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1. 206.2K Likes

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Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : 9*25*21 – that’s how she became the nanny…
Likes : 206179

2. 200.6K Likes

Lena Dunham - 200.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : It was 10 years on Friday since Girls premiered. I am not super “online” like I used to be (or like Hannah Horvath) but I’ve seen some really sweet messages from you, sharing what the show has meant, and it’s been very emotional to say the least. There’s no insta wrap-up that can describe the magic and mayhem of this journey, or room enough in a caption to celebrate the people I made the show with (though a big fat thank you to my @hbo family is the place to start.) The audience is better equipped than I am to argue the finer points of what we did and didn’t do, so all I can say is: my life is too transformed to imagine a world without this having been my (admittedly singular) first grownup job. Instead of trying to rehash it all and craft the perfect caption, I’ve written an essay for my longtime sister friend @voguemagazine about the subject beneath the subject: female friendship. I hope you’ll recognise some of yourself in it, just as you perhaps recognised yourselves in our maddening, imperfect but always striving-for-honesty show. Because of Girls I am a working artist, which is all I ever wanted to be- and even on my worst days I don’t take the chance to keep writing and making things for granted- and even as the nudity jokes keep on comin’ (note to those young ‘uns considering showing your breasts dozens of times on national TV, and your vagina once- it will follow you well into your thirties, once you’ve started wearing mostly art teacher sweaters and literally living the life of a librarian.) To quote my mother on matters of destiny: “it could have been no other way.” So to those of you who have grown up here with me over the past decade, joking and fighting and meme-ing better than I ever could, I appreciate you. And to the many, many people who comprise the Girls microcosm: I hope I’ve shown you my love and gratitude along the way. Love Always, your Birthday Bitch. Link in bio for the essay
Likes : 200576

3. 200.6K Likes

Lena Dunham - 200.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : It was 10 years on Friday since Girls premiered. I am not super “online” like I used to be (or like Hannah Horvath) but I’ve seen some really sweet messages from you, sharing what the show has meant, and it’s been very emotional to say the least. There’s no insta wrap-up that can describe the magic and mayhem of this journey, or room enough in a caption to celebrate the people I made the show with (though a big fat thank you to my @hbo family is the place to start.) The audience is better equipped than I am to argue the finer points of what we did and didn’t do, so all I can say is: my life is too transformed to imagine a world without this having been my (admittedly singular) first grownup job. Instead of trying to rehash it all and craft the perfect caption, I’ve written an essay for my longtime sister friend @voguemagazine about the subject beneath the subject: female friendship. I hope you’ll recognise some of yourself in it, just as you perhaps recognised yourselves in our maddening, imperfect but always striving-for-honesty show. Because of Girls I am a working artist, which is all I ever wanted to be- and even on my worst days I don’t take the chance to keep writing and making things for granted- and even as the nudity jokes keep on comin’ (note to those young ‘uns considering showing your breasts dozens of times on national TV, and your vagina once- it will follow you well into your thirties, once you’ve started wearing mostly art teacher sweaters and literally living the life of a librarian.) To quote my mother on matters of destiny: “it could have been no other way.” So to those of you who have grown up here with me over the past decade, joking and fighting and meme-ing better than I ever could, I appreciate you. And to the many, many people who comprise the Girls microcosm: I hope I’ve shown you my love and gratitude along the way. Love Always, your Birthday Bitch. Link in bio for the essay
Likes : 200576

4. 200.6K Likes

Lena Dunham - 200.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : It was 10 years on Friday since Girls premiered. I am not super “online” like I used to be (or like Hannah Horvath) but I’ve seen some really sweet messages from you, sharing what the show has meant, and it’s been very emotional to say the least. There’s no insta wrap-up that can describe the magic and mayhem of this journey, or room enough in a caption to celebrate the people I made the show with (though a big fat thank you to my @hbo family is the place to start.) The audience is better equipped than I am to argue the finer points of what we did and didn’t do, so all I can say is: my life is too transformed to imagine a world without this having been my (admittedly singular) first grownup job. Instead of trying to rehash it all and craft the perfect caption, I’ve written an essay for my longtime sister friend @voguemagazine about the subject beneath the subject: female friendship. I hope you’ll recognise some of yourself in it, just as you perhaps recognised yourselves in our maddening, imperfect but always striving-for-honesty show. Because of Girls I am a working artist, which is all I ever wanted to be- and even on my worst days I don’t take the chance to keep writing and making things for granted- and even as the nudity jokes keep on comin’ (note to those young ‘uns considering showing your breasts dozens of times on national TV, and your vagina once- it will follow you well into your thirties, once you’ve started wearing mostly art teacher sweaters and literally living the life of a librarian.) To quote my mother on matters of destiny: “it could have been no other way.” So to those of you who have grown up here with me over the past decade, joking and fighting and meme-ing better than I ever could, I appreciate you. And to the many, many people who comprise the Girls microcosm: I hope I’ve shown you my love and gratitude along the way. Love Always, your Birthday Bitch. Link in bio for the essay
Likes : 200576

5. 200.6K Likes

Lena Dunham - 200.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : It was 10 years on Friday since Girls premiered. I am not super “online” like I used to be (or like Hannah Horvath) but I’ve seen some really sweet messages from you, sharing what the show has meant, and it’s been very emotional to say the least. There’s no insta wrap-up that can describe the magic and mayhem of this journey, or room enough in a caption to celebrate the people I made the show with (though a big fat thank you to my @hbo family is the place to start.) The audience is better equipped than I am to argue the finer points of what we did and didn’t do, so all I can say is: my life is too transformed to imagine a world without this having been my (admittedly singular) first grownup job. Instead of trying to rehash it all and craft the perfect caption, I’ve written an essay for my longtime sister friend @voguemagazine about the subject beneath the subject: female friendship. I hope you’ll recognise some of yourself in it, just as you perhaps recognised yourselves in our maddening, imperfect but always striving-for-honesty show. Because of Girls I am a working artist, which is all I ever wanted to be- and even on my worst days I don’t take the chance to keep writing and making things for granted- and even as the nudity jokes keep on comin’ (note to those young ‘uns considering showing your breasts dozens of times on national TV, and your vagina once- it will follow you well into your thirties, once you’ve started wearing mostly art teacher sweaters and literally living the life of a librarian.) To quote my mother on matters of destiny: “it could have been no other way.” So to those of you who have grown up here with me over the past decade, joking and fighting and meme-ing better than I ever could, I appreciate you. And to the many, many people who comprise the Girls microcosm: I hope I’ve shown you my love and gratitude along the way. Love Always, your Birthday Bitch. Link in bio for the essay
Likes : 200576

