Home Model Anjali Lavania Instagram Photos and Posts June 2021 Anjali Lavania Instagram - Have you ever fallen in love at first sight? I was mesmerised when I first saw her. ....It was like a scene from a movie. She walked by gracefully I couldn’t stop staring at her I wanted to meet her - to know her- to ask her about her dreams - I wanted to make her every wish and desire come true. And then it happened - this magical moment - when she turned around and looked at me.... I would love to hear your stories about the woman or man you fell in love with at first sight .... So to make it fun and interactive finish the above sentence with your own story - you can use your imagination or share your real life story. ❤️🧚🏻‍♀️✨ I am really looking forward to your stories 🥰 #loveatfirstsight #truelove #loveofmylife #lovestory #anjalilavania #bringingsexyback #backless #backlessdress

Anjali Lavania Instagram – Have you ever fallen in love at first sight? I was mesmerised when I first saw her. ….It was like a scene from a movie. She walked by gracefully I couldn’t stop staring at her I wanted to meet her – to know her- to ask her about her dreams – I wanted to make her every wish and desire come true. And then it happened – this magical moment – when she turned around and looked at me…. I would love to hear your stories about the woman or man you fell in love with at first sight …. So to make it fun and interactive finish the above sentence with your own story – you can use your imagination or share your real life story. ❤️🧚🏻‍♀️✨ I am really looking forward to your stories 🥰 #loveatfirstsight #truelove #loveofmylife #lovestory #anjalilavania #bringingsexyback #backless #backlessdress

Anjali Lavania Instagram - Have you ever fallen in love at first sight? I was mesmerised when I first saw her. ....It was like a scene from a movie. She walked by gracefully I couldn’t stop staring at her I wanted to meet her - to know her- to ask her about her dreams - I wanted to make her every wish and desire come true. And then it happened - this magical moment - when she turned around and looked at me.... I would love to hear your stories about the woman or man you fell in love with at first sight .... So to make it fun and interactive finish the above sentence with your own story - you can use your imagination or share your real life story. ❤️🧚🏻‍♀️✨ I am really looking forward to your stories 🥰 #loveatfirstsight #truelove #loveofmylife #lovestory #anjalilavania #bringingsexyback #backless #backlessdress

Anjali Lavania Instagram – Have you ever fallen in love at first sight?

I was mesmerised when I first saw her. ….It was like a scene from a movie.

She walked by gracefully
I couldn’t stop staring at her
I wanted to meet her – to know her- to ask her about her dreams – I wanted to make her every wish and desire come true.

And then it happened – this magical moment – when she turned around and looked at me….

I would love to hear your stories about the woman or man you fell in love with at first sight ….

So to make it fun and interactive finish the above sentence with your own story – you can use your imagination or share your real life story. ❤️🧚🏻‍♀️✨

I am really looking forward to your stories 🥰

#loveatfirstsight #truelove #loveofmylife #lovestory #anjalilavania #bringingsexyback #backless #backlessdress | Posted on 19/Mar/2021 11:12:41

Anjali Lavania Instagram – A consistent daily practice helps one maintain a higher state of being  Even if you have a bad day – How quickly & efficiently you bounce back from that bad day – is what truly builds momentum.

One of my favourite quotes is from the famous channeller Darrly Anka aka Bashar: “Outside circumstances don’t matter only one’s state of being matters.”

This basically means don’t let your mood swings, your fears, your health issues, your genes, powerful figures in your environment, the news channels, politics & social media control your ability to stay centered.

Become the master of your state of being versus the slave to social conditioning. I know I am NOT the master of my state of being when I find myself feeling fearful, reactive, and stressed.

Ask yourself – Do you find yourself waking up stressed & rushing through your day without having enough time to center yourself? 

Do you often wonder how some people efficiently deal with daily stress & seem to easily manifest whatever they want from life?


Eg 1: If you want six-pack abs – you go to the gym every day and eat healthy – until you get those six-pack abs. But your daily progress is only possible if you have trained your mind to want to go to the gym even when you feel low & demotivated.

When one feels low they tend to distract themselves by indulging in addictions that temporarily make them feel good. (Netflix, alcohol, binge eating) – Which further delays them from consistently doing what is needed to manifest their goals.

So to master your state of being,  your moods, and the environment around you – you need to develop a daily habit of processing negative situations, thoughts, and feelings with the help of a daily centering practice like Ascension Healing. 

A daily centering practice creates neural pathways in your brain to focus on solutions versus fear-based thoughts.

I offer private sessions that teaches a daily centering practice to help you connect your higher self.

Check Link In bio
Anjali Lavania Instagram – 12 Steps To Manifest Desires That Seem Blocked with Fear & Doubt.

First, let’s identify which areas of your life seem more difficult to manifest a positive change:


Do you want to stop self-sabotaging behaviors that block you from manifesting meaningful relationships in your life?


Do you feel like you have an unhealthy relationship with money &  abundance – do you want to eradicate these unhealthy beliefs?


Do you want to create a confident self-image that unlocks opportunities that lead you to success? 


Do you want to become healthier and stronger? 


Do you want to heal negative memories by rewiring memories that make you feel stressed or anxious? 

If you answered yes to any of these – then you are at the right place.

12 Steps to Manifest Desires That Seem Blocked with Fear or Doubt:

1, Write down your goal, intention, or desired outcome.

What’s do you really want?

Note: Make sure you aren’t karmically hurting yourself or others to achieve this goal.

2, Ask yourself why you want to manifest that particular desire?

Ask ‘WHY?’ Touch your heart to ask the question + slow your breathing to make your body feel safe. 

The brain is a duality organ – it is split into two hemispheres – under pressure, it will go through ego to answer you – which mostly operates out of the survival instinct.

While the heart is non-duality organ – it will answer even before you finish the question. 

Eg: I want to become a singer – why?

Because I love performing – why?

Because I want to make people happy with my music -Why?

Because it will give me the freedom to express myself and the freedom to travel – Why?

So that I can meet new people & spread happiness through my music!

This last answer becomes the main reason WHY you deserve to get what you wished for. 

When you find the main reason for your desire – you develop a powerful belief of deservedness that gets stored in your subconscious mind to help you manifest what you want.

3, Get specific on the details of what you want.

Read the complete guide on how to manifest your desires on TheAscensionHealer.com

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