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Most liked photo of Pilar Holland with over 1.2K likes is the following photo

Most liked Instagram photo of Pilar Holland
We have around 28 most liked photos of Pilar Holland with the thumbnails listed below. Click on any of them to view the full image along with its caption, like count, and a button to download the photo.

Pilar Holland Instagram - So very grateful for this life I get to live and this earth school I get to learn in. Yesterday I spent my afternoon writing about all the things I’m grateful for. May sound cheesy but it sure does brighten up my day. I was in a little bit of a rut and it shifted me right out of.
Today I’m grateful that our film @likenothinghappenedfilm is screening at the @mspfilmsociety international festival over the next 8 days and we also just got word we’ve been accepted into the @wemakemovies International Film Festival.
If you live in Minnesota, click the link in my bio to purchase a ticket to watch our shorts block. We’re on page 3 in the Virtual Shorts: MN Made Dramas 1. I look forward to continuing to share our story with more of you as our film continues to travel the country. 🎥🌍✨
Pilar Holland Instagram - We’ve got another @lahappyshow episode coming to you from @misterosla. Start your post quarantine list and click the link in bio to see where to go once we all get back out into the world. 🥂 #postquarantine
P.S. I’m drinking what’s called a Liberties Blossom, made with small batch @teeling_whiskey, orgeat, lemon and @laphroaig spritz 🤤 #yummy I would definitely visit this place after quarantine even just for a drink. #musttry #mixologist #cocktailrecipes
Pilar Holland Instagram - I’ve been baking and cooking a ton these days, as most of you probably have been too. I started ordering more kitchen utensil and pans and all kinds of ingredients any chef/baker needs in the kitchen for all her meals and desserts. 
Unfortunately stores here in LA are still out of some essential supplies any baker needs. A few weeks ago there were no rolled oats to be found and I ended up with a bag of steel cut oats. I wanted to make oatmeal cookies. Now how in the world do I bake with steel cut oats? Well I’ll tell ya. Also, I had a ton of almond flour because there was no flour in stock those first few weeks as well. So I made use of all the ingredients in house. Nothing goes to waste on this house anymore. Here’s my peanut butter steel cut oatmeal cookie recipe.
Soak 2 cups of steel cut oats overnight in water.
2 cups of steel cut oats
1 cups of all purpose flour 
3/4 cup of almond flour 
1/4 teaspoon of baking soda
1/4 teaspoon of salt
2 teaspoons of cinnamon
3/4 cup of butter
3/4 cup of peanut butter
1/2 cup of granulated sugar
1/2 cup of brown sugar
2 eggs
2 teaspoon vanilla 
1 teaspoon of baking powder

Set your oven to 375.
Cream butter and both sugars together. This is where I forget to make sure I pulled out the butter to soften before I started mixing. Here’s your reminder ✔️ .
Add eggs, vanilla, and peanut butter to the mix.
In a separate bowl combing the dry ingredients: both flours, baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon. Then add the dry ingredients to the mix. It’s best to add the dry ingredients in two parts to the mix. Slowly beating everything together. 
Finally add your steel cut oats and optional ingredients. (whatever you prefer in your oatmeal cookies: raisins, walnuts, cranberries, chocolate chips) Slowly mixing everything together. 
Drop rounded teaspoon on lined baking sheets with parchment paper. Bake for 12-15 minutes or until edges are golden brown. Cool on wire rack and enjoy 🤤 #nowastedfood #cookiemonster
Pilar Holland Instagram - “Physical activity may help flush bacteria out of the lungs and airways. This may reduce your chance of getting a cold, flu, or other illness. Moderate exercise may boost your immune system.” The key word is “moderate.” Doctors say exercising 3 times a week is good. Too much exercise can be just as bad as not exercising.
If you’re looking for new ways to workout from home, check out @noblemovement and @one.sexy.mother’s YouTube channel “Noble Movement.” They offer qigong, tabata, yoga and breathwork videos for you to explore. I did a leg workout with David a few days ago (this picture) and gonna check out Lindsay’s yoga video next. Let’s keep our bodies moving and our immune systems on the up and up. Woo! 💪🏼 #movementismedicine #strongbodystrongmind
Pilar Holland Instagram - It took 8 weeks to harvest these little guys. They received a lot of care and attention each and every day. 🍅 

The thing I’ve learned the most about this year has been patience. Patience in growing a garden. Patience in building a relationship. Patience with myself as I navigate my triggers, fears and desires. Patience with my career and creating art. 

I can tell you first hand, I have tried multiple times to rush the process and force things to fit. It never worked in my favor. Now, I’ve learned to trust the process and give everything in my life the space and time it needs to grow and thrive. I’m finally seeing that trust, intention and patience spring forth an abundant garden in my life. Good things take time. 😉

This photo was taken by the talented @kevybaby_socal and my gardening partner in crime. 🌱