6. 188.6K Likes

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Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Hello 2020 survivor babies, I hate New Year’s Eve- especially sober, the substance-laden pressure to clamor toward a lover, a moment of ecstasy or joy or fun or finality is just crushing. I have spent way too many of them in bed with a form of pudding just praying for midnight to strike. On the contrary, I love year-end round ups, and the doozy that was 2020 for every sweet soul on earth really deserves a recap. We all know what went down, so here are some nuggets of knowledge I feel lucky to have learned the hard way and maybe you can use (and perhaps not struggle for as mightily as your girl did?) -There comes a time we must accept that our life is not going to look the way our mothers, grandmothers, friends or ex-lovers thought it would or should. There is liberation in that. Try it on for size. Take it for a walk around the block. Own it. -It’s scary to speak when you don’t feel your voice is central or useful, but silence can be even more deadly when silence means condoning behavior that is dangerous to those you love or reinforces unacceptable societal structures. Finding ways to pipe in with love and focus is a lifelong process, imperfect and imprecise. But try and try again. It’s the most human work. -Solitude is different than loneliness. Companionship is different than togetherness. -We never stop being messy, but hopefully we find a way to focus the mess so that it no longer explodes into other people’s territory- it’s like being a good emotional roommate. Keep the common areas clean. Then go wild, kid. -Just because you invited him over, it doesn’t mean you gotta smash. (yes I’m 34 and I just got this. Thanks to the younger generation for enlightening an old bitch. Hey, Tik Tok!) And just because you said you didn’t wanna smash, doesn’t mean you can’t do it later. The world is our oyster. -The worst part of straight sex is that cis men are involved. I miss you all. I love you so big. I hope you end the year feeling so sure that you were born to do it, even if you aren’t sure exactly why. Forever your girl, Lena
Likes : 188608

7. 188.4K Likes

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Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : This past week was lovely for so many reasons. Firstly, I got married. My husband and I traveled to the country and looked at bee hives & fields of wildflowers. I got to feel the intense love of my friends/family surrounding us. I got a little break from work, which reminded me how much I love what I do and how excited I am to share what I’ve been making with you in 2022. I say this because over the years, I’ve shared many challenges with you and these moments of joy had me thinking that we should admit when we’re happy too- it’s not a crime. But all of this safety made me forget, for a moment, why I’ve created such intense boundaries with the internet over the past few years. It’s a little too easy to feel the glow of support and forget about the cesspool lurking behind it- so I took a peek, and saw some gnarly shit, most not worth responding to or even sharing with you. But one narrative I take issue with, largely because it’s a story I don’t want other women, other people, to get lodged in their heads is that I should somehow be ashamed because my body has changed since I was last on television. Firstly “did Lena eat the cast of Girls” just isn’t a very good joke- I could punch that up for the Tweeter. Secondly, it’s ironic to have my body compared to a body that was also the subject of public scorn- an echo chamber of body shaming. But lastly, when will we learn to stop equating thinness with health/happiness? Of course weight loss can be the result of positive change in habits, but guess what? So can weight gain. The pics I’m being compared to are from when I was in active addiction with undiagnosed illness. In the 4 years since I’ve gotten sober and begun my life as someone who aspires toward health and not just achievement. These changes have allowed me to be the kind of sister/friend/daughter that I want to be and yes- meet my husband (who, by the way, doesn’t recognize me in those old photos because he sees how dimmed my light was.) I say this for any other person whose appearance has been changed with time, illness or circumstance-it’s okay to live in your present body without treating it as transitional. I am, and I’m really enjoying it. Love you all.
Likes : 188403

8. 162K Likes

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Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : “Oh, how I regret not having worn a bikini for the entire year I was twenty-six. If anyone young is reading this, go, right this minute, put on a bikini, and don’t take it off until you’re thirty-four.” – Nora Ephron (I’m 35, but hey, I’ve always a been a late bloomer)
Likes : 161955

9. 143K Likes

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Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Recently I came across this photo of me at 24. I could remember exactly where I was when it was taken- the bathroom of a bar in the dead heat of August, wearing a vintage dress of my mother’s, with this overwhelming feeling (the kind you only get when you’re young) that you’re on the precipice of some big change. It got me dreaming about what that girl would have thought if I could appear in that mirror and tell her what the next 10 years would hold. “Hello, it’s me, 34 year old Lena. You’re not gonna believe this but in, like, 2 months you’re going to start on six seasons of a TV show. Are people gonna like it? That’s a… complex question, but you will love making it, and you will learn exactly what your own voice sounds like. Oh, and you’re going to write books. Like, WHOLE books. And yes, you will fully move out of your parents house and all the way to freakin’ California- don’t worry, I know it’s Hollywood but you won’t have to lose weight, in fact you’ll gain it- and sometimes even to the UK. And yes, you have a million friends and collaborators you love and you aren’t lonely in the ways you are now. Which is good because yeah, you know those random stomach aches? There’s, like, a bunch of surgery coming. They’re going to take out your uterus, which I know sounds kinda random but trust me, it’s a bigger deal once you’re older. And then you’ll have to get sober. But you don’t have a drug problem? Oh, please hold for that. And by the time you’re my age you’ll have kissed approximately 47 men (you still keep a list!) and literally none of them will be your husband. And you STILL can’t fucking drive. But you know the weird part? It’s all okay. It’s better than okay. It’s exactly what you were hoping for when you went into the bathroom and held this brand new thing called an iPhone up to the mirror thinking ‘something great is coming.'”
Likes : 142950

10. 143K Likes

Lena Dunham - 143K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Recently I came across this photo of me at 24. I could remember exactly where I was when it was taken- the bathroom of a bar in the dead heat of August, wearing a vintage dress of my mother’s, with this overwhelming feeling (the kind you only get when you’re young) that you’re on the precipice of some big change. It got me dreaming about what that girl would have thought if I could appear in that mirror and tell her what the next 10 years would hold. “Hello, it’s me, 34 year old Lena. You’re not gonna believe this but in, like, 2 months you’re going to start on six seasons of a TV show. Are people gonna like it? That’s a… complex question, but you will love making it, and you will learn exactly what your own voice sounds like. Oh, and you’re going to write books. Like, WHOLE books. And yes, you will fully move out of your parents house and all the way to freakin’ California- don’t worry, I know it’s Hollywood but you won’t have to lose weight, in fact you’ll gain it- and sometimes even to the UK. And yes, you have a million friends and collaborators you love and you aren’t lonely in the ways you are now. Which is good because yeah, you know those random stomach aches? There’s, like, a bunch of surgery coming. They’re going to take out your uterus, which I know sounds kinda random but trust me, it’s a bigger deal once you’re older. And then you’ll have to get sober. But you don’t have a drug problem? Oh, please hold for that. And by the time you’re my age you’ll have kissed approximately 47 men (you still keep a list!) and literally none of them will be your husband. And you STILL can’t fucking drive. But you know the weird part? It’s all okay. It’s better than okay. It’s exactly what you were hoping for when you went into the bathroom and held this brand new thing called an iPhone up to the mirror thinking ‘something great is coming.'”
Likes : 142950

11. 136.1K Likes

Lena Dunham - 136.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Happy Birthday to my first husband @juddapatow! The marriage was one of convenience, but I came to love you nonetheless. Sorry I kept the diamond! (Photo credit/ring credit the perfect @lesliemann)
Likes : 136122

12. 136.1K Likes

Lena Dunham - 136.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Happy Birthday to my first husband @juddapatow! The marriage was one of convenience, but I came to love you nonetheless. Sorry I kept the diamond! (Photo credit/ring credit the perfect @lesliemann)
Likes : 136122

13. 136.1K Likes

Lena Dunham - 136.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Happy Birthday to my first husband @juddapatow! The marriage was one of convenience, but I came to love you nonetheless. Sorry I kept the diamond! (Photo credit/ring credit the perfect @lesliemann)
Likes : 136122

14. 136.1K Likes

Lena Dunham - 136.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Happy Birthday to my first husband @juddapatow! The marriage was one of convenience, but I came to love you nonetheless. Sorry I kept the diamond! (Photo credit/ring credit the perfect @lesliemann)
Likes : 136122

