Juliane Wurm Top 100 Instagram Photos and Posts

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Most liked photo of Juliane Wurm with over 10.2K likes is the following photo

Most liked Instagram photo of Juliane Wurm
We have around 101 most liked posts and photos of Juliane Wurm with the thumbnails listed below. Click on any of them to view the full image along with its caption, like count, and a button to download the photo.

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1. 10.2K Likes

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Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Testing while setting at @bright_site when it was still @kyra_condie-T-shirt weather 🙂 @madrockclimbing
Likes : 10225

2. 6.4K Likes

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Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Reflecting on the beauty of a crisp autumn day in Fontainebleau! My fingers are itching for some rock time soooooon 🙂 @mammut_swiss1862 @madrockclimbing
Likes : 6377

3. 3.9K Likes

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Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Why I struggle cooperating with other women (yet). . Competition is about comparison, about rankings, numbers, about quantifying one’s performance and I very much internalised that concept. I constantly compare myself with women my age. It is something I’m not at all proud of and that I don’t like about myself. I competed with women around my age in climbing, so this has become my group of comparison. I compare myself inside this group in climbing – be it a boulder, a route, but also outside climbing – in school, professional success, knowledge, other sports… I rarely compare myself with men. I often climb with other men, my brother, my roommate, friends from the climbing gym. During these sessions I have approximately zero ambition. I try the easiest boulders, if I fail, I don’t care. I don’t feel any urge to make up an excuse. If I climb with other women, I try very hard, I’m focussed, I want to be the first one to get up a boulder or a route, I want to be stronger on training exercises. It is so deep inside me that even if I want to turn it off, I usually can’t. I make up excuses if I fail, emphasise that I don’t care and haven’t trained much lately, that I have lots of other stuff to do or in my mind. . I developed that behaviour in climbing, but I also carried it into other fields of my life. I’m often fine with other women my age being good at things, I usually just want to be a tiny little bit better. For years now I’m aware of this concept not being very sensible and if often disgusts me and makes me feel ashamed in front of myself. I’m aware of it being arbitrary since the day I’m not competing anymore. Why don’t I compare myself with people who invested as much as I did, who care as much about a certain thing, be it men, women, people who are younger or older,…? Rationally seen I want to build a team with other women, I want us to support each other, I want to support other women when needed and be able to accept support when I need it and compete from time to time to increase our performances when we care. . While thinking about this I’m always wondering, if this is only my personal problem or if this concerns (female) society as a whole?
Likes : 3907

4. 3.7K Likes

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Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Same same but different! Stoked to finally get to see the new @chimpanzodrome 🙂 @mammut_swiss1862 @madrockeurope
Likes : 3695

5. 3.6K Likes

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Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Being too male to be considered female?!?! . Ever since my youth I felt torn between being ‘sufficiently’ female and the dream of becoming a strong climber, which involved having muscles and thus becoming a bit more male. I felt torn between doing training exercises and standing in front of the mirror at H&M as a teen, smashing tank tops due to having muscles. At times I didn’t want to do specific training exercises, because I didn’t like how they changed my body. I disliked how my biceps grew bigger from pull-ups, how I became broader from doing push-ups. . To a certain point having muscles as a woman is considered beautiful, but the point that makes you a successful sports person is often times a little further than that. I remember an endless amount of moments where friends, family, other competitors said how the sixpack of that random climber girl is a bit too much, how her biceps is a bit too big, how her back looks a bit too muscular, how she is a bit too massive in general. Over the time I developed the notion that there are two ‘no-goes’ for a female sports person: 1) being too lean and muscular at the same time, because that makes you look too fibrous; that looks a bit too morbid I suppose. 2) being muscular and a bit chubby, because that looks too massive and I guess too male. . Most of the time I felt like I’m not representing these ‘no-goes’, but I was always afraid of getting there and felt sorry for those who represented these ‘extreme’ body types – what the heck! . I felt like in conversations about female bodies in sports the terms ‘sporty’ or ‘muscular’ are often used as euphemisms for being ‘(too) male’. This notion involved to my understanding that the transitions are very smooth – between fibrous, lean, chubby, massive,… but the underlying system is very binary – sufficiently female or too male. My feelings accompanied by this notion went up and down and changed over the years and there were times where I loved my muscles or looking sporty (mostly when I was very much absorbed into the sports environment and successful), but there were many times where I felt like the elephant in the room (usually outside sports).
Likes : 3598

6. 3.5K Likes

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Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : i’ve decided my #lifegoal is to be able to climb this boulder for the rest of my life. therefore I take good care and repeat it (a couple times) every time I’m in bas cuvier. for now I’m watching the video instead of practice. also I obviously feel pretty smart for having chosen a slab.
Likes : 3517

7. 3.5K Likes

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Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Yassss! Very happy to be climbing again:)) Second time climbing since gyms were opened again and first post-med-school climbing session 😁😁😁 @mammut_swiss1862 @madrockclimbing
Likes : 3516

8. 3.5K Likes

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Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Yassss! Very happy to be climbing again:)) Second time climbing since gyms were opened again and first post-med-school climbing session 😁😁😁 @mammut_swiss1862 @madrockclimbing
Likes : 3516

9. 3.5K Likes

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Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Tb to a previous version of myself, fearlessly jumping to worldcup topholds, missing them and attempting elegant flights on the way back onto the mats… nowadays version of myself is sad about closed gyms and having trouble to stay active with other sports, which I unfortunately tend to find boring… tried biking today (again), turns out I have no endurance and no leg muscles (again), and also im not sure if I can find joy in repetitive movement. also cars are annoying. no worries tho, i’ll keep trying. second pic with @anna_stoehr whom I miss a lot 🧡. Both pics by @thecircuitclimbing 🙏
Likes : 3505

10. 3.5K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 3.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Tb to a previous version of myself, fearlessly jumping to worldcup topholds, missing them and attempting elegant flights on the way back onto the mats… nowadays version of myself is sad about closed gyms and having trouble to stay active with other sports, which I unfortunately tend to find boring… tried biking today (again), turns out I have no endurance and no leg muscles (again), and also im not sure if I can find joy in repetitive movement. also cars are annoying. no worries tho, i’ll keep trying. second pic with @anna_stoehr whom I miss a lot 🧡. Both pics by @thecircuitclimbing 🙏
Likes : 3505

11. 3.4K Likes

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Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : When I stood on my first podium of a European Youth Cup as a teen I was very happy, but I felt like I was only lucky. Later on in World Cup finals I often felt like I didn’t belong there and could very soon be unmasked. I was worried that I just wouldn’t get into any of the starting positions and people would be wondering what I was doing there. I felt like I got there, because I was mostly lucky, other people failed for inexplicable reasons or were injured and would have been way stronger than me,… When I failed on the other hand I never thought other people were extremely lucky, but that I just climbed crap, that I needed to train more, that I was too heavy, that I wasn’t focussed or whatever… In general I was often times way more afraid of failing than eager to win. . During my first years of med school I was terrified how I’d explain to my family and friends if I’d fail and be exmatriculated. I fantasized about just going underground to some remote place or some other country if that’d happen. Even after finishing med school, over the last couple of months, I had some weird moments where I feared someone could just come and strip me of the degree. Underlying these fears and feelings is some sort of shame that I keep thinking would come with failure and showing weakness. I grew up in an environment where I was always highly supported in things I’m good at and failure was rather analyzed or tried to avoid. I did fail at many things, but I am still extremely bad at talking about it due to the potential shame that comes with it. By not talking about my failures and weaknesses I sometimes feel like I’m biasing my surrounding and creating expectations I’m not able to match, which inevitably enhances the fear of failing and the feeling of being a little bit of an impostor.
Likes : 3439

