Megha Gupta Instagram – 🤍 #sunday

Megha Gupta Instagram - 🤍 #sunday

Megha Gupta Instagram – 🤍

#sunday | Posted on 11/Jun/2023 11:09:51

Megha Gupta Instagram – The ease of life is a seriously underestimated emotion,
when your nervous system is calm, 
you are sleeping well, 
a fit body,
muscle (your only old age companion) is coming to you, conversations are flowing, 
people are less annoying 😂
flow state is your state, 
you know what I mean.

material things don’t hurt, but these things can’t be bought, they must be earned. the only time I judge a human is based on their health and the lack of muscle. Of course, everyone is in different seasons of life and I’ve been in phases where l’ve worked hard and wasn’t gaining muscle (who am I kidding, I wasn’t working hard enough). But largely, the effort is more important than the outcome.

It’s been a journev and a half and I wouldn’t have it an other way. Blessed with the best people around me in various roles and they are all my guardian angels.

I’ve put together this e-book (link in bio) which you can download, completely free of cost. The only investment it needs is your time.

It’s Monday.
Either you own it or let it own you, the choice is yours.

@shubh__oo1 thank you for the motivation, the laughter, the ease of working out, and this video bhai 😊

#mondaymotivation #motivation #health #wellness #fitness #wellbeing #nike #nikepro #alo #goa #gym #muscle #fat #protein #eggsandbacon #strength #strengthtraining
Megha Gupta Instagram – As we dive deeper into the reading game, this is my list for those making friends with their dis-ease, autoimmune or not. Anitas’ was a game changer for me. Lisa could not have been more honest with her words. 

Book, vol ||||

“Dying to Be Me” is a transformative book by Anita Moorjani, recounting her near-death experience and subsequent healing from cancer. This profound memoir explores the depths of consciousness, the power of love, and the importance of self-acceptance. Moorjani’s inspiring journey challenges conventional beliefs, offering a fresh perspective on life, death, and the true nature of being. It’s one of my favourites. 

“Close to the Bone” is a gripping memoir by Lisa Ray, the acclaimed actress and model. With raw honesty, Ray chronicles her journey through life, from her rise to fame to her battle with cancer. This deeply personal account explores themes of resilience, self-discovery, and finding beauty in the face of adversity, leaving readers inspired and moved. Again, love this one. 

“The Ketogenic Solution for Type 1 Diabetes” is a groundbreaking book that explores the potential benefits of a ketogenic diet for managing type 1 diabetes. It presents practical strategies for implementing a low-carb, high-fat lifestyle to regulate blood sugar levels. I keep referring to this as and when. 

“Autoimmune Fix” is an empowering book that offers valuable insights into understanding and addressing autoimmune diseases. Authored by renowned physician Dr. Tom O’Bryan, it provides a comprehensive approach to unraveling the complex web of factors contributing to autoimmune conditions. Through practical advice and scientific research, it guides readers toward reclaiming their health and restoring balance. 

Hope this helps, 

breathe well, 


#books #reading #health #wellness #holisticwellbeing #cancer #diabetes #autoimmune #habit #habits #positive #positivethinking

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