#tomatoes #veggiegarden
Pilar Holland Instagram - I’ve been thinking about this post for awhile now. I’ve had many conversations on what this 4th of July “should” signify, what to post about, or how to celebrate. The significance of this 4th of July for me is the freedom to continually have conversations with all the people in my life about all aspects and structures of our society, how to behave within them, and how to improve upon them. That is most certainly something I can celebrate, the freedom and openness to express our views and learn from each other. We all see the world through a different lense, we should be able to express our ideas and have an open dialogue without being attacked by either side. We shouldn’t be canceling each other out. When we shut each other out and put each other down, we can’t fix our country’s problems. If we can’t come together, how do we expect the rest of the world to? This year, I’m celebrating the America I envision for us all. #futureofamerica #futureisbright 
Watch @krystalmball and @esaagar on Rising @thehill on @youtube to see how it’s done. 🇺🇸 
Also, huge shoutout to @kevybaby_socal for these beautiful pics. You make my heart happy. Grateful and blessed to have you in my life. 📸💞
Be safe out there this weekend everyone. 😎
Pilar Holland Instagram - I’ve been thinking about this post for awhile now. I’ve had many conversations on what this 4th of July “should” signify, what to post about, or how to celebrate. The significance of this 4th of July for me is the freedom to continually have conversations with all the people in my life about all aspects and structures of our society, how to behave within them, and how to improve upon them. That is most certainly something I can celebrate, the freedom and openness to express our views and learn from each other. We all see the world through a different lense, we should be able to express our ideas and have an open dialogue without being attacked by either side. We shouldn’t be canceling each other out. When we shut each other out and put each other down, we can’t fix our country’s problems. If we can’t come together, how do we expect the rest of the world to? This year, I’m celebrating the America I envision for us all. #futureofamerica #futureisbright 
Watch @krystalmball and @esaagar on Rising @thehill on @youtube to see how it’s done. 🇺🇸 
Also, huge shoutout to @kevybaby_socal for these beautiful pics. You make my heart happy. Grateful and blessed to have you in my life. 📸💞
Be safe out there this weekend everyone. 😎
Pilar Holland Instagram - I’ve been thinking about this post for awhile now. I’ve had many conversations on what this 4th of July “should” signify, what to post about, or how to celebrate. The significance of this 4th of July for me is the freedom to continually have conversations with all the people in my life about all aspects and structures of our society, how to behave within them, and how to improve upon them. That is most certainly something I can celebrate, the freedom and openness to express our views and learn from each other. We all see the world through a different lense, we should be able to express our ideas and have an open dialogue without being attacked by either side. We shouldn’t be canceling each other out. When we shut each other out and put each other down, we can’t fix our country’s problems. If we can’t come together, how do we expect the rest of the world to? This year, I’m celebrating the America I envision for us all. #futureofamerica #futureisbright 
Watch @krystalmball and @esaagar on Rising @thehill on @youtube to see how it’s done. 🇺🇸 
Also, huge shoutout to @kevybaby_socal for these beautiful pics. You make my heart happy. Grateful and blessed to have you in my life. 📸💞
Be safe out there this weekend everyone. 😎
Pilar Holland Instagram - I’ve been thinking about this post for awhile now. I’ve had many conversations on what this 4th of July “should” signify, what to post about, or how to celebrate. The significance of this 4th of July for me is the freedom to continually have conversations with all the people in my life about all aspects and structures of our society, how to behave within them, and how to improve upon them. That is most certainly something I can celebrate, the freedom and openness to express our views and learn from each other. We all see the world through a different lense, we should be able to express our ideas and have an open dialogue without being attacked by either side. We shouldn’t be canceling each other out. When we shut each other out and put each other down, we can’t fix our country’s problems. If we can’t come together, how do we expect the rest of the world to? This year, I’m celebrating the America I envision for us all. #futureofamerica #futureisbright 
Watch @krystalmball and @esaagar on Rising @thehill on @youtube to see how it’s done. 🇺🇸 
Also, huge shoutout to @kevybaby_socal for these beautiful pics. You make my heart happy. Grateful and blessed to have you in my life. 📸💞
Be safe out there this weekend everyone. 😎
Pilar Holland Instagram - Got an audition today which means I get to get all fancy. And by fancy, I mean style my hair and put makeup on. 🤪 #covidlife 

But seriously, look at this haircut! My sister-in-law @heidiatketer cut it a few weeks ago. I must say, I look goooooood! 💁🏻‍♀️ If you’re up in the Bay Area follow her account and book your appointment for when @ketersalon opens back up. 💇🏻‍♀️ #bayareahairstylist 

#haircut #hairstyle #actor #ilookgood #posh #fancypants #feelingfabulous #auditiontime
Pilar Holland Instagram - So I don’t have a reason for posting this, besides the fact that I look pretty damn fly if I do say so myself! Moreover, I’m finding it difficult to find reasons to post on social media these days. I’m feeling uninspired or questioning the amount of time I’m giving to the platform. Where else could I be putting my energy and focus?

So, I’m taking a little break to reprogram my mind for a bit without the quick hits of dopamine or the comparison game attached to it all. I’m excited to see what I can create when my mind is free from it all. I even deleted my game apps. It was all becoming a crutch and my phone was controlling me. 

I think we could all use a break every now and again. This will be my first time doing this. It may be a week. It may be longer or it may be shorter. Let’s see what happens, shall we? #newterritory #reprogramyourmind 

#workofart #beauty #loveyourself #socialmediabreak #ilookgood #byefelicia #yeehaw #rideemcowboy #mindsetshift #takecontrolofyourlife
Pilar Holland Instagram - “Sail away, kill off the hours. You belong somewhere you feel free” - @tompettyofficial
Pilar Holland Instagram - It’s okay to take time to find balance and to listen and learn. If we don’t rest, we can’t regain our strength and if we aren’t quiet, we can’t listen and learn. #itsamarathonnotasprint .

I’m learning to find my balance every day. As more gets thrown out into the universe, so many injustices to fight against, going back to work with a pandemic still going on.... every day for me is about breathing and working to incorporate it all while keeping myself mentally stable and grounded. Sending love and light to you all as we work to find solutions without creating more divide between us all. #inthistogether
Pilar Holland Instagram - I had the opportunity to play a doctor on TV once, and I can only imagine the stress and responsibilities the real ones carry on their shoulders. I wanted to take today to thank all the healthcare workers who have put their lives on the line and worked tirelessly during these difficult times.
Also, I wanted to personally thank the nurses and physicians at @valleypresbyterian and the Healthline Medical Group, the urgent care and the E.R. I visited last week. The staff at both establishments were incredibly helpful and kind. I had the most severe bout of food poisoning with the most excruciating pain I had ever experienced. Thank you @kevybaby_socal for driving me everywhere as I was laid out in your back seat. So grateful for amazing neighbors/friends and community. 😘 #communitylove
Pilar Holland Instagram - Happy Sunday y’all! Hope you all did something good for yourselves this weekend. That’s a margarita I’m enjoying in hand while sitting six feet away visiting dear friends today. 😉
Pilar Holland Instagram - We’ve got another episode of @lahappyshow coming to you this Tuesday. In the meantime, if you’re hungry and live in the valley, the @thefrontyardla is still delivering and doing takeout. I will tell you first hand, it’s so worth it and mouth watering. I wish they’d deliver their cocktails too 🤤. #treatyoself #tasty
Pilar Holland Instagram - We’ve decided to release 3 @lahappyshow episodes today for when we all get out of this quarantine of the places you can all enjoy again! #quarantineandchill these eps in the meantime. 🥂 
Hot off the press from @fullswingactor 🎥 This picture is from @electricowl.la, where they have an all night happy hour Tuesday nights and it’s super cheap. I’m sure y’all will appreciate it once we’re out and about again with our new budgets. Link in bio for your viewing pleasure. 
Side note: Shoutout to @mad.bliss for these beautiful earrings. In addition to how much I love these earrings, I love supporting local artists more 💞
Pilar Holland Instagram - Oh you know.... just spent the day hanging out in a tree yesterday. Six feet away from everyone at all times. What’d you do?
Pilar Holland Instagram - I have been wearing this necklace every day since it arrived in the mail two weeks ago. Thank you @mad.bliss for being so communicative, collaborative and patient with through the whole process. She sent me so much information on different crystals and stones, styles and size options. Thank you, sister, for supporting me in finding the piece I could really connect with. Check out all the details of this beauty on her page. #intentionaljewelry #crystaljewelry #kyanite .

