Hong Huifang Instagram - Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot!
电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。
#AGoodChildMovie #好孩子
@byleftproductions (Production)
@cloverfilmssg (Production)
@goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical
@burger_gs (Director)
@_ cherylchou.
@the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan
Hong Huifang Instagram - Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot!
电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。
#AGoodChildMovie #好孩子
@byleftproductions (Production)
@cloverfilmssg (Production)
@goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical
@burger_gs (Director)
@_ cherylchou.
@the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan
Hong Huifang Instagram - Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot!
电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。
#AGoodChildMovie #好孩子
@byleftproductions (Production)
@cloverfilmssg (Production)
@goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical
@burger_gs (Director)
@_ cherylchou.
@the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan
Hong Huifang Instagram - Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot!
电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。
#AGoodChildMovie #好孩子
@byleftproductions (Production)
@cloverfilmssg (Production)
@goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical
@burger_gs (Director)
@_ cherylchou.
@the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan
Hong Huifang Instagram - Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot!
电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。
#AGoodChildMovie #好孩子
@byleftproductions (Production)
@cloverfilmssg (Production)
@goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical
@burger_gs (Director)
@_ cherylchou.
@the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan
Hong Huifang Instagram - Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot!
电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。
#AGoodChildMovie #好孩子
@byleftproductions (Production)
@cloverfilmssg (Production)
@goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical
@burger_gs (Director)
@_ cherylchou.
@the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan
Hong Huifang Instagram - Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot!
电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。
#AGoodChildMovie #好孩子
@byleftproductions (Production)
@cloverfilmssg (Production)
@goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical
@burger_gs (Director)
@_ cherylchou.
@the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan
Hong Huifang Instagram - Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot!
电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。
#AGoodChildMovie #好孩子
@byleftproductions (Production)
@cloverfilmssg (Production)
@goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical
@burger_gs (Director)
@_ cherylchou.
@the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan
Hong Huifang Instagram - Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot!
电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。
#AGoodChildMovie #好孩子
@byleftproductions (Production)
@cloverfilmssg (Production)
@goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical
@burger_gs (Director)
@_ cherylchou.
@the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan
Hong Huifang Instagram - 人生无能为力只能顺其自然,凡事无法强求只能随遇而安,继续努力,总有一天会被看到而受到认可。
@8world.entlife @8dayssg @uweeklysg
@shinmindailynews @straits_times
Hong Huifang Instagram - I saved the flowers 🌹🌹🌹 just for you ❤️

@honghuifang in a customized tuxedo designed & styled by me with handcrafted flowers by @gioiellisg 
Jewelry from @thisisstateproperty 
Hair & Makeup @limelightstudiosg 


Photo @bryanfoong
Hong Huifang Instagram - 台北的缘分延续到新加坡,好开心,我们台北见喽。
@chenbolin @andiechen 
#不如海邊吹吹風 #淑满奶奶
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Hong Huifang Instagram - 台北的缘分延续到新加坡,好开心,我们台北见喽。
@chenbolin @andiechen 
#不如海邊吹吹風 #淑满奶奶
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Hong Huifang Instagram - 台北的缘分延续到新加坡,好开心,我们台北见喽。
@chenbolin @andiechen 
#不如海邊吹吹風 #淑满奶奶
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Hong Huifang Instagram - "毛小孩与妈妈们" 的相聚🐶🐶🐶
@applehong @chenxiuhuan
@tangmiaoling @angeline.lim4848
Hong Huifang Instagram - "毛小孩与妈妈们" 的相聚🐶🐶🐶
@applehong @chenxiuhuan
@tangmiaoling @angeline.lim4848
Hong Huifang Instagram - "毛小孩与妈妈们" 的相聚🐶🐶🐶
@applehong @chenxiuhuan
@tangmiaoling @angeline.lim4848
Hong Huifang Instagram - "毛小孩与妈妈们" 的相聚🐶🐶🐶
@applehong @chenxiuhuan
@tangmiaoling @angeline.lim4848
Hong Huifang Instagram - 人生就像花朵,需要经历风雨才能绽放出更美的色彩,每一个季节都有不同的花开,在生命中也应该珍惜每个阶段。
@catwalktaiwan @catwalk.actors
Hong Huifang Instagram - 时间过得真快,转眼又是周一了,带着周末的愉快投入新的一周,祝朋友们天天愉快。
#星期一不blue #开心过每一天 
@the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan 
Hong Huifang Instagram - 《#凶宅專賣店 》开镜仪式,祈求拍摄顺利,收视长红。
@aiainbaby #taipei #台北
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Hong Huifang Instagram - 《#凶宅專賣店 》开镜仪式,祈求拍摄顺利,收视长红。
@aiainbaby #taipei #台北
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Hong Huifang Instagram - 《#凶宅專賣店 》开镜仪式,祈求拍摄顺利,收视长红。
@aiainbaby #taipei #台北
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Hong Huifang Instagram - 《#凶宅專賣店 》开镜仪式,祈求拍摄顺利,收视长红。
@aiainbaby #taipei #台北
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Hong Huifang Instagram - 许多患有慢性疾病的人士,因为需要长期服药而面临巨大的经济压力.在当前的医疗保健领域有许多药物需求较高的患者,他们大多数都会为了运用超过社保援助计划慢性级病层级(CHAS Chronic Tier) 的年度资助限额而担忧! 
别再担心了,现在有全新推出的--健康SG慢性疾病津贴层级(Healthier SG Chronic Tier) 将会为你们提供更多的津贴,确保那些药物需求较高的患者能够负担得起药物。健康SG慢性疾病津贴层级能帮助减轻患者的经济负担,确保他们能负担得起并获得慢性病的治疗。
在这个新的计划下,那些拥有--社保援助计划(CHAS),建国一代(PG),立国一代(MG) 持卡者,都能享有高达 87.5%的指定慢性疾病药物津贴,价格相当于综合诊疗所;而且每年还有高达$360的津贴,可以用于其他护理项目,如看诊,检验,也可以支付慢性病治疗的费用;慢性疾病的治疗费还可以用 MediSave 还到完,不需要付现金。
所以如果您患有慢性疾病,请咨询您的家庭医生, 了解您是否适合切换使用这个--慢性疾病津贴层级。
有关健康SG的更多信息, 请浏览healthiersg.gov.sg.
Hong Huifang - 5.4K Likes - 在我心中,你始终是那个坚韧不拔、无畏前行的女性楷模,无论面对何种挑战,都能从容应对,勇往直前。

5.4K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 在我心中,你始终是那个坚韧不拔、无畏前行的女性楷模,无论面对何种挑战,都能从容应对,勇往直前。 #冬至吃湯圓 @soramayx @zhenggeping
Likes : 5433
Hong Huifang - 1.6K Likes - Hong Hui Fang, who is currently filming in Kinmen Islands, received a beautiful bouquet from hubby Zheng Ge Ping for their 30th wedding anniversary – love is truly in the air!❤️

1.6K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : Hong Hui Fang, who is currently filming in Kinmen Islands, received a beautiful bouquet from hubby Zheng Ge Ping for their 30th wedding anniversary – love is truly in the air!❤️
Likes : 1553
Hong Huifang - 1.6K Likes - Hong Hui Fang, who is currently filming in Kinmen Islands, received a beautiful bouquet from hubby Zheng Ge Ping for their 30th wedding anniversary – love is truly in the air!❤️