12. 3.4K Likes

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Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : I found this picture from 6 years ago, which made me think of the past few years. Back then my whole world used to be different. A World Cup season lay behind me, I trained for the upcoming World Championship. Later that summer I became World Champion, an event that changed my life in many very positive and also very weird ways. . This title smoothed my way out of competitive climbing knowing that I fulfilled all my climbing dreams. It opened countless doors and it allowed myself a financial independence which gave me a lot of freedom over the last couple of years. It also strangely makes people look differently at me on various occasions. Sometimes I feel idolised, which is something I’ve always had a hard time identifying with. But from which at the same time I massively benefitted, in a society that values personalities who achieved success in sports. . Stumbling my way out of competitive sports over the last years opened my eyes to the world around me and often times massively overwhelmed me and still does. Having grown up in competitive sports, I often feel like I grew up on a different planet. A planet where my youth and young adulthood evolved around optimising my performance, where the rewards were intense feelings connected to medals, World Cup finals, congratulations from friends, family and people I had never met before. A planet where my everyday thoughts were circulating around my own performance, my wellbeing, fitness level, weight, diets, training plans, strengths & weaknesses. A planet where vulnerability was something I tried to avoid and felt strong by doing so. A planet from which I looked onto the rest of the world as an interested observer. Looking back onto this time now, feels strange and unfamiliar. . Now, 5 years after stepping back from competitive sports, I feel like day by day I’m feeling more comfortable exploring and getting more settled in this other world. A world where I’m trying to find myself a place in, where I’m trying to make sense of complex, inconsistent and overwhelming societal structures and concepts, integrating my past, making myself vulnerable at times and deepening relationships to my beloved ones.
Likes : 3427

13. 3.4K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 3.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : I found this picture from 6 years ago, which made me think of the past few years. Back then my whole world used to be different. A World Cup season lay behind me, I trained for the upcoming World Championship. Later that summer I became World Champion, an event that changed my life in many very positive and also very weird ways. . This title smoothed my way out of competitive climbing knowing that I fulfilled all my climbing dreams. It opened countless doors and it allowed myself a financial independence which gave me a lot of freedom over the last couple of years. It also strangely makes people look differently at me on various occasions. Sometimes I feel idolised, which is something I’ve always had a hard time identifying with. But from which at the same time I massively benefitted, in a society that values personalities who achieved success in sports. . Stumbling my way out of competitive sports over the last years opened my eyes to the world around me and often times massively overwhelmed me and still does. Having grown up in competitive sports, I often feel like I grew up on a different planet. A planet where my youth and young adulthood evolved around optimising my performance, where the rewards were intense feelings connected to medals, World Cup finals, congratulations from friends, family and people I had never met before. A planet where my everyday thoughts were circulating around my own performance, my wellbeing, fitness level, weight, diets, training plans, strengths & weaknesses. A planet where vulnerability was something I tried to avoid and felt strong by doing so. A planet from which I looked onto the rest of the world as an interested observer. Looking back onto this time now, feels strange and unfamiliar. . Now, 5 years after stepping back from competitive sports, I feel like day by day I’m feeling more comfortable exploring and getting more settled in this other world. A world where I’m trying to find myself a place in, where I’m trying to make sense of complex, inconsistent and overwhelming societal structures and concepts, integrating my past, making myself vulnerable at times and deepening relationships to my beloved ones.
Likes : 3427

14. 3.4K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 3.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : I found this picture from 6 years ago, which made me think of the past few years. Back then my whole world used to be different. A World Cup season lay behind me, I trained for the upcoming World Championship. Later that summer I became World Champion, an event that changed my life in many very positive and also very weird ways. . This title smoothed my way out of competitive climbing knowing that I fulfilled all my climbing dreams. It opened countless doors and it allowed myself a financial independence which gave me a lot of freedom over the last couple of years. It also strangely makes people look differently at me on various occasions. Sometimes I feel idolised, which is something I’ve always had a hard time identifying with. But from which at the same time I massively benefitted, in a society that values personalities who achieved success in sports. . Stumbling my way out of competitive sports over the last years opened my eyes to the world around me and often times massively overwhelmed me and still does. Having grown up in competitive sports, I often feel like I grew up on a different planet. A planet where my youth and young adulthood evolved around optimising my performance, where the rewards were intense feelings connected to medals, World Cup finals, congratulations from friends, family and people I had never met before. A planet where my everyday thoughts were circulating around my own performance, my wellbeing, fitness level, weight, diets, training plans, strengths & weaknesses. A planet where vulnerability was something I tried to avoid and felt strong by doing so. A planet from which I looked onto the rest of the world as an interested observer. Looking back onto this time now, feels strange and unfamiliar. . Now, 5 years after stepping back from competitive sports, I feel like day by day I’m feeling more comfortable exploring and getting more settled in this other world. A world where I’m trying to find myself a place in, where I’m trying to make sense of complex, inconsistent and overwhelming societal structures and concepts, integrating my past, making myself vulnerable at times and deepening relationships to my beloved ones.
Likes : 3427

15. 3.2K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 3.2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : being 31 yo vs. being 21 yo, same filter
Likes : 3213

16. 3.2K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 3.2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : being 31 yo vs. being 21 yo, same filter
Likes : 3213

17. 3.2K Likes

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Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Should we really celebrate successful athletes so much? . There are a couple of reasons why I‘m confused by that. One is that competing very much involves focussing on one thing, often oneself, in order to increase individual sports performance. Often this is mostly intrinsically motivated, sometimes the motivation might be rooted somewhere else (which might be prone to creating questionable dependencies). When I started climbing as a 10y-old-kid, I absolutely fell in love with this way of movement. I seemed to have a talent and was told that consequently I’d probably do well in comps. I had done comps in gymnastics and track&field before and my childhood heroes were successful gymnasts, skiers, runners and soon climbers… Throughout the following years I committed for this comp path and very much enjoyed the lifestyle. I spent most of my time training or thinking about training, climbing and comps and received huge support from my environment. I wasn’t very eager to try hard in school, didn’t care very deeply about other people’s well-being or my social relationships. However, my often egocentric behavior seemed to be justifiable through medals and even seemed to be part of my talent in sports. . Ever since I stopped competing, people celebrated me for having been a successful competitor and it has been quite a door-opener for me. Looking back, I’ve surely learned a lot as an athlete and it shaped who I am today, but increasing competitive performance also came with a questionably narrow path to go. In my eyes many of the people we celebrate as our (sports) heroes are good at going this narrow path and ignoring many things and people around unless it might help increasing their performance. I see the point that it’s fascinating to see a (sports) person being so absorbed by something and thus showing incredible performance, but it irritates me that we’re so willing to encourage and celebrate that behavior or that we don’t shed enough light on the ways competitors strive to success in a more holistic and realistic way. I’m not sure if we’re aware of the direction in which comp sports pushes young athletes, imo, a system that in many cases is hard to exit.
Likes : 3197