15. 136.1K Likes

Lena Dunham - 136.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Happy Birthday to my first husband @juddapatow! The marriage was one of convenience, but I came to love you nonetheless. Sorry I kept the diamond! (Photo credit/ring credit the perfect @lesliemann)
Likes : 136122

16. 136.1K Likes

Lena Dunham - 136.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Happy Birthday to my first husband @juddapatow! The marriage was one of convenience, but I came to love you nonetheless. Sorry I kept the diamond! (Photo credit/ring credit the perfect @lesliemann)
Likes : 136122

17. 127.8K Likes

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Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : He makes me feel 24… #hanlijahforever #neverendinglove #yourdadisgay
Likes : 127845

18. 121.7K Likes

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Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : This is a moment of gratitude- not for the sun (although it sure is sweet after all this London rain, and I thought rain was my thing…) And not for this new bathing suit (although it’s pretty exciting when something is both covered in hearts AND accommodates the ample belly.) No, this is gratitude for YOU. It’s easy to go down the rabbit hole, yelling about how the internet is mean and false and destroying our social fabric yadda yadda yadda, but this community, right here on the ‘gram, has been so consistently loving, kind and connected for such a long time. You’ve generously allowed me to share my tougher moments and my most sweet ones too and, most essentially for me since it is why I am haunting the planet like a ghost who can’t read the room, my art. The fact that you’ve shown me love when I am, in fact, a stranger is a testament to the goodliness of human nature. So this is just a note to say thank you, I’m with you and – to quote my love @taylour- remember to put your feet in the grass. I just did and it helped, with everything. Then I saw a slug and came back on the deck but you know, points for trying? I’m giving you all points for trying this Monday. ❤️☀️
Likes : 121715

19. 121.7K Likes

Lena Dunham - 121.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : This is a moment of gratitude- not for the sun (although it sure is sweet after all this London rain, and I thought rain was my thing…) And not for this new bathing suit (although it’s pretty exciting when something is both covered in hearts AND accommodates the ample belly.) No, this is gratitude for YOU. It’s easy to go down the rabbit hole, yelling about how the internet is mean and false and destroying our social fabric yadda yadda yadda, but this community, right here on the ‘gram, has been so consistently loving, kind and connected for such a long time. You’ve generously allowed me to share my tougher moments and my most sweet ones too and, most essentially for me since it is why I am haunting the planet like a ghost who can’t read the room, my art. The fact that you’ve shown me love when I am, in fact, a stranger is a testament to the goodliness of human nature. So this is just a note to say thank you, I’m with you and – to quote my love @taylour- remember to put your feet in the grass. I just did and it helped, with everything. Then I saw a slug and came back on the deck but you know, points for trying? I’m giving you all points for trying this Monday. ❤️☀️
Likes : 121715

20. 120.5K Likes

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Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : I’ve been a size 4 on the red carpet and a size 16- I wish I could say that the experience of getting dressed was the same, but it’s just not. When you’re thin- no matter the reason- there’s a kind of inherent nod of congratulations that comes from being able to fit into runway samples and look the part of a Hollywood starlet. And while some designers have embraced my plus size body, there’s always the inherent implication by others that by doing so they have bravely risen to some kind of “challenge” (and that I’m brave simply for coming out in this body, dressed in a way that doesn’t hide in shame.) I’ve also often wondered- when designer outfits I’ve worn have been mocked or ripped apart- whether the same look on a more mainstream fashion body might be celebrated as a “lewk” (after all, many of these outfits have lived gloriously on the pages of major fashion magazines etc.) This collaboration with @11honore was about wanting to cultivate a space where the question of whether a plus body will be embraced by the clothes is a non-issue, and the clothes are not demanding that a plus woman hide. I know that some of the times I’ve wanted to hide most were when I was in a body that didn’t feel like mine, and that body (for me, this is just me) is one where I’ve lost weight due to illness, sadness or both. To have that treated as some kind of fashion statement was heartbreaking, but to find a way to express my gratitude to the plus women who have inspired me to feel at home in my curvy complex body is such a gift. I’m so proud of this exclusive collection I’ve been working on with my family at @11honore, and thrilled for you to finally see it. To get the latest on launch updates and to pre-shop the collection, click the link in bio. #11HxLD
Likes : 120476

21. 119.1K Likes

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Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : The shyest extrovert, the most dramatic comedian, the most humble icon. You had lived enough life to know that a TV show was just a TV show, but also to appreciate just what it meant to be allowed to play pretend for a living- and you never let us forget that this job was a privilege. I remember when you came back from doing a production of the Music Man somewhere- the theater had basically been a barn, there had been no WiFi and you had no understudy- and you were as grateful and delighted as you were when you were nominated for an Emmy.  You bragged nonstop about your kids, you had the best stories- like when you did Circus of the Stars and “that’s when I learned to walk a tightrope, there’s not much to it”- and when we told you that you would be coming out of the closet on the show you said “thank you, you can trust me with this.” Becky Ann and I loved every second of playing your family and I couldn’t have been raised up by a better TV “papa.” Thank you, Scolari, for every chat between set ups, every hug onscreen and off and every “Oh, Jeez.” We will miss you so much.
Likes : 119053

22. 119.1K Likes

Lena Dunham - 119.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : The shyest extrovert, the most dramatic comedian, the most humble icon. You had lived enough life to know that a TV show was just a TV show, but also to appreciate just what it meant to be allowed to play pretend for a living- and you never let us forget that this job was a privilege. I remember when you came back from doing a production of the Music Man somewhere- the theater had basically been a barn, there had been no WiFi and you had no understudy- and you were as grateful and delighted as you were when you were nominated for an Emmy.  You bragged nonstop about your kids, you had the best stories- like when you did Circus of the Stars and “that’s when I learned to walk a tightrope, there’s not much to it”- and when we told you that you would be coming out of the closet on the show you said “thank you, you can trust me with this.” Becky Ann and I loved every second of playing your family and I couldn’t have been raised up by a better TV “papa.” Thank you, Scolari, for every chat between set ups, every hug onscreen and off and every “Oh, Jeez.” We will miss you so much.
Likes : 119053

23. 119.1K Likes

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Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : The shyest extrovert, the most dramatic comedian, the most humble icon. You had lived enough life to know that a TV show was just a TV show, but also to appreciate just what it meant to be allowed to play pretend for a living- and you never let us forget that this job was a privilege. I remember when you came back from doing a production of the Music Man somewhere- the theater had basically been a barn, there had been no WiFi and you had no understudy- and you were as grateful and delighted as you were when you were nominated for an Emmy.  You bragged nonstop about your kids, you had the best stories- like when you did Circus of the Stars and “that’s when I learned to walk a tightrope, there’s not much to it”- and when we told you that you would be coming out of the closet on the show you said “thank you, you can trust me with this.” Becky Ann and I loved every second of playing your family and I couldn’t have been raised up by a better TV “papa.” Thank you, Scolari, for every chat between set ups, every hug onscreen and off and every “Oh, Jeez.” We will miss you so much.
Likes : 119053

