Jo De La Rosa Top 100 Instagram Photos and Posts

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Most liked photo of Jo De La Rosa with over 11.1K likes is the following photo

Most liked Instagram photo of Jo De La Rosa
We have around 101 most liked photos of Jo De La Rosa with the thumbnails listed below. Click on any of them to view the full image along with its caption, like count, and a button to download the photo.

Jo De La Rosa Instagram - And that’s a wrap. 🍊 #RHOC
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - And that’s a wrap. 🍊 #RHOC
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - I can’t believe 18 years ago today, RHOC premiered and my life was forever changed 🍊

French maid costumes, pink boas, thin eyebrows, and Skytops - so many bad decisions but so many great memories 😂 

@bravotv and @bravoandy - I feel honored to have been a small part of this first season cast and forever inducted into the Bravo fam 🧡
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - I can’t believe 18 years ago today, RHOC premiered and my life was forever changed 🍊

French maid costumes, pink boas, thin eyebrows, and Skytops - so many bad decisions but so many great memories 😂 

@bravotv and @bravoandy - I feel honored to have been a small part of this first season cast and forever inducted into the Bravo fam 🧡
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - I can’t believe 18 years ago today, RHOC premiered and my life was forever changed 🍊

French maid costumes, pink boas, thin eyebrows, and Skytops - so many bad decisions but so many great memories 😂 

@bravotv and @bravoandy - I feel honored to have been a small part of this first season cast and forever inducted into the Bravo fam 🧡
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - When Andy Cohen calls you to present at The Bravo Awards for Watch What Happens Live and do a surprise guest appearance, you show up!

Loved having a reunion with this RHOC squad and the surprise look on Vicky’s face when she saw us was priceless 🍊

#BravoCon2023 #BravoCon #bravotv #watchwhathappenslive #wwhl #wwhlbravo #realhousewives #ochousewives #realhousewivesofoc #realitytvjunkie #realitytvjunkies #ocgirls #realhousewivesoforangecounty #rhoc #bravolebrities #bravolebrity #bravoleb #bravolebs #bravolebritysightings #bravotvaddict #realitytelevision #thatsdarlingcommunity #thatsdarlingweekend #prettylittleiinspo #prettylittleiiinspo
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Two years ago, we met on a dating app. The rest is history! 💍

You’re everything I ever prayed for and everything I never knew I needed ✨

Wedding Dress: @winniecouture 

#becomingmrsgray #styleglamglow #newlyweds💍 #newlyweds #enchantedwedding #weddingreels #newlywedsforever #justgotmarried #mrandmrs #wedding2022 #stuckwithu #justmarried #justmarried❤️ #justmarriedphotography #marriedlife💍 #marriedlife #weddingreel #marriedtomybestfriend #2022bride #2022brides #weddinginspiration #2022weddings #thatsdarling #youtuberlife #millenialstyle #darlingdaily #wifeoftheparty #cornersofmyworld #2022wedding #blessedandgrateful
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - To say this was the reunion of the year is an understatement 🍊

@bravoandy thank you for the invite to present at The Bravo Awards! I loved surprising Vicki and absolutely loved seeing everyone!
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - To say this was the reunion of the year is an understatement 🍊

@bravoandy thank you for the invite to present at The Bravo Awards! I loved surprising Vicki and absolutely loved seeing everyone!
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - To say this was the reunion of the year is an understatement 🍊

@bravoandy thank you for the invite to present at The Bravo Awards! I loved surprising Vicki and absolutely loved seeing everyone!
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - To say this was the reunion of the year is an understatement 🍊

@bravoandy thank you for the invite to present at The Bravo Awards! I loved surprising Vicki and absolutely loved seeing everyone!
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - To say this was the reunion of the year is an understatement 🍊

@bravoandy thank you for the invite to present at The Bravo Awards! I loved surprising Vicki and absolutely loved seeing everyone!
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - “The last single girl kiss” ❤️ #becomingmrsgray 

#styleglamglow  #gettinghitched #marriedlife💍 #marriedlife #kissthegirl #marriedtomybestfriend #weddingreel #weddingvlog #weddingplanningtime #2022wedding #2022bride #2022brides #2022weddings #weddingreels #thatsdarling #youtuberlife #isaidyes💍 #bridetobe #bridetobe2022 #isaidyes #wifetobe #wifetobe💍 #millenialstyle #darlingdaily #wifeoftheparty #cornersofmyworld #2022wedding #preciousmoments #soblessed
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - One year ago today, a COVID love story turned into my happily ever after ❤️

They say your first year of marriage is the hardest but this first year being married to you has had more nights laughing together than I can count. We’ve had challenges thrown our way but we’ve been able to get through them. 

It’s in those hard moments, I’ve seen what an incredible team we are and I’m confident there’s nothing life can throw at us we can’t get through with God protecting our marriage 🙏🏼

You’re more than I ever could’ve prayed for @tarangraymusic - thank you for being the cook in our family so I never have to starve or eat like a 5 year old making cereal for dinner the way I used to before you. 

One year down and forever to go - happy anniversary, bunny. Forever and always 💍
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - One year ago today, a COVID love story turned into my happily ever after ❤️

They say your first year of marriage is the hardest but this first year being married to you has had more nights laughing together than I can count. We’ve had challenges thrown our way but we’ve been able to get through them. 

It’s in those hard moments, I’ve seen what an incredible team we are and I’m confident there’s nothing life can throw at us we can’t get through with God protecting our marriage 🙏🏼

You’re more than I ever could’ve prayed for @tarangraymusic - thank you for being the cook in our family so I never have to starve or eat like a 5 year old making cereal for dinner the way I used to before you. 

One year down and forever to go - happy anniversary, bunny. Forever and always 💍
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - One year ago today, a COVID love story turned into my happily ever after ❤️

They say your first year of marriage is the hardest but this first year being married to you has had more nights laughing together than I can count. We’ve had challenges thrown our way but we’ve been able to get through them. 

It’s in those hard moments, I’ve seen what an incredible team we are and I’m confident there’s nothing life can throw at us we can’t get through with God protecting our marriage 🙏🏼

You’re more than I ever could’ve prayed for @tarangraymusic - thank you for being the cook in our family so I never have to starve or eat like a 5 year old making cereal for dinner the way I used to before you. 

One year down and forever to go - happy anniversary, bunny. Forever and always 💍
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - One year ago today, a COVID love story turned into my happily ever after ❤️

They say your first year of marriage is the hardest but this first year being married to you has had more nights laughing together than I can count. We’ve had challenges thrown our way but we’ve been able to get through them. 

It’s in those hard moments, I’ve seen what an incredible team we are and I’m confident there’s nothing life can throw at us we can’t get through with God protecting our marriage 🙏🏼

You’re more than I ever could’ve prayed for @tarangraymusic - thank you for being the cook in our family so I never have to starve or eat like a 5 year old making cereal for dinner the way I used to before you. 

One year down and forever to go - happy anniversary, bunny. Forever and always 💍
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - One year ago today, a COVID love story turned into my happily ever after ❤️

They say your first year of marriage is the hardest but this first year being married to you has had more nights laughing together than I can count. We’ve had challenges thrown our way but we’ve been able to get through them. 