18. 3.2K Likes

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Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : When talking about the connection between climbing and body weight I’m sometimes astonished that voices become quite, people turn around to see who’s listening that this topic still seems to hold something mystic. . I began realising the role of body weight in climbing during my youth. After some days of being sick with food poisening, I expected to feel very weak on the climbing wall, but to my surprise the contrary was the case. I was around 13 yo and had developed an ambition in climbing. From that point onwards I began seeing a connection between how much I ate and my climbing and started playing with it. I read about diets, tried to eat less, weighed myself frequently and this topic became very present on my mind. I developed an ideal of beauty of a very thin, but muscular body, started comparing my body to other female climbers and felt weak if they had thinner thighs than I had. I developed lots of very weird misconceptions about how to lose weight while not becoming physically weak/losing muscles. There were a handful of desperate moments during my teens where I thought about the reasonableness of vomiting up my last meal (luckily ended up not doing so). . I’m not sure whether I would have talked about it openly during my youth, but looking back, there simply wasn’t much room for that. While it is obvious that there is a strong connection between climbing performance & body weight/nutrition to anyone who has tried to push their climbing limits, this topic was a taboo (and maybe still is). I feared being stigmatised as being over-ambitious, expected people to tell me I should just train more instead of thinking about what I ate, feared not being taken seriously. Only when I was around 20 yo I started talking about the the role of weight in climbing with friends. I was lucky to be surrounded with people with whom we created room for ourselves for exchanging information, revising misconceptions, talking about the limits, consequences and dangers of playing with weight. The topic stayed very present on my mind until I stopped competing, but it helped immensely to talk about it in a more rational way to keep some emotional distance from my body weight.
Likes : 3181

19. 3K Likes

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Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : #localadventurechallenge It was a strange time sitting at home for several weeks during the lockdown, looking for new activities that can be done at home, only seeing friends and family on the phone and not being able to climb. When lockdown was loosened and it was allowed to climb outside again, I drove to Ruhrtal (1 hr from Cologne) for an exciting mini-adventure and had a wonderful day in the nature! Sometimes great adventures are just around the corner wherever we live 🙂 🌳☀️ Check out the @mammut_swiss1862 page if you want to take part in the #localadventurechallenge! Have fun!! You can find the link in my bio as well 🙂
Likes : 2998

20. 3K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : #localadventurechallenge It was a strange time sitting at home for several weeks during the lockdown, looking for new activities that can be done at home, only seeing friends and family on the phone and not being able to climb. When lockdown was loosened and it was allowed to climb outside again, I drove to Ruhrtal (1 hr from Cologne) for an exciting mini-adventure and had a wonderful day in the nature! Sometimes great adventures are just around the corner wherever we live 🙂 🌳☀️ Check out the @mammut_swiss1862 page if you want to take part in the #localadventurechallenge! Have fun!! You can find the link in my bio as well 🙂
Likes : 2998

21. 3K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : #localadventurechallenge It was a strange time sitting at home for several weeks during the lockdown, looking for new activities that can be done at home, only seeing friends and family on the phone and not being able to climb. When lockdown was loosened and it was allowed to climb outside again, I drove to Ruhrtal (1 hr from Cologne) for an exciting mini-adventure and had a wonderful day in the nature! Sometimes great adventures are just around the corner wherever we live 🙂 🌳☀️ Check out the @mammut_swiss1862 page if you want to take part in the #localadventurechallenge! Have fun!! You can find the link in my bio as well 🙂
Likes : 2998

22. 3K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : #localadventurechallenge It was a strange time sitting at home for several weeks during the lockdown, looking for new activities that can be done at home, only seeing friends and family on the phone and not being able to climb. When lockdown was loosened and it was allowed to climb outside again, I drove to Ruhrtal (1 hr from Cologne) for an exciting mini-adventure and had a wonderful day in the nature! Sometimes great adventures are just around the corner wherever we live 🙂 🌳☀️ Check out the @mammut_swiss1862 page if you want to take part in the #localadventurechallenge! Have fun!! You can find the link in my bio as well 🙂
Likes : 2998

23. 3K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : #localadventurechallenge It was a strange time sitting at home for several weeks during the lockdown, looking for new activities that can be done at home, only seeing friends and family on the phone and not being able to climb. When lockdown was loosened and it was allowed to climb outside again, I drove to Ruhrtal (1 hr from Cologne) for an exciting mini-adventure and had a wonderful day in the nature! Sometimes great adventures are just around the corner wherever we live 🙂 🌳☀️ Check out the @mammut_swiss1862 page if you want to take part in the #localadventurechallenge! Have fun!! You can find the link in my bio as well 🙂
Likes : 2998

24. 3K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Felt 10 years younger today doing all the dynamic moves @stuntwerk_cologne 😎😁 📽@lillikiesgen
Likes : 2956

25. 3K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Felt 10 years younger today doing all the dynamic moves @stuntwerk_cologne 😎😁 📽@lillikiesgen
Likes : 2956

26. 2.8K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : . My impact on our climate as a former comp climber and as a rock climber is obviously not deniable. It triggers an uncomfortable dissent probably known to many people. I travelled the world as a competitor; to China for a Worldcup-weekend – enjoying chinese food and markets, being amazed by the traffic in mega-cities, overwhelmed by the anonymity and feeling lost by not being able to communicate; to the US and Canada for some more Worldcups for the next weekends – Starbucks, Chipotle, longboarding and shopping; back to Germany and a squeezed-in rockclimbing trip to South Africa – climbing on perfect rock, sitting around bonfires through the night with climbers from all over the world, getting to know this culture with its complex history. I felt like I was living the average life of a professional climber. Almost every part of the world seemed approachable. I felt privileged and grateful for being able to travel the world for climbing, it has shaped who I am and has become part of my identity. After a while at home, I feel restless and start day dreaming about cactuses in Hueco Tanks, mountain lakes at RMNP, sunsets in Rocklands – memories of moments where I felt completely awestruck by the beauty of our nature. . Over the last decade, with the horrors of climate change coming to our minds very vividly, fires and droughts all over the world, it has become irresponsible to travel these amounts, especially by plane. It destroys the exact places that we love so much. My own perception for how much I fly or used to fly has changed and had an influence on decisions I made, but has not entirely kept me from traveling by plane. I kept finding justifications for why it’s ok to travel by plane, even if it has become way less. Since COVID-19 in large part determines our lives, this conflict has been put aside for now. It made me rediscover the beauty of local crags, I bought a bike and find more appreciation for close-by nature spots, which I hope and plan to keep up. Perhaps post-COVID-life won’t be the same as before anyway, but I wonder: How do we envision competitive or outdoor sports in times of climate change?!
Likes : 2782

27. 2.8K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : . My impact on our climate as a former comp climber and as a rock climber is obviously not deniable. It triggers an uncomfortable dissent probably known to many people. I travelled the world as a competitor; to China for a Worldcup-weekend – enjoying chinese food and markets, being amazed by the traffic in mega-cities, overwhelmed by the anonymity and feeling lost by not being able to communicate; to the US and Canada for some more Worldcups for the next weekends – Starbucks, Chipotle, longboarding and shopping; back to Germany and a squeezed-in rockclimbing trip to South Africa – climbing on perfect rock, sitting around bonfires through the night with climbers from all over the world, getting to know this culture with its complex history. I felt like I was living the average life of a professional climber. Almost every part of the world seemed approachable. I felt privileged and grateful for being able to travel the world for climbing, it has shaped who I am and has become part of my identity. After a while at home, I feel restless and start day dreaming about cactuses in Hueco Tanks, mountain lakes at RMNP, sunsets in Rocklands – memories of moments where I felt completely awestruck by the beauty of our nature. . Over the last decade, with the horrors of climate change coming to our minds very vividly, fires and droughts all over the world, it has become irresponsible to travel these amounts, especially by plane. It destroys the exact places that we love so much. My own perception for how much I fly or used to fly has changed and had an influence on decisions I made, but has not entirely kept me from traveling by plane. I kept finding justifications for why it’s ok to travel by plane, even if it has become way less. Since COVID-19 in large part determines our lives, this conflict has been put aside for now. It made me rediscover the beauty of local crags, I bought a bike and find more appreciation for close-by nature spots, which I hope and plan to keep up. Perhaps post-COVID-life won’t be the same as before anyway, but I wonder: How do we envision competitive or outdoor sports in times of climate change?!
Likes : 2782