I’m being more intentional these days when purchasing products, especially with the financial uncertainty so many of us are experiencing these days. Questions I ask myself: Does this bring me joy? Where, how and by whom is this made? Is this necessary or an indulgence? (It’s okay if it’s an indulgence. It’s just important to know how often I’m indulging #balance ) I’m working towards being more sustainable and supporting my local community and artists more and more every day. #inthistogether
Pilar Holland Instagram - Just getting a different vantage point from up here...
I think it’s important to see the world from all angles. We all experience the world differently. In order to understand each other and come together to support each other, it’s important to try to see the world through our brother’s and sister’s eyes. I may never truly understand how someone feels or experiences life, but I can make sure they feel seen and heard. In order to come together and make change, we need to listen to one another and never try to silence someone we don’t agree with. Life is all about learning and growing. Without conversation, we can’t expand our understanding of the world. 
I’m still learning how to express all these ideas and views running through my head. Thank you for being patient and understanding while I find the words to thread together to make sense of it all. 
📸 @kevybaby_socal
Pilar Holland Instagram - Dis-ease has the ability to bring out disease. When your body feels dis-ease in any way, you create unhealthy dysfunction within that you may not even realize. @thrive .
I’m not saying the we shouldn’t all be safe and mindful of how we interact with each other during this time. But it’s beginning to feel very hectic and chaotic. Please stay calm and treat each other kindly.
Some woman tried stealing peanut butter out of my cart tonight and another rammed her cart into me without a care in the world for anyone else. No apologies. No acknowledgement of her behavior. Humans are sick with a disease called fear. Please breathe and remember that distress can suppress the effectiveness of your immune system. #staycalm #bekind #stayhealthy
Pilar Holland Instagram - When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows not the flower- @purposologist 🌺 

I’ve transitioned through so many lifestyles looking for the “perfect”environment to dig my roots into. I feel like I’m finally figuring out the right soil mixture, temperature, and watering schedule for this beautiful flower to continually bloom. And I say “perfect” in quotations because nothing is ever perfect. I must continually shift/fertilize to keep my root systems healthy and pull out any weeds that might damage my soil. Never a dull moment in gardening. #mindfulliving 🌱 

📸 @kevybaby_socal
Pilar Holland Instagram - She who plants a garden plants happiness. 💚

📸 by @kevybaby_socal
Pilar Holland Instagram - Throwing it back to the first couple weeks of the apocalypse and hiding out in the mountains with my cousin @iamambervaldez. What an adventure this past month has been? So many new experiences. I learned how to file for unemployment. I learned how to decock my gun. I learned how to bake at elevation. I learned how to make plant food out of eggs shells. I started learning qigong. I shoveled snow out of a driveway for the first time. I learned how to set up a generator in case the power goes out. And we’ve got another month to go! Whatchu been up to these past few weeks?
Pilar Holland Instagram - Earthing: the process of absorbing earths free flowing electrons from its surface through the soles of ones feet.
If I’m not up in a tree, I’m most certainly earthing. I sit every morning in my front yard with my soles on the earth watching the leaves sway in the breeze and listening to the birds sing.
“Scientific research over more than a decade indicates that your body can be protected and helped—and that you feel better—when you electrically reconnect to the Earth. Potential Benefits: Decreased Levels of Inflammation and Pain, Reduced Stress Levels and Improved Circulation” - @chopra
Pilar Holland Instagram - Found my hat @gabyfkool .... or rather your hat 🤭☀️

#beachvibes #summerfashion #bohochic #shine #goodvibes #protectyourskin #summerhat #summervibes
Pilar Holland Instagram - I don’t remember the last time I put on heels and my feet have been thanking me. 👣 #barefootinthegrass .
📸 @sophithestylist 
#windowshopping #remeberwhen #lifestyle #lifestylephotography
Pilar Holland - 1.2K Likes - So very grateful for this life I get to live and this earth school I get to learn in. Yesterday I spent my afternoon writing about all the things I’m grateful for. May sound cheesy but it sure does brighten up my day. I was in a little bit of a rut and it shifted me right out of.
Today I’m grateful that our film @likenothinghappenedfilm is screening at the @mspfilmsociety international festival over the next 8 days and we also just got word we’ve been accepted into the @wemakemovies International Film Festival.
If you live in Minnesota, click the link in my bio to purchase a ticket to watch our shorts block. We’re on page 3 in the Virtual Shorts: MN Made Dramas 1. I look forward to continuing to share our story with more of you as our film continues to travel the country. 🎥🌍✨

1.2K Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : So very grateful for this life I get to live and this earth school I get to learn in. Yesterday I spent my afternoon writing about all the things I’m grateful for. May sound cheesy but it sure does brighten up my day. I was in a little bit of a rut and it shifted me right out of. . Today I’m grateful that our film @likenothinghappenedfilm is screening at the @mspfilmsociety international festival over the next 8 days and we also just got word we’ve been accepted into the @wemakemovies International Film Festival. . If you live in Minnesota, click the link in my bio to purchase a ticket to watch our shorts block. We’re on page 3 in the Virtual Shorts: MN Made Dramas 1. I look forward to continuing to share our story with more of you as our film continues to travel the country. 🎥🌍✨
Likes : 1244
Pilar Holland - 1.2K Likes - We’ve got another @lahappyshow episode coming to you from @misterosla. Start your post quarantine list and click the link in bio to see where to go once we all get back out into the world. 🥂 #postquarantine
P.S. I’m drinking what’s called a Liberties Blossom, made with small batch @teeling_whiskey, orgeat, lemon and @laphroaig spritz 🤤 #yummy I would definitely visit this place after quarantine even just for a drink. #musttry #mixologist #cocktailrecipes