It’s in those hard moments, I’ve seen what an incredible team we are and I’m confident there’s nothing life can throw at us we can’t get through with God protecting our marriage 🙏🏼

You’re more than I ever could’ve prayed for @tarangraymusic - thank you for being the cook in our family so I never have to starve or eat like a 5 year old making cereal for dinner the way I used to before you. 

One year down and forever to go - happy anniversary, bunny. Forever and always 💍
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - We were driving down a little one lane road through wine country when ALL OF A SUDDEN, Taran slams on the breaks and makes a u-turn. Supposedly there was a photo op he couldn’t pass up. 

And this is how I know he’s perfect for me 😂
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - When we're hungry, love will keep us alive 💍

Just a little tease of our wedding video shot so beautifully by @anatoliykweddings 🥹💍

Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for the latest wedding planning videos as we’re releasing everything leading up to this day! 

We’ll also be sharing Taran moving in after that so hopefully you’re as excited as we are to share our newlywed journey! ❤️

PS. We’ll be posting the full wedding video exclusively on YouTube so make sure you’re subscribed and hit that notification bell so you know once it comes out! Link in bio! 💕
#houseofgray #styleglamglow #becomingmrsgray #weddingvideography #weddingvideo #weddingteaser #firstlooks #newlyweds💍 #newlyweds #enchantedwedding #weddingreels #newlywedsforever #justgotmarried #mrandmrs #wedding2022 #justmarried #justmarried❤️ #justmarriedphotography #weddingreel #marriedtomybestfriend #2022bride #2022brides #weddinginspiration #2022weddings #thatsdarling #youtuberlife #millenialstyle #darlingdaily #wifeoftheparty #2022wedding
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Not everyone wants to have kids right after marriage. Second newflash. If you gain 20 pounds in your first year of marriage, it doesn’t mean you’re pregnant - it can mean you’re happy and enjoying life. 

This last year has been the happiest of my life after marriage but it’s also been the most challenging. Challenging to shut out the noise of “why we aren’t trying yet.” Challenging to unsee comments saying “it’s definitely a pregnancy glow” or “she’s totally pregnant.”

I think it’s wild we live in a world where there are so many expectations of what “the next step” should be after marriage. There’s an expectation to get to the next thing and even when you share you’re not sure what that is yet, people answer with “you should freeze your eggs” and then it becomes a topic of age when that’s not the not the spirit women should feel deciding whether they want to bring a child into this world.

I think after you marry the love of your life and before you decide if having a family is right for you, we should be allowed a middle adventure - the in-between phase - where you’re enjoying your first years of marriage but you’re still on a journey discovering what you want for your life with your partner.

I admire women who knew from the beginning they always wanted to be a mom. Some of us came from broken homes and the idea of stability is foreign to us - kids and marriage weren’t something we had the luxury of dreaming of since we were little girls.

Whatever your story is, I think women should be allowed to celebrate every stage of life and that includes the in-between stages where “I’m not sure yet” is your answer. 

Wherever you are if your in-between journey, know you aren’t alone and “I don’t know yet” is a perfectly ok answer and a truthful place to be. 

It’s the place I’m at as we contemplate whether we want to have kids at all and if that’s right for our family. 

We should be allowed joy in our journey and everything that comes with the in-between so stay true to you and as hard as it is, do your best to shut out the noise 💜
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - I gained 20 pounds after marriage and I wanted to feel fit and healthy again. It’s been a journey losing the weight naturally and not using diet pills like I’ve done in the past so I’m really proud of myself 🙌🏼

It’s taken me a year and I’m not fully back to where my clothes fit the same but losing it slowly vs quickly has helped me keep it off.

A little Friday motivation if you’re on your own weight loss journey - keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll eventually see results! 🤍


#weightlossstories #weightlossdiaries#bodytransformations #workoutlover #bodytransformationjourney #workoutmotivation💪🏼 #fitnesslovers #weightlossplanweightloss
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Finally opening up about wanting to have a baby 👀🍼


#HouseofGray #babytalk #pregnancyzone #prepregnancy #pregnancydiaries #pregnancysafe #makeupforbeginners #beautybabes #grwmmakeup #grwmreels
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Some of my favorite people - both new friends and old - I met at Bravocon! Y’all warmed my heart seeing you! 🖤
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Some of my favorite people - both new friends and old - I met at Bravocon! Y’all warmed my heart seeing you! 🖤
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Some of my favorite people - both new friends and old - I met at Bravocon! Y’all warmed my heart seeing you! 🖤
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Some of my favorite people - both new friends and old - I met at Bravocon! Y’all warmed my heart seeing you! 🖤
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Two years down and a lifetime to go. I know I drive you crazy but remember what my parents said: “there’s no return policy” 😉

I love you more than anything and I can’t wait to see what God brings us next - maybe a baby or 3? 😂

PS. Head to the link in my bio to watch our wedding video! We finally released it for the first time in honor of our second anniversary! 🫶🏼
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Our 1st Coachella party together - it was one for the books ✨
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Our 1st Coachella party together - it was one for the books ✨
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Our 1st Coachella party together - it was one for the books ✨
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Our 1st Coachella party together - it was one for the books ✨
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Our 1st Coachella party together - it was one for the books ✨
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Our 1st Coachella party together - it was one for the books ✨
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Our 1st Coachella party together - it was one for the books ✨
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Our 1st Coachella party together - it was one for the books ✨
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Our 1st Coachella party together - it was one for the books ✨
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Our 1st Coachella party together - it was one for the books ✨
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - 51 days alcohol-free! ⭐️ Here’s how it’s been going so far:

The first 30 days were the hardest. I kept getting cravings at the same time every night but once I got through that phase, the cravings have pretty much lifted - except when I see someone having an amazing bottle of wine because wine 😂

Here’s my top 3 benefits I’ve seen so far:

1️⃣ Skin Glow-Up: I don’t mean to sound like a skincare commercial but I’ve never seen my complexion glowing the way it is. My skin looks less dull and it looks more fresh and  bright ✨

2️⃣ Energy Boost: I’ve been waking up every morning feeling more refreshed. The sluggish mornings are rare these days unless I’ve treated myself the night before to a bunch of sugar. I’m craving sweets more these days so working on eating less of that - but one dragon at a time 😝

3️⃣ Mental Clarity: My mind feels more clear and sharper than ever. I feel more creative these days and my focus has improved 🧠

▶️ Bonus Benefit: I’ve lost 6 pounds but weight loss isn’t why I took a break from drinking alcohol - not a bad bonus though!

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of change. It’s been a journey of self-love, discovery, and I feel more connected to myself than ever before. 