1.6K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : Hong Hui Fang, who is currently filming in Kinmen Islands, received a beautiful bouquet from hubby Zheng Ge Ping for their 30th wedding anniversary – love is truly in the air!❤️
Likes : 1553
Hong Huifang - 1.4K Likes - 亲爱的朋友,圣诞节来临,愿这份节日的温暖和祝福,带给你们无尽的幸福与喜悦。
Dear friend, as Christmas arrives, may the warmth and blessings of this festive season bring you endless happiness and joy.
@zhenggeping @tayying_ @calverttay

1.4K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 亲爱的朋友,圣诞节来临,愿这份节日的温暖和祝福,带给你们无尽的幸福与喜悦。 Dear friend, as Christmas arrives, may the warmth and blessings of this festive season bring you endless happiness and joy. @zhenggeping @tayying_ @calverttay
Likes : 1385
Hong Huifang - 1.4K Likes - 安全抵达,先来杯咖啡乌解解馋🤣🤣 在台北时想念新加坡的家人和朋友们,回来了又想念台北的朋友们,希望我们很快能够再相聚❤️❤️
@catwalktaiwan @catwalk.actors
#凶宅专賣店 #不如海边吹吹风

1.4K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 安全抵达,先来杯咖啡乌解解馋🤣🤣 在台北时想念新加坡的家人和朋友们,回来了又想念台北的朋友们,希望我们很快能够再相聚❤️❤️ #在台北拍摄工作了7个月 #谢谢大家的照顾💓 @catwalktaiwan @catwalk.actors #凶宅专賣店 #不如海边吹吹风 @the_celebrityagency
Likes : 1362
Hong Huifang - 1.3K Likes - 开心❤️

1.3K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 开心❤️ @mndlmummy
Likes : 1294
Hong Huifang - 1.3K Likes - 开心❤️

1.3K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 开心❤️ @mndlmummy
Likes : 1294
Hong Huifang - 1.3K Likes - 开心❤️

1.3K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 开心❤️ @mndlmummy
Likes : 1294
Hong Huifang - 1.3K Likes - 开心❤️

1.3K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 开心❤️ @mndlmummy
Likes : 1294
Hong Huifang - 1.3K Likes - 开心❤️

1.3K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 开心❤️ @mndlmummy
Likes : 1294
Hong Huifang - 1.3K Likes - 开心❤️

1.3K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 开心❤️ @mndlmummy
Likes : 1294
Hong Huifang - 1.3K Likes - 开心❤️

1.3K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 开心❤️ @mndlmummy
Likes : 1294
Hong Huifang - 1.3K Likes - 开心❤️

1.3K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 开心❤️ @mndlmummy
Likes : 1294
Hong Huifang - 1.3K Likes - 开心❤️

1.3K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 开心❤️ @mndlmummy
Likes : 1294
Hong Huifang - 1.2K Likes - 非常感谢我的团队帮我打扮的美美,容光焕发出席盛会。
Outfit designed & stylef by: @anniechuasg
Make up by: @limelightstudiosg
Hair by: @limelightstudiosg
Photo by: @bryanfoong

Handcrafted flower @gioiellisg 
Jewelry @thisisstateproperty
Jewelry brand is - State Property Fine Jewelry
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency

1.2K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 非常感谢我的团队帮我打扮的美美,容光焕发出席盛会。 Outfit designed & stylef by: @anniechuasg Make up by: @limelightstudiosg @peiyisheng Hair by: @limelightstudiosg @henryhongzhen_limelight Photo by: @bryanfoong @henryhongzhen_limelight Handcrafted flower @gioiellisg Jewelry @thisisstateproperty Jewelry brand is – State Property Fine Jewelry @catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Likes : 1225
Hong Huifang - 1.2K Likes - 非常感谢我的团队帮我打扮的美美,容光焕发出席盛会。
Outfit designed & stylef by: @anniechuasg
Make up by: @limelightstudiosg
Hair by: @limelightstudiosg
Photo by: @bryanfoong

Handcrafted flower @gioiellisg 
Jewelry @thisisstateproperty
Jewelry brand is - State Property Fine Jewelry
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency

1.2K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 非常感谢我的团队帮我打扮的美美,容光焕发出席盛会。 Outfit designed & stylef by: @anniechuasg Make up by: @limelightstudiosg @peiyisheng Hair by: @limelightstudiosg @henryhongzhen_limelight Photo by: @bryanfoong @henryhongzhen_limelight Handcrafted flower @gioiellisg Jewelry @thisisstateproperty Jewelry brand is – State Property Fine Jewelry @catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Likes : 1225
Hong Huifang - 1.2K Likes - 非常感谢我的团队帮我打扮的美美,容光焕发出席盛会。
Outfit designed & stylef by: @anniechuasg
Make up by: @limelightstudiosg
Hair by: @limelightstudiosg
Photo by: @bryanfoong

Handcrafted flower @gioiellisg 
Jewelry @thisisstateproperty
Jewelry brand is - State Property Fine Jewelry
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency

1.2K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 非常感谢我的团队帮我打扮的美美,容光焕发出席盛会。 Outfit designed & stylef by: @anniechuasg Make up by: @limelightstudiosg @peiyisheng Hair by: @limelightstudiosg @henryhongzhen_limelight Photo by: @bryanfoong @henryhongzhen_limelight Handcrafted flower @gioiellisg Jewelry @thisisstateproperty Jewelry brand is – State Property Fine Jewelry @catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Likes : 1225
Hong Huifang - 1.2K Likes - 非常感谢我的团队帮我打扮的美美,容光焕发出席盛会。
Outfit designed & stylef by: @anniechuasg
Make up by: @limelightstudiosg
Hair by: @limelightstudiosg
Photo by: @bryanfoong

Handcrafted flower @gioiellisg 
Jewelry @thisisstateproperty
Jewelry brand is - State Property Fine Jewelry
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency

1.2K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 非常感谢我的团队帮我打扮的美美,容光焕发出席盛会。 Outfit designed & stylef by: @anniechuasg Make up by: @limelightstudiosg @peiyisheng Hair by: @limelightstudiosg @henryhongzhen_limelight Photo by: @bryanfoong @henryhongzhen_limelight Handcrafted flower @gioiellisg Jewelry @thisisstateproperty Jewelry brand is – State Property Fine Jewelry @catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Likes : 1225
Hong Huifang - 1.2K Likes - 非常感谢我的团队帮我打扮的美美,容光焕发出席盛会。
Outfit designed & stylef by: @anniechuasg
Make up by: @limelightstudiosg
Hair by: @limelightstudiosg
Photo by: @bryanfoong

Handcrafted flower @gioiellisg 
Jewelry @thisisstateproperty
Jewelry brand is - State Property Fine Jewelry
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency

1.2K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 非常感谢我的团队帮我打扮的美美,容光焕发出席盛会。 Outfit designed & stylef by: @anniechuasg Make up by: @limelightstudiosg @peiyisheng Hair by: @limelightstudiosg @henryhongzhen_limelight Photo by: @bryanfoong @henryhongzhen_limelight Handcrafted flower @gioiellisg Jewelry @thisisstateproperty Jewelry brand is – State Property Fine Jewelry @catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Likes : 1225
Hong Huifang - 1.2K Likes - 非常感谢我的团队帮我打扮的美美,容光焕发出席盛会。
Outfit designed & stylef by: @anniechuasg
Make up by: @limelightstudiosg
Hair by: @limelightstudiosg
Photo by: @bryanfoong