1.2K Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : We’ve got another @lahappyshow episode coming to you from @misterosla. Start your post quarantine list and click the link in bio to see where to go once we all get back out into the world. 🥂 #postquarantine . P.S. I’m drinking what’s called a Liberties Blossom, made with small batch @teeling_whiskey, orgeat, lemon and @laphroaig spritz 🤤 #yummy I would definitely visit this place after quarantine even just for a drink. #musttry #mixologist #cocktailrecipes
Likes : 1171
Pilar Holland - 1K Likes - I’ve been baking and cooking a ton these days, as most of you probably have been too. I started ordering more kitchen utensil and pans and all kinds of ingredients any chef/baker needs in the kitchen for all her meals and desserts. 
Unfortunately stores here in LA are still out of some essential supplies any baker needs. A few weeks ago there were no rolled oats to be found and I ended up with a bag of steel cut oats. I wanted to make oatmeal cookies. Now how in the world do I bake with steel cut oats? Well I’ll tell ya. Also, I had a ton of almond flour because there was no flour in stock those first few weeks as well. So I made use of all the ingredients in house. Nothing goes to waste on this house anymore. Here’s my peanut butter steel cut oatmeal cookie recipe.
Soak 2 cups of steel cut oats overnight in water.
2 cups of steel cut oats
1 cups of all purpose flour 
3/4 cup of almond flour 
1/4 teaspoon of baking soda
1/4 teaspoon of salt
2 teaspoons of cinnamon
3/4 cup of butter
3/4 cup of peanut butter
1/2 cup of granulated sugar
1/2 cup of brown sugar
2 eggs
2 teaspoon vanilla 
1 teaspoon of baking powder

Set your oven to 375.
Cream butter and both sugars together. This is where I forget to make sure I pulled out the butter to soften before I started mixing. Here’s your reminder ✔️ .
Add eggs, vanilla, and peanut butter to the mix.
In a separate bowl combing the dry ingredients: both flours, baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon. Then add the dry ingredients to the mix. It’s best to add the dry ingredients in two parts to the mix. Slowly beating everything together. 
Finally add your steel cut oats and optional ingredients. (whatever you prefer in your oatmeal cookies: raisins, walnuts, cranberries, chocolate chips) Slowly mixing everything together. 
Drop rounded teaspoon on lined baking sheets with parchment paper. Bake for 12-15 minutes or until edges are golden brown. Cool on wire rack and enjoy 🤤 #nowastedfood #cookiemonster

1K Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : I’ve been baking and cooking a ton these days, as most of you probably have been too. I started ordering more kitchen utensil and pans and all kinds of ingredients any chef/baker needs in the kitchen for all her meals and desserts. Unfortunately stores here in LA are still out of some essential supplies any baker needs. A few weeks ago there were no rolled oats to be found and I ended up with a bag of steel cut oats. I wanted to make oatmeal cookies. Now how in the world do I bake with steel cut oats? Well I’ll tell ya. Also, I had a ton of almond flour because there was no flour in stock those first few weeks as well. So I made use of all the ingredients in house. Nothing goes to waste on this house anymore. Here’s my peanut butter steel cut oatmeal cookie recipe. . Soak 2 cups of steel cut oats overnight in water. 2 cups of steel cut oats 1 cups of all purpose flour 3/4 cup of almond flour 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda 1/4 teaspoon of salt 2 teaspoons of cinnamon 3/4 cup of butter 3/4 cup of peanut butter 1/2 cup of granulated sugar 1/2 cup of brown sugar 2 eggs 2 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon of baking powder Set your oven to 375. Cream butter and both sugars together. This is where I forget to make sure I pulled out the butter to soften before I started mixing. Here’s your reminder ✔️ . Add eggs, vanilla, and peanut butter to the mix. In a separate bowl combing the dry ingredients: both flours, baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon. Then add the dry ingredients to the mix. It’s best to add the dry ingredients in two parts to the mix. Slowly beating everything together. Finally add your steel cut oats and optional ingredients. (whatever you prefer in your oatmeal cookies: raisins, walnuts, cranberries, chocolate chips) Slowly mixing everything together. Drop rounded teaspoon on lined baking sheets with parchment paper. Bake for 12-15 minutes or until edges are golden brown. Cool on wire rack and enjoy 🤤 #nowastedfood #cookiemonster
Likes : 982
Pilar Holland - 889 Likes - “Physical activity may help flush bacteria out of the lungs and airways. This may reduce your chance of getting a cold, flu, or other illness. Moderate exercise may boost your immune system.” The key word is “moderate.” Doctors say exercising 3 times a week is good. Too much exercise can be just as bad as not exercising.
If you’re looking for new ways to workout from home, check out @noblemovement and @one.sexy.mother’s YouTube channel “Noble Movement.” They offer qigong, tabata, yoga and breathwork videos for you to explore. I did a leg workout with David a few days ago (this picture) and gonna check out Lindsay’s yoga video next. Let’s keep our bodies moving and our immune systems on the up and up. Woo! 💪🏼 #movementismedicine #strongbodystrongmind

889 Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : “Physical activity may help flush bacteria out of the lungs and airways. This may reduce your chance of getting a cold, flu, or other illness. Moderate exercise may boost your immune system.” The key word is “moderate.” Doctors say exercising 3 times a week is good. Too much exercise can be just as bad as not exercising. . If you’re looking for new ways to workout from home, check out @noblemovement and @one.sexy.mother’s YouTube channel “Noble Movement.” They offer qigong, tabata, yoga and breathwork videos for you to explore. I did a leg workout with David a few days ago (this picture) and gonna check out Lindsay’s yoga video next. Let’s keep our bodies moving and our immune systems on the up and up. Woo! 💪🏼 #movementismedicine #strongbodystrongmind
Likes : 889
Pilar Holland - 847 Likes - It took 8 weeks to harvest these little guys. They received a lot of care and attention each and every day. 🍅 

The thing I’ve learned the most about this year has been patience. Patience in growing a garden. Patience in building a relationship. Patience with myself as I navigate my triggers, fears and desires. Patience with my career and creating art. 