If you’re thinking about cutting back or quitting, I’m seeing the benefits and they’re definitely worth it. I’m excited to keep going and see what happens next 🌈

Have you tried going alcohol-free? Let me know below as I’d love to hear your story and what benefits you experienced!
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - 43 trying to get pregnant and all my fears 🍼


#HouseofGray #babytalk #pregnancyzone #prepregnancy #pregnancydiaries #pregnancysafe #makeupforbeginners #beautybabes #grwmmakeup #grwmreels #darlingdaily #beautybabes #makeuplife💋 #beautygirls #makeuplifestyle #makeupjunkies #fakelashes #makelooksgood #makeupoftheday💄#makeupgirlz #makeuptutorials #prettylittleiiinspo #makeuplover💄 #makeupobssesed #makeuptransition #makeuptransformations #makeuptransitions #makeuptime💄#makeupinspirations #beautytime
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - How it’s going vs how it started ❤️
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - How it’s going vs how it started ❤️
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Cutting off my hair has always been like therapy for me - off with the things that no longer serve me and getting ready for summer! 🙌🏼☀️

Hair: @lookingoodbruh 💇🏻‍♀️

#HouseofGray #summerhair #summerhaircolor #summerhaircut #summerhairtrends #summerhairdontcare #summerhairinspo #summerhairstyle #hairtransformations #haircutsforwomen #hairjourney #hairgame #hairgameonpoint #hairgamestrong #hairinspiration #hairbeauty #summerhaircare #summerhairstyles #citygirl #lagirl #lagirls #citygirls #losangelesgirl #summerhairstyle
#thatsdarlingmovement #thatsdarlingweekend #summervibes☀️ #summervibes🌞 #summervibe #summervibes🌴
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Merry Christmas from the Grays! Hope you had the best time celebrating with friends and family! 🤍
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Exposing myself sharing work I’ve gotten done I regret 👀

Have you ever gotten any work done you regret? Let me know below as I’d love to shed some light on plastic surgery or medspa procedures to stay away from if you don’t like them! ✨


#HouseofGray #antiagingtips #antiagingtreatments #antiagingsolution #botoxandfillers #fillerinjections #fillerinjection #lipfillerbeforeandafter #juviderm #beautyroutine #beautysecret #beautygirl #juvidermlife #injectionbeauty #fillerlips #fillerinjections #botoxfiller #fillerbeforeandafter #fillertreatment #botoxfiller #antiagingmedicine #antiagingskin #beautytips #beautysecrets #beautyinsider #beautylook #aestheticmakeup #beautyaddiction #beautyaddicts #beautyaddicted
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Missing my dark hair and thinking of going back - swipe for my new haircolor and cut inspo 💇🏻‍♀️✨
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Missing my dark hair and thinking of going back - swipe for my new haircolor and cut inspo 💇🏻‍♀️✨
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Missing my dark hair and thinking of going back - swipe for my new haircolor and cut inspo 💇🏻‍♀️✨
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Make it make sense 🙄


#HouseofGray #toxicex #toxicpeople #toxicrelationship #toxicrelationships #prettylittleiinspo #prettylittleiiinspo #thatsdarlingweekend #outfitlook #outfitdiary #darlingdaily #losangeleslife #losangelesworld
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Unveiling the layers and 10 things you probably didn’t know about me:

1️⃣ My full name is Johanna - spelled with an “H”’ but the “H” is silent in Spanish 🤫
2️⃣ Despite what some may guess, I’m actually 43, not in my 30’s! Age is just a mindset and mine is “Forever 27”
3️⃣ After leaving RHOC and moving to LA, I hustled as a bartender to pay the bills - because easy money bartending clubs in LA
4️⃣ Throwback to my dance team days with The Long Beach Jam, one level under the NBA! Master P and Dennis Rodman were on the team and even Little Romeo made an appearance signing basketballs after the game with us for fans! 🏀
5️⃣ Fun fact: I had a music publishing deal and one of the songs I wrote ended up in a scene on MTV’s The Hills 🎶
6️⃣ I can’t drink quiet and I make “GULP” sounds when I swallow
7️⃣ From childhood to marriage, I slept with my teddy bear Ranger Carlos until Taran came along. RIP, little buddy 🧸🙏🏼
8️⃣ At 26, I had a record deal and performed at House of Blues New York. I was one of the opening acts with Lady Gaga and Cyndi Lauper, hosted by Joey Fatone - so unforgettable! 
9️⃣ College days were a major hustle and I had three jobs while going to school full-time to put myself through school - from waiting tables to Go-Go dancing on weekends and even working at Roto Rooter once a week 😅
🔟 I made my first six figures in Digital Advertising at 30 and that was a milestone for me working in a male dominated industry. The journey has been wild and I’m excited for what’s to come! 

Which fact surprised you the most?! Drop your thoughts in the comments and swipe for more music throwbacks! 😝
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Unveiling the layers and 10 things you probably didn’t know about me:

1️⃣ My full name is Johanna - spelled with an “H”’ but the “H” is silent in Spanish 🤫
2️⃣ Despite what some may guess, I’m actually 43, not in my 30’s! Age is just a mindset and mine is “Forever 27”
3️⃣ After leaving RHOC and moving to LA, I hustled as a bartender to pay the bills - because easy money bartending clubs in LA
4️⃣ Throwback to my dance team days with The Long Beach Jam, one level under the NBA! Master P and Dennis Rodman were on the team and even Little Romeo made an appearance signing basketballs after the game with us for fans! 🏀
5️⃣ Fun fact: I had a music publishing deal and one of the songs I wrote ended up in a scene on MTV’s The Hills 🎶
6️⃣ I can’t drink quiet and I make “GULP” sounds when I swallow
7️⃣ From childhood to marriage, I slept with my teddy bear Ranger Carlos until Taran came along. RIP, little buddy 🧸🙏🏼
8️⃣ At 26, I had a record deal and performed at House of Blues New York. I was one of the opening acts with Lady Gaga and Cyndi Lauper, hosted by Joey Fatone - so unforgettable! 
9️⃣ College days were a major hustle and I had three jobs while going to school full-time to put myself through school - from waiting tables to Go-Go dancing on weekends and even working at Roto Rooter once a week 😅
🔟 I made my first six figures in Digital Advertising at 30 and that was a milestone for me working in a male dominated industry. The journey has been wild and I’m excited for what’s to come! 

Which fact surprised you the most?! Drop your thoughts in the comments and swipe for more music throwbacks! 😝
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Unveiling the layers and 10 things you probably didn’t know about me:

1️⃣ My full name is Johanna - spelled with an “H”’ but the “H” is silent in Spanish 🤫
2️⃣ Despite what some may guess, I’m actually 43, not in my 30’s! Age is just a mindset and mine is “Forever 27”
3️⃣ After leaving RHOC and moving to LA, I hustled as a bartender to pay the bills - because easy money bartending clubs in LA
4️⃣ Throwback to my dance team days with The Long Beach Jam, one level under the NBA! Master P and Dennis Rodman were on the team and even Little Romeo made an appearance signing basketballs after the game with us for fans! 🏀
5️⃣ Fun fact: I had a music publishing deal and one of the songs I wrote ended up in a scene on MTV’s The Hills 🎶
6️⃣ I can’t drink quiet and I make “GULP” sounds when I swallow
7️⃣ From childhood to marriage, I slept with my teddy bear Ranger Carlos until Taran came along. RIP, little buddy 🧸🙏🏼
8️⃣ At 26, I had a record deal and performed at House of Blues New York. I was one of the opening acts with Lady Gaga and Cyndi Lauper, hosted by Joey Fatone - so unforgettable! 
9️⃣ College days were a major hustle and I had three jobs while going to school full-time to put myself through school - from waiting tables to Go-Go dancing on weekends and even working at Roto Rooter once a week 😅
🔟 I made my first six figures in Digital Advertising at 30 and that was a milestone for me working in a male dominated industry. The journey has been wild and I’m excited for what’s to come! 