Handcrafted flower @gioiellisg 
Jewelry @thisisstateproperty
Jewelry brand is - State Property Fine Jewelry
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency

1.2K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 非常感谢我的团队帮我打扮的美美,容光焕发出席盛会。 Outfit designed & stylef by: @anniechuasg Make up by: @limelightstudiosg @peiyisheng Hair by: @limelightstudiosg @henryhongzhen_limelight Photo by: @bryanfoong @henryhongzhen_limelight Handcrafted flower @gioiellisg Jewelry @thisisstateproperty Jewelry brand is – State Property Fine Jewelry @catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Likes : 1225
Hong Huifang - 1.1K Likes - 原来是7.2级的强震,难怪晃得这么厉害,谢谢大家的关心,我们都很平安🙏❤️

1.1K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 原来是7.2级的强震,难怪晃得这么厉害,谢谢大家的关心,我们都很平安🙏❤️
Likes : 1126
Hong Huifang - 1.1K Likes - @honghuifang #洪慧芳 is in the midst of an exciting shoot for a festive movie #新年.奇迹号 as her character 嘟妈 at the cool and misty Genting Highlands, alongside a fun group of 🇲🇾artistes! 

Excitedly awaiting its release during the 2025 Lunar New Year season. Can’t wait for it! #huatahhh 


1.1K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : @honghuifang #洪慧芳 is in the midst of an exciting shoot for a festive movie #新年.奇迹号 as her character 嘟妈 at the cool and misty Genting Highlands, alongside a fun group of 🇲🇾artistes! Excitedly awaiting its release during the 2025 Lunar New Year season. Can’t wait for it! #huatahhh #thecelebrityagency
Likes : 1065
Hong Huifang - 1.1K Likes - @honghuifang #洪慧芳 is in the midst of an exciting shoot for a festive movie #新年.奇迹号 as her character 嘟妈 at the cool and misty Genting Highlands, alongside a fun group of 🇲🇾artistes! 

Excitedly awaiting its release during the 2025 Lunar New Year season. Can’t wait for it! #huatahhh 


1.1K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : @honghuifang #洪慧芳 is in the midst of an exciting shoot for a festive movie #新年.奇迹号 as her character 嘟妈 at the cool and misty Genting Highlands, alongside a fun group of 🇲🇾artistes! Excitedly awaiting its release during the 2025 Lunar New Year season. Can’t wait for it! #huatahhh #thecelebrityagency
Likes : 1065
Hong Huifang - 1.1K Likes - @honghuifang #洪慧芳 is in the midst of an exciting shoot for a festive movie #新年.奇迹号 as her character 嘟妈 at the cool and misty Genting Highlands, alongside a fun group of 🇲🇾artistes! 

Excitedly awaiting its release during the 2025 Lunar New Year season. Can’t wait for it! #huatahhh 


1.1K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : @honghuifang #洪慧芳 is in the midst of an exciting shoot for a festive movie #新年.奇迹号 as her character 嘟妈 at the cool and misty Genting Highlands, alongside a fun group of 🇲🇾artistes! Excitedly awaiting its release during the 2025 Lunar New Year season. Can’t wait for it! #huatahhh #thecelebrityagency
Likes : 1065
Hong Huifang - 1.1K Likes - @honghuifang #洪慧芳 is in the midst of an exciting shoot for a festive movie #新年.奇迹号 as her character 嘟妈 at the cool and misty Genting Highlands, alongside a fun group of 🇲🇾artistes! 

Excitedly awaiting its release during the 2025 Lunar New Year season. Can’t wait for it! #huatahhh 


1.1K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : @honghuifang #洪慧芳 is in the midst of an exciting shoot for a festive movie #新年.奇迹号 as her character 嘟妈 at the cool and misty Genting Highlands, alongside a fun group of 🇲🇾artistes! Excitedly awaiting its release during the 2025 Lunar New Year season. Can’t wait for it! #huatahhh #thecelebrityagency
Likes : 1065
Hong Huifang - 1.1K Likes - @honghuifang #洪慧芳 is in the midst of an exciting shoot for a festive movie #新年.奇迹号 as her character 嘟妈 at the cool and misty Genting Highlands, alongside a fun group of 🇲🇾artistes! 

Excitedly awaiting its release during the 2025 Lunar New Year season. Can’t wait for it! #huatahhh 


1.1K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : @honghuifang #洪慧芳 is in the midst of an exciting shoot for a festive movie #新年.奇迹号 as her character 嘟妈 at the cool and misty Genting Highlands, alongside a fun group of 🇲🇾artistes! Excitedly awaiting its release during the 2025 Lunar New Year season. Can’t wait for it! #huatahhh #thecelebrityagency
Likes : 1065
Hong Huifang - 1K Likes - 谢谢大家满满的爱与祝福,谢谢在金门拍摄的这些日子大家对我的照顾,感恩❤️❤️
@ryan_chieh @chang859 @carolcheng1971 @imcharleslin 
@a.rose1110 @jacktoo0524 
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency

1K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 谢谢大家满满的爱与祝福,谢谢在金门拍摄的这些日子大家对我的照顾,感恩❤️❤️ #不如海邊吹吹風 @ryan_chieh @chang859 @carolcheng1971 @imcharleslin @a.rose1110 @jacktoo0524 @catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Likes : 1021
Hong Huifang - 1K Likes - 谢谢大家满满的爱与祝福,谢谢在金门拍摄的这些日子大家对我的照顾,感恩❤️❤️
@ryan_chieh @chang859 @carolcheng1971 @imcharleslin 
@a.rose1110 @jacktoo0524 
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency

1K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 谢谢大家满满的爱与祝福,谢谢在金门拍摄的这些日子大家对我的照顾,感恩❤️❤️ #不如海邊吹吹風 @ryan_chieh @chang859 @carolcheng1971 @imcharleslin @a.rose1110 @jacktoo0524 @catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Likes : 1021
Hong Huifang - 1K Likes - 谢谢大家满满的爱与祝福,谢谢在金门拍摄的这些日子大家对我的照顾,感恩❤️❤️
@ryan_chieh @chang859 @carolcheng1971 @imcharleslin 
@a.rose1110 @jacktoo0524 
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency

1K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 谢谢大家满满的爱与祝福,谢谢在金门拍摄的这些日子大家对我的照顾,感恩❤️❤️ #不如海邊吹吹風 @ryan_chieh @chang859 @carolcheng1971 @imcharleslin @a.rose1110 @jacktoo0524 @catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Likes : 1021
Hong Huifang - 1K Likes - 谢谢大家满满的爱与祝福,谢谢在金门拍摄的这些日子大家对我的照顾,感恩❤️❤️
@ryan_chieh @chang859 @carolcheng1971 @imcharleslin 
@a.rose1110 @jacktoo0524 
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency

1K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 谢谢大家满满的爱与祝福,谢谢在金门拍摄的这些日子大家对我的照顾,感恩❤️❤️ #不如海邊吹吹風 @ryan_chieh @chang859 @carolcheng1971 @imcharleslin @a.rose1110 @jacktoo0524 @catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Likes : 1021
Hong Huifang - 1K Likes - 谢谢大家满满的爱与祝福,谢谢在金门拍摄的这些日子大家对我的照顾,感恩❤️❤️
@ryan_chieh @chang859 @carolcheng1971 @imcharleslin 
@a.rose1110 @jacktoo0524 
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency

1K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 谢谢大家满满的爱与祝福,谢谢在金门拍摄的这些日子大家对我的照顾,感恩❤️❤️ #不如海邊吹吹風 @ryan_chieh @chang859 @carolcheng1971 @imcharleslin @a.rose1110 @jacktoo0524 @catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Likes : 1021
Hong Huifang - 1K Likes - 最真实 最可爱 最爱玩 的 @honghuifang ❤️

Meet my first ever on-screen mom! In 2015, we acted in the movie 7 Letters. Many years later we sitting down having 7 Drinks 🥹

她吃的盐比我吃的米多 感谢姐姐分享许多金玉良言!
You’re not gonna regret this episode. 
Watch it now! Link in my bio 🫶🏻

1K Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 最真实 最可爱 最爱玩 的 @honghuifang ❤️ Meet my first ever on-screen mom! In 2015, we acted in the movie 7 Letters. Many years later we sitting down having 7 Drinks 🥹 她吃的盐比我吃的米多 感谢姐姐分享许多金玉良言! You’re not gonna regret this episode. Watch it now! Link in my bio 🫶🏻
Likes : 996
Hong Huifang - 726 Likes - 温拿乐队的演唱会就像一条时光隧道,带我们回到了那个充满激情与梦想的青春时代。当音乐响起,仿佛瞬间回到了那些年,和朋友们一起在磁带机前听温拿的歌曲,唱着《Sha-La-La-La》。

726 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 温拿乐队的演唱会就像一条时光隧道,带我们回到了那个充满激情与梦想的青春时代。当音乐响起,仿佛瞬间回到了那些年,和朋友们一起在磁带机前听温拿的歌曲,唱着《Sha-La-La-La》。 #拍摄休假日的娱乐 #新年奇迹号 @vivi_oon_vivi @the_celebrityagency @catwalk.actors
Likes : 726
Hong Huifang - 726 Likes - 温拿乐队的演唱会就像一条时光隧道,带我们回到了那个充满激情与梦想的青春时代。当音乐响起,仿佛瞬间回到了那些年,和朋友们一起在磁带机前听温拿的歌曲,唱着《Sha-La-La-La》。

726 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 温拿乐队的演唱会就像一条时光隧道,带我们回到了那个充满激情与梦想的青春时代。当音乐响起,仿佛瞬间回到了那些年,和朋友们一起在磁带机前听温拿的歌曲,唱着《Sha-La-La-La》。 #拍摄休假日的娱乐 #新年奇迹号 @vivi_oon_vivi @the_celebrityagency @catwalk.actors
Likes : 726
Hong Huifang - 713 Likes - 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天!

713 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天! #樂遊金門 #不如海邊吹吹風 #大队休假的一天
Likes : 713
Hong Huifang - 713 Likes - 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天!

713 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天! #樂遊金門 #不如海邊吹吹風 #大队休假的一天
Likes : 713
Hong Huifang - 713 Likes - 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天!

713 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天! #樂遊金門 #不如海邊吹吹風 #大队休假的一天
Likes : 713
Hong Huifang - 713 Likes - 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天!

713 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天! #樂遊金門 #不如海邊吹吹風 #大队休假的一天
Likes : 713
Hong Huifang - 713 Likes - 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天!

713 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天! #樂遊金門 #不如海邊吹吹風 #大队休假的一天
Likes : 713
Hong Huifang - 713 Likes - 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天!

713 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天! #樂遊金門 #不如海邊吹吹風 #大队休假的一天
Likes : 713
Hong Huifang - 713 Likes - 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天!

713 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天! #樂遊金門 #不如海邊吹吹風 #大队休假的一天
Likes : 713
Hong Huifang - 713 Likes - 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天!

713 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天! #樂遊金門 #不如海邊吹吹風 #大队休假的一天
Likes : 713
Hong Huifang - 713 Likes - 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天!

713 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天! #樂遊金門 #不如海邊吹吹風 #大队休假的一天
Likes : 713
Hong Huifang - 713 Likes - 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天!

713 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 放假没开工,趴趴走的一天! #樂遊金門 #不如海邊吹吹風 #大队休假的一天
Likes : 713
Hong Huifang - 701 Likes - 祝愿全天下妈妈们母亲节快乐,生活开心幸福,健康平安❤️
@zhenggeping @calverttay
@tayying_ @_wusihan_

701 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 祝愿全天下妈妈们母亲节快乐,生活开心幸福,健康平安❤️ 我可能不是一位完美的妈妈,但我肯定是一位尽责任的妈妈,谢谢我最爱的你们😘😘😘😘 @zhenggeping @calverttay @tayying_ @_wusihan_
Likes : 701
Hong Huifang - 701 Likes - 祝愿全天下妈妈们母亲节快乐,生活开心幸福,健康平安❤️
@zhenggeping @calverttay
@tayying_ @_wusihan_

701 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 祝愿全天下妈妈们母亲节快乐,生活开心幸福,健康平安❤️ 我可能不是一位完美的妈妈,但我肯定是一位尽责任的妈妈,谢谢我最爱的你们😘😘😘😘 @zhenggeping @calverttay @tayying_ @_wusihan_
Likes : 701
Hong Huifang - 674 Likes - 朋友们都问我,为什么这么大妈, 好吧,就来个秒变💜💚🧡💛

674 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 朋友们都问我,为什么这么大妈, 好吧,就来个秒变💜💚🧡💛 #不用华丽花俏的装扮 #简单舒服的穿搭 #大妈的卷发也可以变好看 #大妈造型为剧情所需 #新年奇迹号 @the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan
Likes : 674
Hong Huifang - 636 Likes - 朋友们都问我,常常自己一个人在国外开工,不觉得孤独寂寞吗?只要家人不用再让我操心和牵挂,而且最重要的是得到另一半的鼓励与支持,在国外独立生活与工作能够让我从新找到自己与世界的平衡点,它既是一种挑战,也是一种自由。
@the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan 
@catwalk.actors @catwalkasia 

636 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 朋友们都问我,常常自己一个人在国外开工,不觉得孤独寂寞吗?只要家人不用再让我操心和牵挂,而且最重要的是得到另一半的鼓励与支持,在国外独立生活与工作能够让我从新找到自己与世界的平衡点,它既是一种挑战,也是一种自由。 趁着还有健康的体魄,继续尝试不同的挑战,让余生精彩靓丽。 @the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan @catwalk.actors @catwalkasia #新年奇迹号
Likes : 636
Hong Huifang - 590 Likes - Good morning,  another work trip till september,  byebye singapore❤️❤️
@catwalktaiwan @catwalkasia

590 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : Good morning, another work trip till september, byebye singapore❤️❤️ @the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan @catwalkasia
Likes : 590
Hong Huifang - 534 Likes - Here is a smile for you, Wishing you a weekend filled with joy, relaxation and all the things that make you happy.
#TGIF #goodfriday #anothergoodday 
#happymood #relax #enjoyingworklife 
@the_celebrityagency @catwalk.actors

534 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : Here is a smile for you, Wishing you a weekend filled with joy, relaxation and all the things that make you happy. #TGIF #goodfriday #anothergoodday #happymood #relax #enjoyingworklife @the_celebrityagency @catwalk.actors
Likes : 534
Hong Huifang - 469 Likes - We are excited to share that Hong Hui Fang is currently in Taiwan gearing up for her next production《凶宅专卖店》, where she will be acting alongside Christopher 李铭顺、Buffy 陈妍霏、Fandy 范少勳 and many more amazing talents!😊

We can’t wait for what’s to come and the chemistry that they will bring to the audience!