24. 119.1K Likes

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Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : The shyest extrovert, the most dramatic comedian, the most humble icon. You had lived enough life to know that a TV show was just a TV show, but also to appreciate just what it meant to be allowed to play pretend for a living- and you never let us forget that this job was a privilege. I remember when you came back from doing a production of the Music Man somewhere- the theater had basically been a barn, there had been no WiFi and you had no understudy- and you were as grateful and delighted as you were when you were nominated for an Emmy.  You bragged nonstop about your kids, you had the best stories- like when you did Circus of the Stars and “that’s when I learned to walk a tightrope, there’s not much to it”- and when we told you that you would be coming out of the closet on the show you said “thank you, you can trust me with this.” Becky Ann and I loved every second of playing your family and I couldn’t have been raised up by a better TV “papa.” Thank you, Scolari, for every chat between set ups, every hug onscreen and off and every “Oh, Jeez.” We will miss you so much.
Likes : 119053

25. 119.1K Likes

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Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : The shyest extrovert, the most dramatic comedian, the most humble icon. You had lived enough life to know that a TV show was just a TV show, but also to appreciate just what it meant to be allowed to play pretend for a living- and you never let us forget that this job was a privilege. I remember when you came back from doing a production of the Music Man somewhere- the theater had basically been a barn, there had been no WiFi and you had no understudy- and you were as grateful and delighted as you were when you were nominated for an Emmy.  You bragged nonstop about your kids, you had the best stories- like when you did Circus of the Stars and “that’s when I learned to walk a tightrope, there’s not much to it”- and when we told you that you would be coming out of the closet on the show you said “thank you, you can trust me with this.” Becky Ann and I loved every second of playing your family and I couldn’t have been raised up by a better TV “papa.” Thank you, Scolari, for every chat between set ups, every hug onscreen and off and every “Oh, Jeez.” We will miss you so much.
Likes : 119053

26. 119.1K Likes

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Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : The shyest extrovert, the most dramatic comedian, the most humble icon. You had lived enough life to know that a TV show was just a TV show, but also to appreciate just what it meant to be allowed to play pretend for a living- and you never let us forget that this job was a privilege. I remember when you came back from doing a production of the Music Man somewhere- the theater had basically been a barn, there had been no WiFi and you had no understudy- and you were as grateful and delighted as you were when you were nominated for an Emmy.  You bragged nonstop about your kids, you had the best stories- like when you did Circus of the Stars and “that’s when I learned to walk a tightrope, there’s not much to it”- and when we told you that you would be coming out of the closet on the show you said “thank you, you can trust me with this.” Becky Ann and I loved every second of playing your family and I couldn’t have been raised up by a better TV “papa.” Thank you, Scolari, for every chat between set ups, every hug onscreen and off and every “Oh, Jeez.” We will miss you so much.
Likes : 119053

27. 118.7K Likes

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Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Sometimes I forget how important it is to wear a bikini | 📸 @emmachitty
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28. 116.8K Likes

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Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Happy Birthday to a stone cold fox with a heart of fire and a body like a race car. You may not be very polite via text message, but you’re absolutely who I’d choose to enter an apocalypse or be trapped in an escape room with (and I feel like we’ve tried both at least once.) I love you this and every year. I hope to spend the rest of my life copying your clothing and mannerisms and apologizing for your behavior.
Likes : 116848

29. 116.8K Likes

Lena Dunham - 116.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Happy Birthday to a stone cold fox with a heart of fire and a body like a race car. You may not be very polite via text message, but you’re absolutely who I’d choose to enter an apocalypse or be trapped in an escape room with (and I feel like we’ve tried both at least once.) I love you this and every year. I hope to spend the rest of my life copying your clothing and mannerisms and apologizing for your behavior.
Likes : 116848

30. 116.8K Likes

Lena Dunham - 116.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Happy Birthday to a stone cold fox with a heart of fire and a body like a race car. You may not be very polite via text message, but you’re absolutely who I’d choose to enter an apocalypse or be trapped in an escape room with (and I feel like we’ve tried both at least once.) I love you this and every year. I hope to spend the rest of my life copying your clothing and mannerisms and apologizing for your behavior.
Likes : 116848

31. 116.8K Likes

Lena Dunham - 116.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Happy Birthday to a stone cold fox with a heart of fire and a body like a race car. You may not be very polite via text message, but you’re absolutely who I’d choose to enter an apocalypse or be trapped in an escape room with (and I feel like we’ve tried both at least once.) I love you this and every year. I hope to spend the rest of my life copying your clothing and mannerisms and apologizing for your behavior.
Likes : 116848

32. 116.8K Likes

Lena Dunham - 116.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Happy Birthday to a stone cold fox with a heart of fire and a body like a race car. You may not be very polite via text message, but you’re absolutely who I’d choose to enter an apocalypse or be trapped in an escape room with (and I feel like we’ve tried both at least once.) I love you this and every year. I hope to spend the rest of my life copying your clothing and mannerisms and apologizing for your behavior.
Likes : 116848

33. 116.8K Likes

Lena Dunham - 116.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Happy Birthday to a stone cold fox with a heart of fire and a body like a race car. You may not be very polite via text message, but you’re absolutely who I’d choose to enter an apocalypse or be trapped in an escape room with (and I feel like we’ve tried both at least once.) I love you this and every year. I hope to spend the rest of my life copying your clothing and mannerisms and apologizing for your behavior.
Likes : 116848

34. 116.8K Likes

Lena Dunham - 116.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Happy Birthday to a stone cold fox with a heart of fire and a body like a race car. You may not be very polite via text message, but you’re absolutely who I’d choose to enter an apocalypse or be trapped in an escape room with (and I feel like we’ve tried both at least once.) I love you this and every year. I hope to spend the rest of my life copying your clothing and mannerisms and apologizing for your behavior.
Likes : 116848

35. 116.8K Likes

Lena Dunham - 116.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Happy Birthday to a stone cold fox with a heart of fire and a body like a race car. You may not be very polite via text message, but you’re absolutely who I’d choose to enter an apocalypse or be trapped in an escape room with (and I feel like we’ve tried both at least once.) I love you this and every year. I hope to spend the rest of my life copying your clothing and mannerisms and apologizing for your behavior.
Likes : 116848

36. 116.8K Likes

Lena Dunham - 116.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Happy Birthday to a stone cold fox with a heart of fire and a body like a race car. You may not be very polite via text message, but you’re absolutely who I’d choose to enter an apocalypse or be trapped in an escape room with (and I feel like we’ve tried both at least once.) I love you this and every year. I hope to spend the rest of my life copying your clothing and mannerisms and apologizing for your behavior.
Likes : 116848

37. 116.8K Likes

Lena Dunham - 116.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Happy Birthday to a stone cold fox with a heart of fire and a body like a race car. You may not be very polite via text message, but you’re absolutely who I’d choose to enter an apocalypse or be trapped in an escape room with (and I feel like we’ve tried both at least once.) I love you this and every year. I hope to spend the rest of my life copying your clothing and mannerisms and apologizing for your behavior.
Likes : 116848