Which fact surprised you the most?! Drop your thoughts in the comments and swipe for more music throwbacks! 😝
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Unveiling the layers and 10 things you probably didn’t know about me:

1️⃣ My full name is Johanna - spelled with an “H”’ but the “H” is silent in Spanish 🤫
2️⃣ Despite what some may guess, I’m actually 43, not in my 30’s! Age is just a mindset and mine is “Forever 27”
3️⃣ After leaving RHOC and moving to LA, I hustled as a bartender to pay the bills - because easy money bartending clubs in LA
4️⃣ Throwback to my dance team days with The Long Beach Jam, one level under the NBA! Master P and Dennis Rodman were on the team and even Little Romeo made an appearance signing basketballs after the game with us for fans! 🏀
5️⃣ Fun fact: I had a music publishing deal and one of the songs I wrote ended up in a scene on MTV’s The Hills 🎶
6️⃣ I can’t drink quiet and I make “GULP” sounds when I swallow
7️⃣ From childhood to marriage, I slept with my teddy bear Ranger Carlos until Taran came along. RIP, little buddy 🧸🙏🏼
8️⃣ At 26, I had a record deal and performed at House of Blues New York. I was one of the opening acts with Lady Gaga and Cyndi Lauper, hosted by Joey Fatone - so unforgettable! 
9️⃣ College days were a major hustle and I had three jobs while going to school full-time to put myself through school - from waiting tables to Go-Go dancing on weekends and even working at Roto Rooter once a week 😅
🔟 I made my first six figures in Digital Advertising at 30 and that was a milestone for me working in a male dominated industry. The journey has been wild and I’m excited for what’s to come! 

Which fact surprised you the most?! Drop your thoughts in the comments and swipe for more music throwbacks! 😝
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - When you’re about to celebrate your one year anniversary but you decide to quit your jobs to start a creative agency that specializes in TikTok content instead 💜 #SocialPlay #nowwehavetwoanniversaries
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - 15 days alcohol free and Day 3 of Barry’s Bootcamp and I’ve never felt better or more clear. I don’t know why it feels different this time but I’ve been re-evaluating my relationship with alcohol and on a Sober Curious journey ✨

I shared a little bit about my story and why I’ve put alcohol on timeout in my Stories today. If you’re interested in seeing the app I’ve been using to cut back on alcohol, the reward system I’ve implemented, and the sober curious podcasts I’ve been listening to, head there now and you can check out all my resources. 

I was reminded today you don’t need to hit rock bottom to want to re-evaluate your relationship with alcohol. I don’t know if this is a temporary thing or a forever thing but I’ve been loving re-discovering myself and seeing where this journey takes me 🤍

Shoutout to the @reframe_app for helping me cut back on alcohol. They have some amazing cutback meetings I’ve been attending for anyone wanting to start or continue on their wellness journey as well!
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Happy birthday to the most incredible husband and love of my entire life. You are the most patient and kindest soul with a heart of gold unlike anyone I’ve ever known ❤️ 

I’ll never get tired of your endless dad jokes and your grandpa magic tricks. They just keep making me fall deeper in love with you, especially when you steal my nose. 

Here’s to another year of your charming antics and I can’t wait to see what this next year brings you cheering you on by your side. 

Forever and always, bunnycakes 🎂🎈
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Happy birthday to the most incredible husband and love of my entire life. You are the most patient and kindest soul with a heart of gold unlike anyone I’ve ever known ❤️ 

I’ll never get tired of your endless dad jokes and your grandpa magic tricks. They just keep making me fall deeper in love with you, especially when you steal my nose. 

Here’s to another year of your charming antics and I can’t wait to see what this next year brings you cheering you on by your side. 

Forever and always, bunnycakes 🎂🎈
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Happy birthday to the most incredible husband and love of my entire life. You are the most patient and kindest soul with a heart of gold unlike anyone I’ve ever known ❤️ 

I’ll never get tired of your endless dad jokes and your grandpa magic tricks. They just keep making me fall deeper in love with you, especially when you steal my nose. 

Here’s to another year of your charming antics and I can’t wait to see what this next year brings you cheering you on by your side. 

Forever and always, bunnycakes 🎂🎈
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - It’s giving Mr & Mrs 🖤
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - I think I like this little life with you ❤️ @tarangraymusic
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Let my freedom party begin!! 💜 #twoweeksnotice #iquit
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - When @khloekardashian calls, you show up to support!! 🤍


#grwmreel  #makeupcommunity #makeupofinstagram #makeupobessesion #makeupjunkies #beautycreations #beautytools #beautyvlogger #beautyproduct #beautylovers #makeupaddicts #beautytreatment #influencerlife #citygirl #cityvibes #citystyle #beautyworks #beautytip #beautysecrets #beautyhaul #beautyretouch #beautyface #beautyskin #beautyportrait #beautyessentials #makeupworld  #makeuplooksgood #makeuplooksoftheday #lookoftoday #looktoday
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - When @jr._el_artist gives you a glamformation and does your hair, makeup, and styles you 💚 

What do you think of the look?! Comment your thoughts below!
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - When @jr._el_artist gives you a glamformation and does your hair, makeup, and styles you 💚 

What do you think of the look?! Comment your thoughts below!
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - When @jr._el_artist gives you a glamformation and does your hair, makeup, and styles you 💚 

What do you think of the look?! Comment your thoughts below!
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - When @jr._el_artist gives you a glamformation and does your hair, makeup, and styles you 💚 

What do you think of the look?! Comment your thoughts below!
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Cheers to the start of my birthday weekend! 🥂
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Trying a little color in my life, for once! 💙 Thank you @vicidolls for dressing me for my Fox TV job for the day!
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - If there’s one thing God’s taught me is when He leads you to close one door, it’s because He has something so much greater in store for you 💜

In times of uncertainty and not knowing what’s next for my life, I’ve always relied on this verse:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lead not on your own understanding but in all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will lead your path straight.” - Proverbs 3:5-6

I’ve never shared this but this has been my life verse. 7 years ago, I started a digital advertising company called 356 Digital Media playing off those numbers. I felt led to build a company by faith as my only foundation not knowing what would happen next and it was the best decision of my life. 

I’ve always tried my best to walk by faith and not by sight and most times, it’s hard to do because I want to control everything. 

For once, I’m excited to not know. I’m excited for uncertainty and I’m excited for this next chapter because one thing I’m sure of - He’s never failed me. EVER 🙏🏼

I don’t know who this is for, but whatever it is you’re starting over with, know He’s got you even if right now the future feels scary. 

God’s not done writing your story so don’t lose hope.