469 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : We are excited to share that Hong Hui Fang is currently in Taiwan gearing up for her next production《凶宅专卖店》, where she will be acting alongside Christopher 李铭顺、Buffy 陈妍霏、Fandy 范少勳 and many more amazing talents!😊 We can’t wait for what’s to come and the chemistry that they will bring to the audience! #HongHuiFang
Likes : 469
Hong Huifang - 469 Likes - We are excited to share that Hong Hui Fang is currently in Taiwan gearing up for her next production《凶宅专卖店》, where she will be acting alongside Christopher 李铭顺、Buffy 陈妍霏、Fandy 范少勳 and many more amazing talents!😊

We can’t wait for what’s to come and the chemistry that they will bring to the audience!


469 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : We are excited to share that Hong Hui Fang is currently in Taiwan gearing up for her next production《凶宅专卖店》, where she will be acting alongside Christopher 李铭顺、Buffy 陈妍霏、Fandy 范少勳 and many more amazing talents!😊 We can’t wait for what’s to come and the chemistry that they will bring to the audience! #HongHuiFang
Likes : 469
Hong Huifang - 389 Likes - 今天9月1日,2024年就剩下1/3的日子了,希望这个月一切顺利,开心快活!
@the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan 
@catwalkasia @catwalk.actors

389 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 今天9月1日,2024年就剩下1/3的日子了,希望这个月一切顺利,开心快活! @the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan @catwalkasia @catwalk.actors
Likes : 389
Hong Huifang - 357 Likes - 又是一个悠闲的周末,在这个美好的日子,送上我真挚的祝福,愿您快乐,舒心,轻松,惬意,周五好心情,周末轻松愉快。
#TGIF #happyweekend 
@the_celebrityagency @catwalkasia

357 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 又是一个悠闲的周末,在这个美好的日子,送上我真挚的祝福,愿您快乐,舒心,轻松,惬意,周五好心情,周末轻松愉快。 #TGIF #happyweekend @the_celebrityagency @catwalkasia @catwalktaiwan
Likes : 357
Hong Huifang - 345 Likes - 虽然还没杀青,但已经有着不舍的情怀,抓住这个美好的时刻。
#新年奇迹号 @lomopictures 
@ryonlion @aniuverygood 
@the_celebrityagency @catwalk.actors

345 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 虽然还没杀青,但已经有着不舍的情怀,抓住这个美好的时刻。 #新年奇迹号 @lomopictures @ryonlion @aniuverygood @the_celebrityagency @catwalk.actors
Likes : 345
Hong Huifang - 289 Likes - Don’t miss Breeze By The Sea starring @honghuifang streaming now on MOD, Hami Video, and AXN!🌊✨


♡ MOD與Hami Video影劇館首週六日連更4集
♡ AXN(67台)首週六日播出4集


#catwalktaiwan #不如海邊吹吹風 #BreezeByTheSea #Honghuifang

289 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : Don’t miss Breeze By The Sea starring @honghuifang streaming now on MOD, Hami Video, and AXN!🌊✨ 💙年末壓軸治癒系愛情影集💙    《不如海邊吹吹風》 ▷帥跩大明星×最美小海女◁    ⁕陳柏霖×郭雪芙⁕ 12月14日起每週六晚上9點播出 ♡ MOD與Hami Video影劇館首週六日連更4集 ♡ AXN(67台)首週六日播出4集 *-。-。-。-。-。-。* ➳導演|何潤東 ➳主演|陳柏霖×郭雪芙×林柏叡×蔡思韵×洪慧芳×范文芳×庹宗華×鄭家榆×吳子霏×馬念先×楊子儀×莊茜佳×陳鼎中×林映彤×王晴×李之勤×陳曉蓁×顏廷儒×簡劭峰×元康×陳元豪×郭袓萌 ➳製作|大川大立數位 ➳行銷|用心娛樂 #catwalktaiwan #不如海邊吹吹風 #BreezeByTheSea #Honghuifang
Likes : 289
Hong Huifang - 289 Likes - Don’t miss Breeze By The Sea starring @honghuifang streaming now on MOD, Hami Video, and AXN!🌊✨


♡ MOD與Hami Video影劇館首週六日連更4集
♡ AXN(67台)首週六日播出4集


#catwalktaiwan #不如海邊吹吹風 #BreezeByTheSea #Honghuifang

289 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : Don’t miss Breeze By The Sea starring @honghuifang streaming now on MOD, Hami Video, and AXN!🌊✨ 💙年末壓軸治癒系愛情影集💙    《不如海邊吹吹風》 ▷帥跩大明星×最美小海女◁    ⁕陳柏霖×郭雪芙⁕ 12月14日起每週六晚上9點播出 ♡ MOD與Hami Video影劇館首週六日連更4集 ♡ AXN(67台)首週六日播出4集 *-。-。-。-。-。-。* ➳導演|何潤東 ➳主演|陳柏霖×郭雪芙×林柏叡×蔡思韵×洪慧芳×范文芳×庹宗華×鄭家榆×吳子霏×馬念先×楊子儀×莊茜佳×陳鼎中×林映彤×王晴×李之勤×陳曉蓁×顏廷儒×簡劭峰×元康×陳元豪×郭袓萌 ➳製作|大川大立數位 ➳行銷|用心娛樂 #catwalktaiwan #不如海邊吹吹風 #BreezeByTheSea #Honghuifang
Likes : 289
Hong Huifang - 289 Likes - Don’t miss Breeze By The Sea starring @honghuifang streaming now on MOD, Hami Video, and AXN!🌊✨


♡ MOD與Hami Video影劇館首週六日連更4集
♡ AXN(67台)首週六日播出4集


#catwalktaiwan #不如海邊吹吹風 #BreezeByTheSea #Honghuifang

289 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : Don’t miss Breeze By The Sea starring @honghuifang streaming now on MOD, Hami Video, and AXN!🌊✨ 💙年末壓軸治癒系愛情影集💙    《不如海邊吹吹風》 ▷帥跩大明星×最美小海女◁    ⁕陳柏霖×郭雪芙⁕ 12月14日起每週六晚上9點播出 ♡ MOD與Hami Video影劇館首週六日連更4集 ♡ AXN(67台)首週六日播出4集 *-。-。-。-。-。-。* ➳導演|何潤東 ➳主演|陳柏霖×郭雪芙×林柏叡×蔡思韵×洪慧芳×范文芳×庹宗華×鄭家榆×吳子霏×馬念先×楊子儀×莊茜佳×陳鼎中×林映彤×王晴×李之勤×陳曉蓁×顏廷儒×簡劭峰×元康×陳元豪×郭袓萌 ➳製作|大川大立數位 ➳行銷|用心娛樂 #catwalktaiwan #不如海邊吹吹風 #BreezeByTheSea #Honghuifang
Likes : 289
Hong Huifang - 285 Likes - 今天是电影《好孩子》的开镜大吉,祝福电影拍摄顺顺利利,开开心心,平平安安!
#好孩子 #AGoodChild 
@byleftproductions @cloverfilmssg @goldenvillagepictures @burger_gs @richiekrq @luszeming @charliegoh13 @_cherylchou_
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency

285 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 今天是电影《好孩子》的开镜大吉,祝福电影拍摄顺顺利利,开开心心,平平安安! #好孩子 #AGoodChild #2024年5月13日好时辰 #暂时还不能透露我们两母子的造型😆 @byleftproductions @cloverfilmssg @goldenvillagepictures @burger_gs @richiekrq @luszeming @charliegoh13 @_cherylchou_ @catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Likes : 285
Hong Huifang - 273 Likes - 大家下午好,养足了精神,让我们一起度过一个愉快的下午。

273 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 大家下午好,养足了精神,让我们一起度过一个愉快的下午。
Likes : 273
Hong Huifang - 273 Likes - 大家下午好,养足了精神,让我们一起度过一个愉快的下午。

273 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 大家下午好,养足了精神,让我们一起度过一个愉快的下午。
Likes : 273
Hong Huifang - 223 Likes - Here’s where you can find @honghuifang’s favourite Duck Porridge!🤤🤤

#tcacelebeats #fyp #foryourpage #trending #trendingreels #explore #explorepage

223 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : Here’s where you can find @honghuifang’s favourite Duck Porridge!🤤🤤 #tcacelebeats #fyp #foryourpage #trending #trendingreels #explore #explorepage
Likes : 223
Hong Huifang - 211 Likes - 早安!Selamat pagi! Good morning! 

嘟妈! @honghuifang #洪慧芳 
Starting work amidst the swirling mist at Genting Highlands!

#behindthescenes 🎥 贺岁片 #新年.奇迹号 

211 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 早安!Selamat pagi! Good morning! 嘟妈! @honghuifang #洪慧芳 Starting work amidst the swirling mist at Genting Highlands! #behindthescenes 🎥 贺岁片 #新年.奇迹号 #thecelebrityagency
Likes : 211
Hong Huifang - 200 Likes - Catch Breeze By The Sea starring @honghuifang on MOD, Hami Video, and AXN now!🌊✨


♡ MOD與Hami Video影劇館首週六日連更4集
♡ AXN(67台)首週六日播出4集


#catwalktaiwan #不如海邊吹吹風 #BreezeByTheSea #Honghuifang

200 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : Catch Breeze By The Sea starring @honghuifang on MOD, Hami Video, and AXN now!🌊✨ 💙年末壓軸治癒系愛情影集💙    《不如海邊吹吹風》 ▷帥跩大明星×最美小海女◁    ⁕陳柏霖×郭雪芙⁕ 12月14日起每週六晚上9點播出 ♡ MOD與Hami Video影劇館首週六日連更4集 ♡ AXN(67台)首週六日播出4集 *-。-。-。-。-。-。* ➳導演|何潤東 ➳主演|陳柏霖×郭雪芙×林柏叡×蔡思韵×洪慧芳×范文芳×庹宗華×鄭家榆×吳子霏×馬念先×楊子儀×莊茜佳×陳鼎中×林映彤×王晴×李之勤×陳曉蓁×顏廷儒×簡劭峰×元康×陳元豪×郭袓萌 ➳製作|大川大立數位 ➳行銷|用心娛樂 #catwalktaiwan #不如海邊吹吹風 #BreezeByTheSea #Honghuifang
Likes : 200
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - 电影 #好孩子 #AGoodChildMovie 杀青日,也是我戏中的"儿子" @richiekrq 生日,大家带着依依不舍的心情,一起庆祝,一起狂欢!
@burger_gs @melvinmakfilm
@_cherylchou_ @charliegoh13
@catwalktaiwan @catwalkasia 

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 电影 #好孩子 #AGoodChildMovie 杀青日,也是我戏中的”儿子” @richiekrq 生日,大家带着依依不舍的心情,一起庆祝,一起狂欢! @burger_gs @melvinmakfilm @_cherylchou_ @charliegoh13 #祝福电影票房大卖 @catwalktaiwan @catwalkasia @the_celebrityagency
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - “粽”有千般好,唯你最“粽”要,端午佳节,祝大家“粽”横四海,平安和顺!
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency 

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : “粽”有千般好,唯你最“粽”要,端午佳节,祝大家“粽”横四海,平安和顺! #五月初五端午節吃粽子咯 @catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency @catwalkasia
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - 开工前来杯香浓的传统古早味咖啡,现在还能够喝到这种用牛奶空罐子装的咖啡,好怀念这种old school的感觉。
#AGoodChild #好孩子 
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency 

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 开工前来杯香浓的传统古早味咖啡,现在还能够喝到这种用牛奶空罐子装的咖啡,好怀念这种old school的感觉。 咖啡就是人生,苦与甜都包含其中 #一个走入历史的文化 #让我回味无穷 #AGoodChild #好孩子 @catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency @catwalk.actors
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - 拍摄幕后花絮 #AGoodChild #好孩子 
梳妝: @dolleiseah @joanlimua @makeupentourage
造型: @huiqinggg
服裝: @cosstores
@catwalkasia @catwalktaiwan

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 拍摄幕后花絮 #AGoodChild #好孩子 谢谢幕后功臣: 梳妝: @dolleiseah @joanlimua @makeupentourage 造型: @huiqinggg 服裝: @cosstores @catwalkasia @catwalktaiwan
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - 拍摄幕后花絮 #AGoodChild #好孩子 
梳妝: @dolleiseah @joanlimua @makeupentourage
造型: @huiqinggg
服裝: @cosstores
@catwalkasia @catwalktaiwan

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 拍摄幕后花絮 #AGoodChild #好孩子 谢谢幕后功臣: 梳妝: @dolleiseah @joanlimua @makeupentourage 造型: @huiqinggg 服裝: @cosstores @catwalkasia @catwalktaiwan
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - 拍摄幕后花絮 #AGoodChild #好孩子 
梳妝: @dolleiseah @joanlimua @makeupentourage
造型: @huiqinggg
服裝: @cosstores
@catwalkasia @catwalktaiwan

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 拍摄幕后花絮 #AGoodChild #好孩子 谢谢幕后功臣: 梳妝: @dolleiseah @joanlimua @makeupentourage 造型: @huiqinggg 服裝: @cosstores @catwalkasia @catwalktaiwan
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - 拍摄幕后花絮 #AGoodChild #好孩子 
梳妝: @dolleiseah @joanlimua @makeupentourage
造型: @huiqinggg
服裝: @cosstores
@catwalkasia @catwalktaiwan

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 拍摄幕后花絮 #AGoodChild #好孩子 谢谢幕后功臣: 梳妝: @dolleiseah @joanlimua @makeupentourage 造型: @huiqinggg 服裝: @cosstores @catwalkasia @catwalktaiwan
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - 是的,网络霸凌是一些只能躲在键盘背后自卑可怜的人,不要被他们的嫉妒无能影响到自己的磁场,加油💪💪