28. 2.8K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : . My impact on our climate as a former comp climber and as a rock climber is obviously not deniable. It triggers an uncomfortable dissent probably known to many people. I travelled the world as a competitor; to China for a Worldcup-weekend – enjoying chinese food and markets, being amazed by the traffic in mega-cities, overwhelmed by the anonymity and feeling lost by not being able to communicate; to the US and Canada for some more Worldcups for the next weekends – Starbucks, Chipotle, longboarding and shopping; back to Germany and a squeezed-in rockclimbing trip to South Africa – climbing on perfect rock, sitting around bonfires through the night with climbers from all over the world, getting to know this culture with its complex history. I felt like I was living the average life of a professional climber. Almost every part of the world seemed approachable. I felt privileged and grateful for being able to travel the world for climbing, it has shaped who I am and has become part of my identity. After a while at home, I feel restless and start day dreaming about cactuses in Hueco Tanks, mountain lakes at RMNP, sunsets in Rocklands – memories of moments where I felt completely awestruck by the beauty of our nature. . Over the last decade, with the horrors of climate change coming to our minds very vividly, fires and droughts all over the world, it has become irresponsible to travel these amounts, especially by plane. It destroys the exact places that we love so much. My own perception for how much I fly or used to fly has changed and had an influence on decisions I made, but has not entirely kept me from traveling by plane. I kept finding justifications for why it’s ok to travel by plane, even if it has become way less. Since COVID-19 in large part determines our lives, this conflict has been put aside for now. It made me rediscover the beauty of local crags, I bought a bike and find more appreciation for close-by nature spots, which I hope and plan to keep up. Perhaps post-COVID-life won’t be the same as before anyway, but I wonder: How do we envision competitive or outdoor sports in times of climate change?!
Likes : 2782

29. 2.8K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : . My impact on our climate as a former comp climber and as a rock climber is obviously not deniable. It triggers an uncomfortable dissent probably known to many people. I travelled the world as a competitor; to China for a Worldcup-weekend – enjoying chinese food and markets, being amazed by the traffic in mega-cities, overwhelmed by the anonymity and feeling lost by not being able to communicate; to the US and Canada for some more Worldcups for the next weekends – Starbucks, Chipotle, longboarding and shopping; back to Germany and a squeezed-in rockclimbing trip to South Africa – climbing on perfect rock, sitting around bonfires through the night with climbers from all over the world, getting to know this culture with its complex history. I felt like I was living the average life of a professional climber. Almost every part of the world seemed approachable. I felt privileged and grateful for being able to travel the world for climbing, it has shaped who I am and has become part of my identity. After a while at home, I feel restless and start day dreaming about cactuses in Hueco Tanks, mountain lakes at RMNP, sunsets in Rocklands – memories of moments where I felt completely awestruck by the beauty of our nature. . Over the last decade, with the horrors of climate change coming to our minds very vividly, fires and droughts all over the world, it has become irresponsible to travel these amounts, especially by plane. It destroys the exact places that we love so much. My own perception for how much I fly or used to fly has changed and had an influence on decisions I made, but has not entirely kept me from traveling by plane. I kept finding justifications for why it’s ok to travel by plane, even if it has become way less. Since COVID-19 in large part determines our lives, this conflict has been put aside for now. It made me rediscover the beauty of local crags, I bought a bike and find more appreciation for close-by nature spots, which I hope and plan to keep up. Perhaps post-COVID-life won’t be the same as before anyway, but I wonder: How do we envision competitive or outdoor sports in times of climate change?!
Likes : 2782

30. 2.8K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : . My impact on our climate as a former comp climber and as a rock climber is obviously not deniable. It triggers an uncomfortable dissent probably known to many people. I travelled the world as a competitor; to China for a Worldcup-weekend – enjoying chinese food and markets, being amazed by the traffic in mega-cities, overwhelmed by the anonymity and feeling lost by not being able to communicate; to the US and Canada for some more Worldcups for the next weekends – Starbucks, Chipotle, longboarding and shopping; back to Germany and a squeezed-in rockclimbing trip to South Africa – climbing on perfect rock, sitting around bonfires through the night with climbers from all over the world, getting to know this culture with its complex history. I felt like I was living the average life of a professional climber. Almost every part of the world seemed approachable. I felt privileged and grateful for being able to travel the world for climbing, it has shaped who I am and has become part of my identity. After a while at home, I feel restless and start day dreaming about cactuses in Hueco Tanks, mountain lakes at RMNP, sunsets in Rocklands – memories of moments where I felt completely awestruck by the beauty of our nature. . Over the last decade, with the horrors of climate change coming to our minds very vividly, fires and droughts all over the world, it has become irresponsible to travel these amounts, especially by plane. It destroys the exact places that we love so much. My own perception for how much I fly or used to fly has changed and had an influence on decisions I made, but has not entirely kept me from traveling by plane. I kept finding justifications for why it’s ok to travel by plane, even if it has become way less. Since COVID-19 in large part determines our lives, this conflict has been put aside for now. It made me rediscover the beauty of local crags, I bought a bike and find more appreciation for close-by nature spots, which I hope and plan to keep up. Perhaps post-COVID-life won’t be the same as before anyway, but I wonder: How do we envision competitive or outdoor sports in times of climate change?!
Likes : 2782

31. 2.8K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : . My impact on our climate as a former comp climber and as a rock climber is obviously not deniable. It triggers an uncomfortable dissent probably known to many people. I travelled the world as a competitor; to China for a Worldcup-weekend – enjoying chinese food and markets, being amazed by the traffic in mega-cities, overwhelmed by the anonymity and feeling lost by not being able to communicate; to the US and Canada for some more Worldcups for the next weekends – Starbucks, Chipotle, longboarding and shopping; back to Germany and a squeezed-in rockclimbing trip to South Africa – climbing on perfect rock, sitting around bonfires through the night with climbers from all over the world, getting to know this culture with its complex history. I felt like I was living the average life of a professional climber. Almost every part of the world seemed approachable. I felt privileged and grateful for being able to travel the world for climbing, it has shaped who I am and has become part of my identity. After a while at home, I feel restless and start day dreaming about cactuses in Hueco Tanks, mountain lakes at RMNP, sunsets in Rocklands – memories of moments where I felt completely awestruck by the beauty of our nature. . Over the last decade, with the horrors of climate change coming to our minds very vividly, fires and droughts all over the world, it has become irresponsible to travel these amounts, especially by plane. It destroys the exact places that we love so much. My own perception for how much I fly or used to fly has changed and had an influence on decisions I made, but has not entirely kept me from traveling by plane. I kept finding justifications for why it’s ok to travel by plane, even if it has become way less. Since COVID-19 in large part determines our lives, this conflict has been put aside for now. It made me rediscover the beauty of local crags, I bought a bike and find more appreciation for close-by nature spots, which I hope and plan to keep up. Perhaps post-COVID-life won’t be the same as before anyway, but I wonder: How do we envision competitive or outdoor sports in times of climate change?!
Likes : 2782

