We had a blast!! Now it’s time to get some sleep…… #pressday #accesslive #OMG #mtvnews
#SingleLadies is kicking off #TheNewYear Jan. 6th on @vh1 Grab your e-book series, written by New York Times best-selling author Ashley Antoinette at #Amazon #Barnes&Noble or #ITunes . Starting Nov.26th w/ April……catch up so you’re ready for the brand new season!! Mark the day!!
WE ARE BACK! Time does fly!! #singleladies3 returns to @VH1 in January! http://on.vh1.com/SL3
AHHHHHHHHHH! We are days away from #singleladies3 and the countdown continues! Get on twitter for live commentary from cast members Monday night on @VH1 @flavorunitent xx
Glasses up!! The celebration is on!! Cheers to #singleladies3 woohoo!! @vh1
We took one for the team and all bunked up in the same dressing room! @denisevasi @makeupbyheith @davenmayeda @sarahuslan @aarontheking and friends!!
6:30 am driving to @AccessHollywood live rolling with 1 hour of sleep and a coffee. I highly recommend it, it’s like going to work drunk!!
I triple dog dare you to count all the presents……. Big family, lots of love, lots of Joy, lots of peace. #HappyHolidays #ChristmasEvenight #magic
#throwbackthursday getting much luv from #TBY fans so I put out a throw back feast!! For all the dedicated fans…. Much luv back!!!
Yoga at 2am…… I highly recommend it. #sleepbetter
Pre-order your e-book series “No Sex In The City” coming out tomorrow. Find out what happened between season 2 & 3!! Get all caught up so you are ready for the New Single Ladies @vh1 Jan. 6th
Why can I not control my new kitty. #Duke Duke of Hazard that is!! #cute #kittens #love
@hairbylawrence from #SL2 miss you much!! So glad we got to work together again like old times. #thebest
Too much fun with #BillyBush on @AccessHollywood funny guy, great personality on and off camera!!
New family member!! Pup hunting #wollfpack his name #Cedar #adorable #bondingtime hope he learns to love my cat!!
@denisevasi and I playing around back stage of @ArsenioHall #besties watch the #singleladies3 cast tonight at 11pm on @CW
#CigarsAndCognac romantic by the fire in a castle….. #vasimandlermerge
We are Not without our team #glamsquad….. Thank you to @sarahuslan @aarontheking and #JenniferMazur #singleladies3 on @arseniohall tonight at 11pm
My favorite day of the entire year is fading into the night as we all nestle in our beds #Eve
Trivia, I’m handing out bigger bags full of candy and money for the right answer….and no one knows the answer to my Question…… How many witches are there in ‘Hocus Pocus’? It’s a classic!!! How is it possible that kids haven’t seen this movie?!?!
Best costume I saw today Davey!! @jamesfrancotv add to your collection
My dog tried to barrow his cousins jacket….. Didn’t workout very well!! Fur leather faux jacket
My #kitty is the scariest thing tonight. Don’t let my black cat cross your path!! #beware #halloween #funtimes