I can tell you first hand, I have tried multiple times to rush the process and force things to fit. It never worked in my favor. Now, I’ve learned to trust the process and give everything in my life the space and time it needs to grow and thrive. I’m finally seeing that trust, intention and patience spring forth an abundant garden in my life. Good things take time. 😉

This photo was taken by the talented @kevybaby_socal and my gardening partner in crime. 🌱

#tomatoes #veggiegarden

847 Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : It took 8 weeks to harvest these little guys. They received a lot of care and attention each and every day. 🍅 The thing I’ve learned the most about this year has been patience. Patience in growing a garden. Patience in building a relationship. Patience with myself as I navigate my triggers, fears and desires. Patience with my career and creating art. I can tell you first hand, I have tried multiple times to rush the process and force things to fit. It never worked in my favor. Now, I’ve learned to trust the process and give everything in my life the space and time it needs to grow and thrive. I’m finally seeing that trust, intention and patience spring forth an abundant garden in my life. Good things take time. 😉 This photo was taken by the talented @kevybaby_socal and my gardening partner in crime. 🌱 #tomatoes #veggiegarden
Likes : 847
Pilar Holland - 819 Likes - I’ve been thinking about this post for awhile now. I’ve had many conversations on what this 4th of July “should” signify, what to post about, or how to celebrate. The significance of this 4th of July for me is the freedom to continually have conversations with all the people in my life about all aspects and structures of our society, how to behave within them, and how to improve upon them. That is most certainly something I can celebrate, the freedom and openness to express our views and learn from each other. We all see the world through a different lense, we should be able to express our ideas and have an open dialogue without being attacked by either side. We shouldn’t be canceling each other out. When we shut each other out and put each other down, we can’t fix our country’s problems. If we can’t come together, how do we expect the rest of the world to? This year, I’m celebrating the America I envision for us all. #futureofamerica #futureisbright 
Watch @krystalmball and @esaagar on Rising @thehill on @youtube to see how it’s done. 🇺🇸 
Also, huge shoutout to @kevybaby_socal for these beautiful pics. You make my heart happy. Grateful and blessed to have you in my life. 📸💞
Be safe out there this weekend everyone. 😎

819 Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : I’ve been thinking about this post for awhile now. I’ve had many conversations on what this 4th of July “should” signify, what to post about, or how to celebrate. The significance of this 4th of July for me is the freedom to continually have conversations with all the people in my life about all aspects and structures of our society, how to behave within them, and how to improve upon them. That is most certainly something I can celebrate, the freedom and openness to express our views and learn from each other. We all see the world through a different lense, we should be able to express our ideas and have an open dialogue without being attacked by either side. We shouldn’t be canceling each other out. When we shut each other out and put each other down, we can’t fix our country’s problems. If we can’t come together, how do we expect the rest of the world to? This year, I’m celebrating the America I envision for us all. #futureofamerica #futureisbright . Watch @krystalmball and @esaagar on Rising @thehill on @youtube to see how it’s done. 🇺🇸 . Also, huge shoutout to @kevybaby_socal for these beautiful pics. You make my heart happy. Grateful and blessed to have you in my life. 📸💞 . Be safe out there this weekend everyone. 😎
Likes : 819
Pilar Holland - 819 Likes - I’ve been thinking about this post for awhile now. I’ve had many conversations on what this 4th of July “should” signify, what to post about, or how to celebrate. The significance of this 4th of July for me is the freedom to continually have conversations with all the people in my life about all aspects and structures of our society, how to behave within them, and how to improve upon them. That is most certainly something I can celebrate, the freedom and openness to express our views and learn from each other. We all see the world through a different lense, we should be able to express our ideas and have an open dialogue without being attacked by either side. We shouldn’t be canceling each other out. When we shut each other out and put each other down, we can’t fix our country’s problems. If we can’t come together, how do we expect the rest of the world to? This year, I’m celebrating the America I envision for us all. #futureofamerica #futureisbright 
Watch @krystalmball and @esaagar on Rising @thehill on @youtube to see how it’s done. 🇺🇸 
Also, huge shoutout to @kevybaby_socal for these beautiful pics. You make my heart happy. Grateful and blessed to have you in my life. 📸💞
Be safe out there this weekend everyone. 😎

819 Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : I’ve been thinking about this post for awhile now. I’ve had many conversations on what this 4th of July “should” signify, what to post about, or how to celebrate. The significance of this 4th of July for me is the freedom to continually have conversations with all the people in my life about all aspects and structures of our society, how to behave within them, and how to improve upon them. That is most certainly something I can celebrate, the freedom and openness to express our views and learn from each other. We all see the world through a different lense, we should be able to express our ideas and have an open dialogue without being attacked by either side. We shouldn’t be canceling each other out. When we shut each other out and put each other down, we can’t fix our country’s problems. If we can’t come together, how do we expect the rest of the world to? This year, I’m celebrating the America I envision for us all. #futureofamerica #futureisbright . Watch @krystalmball and @esaagar on Rising @thehill on @youtube to see how it’s done. 🇺🇸 . Also, huge shoutout to @kevybaby_socal for these beautiful pics. You make my heart happy. Grateful and blessed to have you in my life. 📸💞 . Be safe out there this weekend everyone. 😎
Likes : 819
Pilar Holland - 819 Likes - I’ve been thinking about this post for awhile now. I’ve had many conversations on what this 4th of July “should” signify, what to post about, or how to celebrate. The significance of this 4th of July for me is the freedom to continually have conversations with all the people in my life about all aspects and structures of our society, how to behave within them, and how to improve upon them. That is most certainly something I can celebrate, the freedom and openness to express our views and learn from each other. We all see the world through a different lense, we should be able to express our ideas and have an open dialogue without being attacked by either side. We shouldn’t be canceling each other out. When we shut each other out and put each other down, we can’t fix our country’s problems. If we can’t come together, how do we expect the rest of the world to? This year, I’m celebrating the America I envision for us all. #futureofamerica #futureisbright 
Watch @krystalmball and @esaagar on Rising @thehill on @youtube to see how it’s done. 🇺🇸 
Also, huge shoutout to @kevybaby_socal for these beautiful pics. You make my heart happy. Grateful and blessed to have you in my life. 📸💞
Be safe out there this weekend everyone. 😎