32. 2.8K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : . My impact on our climate as a former comp climber and as a rock climber is obviously not deniable. It triggers an uncomfortable dissent probably known to many people. I travelled the world as a competitor; to China for a Worldcup-weekend – enjoying chinese food and markets, being amazed by the traffic in mega-cities, overwhelmed by the anonymity and feeling lost by not being able to communicate; to the US and Canada for some more Worldcups for the next weekends – Starbucks, Chipotle, longboarding and shopping; back to Germany and a squeezed-in rockclimbing trip to South Africa – climbing on perfect rock, sitting around bonfires through the night with climbers from all over the world, getting to know this culture with its complex history. I felt like I was living the average life of a professional climber. Almost every part of the world seemed approachable. I felt privileged and grateful for being able to travel the world for climbing, it has shaped who I am and has become part of my identity. After a while at home, I feel restless and start day dreaming about cactuses in Hueco Tanks, mountain lakes at RMNP, sunsets in Rocklands – memories of moments where I felt completely awestruck by the beauty of our nature. . Over the last decade, with the horrors of climate change coming to our minds very vividly, fires and droughts all over the world, it has become irresponsible to travel these amounts, especially by plane. It destroys the exact places that we love so much. My own perception for how much I fly or used to fly has changed and had an influence on decisions I made, but has not entirely kept me from traveling by plane. I kept finding justifications for why it’s ok to travel by plane, even if it has become way less. Since COVID-19 in large part determines our lives, this conflict has been put aside for now. It made me rediscover the beauty of local crags, I bought a bike and find more appreciation for close-by nature spots, which I hope and plan to keep up. Perhaps post-COVID-life won’t be the same as before anyway, but I wonder: How do we envision competitive or outdoor sports in times of climate change?!
Likes : 2782

33. 2.8K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : . My impact on our climate as a former comp climber and as a rock climber is obviously not deniable. It triggers an uncomfortable dissent probably known to many people. I travelled the world as a competitor; to China for a Worldcup-weekend – enjoying chinese food and markets, being amazed by the traffic in mega-cities, overwhelmed by the anonymity and feeling lost by not being able to communicate; to the US and Canada for some more Worldcups for the next weekends – Starbucks, Chipotle, longboarding and shopping; back to Germany and a squeezed-in rockclimbing trip to South Africa – climbing on perfect rock, sitting around bonfires through the night with climbers from all over the world, getting to know this culture with its complex history. I felt like I was living the average life of a professional climber. Almost every part of the world seemed approachable. I felt privileged and grateful for being able to travel the world for climbing, it has shaped who I am and has become part of my identity. After a while at home, I feel restless and start day dreaming about cactuses in Hueco Tanks, mountain lakes at RMNP, sunsets in Rocklands – memories of moments where I felt completely awestruck by the beauty of our nature. . Over the last decade, with the horrors of climate change coming to our minds very vividly, fires and droughts all over the world, it has become irresponsible to travel these amounts, especially by plane. It destroys the exact places that we love so much. My own perception for how much I fly or used to fly has changed and had an influence on decisions I made, but has not entirely kept me from traveling by plane. I kept finding justifications for why it’s ok to travel by plane, even if it has become way less. Since COVID-19 in large part determines our lives, this conflict has been put aside for now. It made me rediscover the beauty of local crags, I bought a bike and find more appreciation for close-by nature spots, which I hope and plan to keep up. Perhaps post-COVID-life won’t be the same as before anyway, but I wonder: How do we envision competitive or outdoor sports in times of climate change?!
Likes : 2782

34. 2.8K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Got some olympic motivation boost 😎 congrats to all participants!! It’s been inspirational and insanely exciting to watch everyone! 🎥 @andi.woehle @mammut_swiss1862 @madrockclimbing
Likes : 2775

35. 2.7K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Decided to eat vegan for a month (1 or maybe 2 cheat days included) and got introduced to searching mushrooms recently 🙂 so, vegan recipe recommendations (with or without mushrooms) are welcome!
Likes : 2749

36. 2.7K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Decided to eat vegan for a month (1 or maybe 2 cheat days included) and got introduced to searching mushrooms recently 🙂 so, vegan recipe recommendations (with or without mushrooms) are welcome!
Likes : 2749

37. 2.7K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Decided to eat vegan for a month (1 or maybe 2 cheat days included) and got introduced to searching mushrooms recently 🙂 so, vegan recipe recommendations (with or without mushrooms) are welcome!
Likes : 2749

38. 2.7K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Decided to eat vegan for a month (1 or maybe 2 cheat days included) and got introduced to searching mushrooms recently 🙂 so, vegan recipe recommendations (with or without mushrooms) are welcome!
Likes : 2749

39. 2.7K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Decided to eat vegan for a month (1 or maybe 2 cheat days included) and got introduced to searching mushrooms recently 🙂 so, vegan recipe recommendations (with or without mushrooms) are welcome!
Likes : 2749

40. 2.7K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : pre-covid climbing fun + tan (or sunburn). feels like one million years ago. . *if anyone in Berlin has access to a private climbing wall or solarium please lmk 😘 . Pic: @flowingbody
Likes : 2706

41. 2.7K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Very excited about travelling to Fontainebleau tomorrow 😍! Can’t wait for some sandstone bouldering again 🙂
Likes : 2675

42. 2.6K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : About last week 1: ich, Angst vor Fischen, immer 2: wir oder tourism go home 3: Café con leche, 7€, low budget Urlaub 4: ewige Drillingsblumenliebe 5: Kontemplation 6: Aioli 7: Eleganz brought to you by Naomi Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Enrique Iglesias, Shakira, Danger Dan, Andreas Meier, Hannah Arendt, Navid Kermani uvm – gracias a todos und Adios 💗💙
Likes : 2623

43. 2.6K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : About last week 1: ich, Angst vor Fischen, immer 2: wir oder tourism go home 3: Café con leche, 7€, low budget Urlaub 4: ewige Drillingsblumenliebe 5: Kontemplation 6: Aioli 7: Eleganz brought to you by Naomi Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Enrique Iglesias, Shakira, Danger Dan, Andreas Meier, Hannah Arendt, Navid Kermani uvm – gracias a todos und Adios 💗💙
Likes : 2623

44. 2.6K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : About last week 1: ich, Angst vor Fischen, immer 2: wir oder tourism go home 3: Café con leche, 7€, low budget Urlaub 4: ewige Drillingsblumenliebe 5: Kontemplation 6: Aioli 7: Eleganz brought to you by Naomi Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Enrique Iglesias, Shakira, Danger Dan, Andreas Meier, Hannah Arendt, Navid Kermani uvm – gracias a todos und Adios 💗💙
Likes : 2623

45. 2.6K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : About last week 1: ich, Angst vor Fischen, immer 2: wir oder tourism go home 3: Café con leche, 7€, low budget Urlaub 4: ewige Drillingsblumenliebe 5: Kontemplation 6: Aioli 7: Eleganz brought to you by Naomi Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Enrique Iglesias, Shakira, Danger Dan, Andreas Meier, Hannah Arendt, Navid Kermani uvm – gracias a todos und Adios 💗💙
Likes : 2623

46. 2.6K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : About last week 1: ich, Angst vor Fischen, immer 2: wir oder tourism go home 3: Café con leche, 7€, low budget Urlaub 4: ewige Drillingsblumenliebe 5: Kontemplation 6: Aioli 7: Eleganz brought to you by Naomi Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Enrique Iglesias, Shakira, Danger Dan, Andreas Meier, Hannah Arendt, Navid Kermani uvm – gracias a todos und Adios 💗💙
Likes : 2623

47. 2.6K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : About last week 1: ich, Angst vor Fischen, immer 2: wir oder tourism go home 3: Café con leche, 7€, low budget Urlaub 4: ewige Drillingsblumenliebe 5: Kontemplation 6: Aioli 7: Eleganz brought to you by Naomi Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Enrique Iglesias, Shakira, Danger Dan, Andreas Meier, Hannah Arendt, Navid Kermani uvm – gracias a todos und Adios 💗💙
Likes : 2623

