Thank God for Our House Grief Support Center. The kids recently went for the second time to the wonderful #CampErin (subject of the HBO doc “One Last Hug.”) The camp is free to any kid aged 6 to 18 in LA or OC who has lost a parent. The camp reminded us at pick up that, “once a grieving child, always a grieving child.” Bless those camp counselors and all of @OurHouseGrief, which has low/no cost grief groups for children and adults.
10 year challenge! Photos of Jackson at age 3 and age 13 on the drum at the The Living Desert outside Palm Springs.
I’m usually his harshest critic, but my boyfriend developed an app that is truly mind-blowing. #ReplayAR freezes your photo right where it’s taken, and it lives there forever! It’s Instagram meets Pokémon Go. Hallie and I demonstrate here: or try it for yourself here:
Hallie double-pickle-dared me to “post it on Instagram. “ She snuck off with some blue paint did Starry Night on her face then took this selfie. She’s sticking out her one remaining front tooth for a just a smidge more crazy.
We got our rainbow over Niagara Falls!
Hallie, playing a 1958 teenager in a production of “Bye Bye Birdie” (she got to sing a three word solo!) I took this picture of her against a blank wall after the show, but then my boyfriend Huddy, who is a graphic designer, did some stuff to it and now it looks like a Richard Avedon photo. #Yesfilter
Happy early birthday and happy fourth anniversary to the divine gift of a man Jay Huddy.
Zip lining at Niagara Falls. Getting the little one hooked on adrenaline early.
Zip lining at Niagara Falls. Getting the little one hooked on adrenaline early.
Happy birthday to Hallie Fox! She’s seven! And wearing some bronze lipstick😬
Me as the demanding photog barking directions at Jackson on his way out the door for the first day of eighth grade: “Pose for a picture. Lose the pose. Smile. Don’t smile.” Poor baby. Miraculously, he likes middle school! @campbellhallvikings
The almost 2-hour drive home from LAX in rush-hour. Is traveling almost always an exhausting endeavor, or is it just me?
This one is very excited to be in back @losencinosschool
Jackson as the lead defense attorney – having just won his case and gathering his papers – at his school’s mock trial. Thought he looked very lawyerly in this pic.
All she wants for Christmas is her two front teeth. And, of course, some pink glitter slime.
10 months ago Yasir Salem lost his beloved wife Gwen to a rare form of lung cancer. He founded @gwenfoundation the Gweneviere Mann Foundation (501c3) and set out to run 50 marathons in 50 states over the course of 1 year to raise awareness about early detection and raise funds for their programs.
He’s just hit the 44 marathon/state mark and soon will be running marathon #50, culminating the campaign with the 50in50 fundraising brunch on 11/2/2019 in NYC the day before the NYC Marathon, and they’ll be awarding their first grant. Please join:
Happy Juneteenth and thank you to @kahlil.greene for this resource.
Happy Juneteenth and thank you to @kahlil.greene for this resource.
Happy Juneteenth and thank you to @kahlil.greene for this resource.
Listening to “Don’t Wait Up – Confessions of a Stay at Work Mom” – my friend @lizastrof ‘s “book on tape,” as I still call them. Its like a good comedy album that goes much deeper than any comedy album. It’s hilarious and heartbreaking, and hilarious even when heartbreaking. Plenty of brutally honest and juicy mom confessions, plus war stories acquired over years of being a hit sitcom writer, but so much more. #dontwaitupbook #confessionsofastayatworkmom
Happy Pride, everyone! Thank you @mcbridesisters for this valuable information. #pride #stonewall
Happy Pride, everyone! Thank you @mcbridesisters for this valuable information. #pride #stonewall
Happy Pride, everyone! Thank you @mcbridesisters for this valuable information. #pride #stonewall