38. 113.8K Likes

Lena Dunham - 113.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : I’ve always been a fluctuator, but it wasn’t until I got into my thirties and had a hysterectomy that I started to really settle into my adult body and- spoiler alert- she wasn’t a size 4. Gone were the days I could keep a pair of too-small jeans then decide to subsist on coffee for six days in order to get them back on, and gone were the days that I wanted to. Instead, I yearned to find some peace and sustainability in my body. I valued my mental and physical health over an outdated image of how I thought I’d look at this age (Holly Golightly meets Courtney Love) or numbers on a scale (haven’t weighed myself in several years, turn around when they do it at the doctor, broke up with that metric when it became a ceaseless brain worm.) But once I was firmly in my plus-sized body, I started to look around at the fashion landscape and realized that the perceptions of bigger bodies- that we want to dress like grandmas, rockabilly chicks or club divas- are whack as hell. In truth there are as many variations of plus-sized girls as there are straight-sized girls. We want what you want, and we want it how you want it. My goal with these looks for @11honore was that they would have the energy of the artist women I grew up around in downtown New York, free thinkers who leaned into masculine suiting but also loved to play with feminine shapes, who made their way from the studio to the flower market on 14th street to pick up their kids, then out to the Public Theater and need to layer and function. But those vintage-inspired looks tend to exist in slim cuts for waifs, and I don’t want any plus woman to wonder if she’ll fit into these clothes. I know that I for one never want to pray as I pull up a pair of jeans again- what a useless thing to pray about. I’m so excited for these @11honore styles to finally be available to shop online, and can’t wait to see you in them. Please, for the love of a God greater than I, tag us and show us how you’re wearing the pieces, tell me how they make you feel, and tell me about your journey with fashion and your body. I’m listening. Link in bio. #11HxLD
Likes : 113804

39. 113.8K Likes

Lena Dunham - 113.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : I’ve always been a fluctuator, but it wasn’t until I got into my thirties and had a hysterectomy that I started to really settle into my adult body and- spoiler alert- she wasn’t a size 4. Gone were the days I could keep a pair of too-small jeans then decide to subsist on coffee for six days in order to get them back on, and gone were the days that I wanted to. Instead, I yearned to find some peace and sustainability in my body. I valued my mental and physical health over an outdated image of how I thought I’d look at this age (Holly Golightly meets Courtney Love) or numbers on a scale (haven’t weighed myself in several years, turn around when they do it at the doctor, broke up with that metric when it became a ceaseless brain worm.) But once I was firmly in my plus-sized body, I started to look around at the fashion landscape and realized that the perceptions of bigger bodies- that we want to dress like grandmas, rockabilly chicks or club divas- are whack as hell. In truth there are as many variations of plus-sized girls as there are straight-sized girls. We want what you want, and we want it how you want it. My goal with these looks for @11honore was that they would have the energy of the artist women I grew up around in downtown New York, free thinkers who leaned into masculine suiting but also loved to play with feminine shapes, who made their way from the studio to the flower market on 14th street to pick up their kids, then out to the Public Theater and need to layer and function. But those vintage-inspired looks tend to exist in slim cuts for waifs, and I don’t want any plus woman to wonder if she’ll fit into these clothes. I know that I for one never want to pray as I pull up a pair of jeans again- what a useless thing to pray about. I’m so excited for these @11honore styles to finally be available to shop online, and can’t wait to see you in them. Please, for the love of a God greater than I, tag us and show us how you’re wearing the pieces, tell me how they make you feel, and tell me about your journey with fashion and your body. I’m listening. Link in bio. #11HxLD
Likes : 113804

40. 113.8K Likes

Lena Dunham - 113.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : I’ve always been a fluctuator, but it wasn’t until I got into my thirties and had a hysterectomy that I started to really settle into my adult body and- spoiler alert- she wasn’t a size 4. Gone were the days I could keep a pair of too-small jeans then decide to subsist on coffee for six days in order to get them back on, and gone were the days that I wanted to. Instead, I yearned to find some peace and sustainability in my body. I valued my mental and physical health over an outdated image of how I thought I’d look at this age (Holly Golightly meets Courtney Love) or numbers on a scale (haven’t weighed myself in several years, turn around when they do it at the doctor, broke up with that metric when it became a ceaseless brain worm.) But once I was firmly in my plus-sized body, I started to look around at the fashion landscape and realized that the perceptions of bigger bodies- that we want to dress like grandmas, rockabilly chicks or club divas- are whack as hell. In truth there are as many variations of plus-sized girls as there are straight-sized girls. We want what you want, and we want it how you want it. My goal with these looks for @11honore was that they would have the energy of the artist women I grew up around in downtown New York, free thinkers who leaned into masculine suiting but also loved to play with feminine shapes, who made their way from the studio to the flower market on 14th street to pick up their kids, then out to the Public Theater and need to layer and function. But those vintage-inspired looks tend to exist in slim cuts for waifs, and I don’t want any plus woman to wonder if she’ll fit into these clothes. I know that I for one never want to pray as I pull up a pair of jeans again- what a useless thing to pray about. I’m so excited for these @11honore styles to finally be available to shop online, and can’t wait to see you in them. Please, for the love of a God greater than I, tag us and show us how you’re wearing the pieces, tell me how they make you feel, and tell me about your journey with fashion and your body. I’m listening. Link in bio. #11HxLD
Likes : 113804

41. 113.8K Likes

Lena Dunham - 113.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : I’ve always been a fluctuator, but it wasn’t until I got into my thirties and had a hysterectomy that I started to really settle into my adult body and- spoiler alert- she wasn’t a size 4. Gone were the days I could keep a pair of too-small jeans then decide to subsist on coffee for six days in order to get them back on, and gone were the days that I wanted to. Instead, I yearned to find some peace and sustainability in my body. I valued my mental and physical health over an outdated image of how I thought I’d look at this age (Holly Golightly meets Courtney Love) or numbers on a scale (haven’t weighed myself in several years, turn around when they do it at the doctor, broke up with that metric when it became a ceaseless brain worm.) But once I was firmly in my plus-sized body, I started to look around at the fashion landscape and realized that the perceptions of bigger bodies- that we want to dress like grandmas, rockabilly chicks or club divas- are whack as hell. In truth there are as many variations of plus-sized girls as there are straight-sized girls. We want what you want, and we want it how you want it. My goal with these looks for @11honore was that they would have the energy of the artist women I grew up around in downtown New York, free thinkers who leaned into masculine suiting but also loved to play with feminine shapes, who made their way from the studio to the flower market on 14th street to pick up their kids, then out to the Public Theater and need to layer and function. But those vintage-inspired looks tend to exist in slim cuts for waifs, and I don’t want any plus woman to wonder if she’ll fit into these clothes. I know that I for one never want to pray as I pull up a pair of jeans again- what a useless thing to pray about. I’m so excited for these @11honore styles to finally be available to shop online, and can’t wait to see you in them. Please, for the love of a God greater than I, tag us and show us how you’re wearing the pieces, tell me how they make you feel, and tell me about your journey with fashion and your body. I’m listening. Link in bio. #11HxLD
Likes : 113804

42. 109.9K Likes

Lena Dunham - 109.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : So, I’m 3 years sober today. Those aren’t words I ever thought I’d say, because they aren’t words I thought I *needed* to say, but from the moment I began this trip (sobriety is a trippy trip, that’s for sure) I was focused on 3 years, as if it were this magic train that would somehow have carried me far enough from the me I was when I was using- a bad me, a sad me, a just plain not good enough me. This is me today (in a hat knit by my best friend, sober icon @scotlan) and the second photo is the only one I dared take of myself at rehab- and no I don’t look great (I guess you don’t really focus on exfoliation when you’re trying to save your own life?) but I do look like I’m trying pretty hard with that forced lil smile- trying at something like joy. But guess what? We’re worth it even when we are too tired to try, or when we are one day or one hour away from our messiest. We are worth it even when we’re right in the middle of it all. If you are caught in a cycle of pain and shame around addiction, you are so far from alone- there are so many recovering addicts who want and NEED to connect with you and who will hold it down for you no matter what. Thank you for the love you’ve shown me in the last 3 years as I’ve crawled further away from the center of the storm- but in the process I’ve realized it’s continually storming (that’s alright) AND the sun is shining too. It always was.
Likes : 109852