You’re going to make it through to the other side and it’s going to be even better than you could’ve ever imagined, in Jesus’ name - and I’m excited to hear about it once you do! ✨

Comment below if there’s something you’re excited to start over with as well!
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - It’s giving classy bitch 🖤
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Had the best birthday! Thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes 🤍
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Had the best birthday! Thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes 🤍
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Had the best birthday! Thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes 🤍
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Had the best birthday! Thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes 🤍
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - I got invited by Fox TV to interview some of my favorite celebs like Jennifer Nettles and Gordon Ramsay for the upcoming seasons of their shows! 
Thank you @realityclubfox for inviting me to be one of your red carpet correspondents for Fox TV’s Winter Press Junket! I had so much fun! ❄️

#foxtv #foxambassador #foxstudios #jennifernettles #gordonramsay #realitytvjunkie #realitytvshows #realitytvshow #citygirl #citygirls #hollywoodlife #hollywoodstyle #lagirl #lagirls #losangelesgirl #prettylittleiinspo #prettylittleiiinspo #thatsdarlingmovement 
#latinasbelike #latinastyle #latinacreators #darlingdaily 
#thatsdarlingweekend #outfitlook #outfitdiary #losangeleslife #losangelesworld#cityvibe #losangelesstyle #cityvibes
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Being neighbors with my little brother has been such a special bonding time for us 💙

Family night dinners, playtime nights out, and getting to experience all that LA has to offer through his eyes feels like I just moved to the city again. 

@michaelortegaaa - mom said you’re never allowed to move! 😉 Can’t wait to make more memories to come! #turtlepower
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Today, I’m sharing the top 10 things you didn’t know about me! 👀 

I shared this the other day but I thought it would be fun to do my makeup and share it in video format for those that missed it! 🤍

What were you the most surprised to learn?! Comment below as I’d love to know! 

• Skin foundation stick - Bobbi Brown

• Lip plumper - lip injection (maximum strength) - Too Faced

• Shape tape concealer - Tarte Cosmetics

• Easy bake baking and setting powder - Huda Beauty

• Nude sponge - Beauty Blender

• Bronzing powder. Color: Laguna - Nars

• Soft punch liquid blush. Color: Hope - Rare Beauty

• 350 supernatural glow palette - Morphe

• Telescopic liquid liner. Color: Carbon Black - L’Oreal

• Microwave eyebrow pencil - NYX

• Legendary brows tinted eyebrow gel. Color: Black Brown - Charlotte Tilbury

• Clear brow gel. Medium hold - Anastasia Beverly Hills

• Better than sex mascara - Too Faced


#grwmreels #grwmroutine #grwmmakeup #toofacedmakeup #makeupaddictsofficial #makeuplovers_inspo #beginnermakeup #makeuploversunite
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - She’s in her orange wine era 🍊
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Everyone out here drinking Pumpkin Spiced Lattes but she’s a black Americano girl 🍂🍁

Head to my Style Highlights to shop this look!
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Everyone out here drinking Pumpkin Spiced Lattes but she’s a black Americano girl 🍂🍁

Head to my Style Highlights to shop this look!
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Everyone out here drinking Pumpkin Spiced Lattes but she’s a black Americano girl 🍂🍁

Head to my Style Highlights to shop this look!
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - My first year being invited to Beautycon and I couldn’t have felt more honored to have been invited 🤍 

I think just like bodies and skin colors being underrepresented, there’s a lack of creators 40 and over that don’t get a voice or a chance of being featured in the beauty community. It’s a young creators world and I’d love to bring a voice and a presence for this under represented demographic. 

In LA, most of us don’t feel our age. Most of us aren’t living a “this is what you should be doing at your age” life and I’m here to add my voice in breaking the mold of what your prime actually looks like.

I’ve never felt more confident in my skin, I’ve never felt more beautiful, and I’ve never been so hopeful about stepping into my dreams. 

“Life does not end after 40” is so liberating to say and I think it’s ok for women to start stepping into this narrative if that’s the reality you want to take ownership of in your life 🤍

My career as a beauty creator is just beginning and I couldn’t be more excited to share my journey! #thisis43
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - My first year being invited to Beautycon and I couldn’t have felt more honored to have been invited 🤍 

I think just like bodies and skin colors being underrepresented, there’s a lack of creators 40 and over that don’t get a voice or a chance of being featured in the beauty community. It’s a young creators world and I’d love to bring a voice and a presence for this under represented demographic. 

In LA, most of us don’t feel our age. Most of us aren’t living a “this is what you should be doing at your age” life and I’m here to add my voice in breaking the mold of what your prime actually looks like.

I’ve never felt more confident in my skin, I’ve never felt more beautiful, and I’ve never been so hopeful about stepping into my dreams. 

“Life does not end after 40” is so liberating to say and I think it’s ok for women to start stepping into this narrative if that’s the reality you want to take ownership of in your life 🤍

My career as a beauty creator is just beginning and I couldn’t be more excited to share my journey! #thisis43
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - My first year being invited to Beautycon and I couldn’t have felt more honored to have been invited 🤍 

I think just like bodies and skin colors being underrepresented, there’s a lack of creators 40 and over that don’t get a voice or a chance of being featured in the beauty community. It’s a young creators world and I’d love to bring a voice and a presence for this under represented demographic. 

In LA, most of us don’t feel our age. Most of us aren’t living a “this is what you should be doing at your age” life and I’m here to add my voice in breaking the mold of what your prime actually looks like.

I’ve never felt more confident in my skin, I’ve never felt more beautiful, and I’ve never been so hopeful about stepping into my dreams. 

“Life does not end after 40” is so liberating to say and I think it’s ok for women to start stepping into this narrative if that’s the reality you want to take ownership of in your life 🤍

My career as a beauty creator is just beginning and I couldn’t be more excited to share my journey! #thisis43
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - My first year being invited to Beautycon and I couldn’t have felt more honored to have been invited 🤍 

I think just like bodies and skin colors being underrepresented, there’s a lack of creators 40 and over that don’t get a voice or a chance of being featured in the beauty community. It’s a young creators world and I’d love to bring a voice and a presence for this under represented demographic. 

In LA, most of us don’t feel our age. Most of us aren’t living a “this is what you should be doing at your age” life and I’m here to add my voice in breaking the mold of what your prime actually looks like.

I’ve never felt more confident in my skin, I’ve never felt more beautiful, and I’ve never been so hopeful about stepping into my dreams. 

“Life does not end after 40” is so liberating to say and I think it’s ok for women to start stepping into this narrative if that’s the reality you want to take ownership of in your life 🤍

My career as a beauty creator is just beginning and I couldn’t be more excited to share my journey! #thisis43
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - My first year being invited to Beautycon and I couldn’t have felt more honored to have been invited 🤍 

I think just like bodies and skin colors being underrepresented, there’s a lack of creators 40 and over that don’t get a voice or a chance of being featured in the beauty community. It’s a young creators world and I’d love to bring a voice and a presence for this under represented demographic. 

In LA, most of us don’t feel our age. Most of us aren’t living a “this is what you should be doing at your age” life and I’m here to add my voice in breaking the mold of what your prime actually looks like.

I’ve never felt more confident in my skin, I’ve never felt more beautiful, and I’ve never been so hopeful about stepping into my dreams. 