48. 2.6K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : About last week 1: ich, Angst vor Fischen, immer 2: wir oder tourism go home 3: Café con leche, 7€, low budget Urlaub 4: ewige Drillingsblumenliebe 5: Kontemplation 6: Aioli 7: Eleganz brought to you by Naomi Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Enrique Iglesias, Shakira, Danger Dan, Andreas Meier, Hannah Arendt, Navid Kermani uvm – gracias a todos und Adios 💗💙
Likes : 2623

49. 2.6K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Soon 😍! Swipe left for some badass gangsters 🤷🏻‍♀️😎.
Likes : 2621

50. 2.6K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Soon 😍! Swipe left for some badass gangsters 🤷🏻‍♀️😎.
Likes : 2621

51. 2.6K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Soon 😍! Swipe left for some badass gangsters 🤷🏻‍♀️😎.
Likes : 2621

52. 2.5K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : My struggle with the limits of female physique in sports or not being male enough. . As a young and ambitious female climber, when my male counterparts developed muscles during puberty, I remember feeling disappointed about the adaptations to training my body seemed to be able to. I trained harder and more often than many of the boys, while they became physically stronger with seemingly no effort. Meanwhile I became a little heavier and hoped that my body wouldn’t become ‘too female’. By doing physical/strength training I sometimes felt like I’m trying suppress my femininity. I was aware that climbing is a very technical sport and that one could come very far with technical delicacies, but I always thought that even if I’d train my hardest, my pure physical abilities would never be much better than those of an ambitious male hobby climber. . I considered competitive sports as a field where the limits of the human body could be tested and struggled with the fact that it would, in most cases, be more sensible for me to compare myself with women (especially when coming close to the limits of what’s currently possible), while men could compare themselves within the whole human group. Growing up in a society that resonated that unfair gender gaps between men and women were fought to be closed, I felt like I’m standing next to the most natural gap and had to accept that chances (of success, rewards, recognition,…) might be equal, but this body-gap couldn’t be closed. I struggled with this in climbing and during my competitive career, but also when watching quantifiable female sports on tv. I struggled with the inferiority of pure strength of female bodies at the limits in quantifiable sports.
Likes : 2542

53. 2.5K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : 🍃🇸🇪 . Kanelbullar, fika, mosquito bites and some bouldering in Västervik 🙂
Likes : 2510

54. 2.5K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : 🍃🇸🇪 . Kanelbullar, fika, mosquito bites and some bouldering in Västervik 🙂
Likes : 2510

55. 2.5K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : 🍃🇸🇪 . Kanelbullar, fika, mosquito bites and some bouldering in Västervik 🙂
Likes : 2510

56. 2.5K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : 🍃🇸🇪 . Kanelbullar, fika, mosquito bites and some bouldering in Västervik 🙂
Likes : 2510

57. 2.5K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : 🍃🇸🇪 . Kanelbullar, fika, mosquito bites and some bouldering in Västervik 🙂
Likes : 2510

58. 2.5K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : 🍃🇸🇪 . Kanelbullar, fika, mosquito bites and some bouldering in Västervik 🙂
Likes : 2510

59. 2.5K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : What weirdos do when gyms are closed… Or as @_udini_ would put it: buildering snacks are good for you 🙂
Likes : 2482

60. 2.5K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : @naomiwgr, warming up for es pontas, me, tryna figure out excuses and some flower flex.
Likes : 2470

61. 2.5K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : @naomiwgr, warming up for es pontas, me, tryna figure out excuses and some flower flex.
Likes : 2470

62. 2.5K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : @naomiwgr, warming up for es pontas, me, tryna figure out excuses and some flower flex.
Likes : 2470

63. 2.4K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Weekend diary: climbed some boulders (like this one), got lost trying to find other boulders, made a bbq, played soccer on the campground, spent money in the boulangerie, had conversations with friends 💙
Likes : 2415

64. 2.4K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : congrats for becoming last ninja standing for the 1037372th time in a row. It’s a mystery to me how you’re SO freakin good at everything you do… seriously, how?! anyhow, I love bragging about you being my brother. ❤️
Likes : 2407

65. 2.4K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : congrats for becoming last ninja standing for the 1037372th time in a row. It’s a mystery to me how you’re SO freakin good at everything you do… seriously, how?! anyhow, I love bragging about you being my brother. ❤️
Likes : 2407

66. 2.4K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : congrats for becoming last ninja standing for the 1037372th time in a row. It’s a mystery to me how you’re SO freakin good at everything you do… seriously, how?! anyhow, I love bragging about you being my brother. ❤️
Likes : 2407

67. 2.4K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : congrats for becoming last ninja standing for the 1037372th time in a row. It’s a mystery to me how you’re SO freakin good at everything you do… seriously, how?! anyhow, I love bragging about you being my brother. ❤️
Likes : 2407

68. 2.4K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : I just put together a blog. I think I’ll switch between English and German, let’s see. First one is in German tho 🙂 Hope you enjoy 😉 . Link in bio 🙂
Likes : 2399

69. 2.4K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Making up boulders on our home wall feels like a throwback to times when @_alexwurm and I were both (and sometimes only me) very psyched about getting stronger, training on this wall before and after school, after family dinners, before breakfast, in between things… listening to the partly wildly embarrassing music we were listening at the time and to radio tunes with bad reception. Making up projects that were never sent. . Very glad to have a couple more rad Christmas sessions here with the old vibes! . Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrate Christmas🎄 . @mammut_swiss1862 @madrockclimbing
Likes : 2390

70. 2.3K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Celebrating Annie Ernaux winning the Nobel Price with some climbs in the forest 🍂 @mammut_swiss1862 @madrockclimbing
Likes : 2322

71. 2.2K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : So good be spending some time on rocks again 🙂 Even if it has only been a one-day-adventure…
Likes : 2178

72. 2.2K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : So good be spending some time on rocks again 🙂 Even if it has only been a one-day-adventure…
Likes : 2178

73. 2.1K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.1K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Could do this every Sunday [Délivrance assis] 🍂🍃
Likes : 2148

74. 2.1K Likes

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Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Stretching and thinking about @hazel_findlay’s thoughts from her latest post. I’ve often asked myself why I enjoyed climbing the least and climbed the worst at times when I fully focussed on it. One reason for that is, in my opinion, that persistent focus makes us narrow-minded. Narrow-mindedness prevents us from being creative. And creativity is essential in climbing and training (and of course comes in handy in many fields of life). One part of being creative is, I think, to allow playfulness. It helps us keeping our eyes and mind open for alternative solutions, widen our horizon. Interestingly, I think we can barely fake playfulness (feel like it always ends up in paradoxical intervention;)). I think what we can do is finding our sweet spot between focus and playfulness. My personal strategy for that is to follow various interests that I have in life with alternating dedication, because I discovered for myself that whenever I focus on one thing, I can’t handle the pressure I put on myself and my playfulness decreases heavily.
Likes : 2122

75. 2.1K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.1K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Sometimes this whole bouldering thing is just so much fun 😍 . Video by @_alexwurm . @mammut_swiss1862 @madrockclimbing
Likes : 2115

76. 2.1K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.1K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Squeezed in a home session today and had so much fun on the wall 😍. Very excited for some more climbing soon!!
Likes : 2113

77. 2.1K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2.1K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : #tb to when gym bouldering was still a kind of normal thing to do… . @mammut_swiss1862 @madrockclimbing
Likes : 2104