43. 109.9K Likes

Lena Dunham - 109.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : So, I’m 3 years sober today. Those aren’t words I ever thought I’d say, because they aren’t words I thought I *needed* to say, but from the moment I began this trip (sobriety is a trippy trip, that’s for sure) I was focused on 3 years, as if it were this magic train that would somehow have carried me far enough from the me I was when I was using- a bad me, a sad me, a just plain not good enough me. This is me today (in a hat knit by my best friend, sober icon @scotlan) and the second photo is the only one I dared take of myself at rehab- and no I don’t look great (I guess you don’t really focus on exfoliation when you’re trying to save your own life?) but I do look like I’m trying pretty hard with that forced lil smile- trying at something like joy. But guess what? We’re worth it even when we are too tired to try, or when we are one day or one hour away from our messiest. We are worth it even when we’re right in the middle of it all. If you are caught in a cycle of pain and shame around addiction, you are so far from alone- there are so many recovering addicts who want and NEED to connect with you and who will hold it down for you no matter what. Thank you for the love you’ve shown me in the last 3 years as I’ve crawled further away from the center of the storm- but in the process I’ve realized it’s continually storming (that’s alright) AND the sun is shining too. It always was.
Likes : 109852

44. 102.1K Likes

Lena Dunham - 102.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : These pictures tell a little story- hollow eyes, shaky identity as expressed by cliche radical hair color change, pleading notes to self with a false tone of uplift… Right before I found that Robin’s Egg on the ground I got sober, 4 years ago today. I kept changing my hair. I kept writing myself notes. But even in the broodiest selfies my eyes looked occupied again, and somewhere along the way I started smiling like I meant it. Sobriety isn’t the solution for everyone and it’s not a quick fix. We all do life differently. There are a lot of ways to be a person and nobody gets out of here alive, so the goal is to do it with minimal hurt and maximal grace. Sobriety jump started my relationship with something bigger than myself, restored my infinite curiosity and reminded me of who I had always been. And now I’ve been at it for a full presidential term. If you see me today, matcha is on me.
Likes : 102069

45. 102.1K Likes

Lena Dunham - 102.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : These pictures tell a little story- hollow eyes, shaky identity as expressed by cliche radical hair color change, pleading notes to self with a false tone of uplift… Right before I found that Robin’s Egg on the ground I got sober, 4 years ago today. I kept changing my hair. I kept writing myself notes. But even in the broodiest selfies my eyes looked occupied again, and somewhere along the way I started smiling like I meant it. Sobriety isn’t the solution for everyone and it’s not a quick fix. We all do life differently. There are a lot of ways to be a person and nobody gets out of here alive, so the goal is to do it with minimal hurt and maximal grace. Sobriety jump started my relationship with something bigger than myself, restored my infinite curiosity and reminded me of who I had always been. And now I’ve been at it for a full presidential term. If you see me today, matcha is on me.
Likes : 102069

46. 102.1K Likes

Lena Dunham - 102.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : These pictures tell a little story- hollow eyes, shaky identity as expressed by cliche radical hair color change, pleading notes to self with a false tone of uplift… Right before I found that Robin’s Egg on the ground I got sober, 4 years ago today. I kept changing my hair. I kept writing myself notes. But even in the broodiest selfies my eyes looked occupied again, and somewhere along the way I started smiling like I meant it. Sobriety isn’t the solution for everyone and it’s not a quick fix. We all do life differently. There are a lot of ways to be a person and nobody gets out of here alive, so the goal is to do it with minimal hurt and maximal grace. Sobriety jump started my relationship with something bigger than myself, restored my infinite curiosity and reminded me of who I had always been. And now I’ve been at it for a full presidential term. If you see me today, matcha is on me.
Likes : 102069

47. 102.1K Likes

Lena Dunham - 102.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : These pictures tell a little story- hollow eyes, shaky identity as expressed by cliche radical hair color change, pleading notes to self with a false tone of uplift… Right before I found that Robin’s Egg on the ground I got sober, 4 years ago today. I kept changing my hair. I kept writing myself notes. But even in the broodiest selfies my eyes looked occupied again, and somewhere along the way I started smiling like I meant it. Sobriety isn’t the solution for everyone and it’s not a quick fix. We all do life differently. There are a lot of ways to be a person and nobody gets out of here alive, so the goal is to do it with minimal hurt and maximal grace. Sobriety jump started my relationship with something bigger than myself, restored my infinite curiosity and reminded me of who I had always been. And now I’ve been at it for a full presidential term. If you see me today, matcha is on me.
Likes : 102069

48. 102.1K Likes

Lena Dunham - 102.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : These pictures tell a little story- hollow eyes, shaky identity as expressed by cliche radical hair color change, pleading notes to self with a false tone of uplift… Right before I found that Robin’s Egg on the ground I got sober, 4 years ago today. I kept changing my hair. I kept writing myself notes. But even in the broodiest selfies my eyes looked occupied again, and somewhere along the way I started smiling like I meant it. Sobriety isn’t the solution for everyone and it’s not a quick fix. We all do life differently. There are a lot of ways to be a person and nobody gets out of here alive, so the goal is to do it with minimal hurt and maximal grace. Sobriety jump started my relationship with something bigger than myself, restored my infinite curiosity and reminded me of who I had always been. And now I’ve been at it for a full presidential term. If you see me today, matcha is on me.
Likes : 102069

49. 102.1K Likes

Lena Dunham - 102.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : These pictures tell a little story- hollow eyes, shaky identity as expressed by cliche radical hair color change, pleading notes to self with a false tone of uplift… Right before I found that Robin’s Egg on the ground I got sober, 4 years ago today. I kept changing my hair. I kept writing myself notes. But even in the broodiest selfies my eyes looked occupied again, and somewhere along the way I started smiling like I meant it. Sobriety isn’t the solution for everyone and it’s not a quick fix. We all do life differently. There are a lot of ways to be a person and nobody gets out of here alive, so the goal is to do it with minimal hurt and maximal grace. Sobriety jump started my relationship with something bigger than myself, restored my infinite curiosity and reminded me of who I had always been. And now I’ve been at it for a full presidential term. If you see me today, matcha is on me.
Likes : 102069

50. 102.1K Likes

Lena Dunham - 102.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : These pictures tell a little story- hollow eyes, shaky identity as expressed by cliche radical hair color change, pleading notes to self with a false tone of uplift… Right before I found that Robin’s Egg on the ground I got sober, 4 years ago today. I kept changing my hair. I kept writing myself notes. But even in the broodiest selfies my eyes looked occupied again, and somewhere along the way I started smiling like I meant it. Sobriety isn’t the solution for everyone and it’s not a quick fix. We all do life differently. There are a lot of ways to be a person and nobody gets out of here alive, so the goal is to do it with minimal hurt and maximal grace. Sobriety jump started my relationship with something bigger than myself, restored my infinite curiosity and reminded me of who I had always been. And now I’ve been at it for a full presidential term. If you see me today, matcha is on me.
Likes : 102069