819 Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : I’ve been thinking about this post for awhile now. I’ve had many conversations on what this 4th of July “should” signify, what to post about, or how to celebrate. The significance of this 4th of July for me is the freedom to continually have conversations with all the people in my life about all aspects and structures of our society, how to behave within them, and how to improve upon them. That is most certainly something I can celebrate, the freedom and openness to express our views and learn from each other. We all see the world through a different lense, we should be able to express our ideas and have an open dialogue without being attacked by either side. We shouldn’t be canceling each other out. When we shut each other out and put each other down, we can’t fix our country’s problems. If we can’t come together, how do we expect the rest of the world to? This year, I’m celebrating the America I envision for us all. #futureofamerica #futureisbright . Watch @krystalmball and @esaagar on Rising @thehill on @youtube to see how it’s done. 🇺🇸 . Also, huge shoutout to @kevybaby_socal for these beautiful pics. You make my heart happy. Grateful and blessed to have you in my life. 📸💞 . Be safe out there this weekend everyone. 😎
Likes : 819
Pilar Holland - 819 Likes - I’ve been thinking about this post for awhile now. I’ve had many conversations on what this 4th of July “should” signify, what to post about, or how to celebrate. The significance of this 4th of July for me is the freedom to continually have conversations with all the people in my life about all aspects and structures of our society, how to behave within them, and how to improve upon them. That is most certainly something I can celebrate, the freedom and openness to express our views and learn from each other. We all see the world through a different lense, we should be able to express our ideas and have an open dialogue without being attacked by either side. We shouldn’t be canceling each other out. When we shut each other out and put each other down, we can’t fix our country’s problems. If we can’t come together, how do we expect the rest of the world to? This year, I’m celebrating the America I envision for us all. #futureofamerica #futureisbright 
Watch @krystalmball and @esaagar on Rising @thehill on @youtube to see how it’s done. 🇺🇸 
Also, huge shoutout to @kevybaby_socal for these beautiful pics. You make my heart happy. Grateful and blessed to have you in my life. 📸💞
Be safe out there this weekend everyone. 😎

819 Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : I’ve been thinking about this post for awhile now. I’ve had many conversations on what this 4th of July “should” signify, what to post about, or how to celebrate. The significance of this 4th of July for me is the freedom to continually have conversations with all the people in my life about all aspects and structures of our society, how to behave within them, and how to improve upon them. That is most certainly something I can celebrate, the freedom and openness to express our views and learn from each other. We all see the world through a different lense, we should be able to express our ideas and have an open dialogue without being attacked by either side. We shouldn’t be canceling each other out. When we shut each other out and put each other down, we can’t fix our country’s problems. If we can’t come together, how do we expect the rest of the world to? This year, I’m celebrating the America I envision for us all. #futureofamerica #futureisbright . Watch @krystalmball and @esaagar on Rising @thehill on @youtube to see how it’s done. 🇺🇸 . Also, huge shoutout to @kevybaby_socal for these beautiful pics. You make my heart happy. Grateful and blessed to have you in my life. 📸💞 . Be safe out there this weekend everyone. 😎
Likes : 819
Pilar Holland - 807 Likes - Got an audition today which means I get to get all fancy. And by fancy, I mean style my hair and put makeup on. 🤪 #covidlife 

But seriously, look at this haircut! My sister-in-law @heidiatketer cut it a few weeks ago. I must say, I look goooooood! 💁🏻‍♀️ If you’re up in the Bay Area follow her account and book your appointment for when @ketersalon opens back up. 💇🏻‍♀️ #bayareahairstylist 

#haircut #hairstyle #actor #ilookgood #posh #fancypants #feelingfabulous #auditiontime

807 Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : Got an audition today which means I get to get all fancy. And by fancy, I mean style my hair and put makeup on. 🤪 #covidlife But seriously, look at this haircut! My sister-in-law @heidiatketer cut it a few weeks ago. I must say, I look goooooood! 💁🏻‍♀️ If you’re up in the Bay Area follow her account and book your appointment for when @ketersalon opens back up. 💇🏻‍♀️ #bayareahairstylist #haircut #hairstyle #actor #ilookgood #posh #fancypants #feelingfabulous #auditiontime
Likes : 807
Pilar Holland - 800 Likes - So I don’t have a reason for posting this, besides the fact that I look pretty damn fly if I do say so myself! Moreover, I’m finding it difficult to find reasons to post on social media these days. I’m feeling uninspired or questioning the amount of time I’m giving to the platform. Where else could I be putting my energy and focus?

So, I’m taking a little break to reprogram my mind for a bit without the quick hits of dopamine or the comparison game attached to it all. I’m excited to see what I can create when my mind is free from it all. I even deleted my game apps. It was all becoming a crutch and my phone was controlling me. 

I think we could all use a break every now and again. This will be my first time doing this. It may be a week. It may be longer or it may be shorter. Let’s see what happens, shall we? #newterritory #reprogramyourmind 

#workofart #beauty #loveyourself #socialmediabreak #ilookgood #byefelicia #yeehaw #rideemcowboy #mindsetshift #takecontrolofyourlife

800 Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : So I don’t have a reason for posting this, besides the fact that I look pretty damn fly if I do say so myself! Moreover, I’m finding it difficult to find reasons to post on social media these days. I’m feeling uninspired or questioning the amount of time I’m giving to the platform. Where else could I be putting my energy and focus? So, I’m taking a little break to reprogram my mind for a bit without the quick hits of dopamine or the comparison game attached to it all. I’m excited to see what I can create when my mind is free from it all. I even deleted my game apps. It was all becoming a crutch and my phone was controlling me. I think we could all use a break every now and again. This will be my first time doing this. It may be a week. It may be longer or it may be shorter. Let’s see what happens, shall we? #newterritory #reprogramyourmind #workofart #beauty #loveyourself #socialmediabreak #ilookgood #byefelicia #yeehaw #rideemcowboy #mindsetshift #takecontrolofyourlife
Likes : 800
Pilar Holland - 757 Likes - “Sail away, kill off the hours. You belong somewhere you feel free” - @tompettyofficial

757 Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : “Sail away, kill off the hours. You belong somewhere you feel free” – @tompettyofficial
Likes : 757
Pilar Holland - 737 Likes - It’s okay to take time to find balance and to listen and learn. If we don’t rest, we can’t regain our strength and if we aren’t quiet, we can’t listen and learn. #itsamarathonnotasprint .