“Life does not end after 40” is so liberating to say and I think it’s ok for women to start stepping into this narrative if that’s the reality you want to take ownership of in your life 🤍

My career as a beauty creator is just beginning and I couldn’t be more excited to share my journey! #thisis43
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - My first year being invited to Beautycon and I couldn’t have felt more honored to have been invited 🤍 

I think just like bodies and skin colors being underrepresented, there’s a lack of creators 40 and over that don’t get a voice or a chance of being featured in the beauty community. It’s a young creators world and I’d love to bring a voice and a presence for this under represented demographic. 

In LA, most of us don’t feel our age. Most of us aren’t living a “this is what you should be doing at your age” life and I’m here to add my voice in breaking the mold of what your prime actually looks like.

I’ve never felt more confident in my skin, I’ve never felt more beautiful, and I’ve never been so hopeful about stepping into my dreams. 

“Life does not end after 40” is so liberating to say and I think it’s ok for women to start stepping into this narrative if that’s the reality you want to take ownership of in your life 🤍

My career as a beauty creator is just beginning and I couldn’t be more excited to share my journey! #thisis43
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - My first year being invited to Beautycon and I couldn’t have felt more honored to have been invited 🤍 

I think just like bodies and skin colors being underrepresented, there’s a lack of creators 40 and over that don’t get a voice or a chance of being featured in the beauty community. It’s a young creators world and I’d love to bring a voice and a presence for this under represented demographic. 

In LA, most of us don’t feel our age. Most of us aren’t living a “this is what you should be doing at your age” life and I’m here to add my voice in breaking the mold of what your prime actually looks like.

I’ve never felt more confident in my skin, I’ve never felt more beautiful, and I’ve never been so hopeful about stepping into my dreams. 

“Life does not end after 40” is so liberating to say and I think it’s ok for women to start stepping into this narrative if that’s the reality you want to take ownership of in your life 🤍

My career as a beauty creator is just beginning and I couldn’t be more excited to share my journey! #thisis43
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Intermittent Fasting - Day 17 🤍

Benefits I’m seeing so far: more energy, sleeping deeper, less bloated, clothes fitting looser. 

I didn’t think I could do 16 hours fasting daily but I like how you can make intermittent fasting fit into your lifestyle and not completely sacrifice your lifestyle for intermittent fasting - for example, if you have a dinner that night with friends, you just push your start time the next day a little later.

New to this whole fasting lifestyle but overall, I’m a fan! ✨
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - I swear I don’t just live in workout clothes ✨
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - I swear I don’t just live in workout clothes ✨
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - I swear I don’t just live in workout clothes ✨
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - I swear I don’t just live in workout clothes ✨
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - It’s been a few weeks since I started working out again and excited with my progress! The hardest part has been just showing up so thanks to everyone who’s been encouraging me along the way! 🙏🏼💜
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Just wanted to share our first song as I was reminded of the day that changed my life ❤️ For those in relationships, what’s your song? I’d love to know!
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - If it doesn’t bring me joy this year, I don’t want it 🤍 God brought me some career highs last year, so for 2024 my word of the year is “Level Up” 👀 

Comment below if you have a word of the year or some career/personal goals you’d love to see happen! Happy New Year! ✨
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - If it doesn’t bring me joy this year, I don’t want it 🤍 God brought me some career highs last year, so for 2024 my word of the year is “Level Up” 👀 

Comment below if you have a word of the year or some career/personal goals you’d love to see happen! Happy New Year! ✨
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - If it doesn’t bring me joy this year, I don’t want it 🤍 God brought me some career highs last year, so for 2024 my word of the year is “Level Up” 👀 

Comment below if you have a word of the year or some career/personal goals you’d love to see happen! Happy New Year! ✨
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Happy Valentine’s Day, beauties! ❤️ Swipe left to see more pics and comment below - which one is your favorite?! 1, 2 or 3?
Jo De La Rosa Instagram - Happy Valentine’s Day, beauties! ❤️ Swipe left to see more pics and comment below - which one is your favorite?! 1, 2 or 3?
Jo De La Rosa - 11.1K Likes - And that’s a wrap. 🍊 #RHOC

11.1K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : And that’s a wrap. 🍊 #RHOC
Likes : 11075
Jo De La Rosa - 11.1K Likes - And that’s a wrap. 🍊 #RHOC

11.1K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : And that’s a wrap. 🍊 #RHOC
Likes : 11075
Jo De La Rosa - 4.7K Likes - I can’t believe 18 years ago today, RHOC premiered and my life was forever changed 🍊

French maid costumes, pink boas, thin eyebrows, and Skytops - so many bad decisions but so many great memories 😂 

@bravotv and @bravoandy - I feel honored to have been a small part of this first season cast and forever inducted into the Bravo fam 🧡

4.7K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : I can’t believe 18 years ago today, RHOC premiered and my life was forever changed 🍊 French maid costumes, pink boas, thin eyebrows, and Skytops – so many bad decisions but so many great memories 😂 @bravotv and @bravoandy – I feel honored to have been a small part of this first season cast and forever inducted into the Bravo fam 🧡
Likes : 4668
Jo De La Rosa - 4.7K Likes - I can’t believe 18 years ago today, RHOC premiered and my life was forever changed 🍊

French maid costumes, pink boas, thin eyebrows, and Skytops - so many bad decisions but so many great memories 😂 

@bravotv and @bravoandy - I feel honored to have been a small part of this first season cast and forever inducted into the Bravo fam 🧡

4.7K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : I can’t believe 18 years ago today, RHOC premiered and my life was forever changed 🍊 French maid costumes, pink boas, thin eyebrows, and Skytops – so many bad decisions but so many great memories 😂 @bravotv and @bravoandy – I feel honored to have been a small part of this first season cast and forever inducted into the Bravo fam 🧡
Likes : 4668
Jo De La Rosa - 4.7K Likes - I can’t believe 18 years ago today, RHOC premiered and my life was forever changed 🍊

French maid costumes, pink boas, thin eyebrows, and Skytops - so many bad decisions but so many great memories 😂 

@bravotv and @bravoandy - I feel honored to have been a small part of this first season cast and forever inducted into the Bravo fam 🧡

4.7K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : I can’t believe 18 years ago today, RHOC premiered and my life was forever changed 🍊 French maid costumes, pink boas, thin eyebrows, and Skytops – so many bad decisions but so many great memories 😂 @bravotv and @bravoandy – I feel honored to have been a small part of this first season cast and forever inducted into the Bravo fam 🧡
Likes : 4668
Jo De La Rosa - 4.4K Likes - When Andy Cohen calls you to present at The Bravo Awards for Watch What Happens Live and do a surprise guest appearance, you show up!