78. 2K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Anzeige Wie die meisten von euch habe ich mich inzwischen einigermaßen in der aktuellen Situation eingegroovt. Ich mache (fast) jeden Tag entweder Klimmzüge, Liegestütze, Übungen am Beastmaker, Yoga oder dehne und gehe viel Fahrradfahren. Unterstützt werde ich dabei neuerdings durch @mypro_plus, ein neuer Proteindrink ohne hinzugefügten Zucker und ohne Konservierungsstoffe (25g Protein), der in den meisten deutschen Supermärkten erhältlich ist 🙂 In den nächsten Wochen habe ich eine tolle Aktion für euch mit MyPRO+ geplant, bleibt gespannt! #MyProPlus #verdienesdir #highprotein
Likes : 2028

79. 2K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : 💃🏻 . (from before lockdown)
Likes : 2026

80. 2K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Daydreaming about a weekend rope-climbing action in Rumney some time ago while studying ✨😍
Likes : 2019

81. 2K Likes

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Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : First session @boulderplanet_koeln! . . 📽by my new roomie @joshpatzner 😍😁 . . @mammut_swiss1862 @madrockclimbing
Likes : 2006

82. 2K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Das beste am Kletterurlaub ist das Abhängen im Café mit @naomiwgr.
Likes : 1986

83. 2K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Das beste am Kletterurlaub ist das Abhängen im Café mit @naomiwgr.
Likes : 1986

84. 2K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Le plaisir and a [Free hug]
Likes : 1969

85. 2K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : I miss this place 😍🇿🇦
Likes : 1952

86. 2K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : when nobody knew that bouldering would soon be considered cool and @anna_stoehr won every world cup (second pic for reference) . (Bouldering Worldcup Eindhoven 2010) . First pic by @_udini_
Likes : 1950

87. 2K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : when nobody knew that bouldering would soon be considered cool and @anna_stoehr won every world cup (second pic for reference) . (Bouldering Worldcup Eindhoven 2010) . First pic by @_udini_
Likes : 1950

88. 1.9K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 1.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : 17,18,19,19,19,19,20 – noch 10! – wie viele Klimmzüge ich an den roten Henkeln im Dach im Kletter-Max in Dortmund gemacht habe, wie schön es war platt ins Seil zu fallen, unten mit dir einzuschlagen und in deine strahlenden Augen zu gucken, motiviert zu werden für das nächste Mal: hoch, runter, hoch, runter, hoch, runter, hoch – im Dach, an der KA2000, am Block, an der 18-Meter-Wand, mit von dir durch‘s Seil geschickter Energie. Wie du mir Fanta bestellt hast, wenn ich nicht mehr konnte; wie wir mit dir freitags abends mit der ganzen Kindergruppe Schinken-Käse-Pizzabrötchen bei Mamma Mia in Hörde bestellt haben und 15 Liegestütze machen mussten, wenn wir mit unseren Fettfingern weiter geklettert sind. 15 Liegestütze für‘s mit dem Cityroller durch die Kletterhalle heizen, 15 Liegestütze für‘s zu spät zu kommen, weil ‚Richter Alexander Hold’ so spannend war, 15 Liegestütze für hässliche 8er Knoten, für’s französisch sichern mit der 8, für’s Rucksack mitten in die Halle feuern, für’s Mitbringen von nur einem Kletterschuh, dafür das verknotete Seil einfach in den Schrank zu pfeffern – ich hab sie alle gern gemacht, die Klimmzüge, Liegestütze und die unendlich vielen Routen!! . Du hast mit deiner unglaublichen Ausstrahlung so viele Kinder in deinen Bann gezogen, Kindheiten begleitet, hast die Liebe für das Klettern in dutzenden Kindern und Familien entfacht, hast uns für diesen Sport begeistert, der viele von uns unser ganzes Leben begleitet und begleiten wird! Wir werden dich unendlich vermissen, Dieter ❤️
Likes : 1939

89. 1.9K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 1.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Breaking beta & exploring the soon-to-be home country‘s gyms.
Likes : 1905

90. 1.9K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 1.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : When Fontainebleau is 1146 km away but you’re craving this authentic sandstone slab feeling after work. Video by your favorite YouTuber @schniklas
Likes : 1875

91. 1.8K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 1.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Belle journée dans la forêt 😍!
Likes : 1846

92. 1.8K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 1.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : How I’ll be jumping into reopening climbing gyms next week 🤩
Likes : 1799

93. 1.7K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 1.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : 10 Erkenntnisse aus 10 Tagen EM in München: – es ist die heftigste Organisationsleistung so ein Event auf die Beine zu stellen (macht man sich ja kein Bild, wenn man selbst nur mitmacht) und ich werde für immer allen Respekt für Menschen haben, die sowas hinbekommen (@munich2022) – es ist mega schwer in ein Mikrofon zu sprechen, weil es so eine lästige Verzögerung gibt, durch die man sich fühlt als würde man mit sich selbst im Kanon sprechen – danke für die Geduld mit mir @taufigk & @yousefsafri! – Nach anfänglichem Zweifel hinsichtlich Sport-Großevents, bin ich ziemlich positiv angetan davon, wie sich unterschiedliche Sportarten gegenseitig befruchten und wie Sport trotz aller Krisen auf der Welt irgendwie doch verbindet – Bin endlich Expertin in irgendwas – Die neue olympische Boulder & Lead-Kombi ist super; über die Punktewertung könnte sich nochmal jemand Gedanken machen – Hab jetzt Bock Beach-Volleyball zu spielen – @janja_garnbret ist außerirdisch gut und geht scheinbar immer früh ins Bett – Wenn man sich in Bayern nicht 24/7 von Würstchen und Bier ernährt, verhungert man; @florian_ges liebt München trotzdem – bin ready für Kletterurlaub 🐸❤️
Likes : 1679

94. 1.7K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 1.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : 10 Erkenntnisse aus 10 Tagen EM in München: – es ist die heftigste Organisationsleistung so ein Event auf die Beine zu stellen (macht man sich ja kein Bild, wenn man selbst nur mitmacht) und ich werde für immer allen Respekt für Menschen haben, die sowas hinbekommen (@munich2022) – es ist mega schwer in ein Mikrofon zu sprechen, weil es so eine lästige Verzögerung gibt, durch die man sich fühlt als würde man mit sich selbst im Kanon sprechen – danke für die Geduld mit mir @taufigk & @yousefsafri! – Nach anfänglichem Zweifel hinsichtlich Sport-Großevents, bin ich ziemlich positiv angetan davon, wie sich unterschiedliche Sportarten gegenseitig befruchten und wie Sport trotz aller Krisen auf der Welt irgendwie doch verbindet – Bin endlich Expertin in irgendwas – Die neue olympische Boulder & Lead-Kombi ist super; über die Punktewertung könnte sich nochmal jemand Gedanken machen – Hab jetzt Bock Beach-Volleyball zu spielen – @janja_garnbret ist außerirdisch gut und geht scheinbar immer früh ins Bett – Wenn man sich in Bayern nicht 24/7 von Würstchen und Bier ernährt, verhungert man; @florian_ges liebt München trotzdem – bin ready für Kletterurlaub 🐸❤️
Likes : 1679

95. 1.7K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 1.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : 10 Erkenntnisse aus 10 Tagen EM in München: – es ist die heftigste Organisationsleistung so ein Event auf die Beine zu stellen (macht man sich ja kein Bild, wenn man selbst nur mitmacht) und ich werde für immer allen Respekt für Menschen haben, die sowas hinbekommen (@munich2022) – es ist mega schwer in ein Mikrofon zu sprechen, weil es so eine lästige Verzögerung gibt, durch die man sich fühlt als würde man mit sich selbst im Kanon sprechen – danke für die Geduld mit mir @taufigk & @yousefsafri! – Nach anfänglichem Zweifel hinsichtlich Sport-Großevents, bin ich ziemlich positiv angetan davon, wie sich unterschiedliche Sportarten gegenseitig befruchten und wie Sport trotz aller Krisen auf der Welt irgendwie doch verbindet – Bin endlich Expertin in irgendwas – Die neue olympische Boulder & Lead-Kombi ist super; über die Punktewertung könnte sich nochmal jemand Gedanken machen – Hab jetzt Bock Beach-Volleyball zu spielen – @janja_garnbret ist außerirdisch gut und geht scheinbar immer früh ins Bett – Wenn man sich in Bayern nicht 24/7 von Würstchen und Bier ernährt, verhungert man; @florian_ges liebt München trotzdem – bin ready für Kletterurlaub 🐸❤️
Likes : 1679

