Home Actress Lisa Ray HD Instagram Photos and Wallpapers November 2023 Lisa Ray Instagram - I’ve been thinking about how to bring a more well rounded, authentic version of myself to this page. Albert Camus once said ‘The only way to deal with an unfree world is to be so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.’ It’s a romantic thought that I embraced very diligently when I was young. But as we all know women are held to different standards than men. And when I was finding my way, there was nothing quite as threatening an an independent and outspoken young woman. I paid the price many times but regret not a thing. Now at 51 I want to bring context and conversation to taboo topics like menopause, geriatric motherhood, cancer, mental health, eroticism in your 50s and how a bloody tough diagnosis can prove to be a second chance at life. I love raw, unfiltered conversations. Keeping it organic and real. What should we tackle first? Love to hear in the comments below which taboo topic you’d like to talk about.

Lisa Ray Instagram – I’ve been thinking about how to bring a more well rounded, authentic version of myself to this page. Albert Camus once said ‘The only way to deal with an unfree world is to be so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.’ It’s a romantic thought that I embraced very diligently when I was young. But as we all know women are held to different standards than men. And when I was finding my way, there was nothing quite as threatening an an independent and outspoken young woman. I paid the price many times but regret not a thing. Now at 51 I want to bring context and conversation to taboo topics like menopause, geriatric motherhood, cancer, mental health, eroticism in your 50s and how a bloody tough diagnosis can prove to be a second chance at life. I love raw, unfiltered conversations. Keeping it organic and real. What should we tackle first? Love to hear in the comments below which taboo topic you’d like to talk about.

Lisa Ray Instagram - I’ve been thinking about how to bring a more well rounded, authentic version of myself to this page. Albert Camus once said ‘The only way to deal with an unfree world is to be so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.’ It’s a romantic thought that I embraced very diligently when I was young. But as we all know women are held to different standards than men. And when I was finding my way, there was nothing quite as threatening an an independent and outspoken young woman. I paid the price many times but regret not a thing. Now at 51 I want to bring context and conversation to taboo topics like menopause, geriatric motherhood, cancer, mental health, eroticism in your 50s and how a bloody tough diagnosis can prove to be a second chance at life. I love raw, unfiltered conversations. Keeping it organic and real. What should we tackle first? Love to hear in the comments below which taboo topic you’d like to talk about.

Lisa Ray Instagram – I’ve been thinking about how to bring a more well rounded, authentic version of myself to this page.

Albert Camus once said ‘The only way to deal with an unfree world is to be so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.’ It’s a romantic thought that I embraced very diligently when I was young. But as we all know women are held to different standards than men. And when I was finding my way, there was nothing quite as threatening an an independent and outspoken young woman. I paid the price many times but regret not a thing.

Now at 51 I want to bring context and conversation to taboo topics like menopause, geriatric motherhood, cancer, mental health, eroticism in your 50s and how a bloody tough diagnosis can prove to be a second chance at life. I love raw, unfiltered conversations. Keeping it organic and real.

What should we tackle first? Love to hear in the comments below which taboo topic you’d like to talk about. | Posted on 03/Nov/2023 19:22:46

Lisa Ray Instagram – Cultural commentators and pop culture junkies in India today can’t ignore the creative cauldron of 90s Bombay that set the imaginative foundation for a globalised version of India.

The urban scene today is built on the shoulders of the fertile minds of the 90s; pioneers who embraced their eccentricities and stepped into the wild world of Bombay on the cusp of becoming Mumbai. 

I personally LOVE this edition of @thisismotherland guest edited by @tee.bha.crew which reflects on Bombay-Mumbai of 1995-1996. It was the year we were introduced to Motorola pagers. The year ‘Bombay Electric Supply and Tramways’ was renamed to B.E.S.T.
MTV, Indi-pop, The Ghetto, @adsingholive 
Great artists like  @sudarshanstudio returned to the ‘ever-evolving tableau’ of Mumbai to establish a world class practise and a home. 

Mahesh Mathai, one of the best advertising directors in the country at that time says it best: ‘It was a time when we did great advertising for pretty bad products, whereas nowadays you see pretty bad ads for good products’

I wrote in my piece: we were all part of the process. We played. Bombay was an ally. A city that supported our imagination, ambition and sexiness. I was personally curious about the name change- can a name change a city or does a city change and the name follows? Who knows?

Today I keep toggling between Mumbai and Bombay easily. I accept both versions of my city- the city that made me, broke me, made me again and taught me so much.’


MUH @theartistreshumalhotra
Lisa Ray Instagram – ‘Women have another option. They can aspire to be wise, not merely nice; to be competent, not merely helpful; to be strong, not merely graceful; to be ambitious for themselves, not merely for themselves in relation to men and children. They can let themselves age naturally and without embarrassment, actively protesting and disobeying the conventions that stem from this society’s double standard about aging. Instead of being girls, girls as long as possible, who then age humiliatingly into middle-aged women, they can become women much earlier – and remain active adults, enjoying the long, erotic career of which women are capable, far longer. Women should allow their faces to show the lives they have lived. Women should tell the truth.’
Susan Sontag – The Double Standard of Aging (1972)

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