I’m learning to find my balance every day. As more gets thrown out into the universe, so many injustices to fight against, going back to work with a pandemic still going on.... every day for me is about breathing and working to incorporate it all while keeping myself mentally stable and grounded. Sending love and light to you all as we work to find solutions without creating more divide between us all. #inthistogether

737 Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : It’s okay to take time to find balance and to listen and learn. If we don’t rest, we can’t regain our strength and if we aren’t quiet, we can’t listen and learn. #itsamarathonnotasprint . I’m learning to find my balance every day. As more gets thrown out into the universe, so many injustices to fight against, going back to work with a pandemic still going on…. every day for me is about breathing and working to incorporate it all while keeping myself mentally stable and grounded. Sending love and light to you all as we work to find solutions without creating more divide between us all. #inthistogether
Likes : 737
Pilar Holland - 710 Likes - I had the opportunity to play a doctor on TV once, and I can only imagine the stress and responsibilities the real ones carry on their shoulders. I wanted to take today to thank all the healthcare workers who have put their lives on the line and worked tirelessly during these difficult times.
Also, I wanted to personally thank the nurses and physicians at @valleypresbyterian and the Healthline Medical Group, the urgent care and the E.R. I visited last week. The staff at both establishments were incredibly helpful and kind. I had the most severe bout of food poisoning with the most excruciating pain I had ever experienced. Thank you @kevybaby_socal for driving me everywhere as I was laid out in your back seat. So grateful for amazing neighbors/friends and community. 😘 #communitylove

710 Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : I had the opportunity to play a doctor on TV once, and I can only imagine the stress and responsibilities the real ones carry on their shoulders. I wanted to take today to thank all the healthcare workers who have put their lives on the line and worked tirelessly during these difficult times. . Also, I wanted to personally thank the nurses and physicians at @valleypresbyterian and the Healthline Medical Group, the urgent care and the E.R. I visited last week. The staff at both establishments were incredibly helpful and kind. I had the most severe bout of food poisoning with the most excruciating pain I had ever experienced. Thank you @kevybaby_socal for driving me everywhere as I was laid out in your back seat. So grateful for amazing neighbors/friends and community. 😘 #communitylove
Likes : 710
Pilar Holland - 673 Likes - Happy Sunday y’all! Hope you all did something good for yourselves this weekend. That’s a margarita I’m enjoying in hand while sitting six feet away visiting dear friends today. 😉

673 Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : Happy Sunday y’all! Hope you all did something good for yourselves this weekend. That’s a margarita I’m enjoying in hand while sitting six feet away visiting dear friends today. 😉
Likes : 673
Pilar Holland - 652 Likes - We’ve got another episode of @lahappyshow coming to you this Tuesday. In the meantime, if you’re hungry and live in the valley, the @thefrontyardla is still delivering and doing takeout. I will tell you first hand, it’s so worth it and mouth watering. I wish they’d deliver their cocktails too 🤤. #treatyoself #tasty

652 Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : We’ve got another episode of @lahappyshow coming to you this Tuesday. In the meantime, if you’re hungry and live in the valley, the @thefrontyardla is still delivering and doing takeout. I will tell you first hand, it’s so worth it and mouth watering. I wish they’d deliver their cocktails too 🤤. #treatyoself #tasty
Likes : 652
Pilar Holland - 650 Likes - We’ve decided to release 3 @lahappyshow episodes today for when we all get out of this quarantine of the places you can all enjoy again! #quarantineandchill these eps in the meantime. 🥂 
Hot off the press from @fullswingactor 🎥 This picture is from @electricowl.la, where they have an all night happy hour Tuesday nights and it’s super cheap. I’m sure y’all will appreciate it once we’re out and about again with our new budgets. Link in bio for your viewing pleasure. 
Side note: Shoutout to @mad.bliss for these beautiful earrings. In addition to how much I love these earrings, I love supporting local artists more 💞

650 Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : We’ve decided to release 3 @lahappyshow episodes today for when we all get out of this quarantine of the places you can all enjoy again! #quarantineandchill these eps in the meantime. 🥂 Hot off the press from @fullswingactor 🎥 This picture is from @electricowl.la, where they have an all night happy hour Tuesday nights and it’s super cheap. I’m sure y’all will appreciate it once we’re out and about again with our new budgets. Link in bio for your viewing pleasure. Side note: Shoutout to @mad.bliss for these beautiful earrings. In addition to how much I love these earrings, I love supporting local artists more 💞
Likes : 650
Pilar Holland - 645 Likes - Oh you know.... just spent the day hanging out in a tree yesterday. Six feet away from everyone at all times. What’d you do?

645 Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : Oh you know…. just spent the day hanging out in a tree yesterday. Six feet away from everyone at all times. What’d you do?
Likes : 645
Pilar Holland - 642 Likes - I have been wearing this necklace every day since it arrived in the mail two weeks ago. Thank you @mad.bliss for being so communicative, collaborative and patient with through the whole process. She sent me so much information on different crystals and stones, styles and size options. Thank you, sister, for supporting me in finding the piece I could really connect with. Check out all the details of this beauty on her page. #intentionaljewelry #crystaljewelry #kyanite .

I’m being more intentional these days when purchasing products, especially with the financial uncertainty so many of us are experiencing these days. Questions I ask myself: Does this bring me joy? Where, how and by whom is this made? Is this necessary or an indulgence? (It’s okay if it’s an indulgence. It’s just important to know how often I’m indulging #balance ) I’m working towards being more sustainable and supporting my local community and artists more and more every day. #inthistogether

642 Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : I have been wearing this necklace every day since it arrived in the mail two weeks ago. Thank you @mad.bliss for being so communicative, collaborative and patient with through the whole process. She sent me so much information on different crystals and stones, styles and size options. Thank you, sister, for supporting me in finding the piece I could really connect with. Check out all the details of this beauty on her page. #intentionaljewelry #crystaljewelry #kyanite . I’m being more intentional these days when purchasing products, especially with the financial uncertainty so many of us are experiencing these days. Questions I ask myself: Does this bring me joy? Where, how and by whom is this made? Is this necessary or an indulgence? (It’s okay if it’s an indulgence. It’s just important to know how often I’m indulging #balance ) I’m working towards being more sustainable and supporting my local community and artists more and more every day. #inthistogether
Likes : 642
Pilar Holland - 599 Likes - Just getting a different vantage point from up here...
I think it’s important to see the world from all angles. We all experience the world differently. In order to understand each other and come together to support each other, it’s important to try to see the world through our brother’s and sister’s eyes. I may never truly understand how someone feels or experiences life, but I can make sure they feel seen and heard. In order to come together and make change, we need to listen to one another and never try to silence someone we don’t agree with. Life is all about learning and growing. Without conversation, we can’t expand our understanding of the world. 
I’m still learning how to express all these ideas and views running through my head. Thank you for being patient and understanding while I find the words to thread together to make sense of it all. 
📸 @kevybaby_socal