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 是的,网络霸凌是一些只能躲在键盘背后自卑可怜的人,不要被他们的嫉妒无能影响到自己的磁场,加油💪💪 @calverttay
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - 用一颗美好之心,看世界风景;用一颗快乐之心,对生活琐碎;用一颗平常之心,看人生得失成败,坚信未来一片光明!星期五,早上安康!
#女儿的狗狗 @tayying_ 
#tgif #周末愉快💕

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 用一颗美好之心,看世界风景;用一颗快乐之心,对生活琐碎;用一颗平常之心,看人生得失成败,坚信未来一片光明!星期五,早上安康! #女儿的狗狗 @tayying_ #mydaughtersdog❤️ #tgif #周末愉快💕
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - 谢谢我的造型团队,帮我打扮美美出席电影 《#好孩子》《#AGoodChild 》的开镜记者招待会。
化妝: @limelightstudiosg @peiyisheng
髮型: @limelightstudiosg @henryhongzhen_limelight
造型: @huiqinggg
服裝: @etro 
鞋子: @charleskeithofficial

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 谢谢我的造型团队,帮我打扮美美出席电影 《#好孩子》《#AGoodChild 》的开镜记者招待会。 化妝: @limelightstudiosg @peiyisheng 髮型: @limelightstudiosg @henryhongzhen_limelight 造型: @huiqinggg 服裝: @etro 鞋子: @charleskeithofficial
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot!
电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。
#AGoodChildMovie #好孩子
@byleftproductions (Production)
@cloverfilmssg (Production)
@goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical
@burger_gs (Director)
@_ cherylchou.
@the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot! 电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。 #AGoodChildMovie #好孩子 Accounts: @byleftproductions (Production) @cloverfilmssg (Production) @goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical Partner) @burger_gs (Director) @richiekrq @honghuifang @luszeming @charliegoh13 @_ cherylchou. @the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot!
电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。
#AGoodChildMovie #好孩子
@byleftproductions (Production)
@cloverfilmssg (Production)
@goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical
@burger_gs (Director)
@_ cherylchou.
@the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot! 电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。 #AGoodChildMovie #好孩子 Accounts: @byleftproductions (Production) @cloverfilmssg (Production) @goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical Partner) @burger_gs (Director) @richiekrq @honghuifang @luszeming @charliegoh13 @_ cherylchou. @the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot!
电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。
#AGoodChildMovie #好孩子
@byleftproductions (Production)
@cloverfilmssg (Production)
@goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical
@burger_gs (Director)
@_ cherylchou.
@the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot! 电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。 #AGoodChildMovie #好孩子 Accounts: @byleftproductions (Production) @cloverfilmssg (Production) @goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical Partner) @burger_gs (Director) @richiekrq @honghuifang @luszeming @charliegoh13 @_ cherylchou. @the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot!
电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。
#AGoodChildMovie #好孩子
@byleftproductions (Production)
@cloverfilmssg (Production)
@goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical
@burger_gs (Director)
@_ cherylchou.
@the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot! 电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。 #AGoodChildMovie #好孩子 Accounts: @byleftproductions (Production) @cloverfilmssg (Production) @goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical Partner) @burger_gs (Director) @richiekrq @honghuifang @luszeming @charliegoh13 @_ cherylchou. @the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot!
电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。
#AGoodChildMovie #好孩子
@byleftproductions (Production)
@cloverfilmssg (Production)
@goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical
@burger_gs (Director)
@_ cherylchou.
@the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot! 电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。 #AGoodChildMovie #好孩子 Accounts: @byleftproductions (Production) @cloverfilmssg (Production) @goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical Partner) @burger_gs (Director) @richiekrq @honghuifang @luszeming @charliegoh13 @_ cherylchou. @the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot!
电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。
#AGoodChildMovie #好孩子
@byleftproductions (Production)
@cloverfilmssg (Production)
@goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical
@burger_gs (Director)
@_ cherylchou.
@the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot! 电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。 #AGoodChildMovie #好孩子 Accounts: @byleftproductions (Production) @cloverfilmssg (Production) @goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical Partner) @burger_gs (Director) @richiekrq @honghuifang @luszeming @charliegoh13 @_ cherylchou. @the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot!
电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。
#AGoodChildMovie #好孩子
@byleftproductions (Production)
@cloverfilmssg (Production)
@goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical
@burger_gs (Director)
@_ cherylchou.
@the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot! 电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。 #AGoodChildMovie #好孩子 Accounts: @byleftproductions (Production) @cloverfilmssg (Production) @goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical Partner) @burger_gs (Director) @richiekrq @honghuifang @luszeming @charliegoh13 @_ cherylchou. @the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot!
电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。
#AGoodChildMovie #好孩子
@byleftproductions (Production)
@cloverfilmssg (Production)
@goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical
@burger_gs (Director)
@_ cherylchou.
@the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot! 电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。 #AGoodChildMovie #好孩子 Accounts: @byleftproductions (Production) @cloverfilmssg (Production) @goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical Partner) @burger_gs (Director) @richiekrq @honghuifang @luszeming @charliegoh13 @_ cherylchou. @the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot!
电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。
#AGoodChildMovie #好孩子
@byleftproductions (Production)
@cloverfilmssg (Production)
@goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical
@burger_gs (Director)
@_ cherylchou.
@the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot! 电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。 #AGoodChildMovie #好孩子 Accounts: @byleftproductions (Production) @cloverfilmssg (Production) @goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical Partner) @burger_gs (Director) @richiekrq @honghuifang @luszeming @charliegoh13 @_ cherylchou. @the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot!
电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。
#AGoodChildMovie #好孩子
@byleftproductions (Production)
@cloverfilmssg (Production)
@goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical
@burger_gs (Director)
@_ cherylchou.
@the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : Movie press conference of 《A Good Child》 ,where i will take on the role of a dementia ailed mother of a drag queen. The movie is helmed by director Ong Kuo Sin @burger_gs, Looking forward to the shoot! 电影 《好孩子》开镜记者招待会,我将与导演王國燊 @burger_gs 攜手合作的一部新作品,在電影中飾演一名變裝皇后的母親,且患有失智症, 我為此作品做了很多功課,希望能呈現給觀眾最真實的演出。 #AGoodChildMovie #好孩子 Accounts: @byleftproductions (Production) @cloverfilmssg (Production) @goldenvillagepictures (Theatrical Partner) @burger_gs (Director) @richiekrq @honghuifang @luszeming @charliegoh13 @_ cherylchou. @the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - 人生无能为力只能顺其自然,凡事无法强求只能随遇而安,继续努力,总有一天会被看到而受到认可。
@8world.entlife @8dayssg @uweeklysg
@shinmindailynews @straits_times

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 人生无能为力只能顺其自然,凡事无法强求只能随遇而安,继续努力,总有一天会被看到而受到认可。 #谢谢媒体们,家人们,观众和朋友们,对我的支持与鼓励,期待与肯定,感恩! #会继续往外打拼,把荣耀带回””家”” @the_celebrityagency 感谢 @8world.entlife @8dayssg @uweeklysg @zaobaosg.entertainment @shinmindailynews @straits_times
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Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - I saved the flowers 🌹🌹🌹 just for you ❤️

@honghuifang in a customized tuxedo designed & styled by me with handcrafted flowers by @gioiellisg 
Jewelry from @thisisstateproperty 
Hair & Makeup @limelightstudiosg 