51. 99.6K Likes

Lena Dunham - 99.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Hello from the floor of quarantine in London, where I am in full isolation in accordance with Tier 4 lockdown laws! But the chance to be alone with only a bag of crisps and my thoughts before I go full bore into the most ambitious project of my career has been a special lil’ gift- it’s given me a moment to reflect on the strength and stability I feel as I barrel toward my *official* mid-thirties, and how deeply it contrasts with the flightiness and fragility of my twenties. And it’s funny, because my twenties were much flashier- more outward facing achievement, more dresses and liquid eyeliner and taking my shoes off at parties and being told I was doing a hot job. But I was fighting my ass off to stay in the mix, for fear of what a moment of quiet might reveal to me- the roaring in my ears, the scraping in my brain. The last three years- since Girls ended, since my health and long term relationship collapsed at once and I had to rebuild myself in a new body and home, since I got sober and learned what it meant to really sit with myself- have been deafeningly quiet. But in that silence, more has occurred than ever did when I was dancing as fast as I could. I’ve discovered my own values. I’ve taken up dorky hobbies. I’ve built and scrapped and replotted dreams. I’ve healed without even knowing it was happening. I’ve planted the seeds for the kind of life I thought I was living but I was only playing at before- one full of art and friendship and honesty and love. I’ve motored my own boat (that… sounded wrong?) I guess this post is a glowing recommendation for quiet, in all its forms. It’s the opposite of boring. What’s boring is staying at the party too long. What’s cool is sitting in the bathtub afterwards. What have you found in the silence lately?
Likes : 99565

52. 98.5K Likes

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Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : One piece two piece red piece blue piece
Likes : 98483

53. 98.5K Likes

Lena Dunham - 98.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : One piece two piece red piece blue piece
Likes : 98483

54. 98.5K Likes

Lena Dunham - 98.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : One piece two piece red piece blue piece
Likes : 98483

55. 98.5K Likes

Lena Dunham - 98.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : One piece two piece red piece blue piece
Likes : 98483

56. 91K Likes

Lena Dunham - 91K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Sometimes I get so caught up in my vision of what I thought a family was meant to look like at age 35 that I forget I have one, right here, and it’s perfect and complete (even if my daughter is sporting a *very* adolescent pout.) The family we choose for ourselves is as mighty as the family genetics 🧬 can build- and many of you have been part of that family for me, urging me through growth and change and some really unfortunate hairstyles. Taking this Sunday to appreciate my family, as it is today, as I created it, as it created me. 📷: @bellaramsey
Likes : 91013

57. 89.5K Likes

Lena Dunham - 89.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : I recently came across this photo of me in my first office. I was 23, and office is an overly fancy term for the dusty cubicle I rented with my babysitting money so I could write, edit and be near the other filmmakers who populated the building (like the Safdie bros, Henry Joost/Ariel Schulman, the Neistats, G Gerwig, but that’s for a book when I’m 88.) It was here that I conceived my first films, squirreled away what I needed to make lo-fi work. I remember carrying so many hard cases of equipment I had to stop every half-block, panting, ankles cracking. If you zoom in on the computer here, you can see I’m editing the script for Tiny Furniture on a boiling day in New York August. Back then I was motored by the bravado of youth and a vague sense that there was magic where I was headed (young, dumb and full of…French New Wave Cinema!) but I was also often scared, self-critical, rife with imposter syndrome. If you had told that girl that someday she’d be passed this post-it by a young woman in New York City, she would have felt- just for a moment- that her compass wasn’t broken (and to the lovely filmmaker who handed me this note, I wish I knew your name! Holler so I can see your work!) You don’t do this job for the affirmation. After all, it’s fickle and uncertain and sure to let you down. But this path has taken me places I only could have dreamed of when I was one of the few young girls in my particular scene trying to make movies (just in my scene- we are, of course, everywhere!) and to know that another woman has enough faith in herself to join the fun makes me well and truly happy. I complain sometimes- about the hours, the politics, the snacks- but it’s a beautiful life.
Likes : 89470

58. 89.5K Likes

Lena Dunham - 89.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : I recently came across this photo of me in my first office. I was 23, and office is an overly fancy term for the dusty cubicle I rented with my babysitting money so I could write, edit and be near the other filmmakers who populated the building (like the Safdie bros, Henry Joost/Ariel Schulman, the Neistats, G Gerwig, but that’s for a book when I’m 88.) It was here that I conceived my first films, squirreled away what I needed to make lo-fi work. I remember carrying so many hard cases of equipment I had to stop every half-block, panting, ankles cracking. If you zoom in on the computer here, you can see I’m editing the script for Tiny Furniture on a boiling day in New York August. Back then I was motored by the bravado of youth and a vague sense that there was magic where I was headed (young, dumb and full of…French New Wave Cinema!) but I was also often scared, self-critical, rife with imposter syndrome. If you had told that girl that someday she’d be passed this post-it by a young woman in New York City, she would have felt- just for a moment- that her compass wasn’t broken (and to the lovely filmmaker who handed me this note, I wish I knew your name! Holler so I can see your work!) You don’t do this job for the affirmation. After all, it’s fickle and uncertain and sure to let you down. But this path has taken me places I only could have dreamed of when I was one of the few young girls in my particular scene trying to make movies (just in my scene- we are, of course, everywhere!) and to know that another woman has enough faith in herself to join the fun makes me well and truly happy. I complain sometimes- about the hours, the politics, the snacks- but it’s a beautiful life.
Likes : 89470

59. 89.4K Likes

Lena Dunham - 89.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Forever our girl (Britney in 3 parts) #FreeBritney *Copy and paste error in paragraph 3 bc I am clearly too passionate*
Likes : 89434

60. 89.4K Likes

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Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Forever our girl (Britney in 3 parts) #FreeBritney *Copy and paste error in paragraph 3 bc I am clearly too passionate*
Likes : 89434

61. 89.4K Likes

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Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Forever our girl (Britney in 3 parts) #FreeBritney *Copy and paste error in paragraph 3 bc I am clearly too passionate*
Likes : 89434

62. 87.7K Likes

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Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Thank you @hollywoodreporter for giving me the chance to talk about the job I adore and a little life too. Loved chatting with you @seth_abramovitch about my new film Sharp Stick which premieres this weekend at Sundance, and thank you for the eccentric superhero pic @liaclay 💄 @itsmatin 💇‍♀️ @aarongreniahair 👗 @annaannasusu
Likes : 87722

63. 87.7K Likes

Lena Dunham - 87.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Thank you @hollywoodreporter for giving me the chance to talk about the job I adore and a little life too. Loved chatting with you @seth_abramovitch about my new film Sharp Stick which premieres this weekend at Sundance, and thank you for the eccentric superhero pic @liaclay 💄 @itsmatin 💇‍♀️ @aarongreniahair 👗 @annaannasusu
Likes : 87722

64. 87.7K Likes

Lena Dunham - 87.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Thank you @hollywoodreporter for giving me the chance to talk about the job I adore and a little life too. Loved chatting with you @seth_abramovitch about my new film Sharp Stick which premieres this weekend at Sundance, and thank you for the eccentric superhero pic @liaclay 💄 @itsmatin 💇‍♀️ @aarongreniahair 👗 @annaannasusu
Likes : 87722

65. 87.7K Likes

Lena Dunham - 87.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Thank you @hollywoodreporter for giving me the chance to talk about the job I adore and a little life too. Loved chatting with you @seth_abramovitch about my new film Sharp Stick which premieres this weekend at Sundance, and thank you for the eccentric superhero pic @liaclay 💄 @itsmatin 💇‍♀️ @aarongreniahair 👗 @annaannasusu
Likes : 87722