599 Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : Just getting a different vantage point from up here… . I think it’s important to see the world from all angles. We all experience the world differently. In order to understand each other and come together to support each other, it’s important to try to see the world through our brother’s and sister’s eyes. I may never truly understand how someone feels or experiences life, but I can make sure they feel seen and heard. In order to come together and make change, we need to listen to one another and never try to silence someone we don’t agree with. Life is all about learning and growing. Without conversation, we can’t expand our understanding of the world. . I’m still learning how to express all these ideas and views running through my head. Thank you for being patient and understanding while I find the words to thread together to make sense of it all. . 📸 @kevybaby_socal
Likes : 599
Pilar Holland - 585 Likes - Dis-ease has the ability to bring out disease. When your body feels dis-ease in any way, you create unhealthy dysfunction within that you may not even realize. @thrive .
I’m not saying the we shouldn’t all be safe and mindful of how we interact with each other during this time. But it’s beginning to feel very hectic and chaotic. Please stay calm and treat each other kindly.
Some woman tried stealing peanut butter out of my cart tonight and another rammed her cart into me without a care in the world for anyone else. No apologies. No acknowledgement of her behavior. Humans are sick with a disease called fear. Please breathe and remember that distress can suppress the effectiveness of your immune system. #staycalm #bekind #stayhealthy

585 Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : Dis-ease has the ability to bring out disease. When your body feels dis-ease in any way, you create unhealthy dysfunction within that you may not even realize. @thrive . . I’m not saying the we shouldn’t all be safe and mindful of how we interact with each other during this time. But it’s beginning to feel very hectic and chaotic. Please stay calm and treat each other kindly. . Some woman tried stealing peanut butter out of my cart tonight and another rammed her cart into me without a care in the world for anyone else. No apologies. No acknowledgement of her behavior. Humans are sick with a disease called fear. Please breathe and remember that distress can suppress the effectiveness of your immune system. #staycalm #bekind #stayhealthy
Likes : 585
Pilar Holland - 575 Likes - When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows not the flower- @purposologist 🌺 

I’ve transitioned through so many lifestyles looking for the “perfect”environment to dig my roots into. I feel like I’m finally figuring out the right soil mixture, temperature, and watering schedule for this beautiful flower to continually bloom. And I say “perfect” in quotations because nothing is ever perfect. I must continually shift/fertilize to keep my root systems healthy and pull out any weeds that might damage my soil. Never a dull moment in gardening. #mindfulliving 🌱 

📸 @kevybaby_socal

575 Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows not the flower- @purposologist 🌺 I’ve transitioned through so many lifestyles looking for the “perfect”environment to dig my roots into. I feel like I’m finally figuring out the right soil mixture, temperature, and watering schedule for this beautiful flower to continually bloom. And I say “perfect” in quotations because nothing is ever perfect. I must continually shift/fertilize to keep my root systems healthy and pull out any weeds that might damage my soil. Never a dull moment in gardening. #mindfulliving 🌱 📸 @kevybaby_socal
Likes : 575
Pilar Holland - 558 Likes - She who plants a garden plants happiness. 💚

📸 by @kevybaby_socal

558 Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : She who plants a garden plants happiness. 💚 📸 by @kevybaby_socal
Likes : 558
Pilar Holland - 556 Likes - Throwing it back to the first couple weeks of the apocalypse and hiding out in the mountains with my cousin @iamambervaldez. What an adventure this past month has been? So many new experiences. I learned how to file for unemployment. I learned how to decock my gun. I learned how to bake at elevation. I learned how to make plant food out of eggs shells. I started learning qigong. I shoveled snow out of a driveway for the first time. I learned how to set up a generator in case the power goes out. And we’ve got another month to go! Whatchu been up to these past few weeks?

556 Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : Throwing it back to the first couple weeks of the apocalypse and hiding out in the mountains with my cousin @iamambervaldez. What an adventure this past month has been? So many new experiences. I learned how to file for unemployment. I learned how to decock my gun. I learned how to bake at elevation. I learned how to make plant food out of eggs shells. I started learning qigong. I shoveled snow out of a driveway for the first time. I learned how to set up a generator in case the power goes out. And we’ve got another month to go! Whatchu been up to these past few weeks?
Likes : 556
Pilar Holland - 550 Likes - Earthing: the process of absorbing earths free flowing electrons from its surface through the soles of ones feet.
If I’m not up in a tree, I’m most certainly earthing. I sit every morning in my front yard with my soles on the earth watching the leaves sway in the breeze and listening to the birds sing.
“Scientific research over more than a decade indicates that your body can be protected and helped—and that you feel better—when you electrically reconnect to the Earth. Potential Benefits: Decreased Levels of Inflammation and Pain, Reduced Stress Levels and Improved Circulation” - @chopra

550 Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : Earthing: the process of absorbing earths free flowing electrons from its surface through the soles of ones feet. . If I’m not up in a tree, I’m most certainly earthing. I sit every morning in my front yard with my soles on the earth watching the leaves sway in the breeze and listening to the birds sing. . “Scientific research over more than a decade indicates that your body can be protected and helped—and that you feel better—when you electrically reconnect to the Earth. Potential Benefits: Decreased Levels of Inflammation and Pain, Reduced Stress Levels and Improved Circulation” – @chopra
Likes : 550
Pilar Holland - 537 Likes - Found my hat @gabyfkool .... or rather your hat 🤭☀️

#beachvibes #summerfashion #bohochic #shine #goodvibes #protectyourskin #summerhat #summervibes

537 Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : Found my hat @gabyfkool …. or rather your hat 🤭☀️ #beachvibes #summerfashion #bohochic #shine #goodvibes #protectyourskin #summerhat #summervibes
Likes : 537
Pilar Holland - 517 Likes - I don’t remember the last time I put on heels and my feet have been thanking me. 👣 #barefootinthegrass .
📸 @sophithestylist 
#windowshopping #remeberwhen #lifestyle #lifestylephotography

517 Likes – Pilar Holland Instagram

Caption : I don’t remember the last time I put on heels and my feet have been thanking me. 👣 #barefootinthegrass . . 📸 @sophithestylist #windowshopping #remeberwhen #lifestyle #lifestylephotography
Likes : 517