Home Actress Lisa Ray Instagram Photos and Posts – September 2017 Lisa Ray Instagram - Reporting live from #HongKong Pre-typhoon thunder storm. Third major tropical storm in two weeks.

Lisa Ray Instagram – Reporting live from #HongKong Pre-typhoon thunder storm. Third major tropical storm in two weeks.

Lisa Ray Instagram - Reporting live from #HongKong Pre-typhoon thunder storm. Third major tropical storm in two weeks.

Lisa Ray Instagram – Reporting live from #HongKong
Pre-typhoon thunder storm.
Third major tropical storm in two weeks. | Posted on 31/Aug/2017 16:24:40

Lisa Ray Instagram – Shelter and soft shell crab sliders.
#rainedin #HongKong @moofish_hk
Lisa Ray Instagram – Eight years ago I embarked on a health odyssey I chronicled in a blog called #TheYellowDiaries. A lot has changed, both in myself and the world. 
I’m revisiting #TheYellowDiaries and sharing snippets here both to remind myself and connect with you from the deepest part of myself.

Chemo is cumulative. Sort of like compounded interest. But not.

The toxicity accumulates in your system. I’m limp all the time, like a heavy camel coat in the summer. Being a covert type A I don’t think I have ever spent longer than three days in bed before this. Not that I haven’t been ill. Often a Doctor would be called on set, I’d get a shot, or some pills and doze between takes. Health never stopped me from staying busy.


Now, however, my body is in shock. You excavate a mountainside, or the marrow, and you bring material from somewhere deep into consciousness. One of the unexpected side effects of Cancer for me, is the release of some toxic patterns and thoughts. I call it flapping out the fears. Hang them up on poles and watch them flap. Violently. Like flags in a windstorm.

Snap, snap, snap.

So what’s flapping?

Is it the material or the wind?


It’s my mind.

So with mind flapping, in this last cycle of treatment for MM, I’m without strategy.

Cause just now, I don’t have enough energy for the present. Except to do what’s essential. Like, tell them you love them. Burn off excess interactions. Use your best plates and don’t scrimp on the gourmet mustard.  Secrets melt from my marrow. When I catch their stir, I will extract them from my body. It’s alchemy. Cancer is alchemy. In our body is hidden a substance which is the incorruptible medicine. Release it and you heal. 
Barn Burn Down
Now I see the Moon 
Our allegiance is to making sense of stuff. We have immense preoccupation with figuring things out.

Or I can surrender, release the fear and gaze at the moon.

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