Loved having a reunion with this RHOC squad and the surprise look on Vicky’s face when she saw us was priceless 🍊

#BravoCon2023 #BravoCon #bravotv #watchwhathappenslive #wwhl #wwhlbravo #realhousewives #ochousewives #realhousewivesofoc #realitytvjunkie #realitytvjunkies #ocgirls #realhousewivesoforangecounty #rhoc #bravolebrities #bravolebrity #bravoleb #bravolebs #bravolebritysightings #bravotvaddict #realitytelevision #thatsdarlingcommunity #thatsdarlingweekend #prettylittleiinspo #prettylittleiiinspo

4.4K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : When Andy Cohen calls you to present at The Bravo Awards for Watch What Happens Live and do a surprise guest appearance, you show up! Loved having a reunion with this RHOC squad and the surprise look on Vicky’s face when she saw us was priceless 🍊 • • • • • • • #BravoCon2023 #BravoCon #bravotv #watchwhathappenslive #wwhl #wwhlbravo #realhousewives #ochousewives #realhousewivesofoc #realitytvjunkie #realitytvjunkies #ocgirls #realhousewivesoforangecounty #rhoc #bravolebrities #bravolebrity #bravoleb #bravolebs #bravolebritysightings #bravotvaddict #realitytelevision #thatsdarlingcommunity #thatsdarlingweekend #prettylittleiinspo #prettylittleiiinspo
Likes : 4448
Jo De La Rosa - 4K Likes - Two years ago, we met on a dating app. The rest is history! 💍

You’re everything I ever prayed for and everything I never knew I needed ✨

Wedding Dress: @winniecouture 

#becomingmrsgray #styleglamglow #newlyweds💍 #newlyweds #enchantedwedding #weddingreels #newlywedsforever #justgotmarried #mrandmrs #wedding2022 #stuckwithu #justmarried #justmarried❤️ #justmarriedphotography #marriedlife💍 #marriedlife #weddingreel #marriedtomybestfriend #2022bride #2022brides #weddinginspiration #2022weddings #thatsdarling #youtuberlife #millenialstyle #darlingdaily #wifeoftheparty #cornersofmyworld #2022wedding #blessedandgrateful

4K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Two years ago, we met on a dating app. The rest is history! 💍 You’re everything I ever prayed for and everything I never knew I needed ✨ Wedding Dress: @winniecouture . . . . . . . #becomingmrsgray #styleglamglow #newlyweds💍 #newlyweds #enchantedwedding #weddingreels #newlywedsforever #justgotmarried #mrandmrs #wedding2022 #stuckwithu #justmarried #justmarried❤️ #justmarriedphotography #marriedlife💍 #marriedlife #weddingreel #marriedtomybestfriend #2022bride #2022brides #weddinginspiration #2022weddings #thatsdarling #youtuberlife #millenialstyle #darlingdaily #wifeoftheparty #cornersofmyworld #2022wedding #blessedandgrateful
Likes : 4013
Jo De La Rosa - 3.6K Likes - To say this was the reunion of the year is an understatement 🍊

@bravoandy thank you for the invite to present at The Bravo Awards! I loved surprising Vicki and absolutely loved seeing everyone!

3.6K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : To say this was the reunion of the year is an understatement 🍊 @bravoandy thank you for the invite to present at The Bravo Awards! I loved surprising Vicki and absolutely loved seeing everyone!
Likes : 3556
Jo De La Rosa - 3.6K Likes - To say this was the reunion of the year is an understatement 🍊

@bravoandy thank you for the invite to present at The Bravo Awards! I loved surprising Vicki and absolutely loved seeing everyone!

3.6K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : To say this was the reunion of the year is an understatement 🍊 @bravoandy thank you for the invite to present at The Bravo Awards! I loved surprising Vicki and absolutely loved seeing everyone!
Likes : 3556
Jo De La Rosa - 3.6K Likes - To say this was the reunion of the year is an understatement 🍊

@bravoandy thank you for the invite to present at The Bravo Awards! I loved surprising Vicki and absolutely loved seeing everyone!

3.6K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : To say this was the reunion of the year is an understatement 🍊 @bravoandy thank you for the invite to present at The Bravo Awards! I loved surprising Vicki and absolutely loved seeing everyone!
Likes : 3556
Jo De La Rosa - 3.6K Likes - To say this was the reunion of the year is an understatement 🍊

@bravoandy thank you for the invite to present at The Bravo Awards! I loved surprising Vicki and absolutely loved seeing everyone!

3.6K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : To say this was the reunion of the year is an understatement 🍊 @bravoandy thank you for the invite to present at The Bravo Awards! I loved surprising Vicki and absolutely loved seeing everyone!
Likes : 3556
Jo De La Rosa - 3.6K Likes - To say this was the reunion of the year is an understatement 🍊

@bravoandy thank you for the invite to present at The Bravo Awards! I loved surprising Vicki and absolutely loved seeing everyone!

3.6K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : To say this was the reunion of the year is an understatement 🍊 @bravoandy thank you for the invite to present at The Bravo Awards! I loved surprising Vicki and absolutely loved seeing everyone!
Likes : 3556
Jo De La Rosa - 3.3K Likes - “The last single girl kiss” ❤️ #becomingmrsgray 

#styleglamglow  #gettinghitched #marriedlife💍 #marriedlife #kissthegirl #marriedtomybestfriend #weddingreel #weddingvlog #weddingplanningtime #2022wedding #2022bride #2022brides #2022weddings #weddingreels #thatsdarling #youtuberlife #isaidyes💍 #bridetobe #bridetobe2022 #isaidyes #wifetobe #wifetobe💍 #millenialstyle #darlingdaily #wifeoftheparty #cornersofmyworld #2022wedding #preciousmoments #soblessed

3.3K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : “The last single girl kiss” ❤️ #becomingmrsgray . . . . . . . #styleglamglow #gettinghitched #marriedlife💍 #marriedlife #kissthegirl #marriedtomybestfriend #weddingreel #weddingvlog #weddingplanningtime #2022wedding #2022bride #2022brides #2022weddings #weddingreels #thatsdarling #youtuberlife #isaidyes💍 #bridetobe #bridetobe2022 #isaidyes #wifetobe #wifetobe💍 #millenialstyle #darlingdaily #wifeoftheparty #cornersofmyworld #2022wedding #preciousmoments #soblessed
Likes : 3258
Jo De La Rosa - 2.6K Likes - One year ago today, a COVID love story turned into my happily ever after ❤️

They say your first year of marriage is the hardest but this first year being married to you has had more nights laughing together than I can count. We’ve had challenges thrown our way but we’ve been able to get through them. 

It’s in those hard moments, I’ve seen what an incredible team we are and I’m confident there’s nothing life can throw at us we can’t get through with God protecting our marriage 🙏🏼

You’re more than I ever could’ve prayed for @tarangraymusic - thank you for being the cook in our family so I never have to starve or eat like a 5 year old making cereal for dinner the way I used to before you. 

One year down and forever to go - happy anniversary, bunny. Forever and always 💍

2.6K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : One year ago today, a COVID love story turned into my happily ever after ❤️ They say your first year of marriage is the hardest but this first year being married to you has had more nights laughing together than I can count. We’ve had challenges thrown our way but we’ve been able to get through them. It’s in those hard moments, I’ve seen what an incredible team we are and I’m confident there’s nothing life can throw at us we can’t get through with God protecting our marriage 🙏🏼 You’re more than I ever could’ve prayed for @tarangraymusic – thank you for being the cook in our family so I never have to starve or eat like a 5 year old making cereal for dinner the way I used to before you. One year down and forever to go – happy anniversary, bunny. Forever and always 💍
Likes : 2558
Jo De La Rosa - 2.6K Likes - One year ago today, a COVID love story turned into my happily ever after ❤️

They say your first year of marriage is the hardest but this first year being married to you has had more nights laughing together than I can count. We’ve had challenges thrown our way but we’ve been able to get through them. 