96. 1.7K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 1.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : 10 Erkenntnisse aus 10 Tagen EM in München: – es ist die heftigste Organisationsleistung so ein Event auf die Beine zu stellen (macht man sich ja kein Bild, wenn man selbst nur mitmacht) und ich werde für immer allen Respekt für Menschen haben, die sowas hinbekommen (@munich2022) – es ist mega schwer in ein Mikrofon zu sprechen, weil es so eine lästige Verzögerung gibt, durch die man sich fühlt als würde man mit sich selbst im Kanon sprechen – danke für die Geduld mit mir @taufigk & @yousefsafri! – Nach anfänglichem Zweifel hinsichtlich Sport-Großevents, bin ich ziemlich positiv angetan davon, wie sich unterschiedliche Sportarten gegenseitig befruchten und wie Sport trotz aller Krisen auf der Welt irgendwie doch verbindet – Bin endlich Expertin in irgendwas – Die neue olympische Boulder & Lead-Kombi ist super; über die Punktewertung könnte sich nochmal jemand Gedanken machen – Hab jetzt Bock Beach-Volleyball zu spielen – @janja_garnbret ist außerirdisch gut und geht scheinbar immer früh ins Bett – Wenn man sich in Bayern nicht 24/7 von Würstchen und Bier ernährt, verhungert man; @florian_ges liebt München trotzdem – bin ready für Kletterurlaub 🐸❤️
Likes : 1679

97. 1.7K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 1.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : 10 Erkenntnisse aus 10 Tagen EM in München: – es ist die heftigste Organisationsleistung so ein Event auf die Beine zu stellen (macht man sich ja kein Bild, wenn man selbst nur mitmacht) und ich werde für immer allen Respekt für Menschen haben, die sowas hinbekommen (@munich2022) – es ist mega schwer in ein Mikrofon zu sprechen, weil es so eine lästige Verzögerung gibt, durch die man sich fühlt als würde man mit sich selbst im Kanon sprechen – danke für die Geduld mit mir @taufigk & @yousefsafri! – Nach anfänglichem Zweifel hinsichtlich Sport-Großevents, bin ich ziemlich positiv angetan davon, wie sich unterschiedliche Sportarten gegenseitig befruchten und wie Sport trotz aller Krisen auf der Welt irgendwie doch verbindet – Bin endlich Expertin in irgendwas – Die neue olympische Boulder & Lead-Kombi ist super; über die Punktewertung könnte sich nochmal jemand Gedanken machen – Hab jetzt Bock Beach-Volleyball zu spielen – @janja_garnbret ist außerirdisch gut und geht scheinbar immer früh ins Bett – Wenn man sich in Bayern nicht 24/7 von Würstchen und Bier ernährt, verhungert man; @florian_ges liebt München trotzdem – bin ready für Kletterurlaub 🐸❤️
Likes : 1679

98. 1.7K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 1.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : 10 Erkenntnisse aus 10 Tagen EM in München: – es ist die heftigste Organisationsleistung so ein Event auf die Beine zu stellen (macht man sich ja kein Bild, wenn man selbst nur mitmacht) und ich werde für immer allen Respekt für Menschen haben, die sowas hinbekommen (@munich2022) – es ist mega schwer in ein Mikrofon zu sprechen, weil es so eine lästige Verzögerung gibt, durch die man sich fühlt als würde man mit sich selbst im Kanon sprechen – danke für die Geduld mit mir @taufigk & @yousefsafri! – Nach anfänglichem Zweifel hinsichtlich Sport-Großevents, bin ich ziemlich positiv angetan davon, wie sich unterschiedliche Sportarten gegenseitig befruchten und wie Sport trotz aller Krisen auf der Welt irgendwie doch verbindet – Bin endlich Expertin in irgendwas – Die neue olympische Boulder & Lead-Kombi ist super; über die Punktewertung könnte sich nochmal jemand Gedanken machen – Hab jetzt Bock Beach-Volleyball zu spielen – @janja_garnbret ist außerirdisch gut und geht scheinbar immer früh ins Bett – Wenn man sich in Bayern nicht 24/7 von Würstchen und Bier ernährt, verhungert man; @florian_ges liebt München trotzdem – bin ready für Kletterurlaub 🐸❤️
Likes : 1679

99. 1.7K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 1.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : 10 Erkenntnisse aus 10 Tagen EM in München: – es ist die heftigste Organisationsleistung so ein Event auf die Beine zu stellen (macht man sich ja kein Bild, wenn man selbst nur mitmacht) und ich werde für immer allen Respekt für Menschen haben, die sowas hinbekommen (@munich2022) – es ist mega schwer in ein Mikrofon zu sprechen, weil es so eine lästige Verzögerung gibt, durch die man sich fühlt als würde man mit sich selbst im Kanon sprechen – danke für die Geduld mit mir @taufigk & @yousefsafri! – Nach anfänglichem Zweifel hinsichtlich Sport-Großevents, bin ich ziemlich positiv angetan davon, wie sich unterschiedliche Sportarten gegenseitig befruchten und wie Sport trotz aller Krisen auf der Welt irgendwie doch verbindet – Bin endlich Expertin in irgendwas – Die neue olympische Boulder & Lead-Kombi ist super; über die Punktewertung könnte sich nochmal jemand Gedanken machen – Hab jetzt Bock Beach-Volleyball zu spielen – @janja_garnbret ist außerirdisch gut und geht scheinbar immer früh ins Bett – Wenn man sich in Bayern nicht 24/7 von Würstchen und Bier ernährt, verhungert man; @florian_ges liebt München trotzdem – bin ready für Kletterurlaub 🐸❤️
Likes : 1679

100. 1.6K Likes

Juliane Wurm - 1.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Juliane Wurm Instagram
Caption : Immer wieder merke ich, dass es mir körperlich und mental gut tut regelmäßig Yoga zu machen. Obwohl ich das seit Jahren weiß, kriege ich es trotzdem nicht hin es regelmäßig in die Tat umzusetzen 🤦🏻‍♀️. Und da im Team alles einfacher ist haben @mypro_plus und ich eine kleine Challenge; vielleicht geht es euch ja genauso und ihr habt Lust euch diese Woche der Challenge anzuschließen und jeden Morgen Yoga zu machen… Mein Ziel ist es jeden Morgen 5 Sonnengrüße mit unterschiedlichen Elementen zu verbinden. Für die Motivierten unter euch gibt es sogar einen 500€ Body Attack-Gutschein und eine Theragun (Massagepistole) zu gewinnen. Zusätzlich verlose ich unter meinen Followern noch einen MyPRO+ Goodiebag. Dafür müsst ihr mir und @mypro_plus folgen, eine Story während meiner Challenge mit #verdienesdir posten, in der ihr mich und @mypro_plus verlinkt. Viel Spaß:) #anzeige’#MyProPlus #verdienesdir Teilnahmebedingungen: https://bit.ly/MyPRO_plusChallenge
Likes : 1580