Photo @bryanfoong

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : I saved the flowers 🌹🌹🌹 just for you ❤️ @honghuifang in a customized tuxedo designed & styled by me with handcrafted flowers by @gioiellisg Jewelry from @thisisstateproperty Hair & Makeup @limelightstudiosg #StyledbyAnnieChua #anniechuaimagestylist #redcarpetstyle #silverfox Photo @bryanfoong
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - 台北的缘分延续到新加坡,好开心,我们台北见喽。
@chenbolin @andiechen 
#不如海邊吹吹風 #淑满奶奶
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 台北的缘分延续到新加坡,好开心,我们台北见喽。 @chenbolin @andiechen #不如海邊吹吹風 #淑满奶奶 @catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - 台北的缘分延续到新加坡,好开心,我们台北见喽。
@chenbolin @andiechen 
#不如海邊吹吹風 #淑满奶奶
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 台北的缘分延续到新加坡,好开心,我们台北见喽。 @chenbolin @andiechen #不如海邊吹吹風 #淑满奶奶 @catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - 台北的缘分延续到新加坡,好开心,我们台北见喽。
@chenbolin @andiechen 
#不如海邊吹吹風 #淑满奶奶
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 台北的缘分延续到新加坡,好开心,我们台北见喽。 @chenbolin @andiechen #不如海邊吹吹風 #淑满奶奶 @catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - "毛小孩与妈妈们" 的相聚🐶🐶🐶
@applehong @chenxiuhuan
@tangmiaoling @angeline.lim4848

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : “毛小孩与妈妈们” 的相聚🐶🐶🐶 @applehong @chenxiuhuan @tangmiaoling @angeline.lim4848
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - "毛小孩与妈妈们" 的相聚🐶🐶🐶
@applehong @chenxiuhuan
@tangmiaoling @angeline.lim4848

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : “毛小孩与妈妈们” 的相聚🐶🐶🐶 @applehong @chenxiuhuan @tangmiaoling @angeline.lim4848
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - "毛小孩与妈妈们" 的相聚🐶🐶🐶
@applehong @chenxiuhuan
@tangmiaoling @angeline.lim4848

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : “毛小孩与妈妈们” 的相聚🐶🐶🐶 @applehong @chenxiuhuan @tangmiaoling @angeline.lim4848
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - "毛小孩与妈妈们" 的相聚🐶🐶🐶
@applehong @chenxiuhuan
@tangmiaoling @angeline.lim4848

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : “毛小孩与妈妈们” 的相聚🐶🐶🐶 @applehong @chenxiuhuan @tangmiaoling @angeline.lim4848
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - 人生就像花朵,需要经历风雨才能绽放出更美的色彩,每一个季节都有不同的花开,在生命中也应该珍惜每个阶段。
@catwalktaiwan @catwalk.actors

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 人生就像花朵,需要经历风雨才能绽放出更美的色彩,每一个季节都有不同的花开,在生命中也应该珍惜每个阶段。 #赏花心情好好🌸🌸 #想念那冷冷的天气❄️ #回顾台北生活的日子 @catwalktaiwan @catwalk.actors @the_celebrityagency
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - 时间过得真快,转眼又是周一了,带着周末的愉快投入新的一周,祝朋友们天天愉快。
#星期一不blue #开心过每一天 
@the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan 

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 时间过得真快,转眼又是周一了,带着周末的愉快投入新的一周,祝朋友们天天愉快。 #星期一不blue #开心过每一天 @the_celebrityagency @catwalktaiwan @catwalk.actors @aremyhair
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - 《#凶宅專賣店 》开镜仪式,祈求拍摄顺利,收视长红。
@aiainbaby #taipei #台北
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 《#凶宅專賣店 》开镜仪式,祈求拍摄顺利,收视长红。 @aiainbaby #taipei #台北 @catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - 《#凶宅專賣店 》开镜仪式,祈求拍摄顺利,收视长红。
@aiainbaby #taipei #台北
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 《#凶宅專賣店 》开镜仪式,祈求拍摄顺利,收视长红。 @aiainbaby #taipei #台北 @catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - 《#凶宅專賣店 》开镜仪式,祈求拍摄顺利,收视长红。
@aiainbaby #taipei #台北
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 《#凶宅專賣店 》开镜仪式,祈求拍摄顺利,收视长红。 @aiainbaby #taipei #台北 @catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - 《#凶宅專賣店 》开镜仪式,祈求拍摄顺利,收视长红。
@aiainbaby #taipei #台北
@catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 《#凶宅專賣店 》开镜仪式,祈求拍摄顺利,收视长红。 @aiainbaby #taipei #台北 @catwalktaiwan @the_celebrityagency
Likes : 3
Hong Huifang - 3 Likes - 许多患有慢性疾病的人士,因为需要长期服药而面临巨大的经济压力.在当前的医疗保健领域有许多药物需求较高的患者,他们大多数都会为了运用超过社保援助计划慢性级病层级(CHAS Chronic Tier) 的年度资助限额而担忧! 
别再担心了,现在有全新推出的--健康SG慢性疾病津贴层级(Healthier SG Chronic Tier) 将会为你们提供更多的津贴,确保那些药物需求较高的患者能够负担得起药物。健康SG慢性疾病津贴层级能帮助减轻患者的经济负担,确保他们能负担得起并获得慢性病的治疗。
在这个新的计划下,那些拥有--社保援助计划(CHAS),建国一代(PG),立国一代(MG) 持卡者,都能享有高达 87.5%的指定慢性疾病药物津贴,价格相当于综合诊疗所;而且每年还有高达$360的津贴,可以用于其他护理项目,如看诊,检验,也可以支付慢性病治疗的费用;慢性疾病的治疗费还可以用 MediSave 还到完,不需要付现金。
所以如果您患有慢性疾病,请咨询您的家庭医生, 了解您是否适合切换使用这个--慢性疾病津贴层级。
有关健康SG的更多信息, 请浏览healthiersg.gov.sg.

3 Likes – Hong Huifang Instagram

Caption : 许多患有慢性疾病的人士,因为需要长期服药而面临巨大的经济压力.在当前的医疗保健领域有许多药物需求较高的患者,他们大多数都会为了运用超过社保援助计划慢性级病层级(CHAS Chronic Tier) 的年度资助限额而担忧! 别再担心了,现在有全新推出的–健康SG慢性疾病津贴层级(Healthier SG Chronic Tier) 将会为你们提供更多的津贴,确保那些药物需求较高的患者能够负担得起药物。健康SG慢性疾病津贴层级能帮助减轻患者的经济负担,确保他们能负担得起并获得慢性病的治疗。 在这个新的计划下,那些拥有–社保援助计划(CHAS),建国一代(PG),立国一代(MG) 持卡者,都能享有高达 87.5%的指定慢性疾病药物津贴,价格相当于综合诊疗所;而且每年还有高达$360的津贴,可以用于其他护理项目,如看诊,检验,也可以支付慢性病治疗的费用;慢性疾病的治疗费还可以用 MediSave 还到完,不需要付现金。 所以如果您患有慢性疾病,请咨询您的家庭医生, 了解您是否适合切换使用这个–慢性疾病津贴层级。 有关健康SG的更多信息, 请浏览healthiersg.gov.sg. #HealthierSG #hsgchronictier #KeepingChronicMedicationsAffordable #ReduceBillSize
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