@denisevasi #AprilandRaquel what would I have done without you!! Love working with you on set!! #BFF on and off set, love for days!! #singleladies
I cried tonight. I cried after reading all the heartfelt comments from the die hard fans of #singleladies, I cried because I’m going to miss #April, I cried because I’m going to miss my cast mates – the late nights of non stop laughter at 3am trying to “get the shot”even if we did get in trouble. We all put our heart and soul into this project, we all fought for our characters till the end! I’ll miss the snuggles on the couch, the trailer trash talk, running lines in hair and make-up/or at 4 am, walks in the park, and trips to #farmburger I’ll miss everybody!! I’ll miss joking with our incredible crew who we wouldn’t have made it without all of you, and even more a big THANK YOU to all the producers and @vh1 @flavorunit for making it all happen!! The producers of this show put everything into it from our fabulous costumes to editing in the night durning tornados. So this is my love letter, my love letter saying goodbye. It’s been a long journey and I’ll never forget!! #goodbyeSingleladies
Only 1 more episodes till it’s all over for good. Don’t miss what happens to April in the end. It’s coming full circle #singleladies #aprilanddavid
TO THE BEST FANS EVER!! So we’ve all heard the unfortunate news Single Ladies has been cancelled by @vh1 I am devastated by the shocking announcement, however I respect their decision and wish them well. BUT I want to THANK our fans for being so loyal, and supporting the show the last 3 years. We wouldn’t have had this amazing journey without you guys! You inspired us everyday to BE better. Your enthusiasm gave us inspiration for better cutting edge fashion, fierce beauty and more sexy moments!! This show demonstrated what it is to have “ride or die” friends. Strong women, strong loyal friendships, together through thick or thin. It is positive and inspirational and has taught me something about my own life. I was blessed to be apart of this project and WE are blessed to have THE BEST FANS EVER!! So thank YOU!!! Now let’s finish STRONG! We have 4 more eps. The season finale is worth EVERY SECOND. ITS A SHOCKER!! So let’s ride this out till the end!! See you tonight to watch what happens with #Raqual being duped into a kidnapped situation!! Luv you guys!! Xx see you tonight
Posting #singleladies photos all day to celebrate!! Let us know, what were your favorite moments out of the whole series?
Out on ST PATTYS DAY celebrating!! Ready to watch #singleladies west coast!! #drunkinlove #AprilandRequal #friendsforlife we swear we didn’t order the bottle officer!! @jonathanpollard can you come get us lol#thatswhatfriendsarefor
SINGLE LADIES FAN!! This is a pic from the start of season 3, I took a selfie waiting for @denisevasi to come over and jump on hotel room beds!! #WHotel who’s going to miss seeing all the great fashion by @sewanthonywilliams every week? #singleladies
Raquel and April……. SAY WHATTTT? #noseyposey @denisevasi #inhonorofsingleladies last episode
The count down begins: SAYING GOODBYE TO #SINGLELADIES don’t miss the crazy unexpected ending to the series tonight!! Crazy it’s all over with these three ladies and our guys xx MUST SEE
When the world is open to endless possibilities, it’s exciting, it’s freeing, it’s scary, it’s new all at the sametime, it’s change.
#feliciaandApril made a good team!! Thanks for the great season and making me laugh all year!! @letoyaluckett @vh1
#April and #Raquel getting into trouble at game night……funny Hey @denisevasi remember shooting game night for a week straight lol…#aprilanddavid @damiendw where u at?
What was your favorite #Glamlook through out #singleladies “pick a look”!! @sewanthony #fashiontodiefor #Raquelscloset @denisevasi @msstone08 mine was the Orange gown season 2 designed by Anthony Williams and this black leather number!!
@traviswinfrey where you at? You watching? It’s going down…… The last airing ever……#singleladies 4 years in the making #over
@vh1 said it best! April has gone full circle…….get it?
Last night I tried @soulcycle it was inspirational, which came as a shock, it is actually good for the soul. Then off to surprise @denisevasi for a belated birthday with the coolest candles ever. Happy Birthday babe!!
One of many cute Omar and April moments!! I’m going to miss them!! @traviswinfrey #singleladies but the best was April slapping Omar across the face!! Best season 2 moment!!
#fbf for #peoplepets
@kontrolmag #goodtimes on this photoshoot day! Xxx
@peoplemag animal attack photoshoot for #peoplepets #fbf
Is that #SharronStone on the #cover of #Shapemagazine @Shape_magazine #awesomeness she looks amazing #inspiring #healthies
HAPPY ST PATTYS DAY from @denisevasi baby #puppylove these glasses appear in 2 other pics on my IG, so the question is who wore them better? #mygreenglaeeses