It’s in those hard moments, I’ve seen what an incredible team we are and I’m confident there’s nothing life can throw at us we can’t get through with God protecting our marriage 🙏🏼

You’re more than I ever could’ve prayed for @tarangraymusic - thank you for being the cook in our family so I never have to starve or eat like a 5 year old making cereal for dinner the way I used to before you. 

One year down and forever to go - happy anniversary, bunny. Forever and always 💍

2.6K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : One year ago today, a COVID love story turned into my happily ever after ❤️ They say your first year of marriage is the hardest but this first year being married to you has had more nights laughing together than I can count. We’ve had challenges thrown our way but we’ve been able to get through them. It’s in those hard moments, I’ve seen what an incredible team we are and I’m confident there’s nothing life can throw at us we can’t get through with God protecting our marriage 🙏🏼 You’re more than I ever could’ve prayed for @tarangraymusic – thank you for being the cook in our family so I never have to starve or eat like a 5 year old making cereal for dinner the way I used to before you. One year down and forever to go – happy anniversary, bunny. Forever and always 💍
Likes : 2558
Jo De La Rosa - 2.6K Likes - One year ago today, a COVID love story turned into my happily ever after ❤️

They say your first year of marriage is the hardest but this first year being married to you has had more nights laughing together than I can count. We’ve had challenges thrown our way but we’ve been able to get through them. 

It’s in those hard moments, I’ve seen what an incredible team we are and I’m confident there’s nothing life can throw at us we can’t get through with God protecting our marriage 🙏🏼

You’re more than I ever could’ve prayed for @tarangraymusic - thank you for being the cook in our family so I never have to starve or eat like a 5 year old making cereal for dinner the way I used to before you. 

One year down and forever to go - happy anniversary, bunny. Forever and always 💍

2.6K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : One year ago today, a COVID love story turned into my happily ever after ❤️ They say your first year of marriage is the hardest but this first year being married to you has had more nights laughing together than I can count. We’ve had challenges thrown our way but we’ve been able to get through them. It’s in those hard moments, I’ve seen what an incredible team we are and I’m confident there’s nothing life can throw at us we can’t get through with God protecting our marriage 🙏🏼 You’re more than I ever could’ve prayed for @tarangraymusic – thank you for being the cook in our family so I never have to starve or eat like a 5 year old making cereal for dinner the way I used to before you. One year down and forever to go – happy anniversary, bunny. Forever and always 💍
Likes : 2558
Jo De La Rosa - 2.6K Likes - One year ago today, a COVID love story turned into my happily ever after ❤️

They say your first year of marriage is the hardest but this first year being married to you has had more nights laughing together than I can count. We’ve had challenges thrown our way but we’ve been able to get through them. 

It’s in those hard moments, I’ve seen what an incredible team we are and I’m confident there’s nothing life can throw at us we can’t get through with God protecting our marriage 🙏🏼

You’re more than I ever could’ve prayed for @tarangraymusic - thank you for being the cook in our family so I never have to starve or eat like a 5 year old making cereal for dinner the way I used to before you. 

One year down and forever to go - happy anniversary, bunny. Forever and always 💍

2.6K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : One year ago today, a COVID love story turned into my happily ever after ❤️ They say your first year of marriage is the hardest but this first year being married to you has had more nights laughing together than I can count. We’ve had challenges thrown our way but we’ve been able to get through them. It’s in those hard moments, I’ve seen what an incredible team we are and I’m confident there’s nothing life can throw at us we can’t get through with God protecting our marriage 🙏🏼 You’re more than I ever could’ve prayed for @tarangraymusic – thank you for being the cook in our family so I never have to starve or eat like a 5 year old making cereal for dinner the way I used to before you. One year down and forever to go – happy anniversary, bunny. Forever and always 💍
Likes : 2558
Jo De La Rosa - 2.6K Likes - One year ago today, a COVID love story turned into my happily ever after ❤️

They say your first year of marriage is the hardest but this first year being married to you has had more nights laughing together than I can count. We’ve had challenges thrown our way but we’ve been able to get through them. 

It’s in those hard moments, I’ve seen what an incredible team we are and I’m confident there’s nothing life can throw at us we can’t get through with God protecting our marriage 🙏🏼

You’re more than I ever could’ve prayed for @tarangraymusic - thank you for being the cook in our family so I never have to starve or eat like a 5 year old making cereal for dinner the way I used to before you. 

One year down and forever to go - happy anniversary, bunny. Forever and always 💍

2.6K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : One year ago today, a COVID love story turned into my happily ever after ❤️ They say your first year of marriage is the hardest but this first year being married to you has had more nights laughing together than I can count. We’ve had challenges thrown our way but we’ve been able to get through them. It’s in those hard moments, I’ve seen what an incredible team we are and I’m confident there’s nothing life can throw at us we can’t get through with God protecting our marriage 🙏🏼 You’re more than I ever could’ve prayed for @tarangraymusic – thank you for being the cook in our family so I never have to starve or eat like a 5 year old making cereal for dinner the way I used to before you. One year down and forever to go – happy anniversary, bunny. Forever and always 💍
Likes : 2558
Jo De La Rosa - 2.2K Likes - We were driving down a little one lane road through wine country when ALL OF A SUDDEN, Taran slams on the breaks and makes a u-turn. Supposedly there was a photo op he couldn’t pass up. 

And this is how I know he’s perfect for me 😂

2.2K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : We were driving down a little one lane road through wine country when ALL OF A SUDDEN, Taran slams on the breaks and makes a u-turn. Supposedly there was a photo op he couldn’t pass up. And this is how I know he’s perfect for me 😂
Likes : 2209
Jo De La Rosa - 2K Likes - When we're hungry, love will keep us alive 💍

Just a little tease of our wedding video shot so beautifully by @anatoliykweddings 🥹💍

Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for the latest wedding planning videos as we’re releasing everything leading up to this day! 

We’ll also be sharing Taran moving in after that so hopefully you’re as excited as we are to share our newlywed journey! ❤️

PS. We’ll be posting the full wedding video exclusively on YouTube so make sure you’re subscribed and hit that notification bell so you know once it comes out! Link in bio! 💕
#houseofgray #styleglamglow #becomingmrsgray #weddingvideography #weddingvideo #weddingteaser #firstlooks #newlyweds💍 #newlyweds #enchantedwedding #weddingreels #newlywedsforever #justgotmarried #mrandmrs #wedding2022 #justmarried #justmarried❤️ #justmarriedphotography #weddingreel #marriedtomybestfriend #2022bride #2022brides #weddinginspiration #2022weddings #thatsdarling #youtuberlife #millenialstyle #darlingdaily #wifeoftheparty #2022wedding

2K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : When we’re hungry, love will keep us alive 💍 Just a little tease of our wedding video shot so beautifully by @anatoliykweddings 🥹💍 Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for the latest wedding planning videos as we’re releasing everything leading up to this day! We’ll also be sharing Taran moving in after that so hopefully you’re as excited as we are to share our newlywed journey! ