Change. Is. Hard. I get it. But we’re all going to need to change if we want to fix the climate crisis. Watch my new video with #Chromebook (link in bio) about the science of behavior change. There’s hope for us all, I promise! #sponsored
It’s #WorldEmojiDay and I just want to take this opportunity to remind you all to WEAR A MASK😷. Carry on…
When I was 14, I went to the first #EarthDay in my hometown of Washington, D.C. In those days, it was all about pollution. Today, it’s climate change – and this year’s pandemic. Every astronaut, cosmonaut & taikonaut comes down & reminds us we are all citizens of one world, one planet. It’s up to us to preserve it! Happy Earth Day, peoples!
Here at @glblctzn festival with my new buddy @alexandriav2005. We need climate action and we need it now! Global Citizen Festival – Central Park, New York
Today is the day, peoples. My new podcast Science Rules! is now available. Link in bio to subscribe 🧪
An infamous day. We carry the memory and the resolve. One day people everywhere will embrace our common ancestry and kinship. In this meantime, we also thank our military and clandestine services working to keep us safe.
We cannot be grateful enough. #mdw2019
We’re in a rough patch, but there are still rainbows. Look closely to the left; there’s a second bow. It’s science. And, science will help us get through these rough times. Onward!
Happy 4th from California! 🇺🇸
At SpaceCom conference in Houston. We are talking LightSail 2!! @planetarysociety
Greetings Earthlings. NASA Headquarters is now named for Mary Jackson, the mathematician that helped put humans in space. Space exploration brings out the best in us. #exploreplanets
I’ve had a lot on my mind — I hope you have, too.
Found my souvenir ballpoint pen filled with Mt. St. Helens ash. It was a spectacular, frightening event. The mountain teaches us about nature and our place in it.
With my pal Astronaut Leland Melvin at the Exploravision Awards in Washington (it’s my 16th year, yikes). We’re with young people innovating for a great future for humankind! Washington D.C.
Scientifically speaking, this is what you’d call a “sick burn” @SodaStream. I look forward to finding out more during the Big Game. #abetterwaytobubble #sodastreampartner
Congrats on the Mars landing @Sodastream! Space brings out the best in us. Most of the time. @Sodastream. #abetterwaytobubble
We are officially declaring MISSION SUCCESS for our crowdfunded @planetarysociety #LightSail2 spacecraft! We did it people(s)! The Planetary Society
Today is Juneteenth, a day where we commemorate the effective end of slavery in the United States. Today, 155 years later, we see how far we have yet to go. It’s time for sweeping change. It’s time to get to work.
In Washington D.C. advocating for more NASA science with over 100 @planetarysociety members! Join our movement for space at
2pm EDT tomorrow I sit down with @gedgers from @washingtonpost on Instagram live. Tune (stream?) in if you’re of a mind…
Space lovers! I’m giving you the chance to join me at a VIP event to witness NASA’s “Perseverance” rover land on Mars. Support The Planetary Society & enter for your chance with my bio link or go to #omaze @omaze
Send us your questions! Leave a voicemail or head to the link in my bio, if you’re of a mind…
mmWaves, high-bands, low-bands, rubber bands — what does it all really mean? @TMobile and I teamed up to discuss the science behind their nationwide 5G! #Ad
I’m taking action with @glblctzn to end extreme poverty by 2030. Help #PowerTheMovement and you could win a pair of tickets to the 2019 #GlobalCitizen Festival on Sept. 28 in NYC. 🎟️ I’ll be there. You should be.