66. 85.9K Likes

Lena Dunham - 85.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Ever since I was a little kid I hated Sundays- it wasn’t for the usual “oh no back to school” reasons (Monday is actually my favorite day of the week because everyone revs up and actually matches my level of week long anxiety). It was because of what I couldn’t do- revel in the sun, dig into forced enjoyment, take a day to just… be. My entire life my brain (moving fast, so fast it keeps crashing into walls and doors) and my body (being tackled under waves of illness and discomfort again and again) were fighting each other, a body that needed rest battling a mind that couldn’t comprehend the word. As I got older and more ambitious, burned myself out and revved myself up again and again, this only became more true. And everyone kept saying “just find a little space to chill.” Chill? Chill!? Whose got time to chill when there’s so much to do before we die!? My body is already failing me, I thought, so why give it any extra attention. Well, I stand corrected. I don’t know if it’s age, some ill begotten wisdom or falling into cohabitation with a partner who sees me in profoundly clear and gentle ways but suddenly Sundays look a little different. I (we) lie in bed for reasons other than my bones aching. We ponder in the grass. Sometimes hobbies are pursued. All with the understanding that come Monday, we can go as crazy as we like. Somehow, that lets me breathe. There is music coming from the other room, so I guess I’ll put my phone down and go.
Likes : 85872

67. 85.9K Likes

Lena Dunham - 85.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Ever since I was a little kid I hated Sundays- it wasn’t for the usual “oh no back to school” reasons (Monday is actually my favorite day of the week because everyone revs up and actually matches my level of week long anxiety). It was because of what I couldn’t do- revel in the sun, dig into forced enjoyment, take a day to just… be. My entire life my brain (moving fast, so fast it keeps crashing into walls and doors) and my body (being tackled under waves of illness and discomfort again and again) were fighting each other, a body that needed rest battling a mind that couldn’t comprehend the word. As I got older and more ambitious, burned myself out and revved myself up again and again, this only became more true. And everyone kept saying “just find a little space to chill.” Chill? Chill!? Whose got time to chill when there’s so much to do before we die!? My body is already failing me, I thought, so why give it any extra attention. Well, I stand corrected. I don’t know if it’s age, some ill begotten wisdom or falling into cohabitation with a partner who sees me in profoundly clear and gentle ways but suddenly Sundays look a little different. I (we) lie in bed for reasons other than my bones aching. We ponder in the grass. Sometimes hobbies are pursued. All with the understanding that come Monday, we can go as crazy as we like. Somehow, that lets me breathe. There is music coming from the other room, so I guess I’ll put my phone down and go.
Likes : 85872

68. 85.9K Likes

Lena Dunham - 85.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Ever since I was a little kid I hated Sundays- it wasn’t for the usual “oh no back to school” reasons (Monday is actually my favorite day of the week because everyone revs up and actually matches my level of week long anxiety). It was because of what I couldn’t do- revel in the sun, dig into forced enjoyment, take a day to just… be. My entire life my brain (moving fast, so fast it keeps crashing into walls and doors) and my body (being tackled under waves of illness and discomfort again and again) were fighting each other, a body that needed rest battling a mind that couldn’t comprehend the word. As I got older and more ambitious, burned myself out and revved myself up again and again, this only became more true. And everyone kept saying “just find a little space to chill.” Chill? Chill!? Whose got time to chill when there’s so much to do before we die!? My body is already failing me, I thought, so why give it any extra attention. Well, I stand corrected. I don’t know if it’s age, some ill begotten wisdom or falling into cohabitation with a partner who sees me in profoundly clear and gentle ways but suddenly Sundays look a little different. I (we) lie in bed for reasons other than my bones aching. We ponder in the grass. Sometimes hobbies are pursued. All with the understanding that come Monday, we can go as crazy as we like. Somehow, that lets me breathe. There is music coming from the other room, so I guess I’ll put my phone down and go.
Likes : 85872

69. 85.9K Likes

Lena Dunham - 85.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Ever since I was a little kid I hated Sundays- it wasn’t for the usual “oh no back to school” reasons (Monday is actually my favorite day of the week because everyone revs up and actually matches my level of week long anxiety). It was because of what I couldn’t do- revel in the sun, dig into forced enjoyment, take a day to just… be. My entire life my brain (moving fast, so fast it keeps crashing into walls and doors) and my body (being tackled under waves of illness and discomfort again and again) were fighting each other, a body that needed rest battling a mind that couldn’t comprehend the word. As I got older and more ambitious, burned myself out and revved myself up again and again, this only became more true. And everyone kept saying “just find a little space to chill.” Chill? Chill!? Whose got time to chill when there’s so much to do before we die!? My body is already failing me, I thought, so why give it any extra attention. Well, I stand corrected. I don’t know if it’s age, some ill begotten wisdom or falling into cohabitation with a partner who sees me in profoundly clear and gentle ways but suddenly Sundays look a little different. I (we) lie in bed for reasons other than my bones aching. We ponder in the grass. Sometimes hobbies are pursued. All with the understanding that come Monday, we can go as crazy as we like. Somehow, that lets me breathe. There is music coming from the other room, so I guess I’ll put my phone down and go.
Likes : 85872

70. 85.9K Likes

Lena Dunham - 85.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : Ever since I was a little kid I hated Sundays- it wasn’t for the usual “oh no back to school” reasons (Monday is actually my favorite day of the week because everyone revs up and actually matches my level of week long anxiety). It was because of what I couldn’t do- revel in the sun, dig into forced enjoyment, take a day to just… be. My entire life my brain (moving fast, so fast it keeps crashing into walls and doors) and my body (being tackled under waves of illness and discomfort again and again) were fighting each other, a body that needed rest battling a mind that couldn’t comprehend the word. As I got older and more ambitious, burned myself out and revved myself up again and again, this only became more true. And everyone kept saying “just find a little space to chill.” Chill? Chill!? Whose got time to chill when there’s so much to do before we die!? My body is already failing me, I thought, so why give it any extra attention. Well, I stand corrected. I don’t know if it’s age, some ill begotten wisdom or falling into cohabitation with a partner who sees me in profoundly clear and gentle ways but suddenly Sundays look a little different. I (we) lie in bed for reasons other than my bones aching. We ponder in the grass. Sometimes hobbies are pursued. All with the understanding that come Monday, we can go as crazy as we like. Somehow, that lets me breathe. There is music coming from the other room, so I guess I’ll put my phone down and go.
Likes : 85872

71. 83K Likes

Lena Dunham - 83K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : For someone who historically hates summer, looks like I’m acing the assignment ⭐️
Likes : 82970

72. 83K Likes

Lena Dunham - 83K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : For someone who historically hates summer, looks like I’m acing the assignment ⭐️
Likes : 82970

73. 83K Likes

Lena Dunham - 83K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : For someone who historically hates summer, looks like I’m acing the assignment ⭐️
Likes : 82970

74. 83K Likes

Lena Dunham - 83K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : For someone who historically hates summer, looks like I’m acing the assignment ⭐️
Likes : 82970

75. 83K Likes

Lena Dunham - 83K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : For someone who historically hates summer, looks like I’m acing the assignment ⭐️
Likes : 82970

76. 83K Likes

Lena Dunham - 83K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : For someone who historically hates summer, looks like I’m acing the assignment ⭐️
Likes : 82970

77. 83K Likes

Lena Dunham - 83K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Lena Dunham Instagram
Caption : For someone who historically hates summer, looks like I’m acing the assignment ⭐️
Likes : 82970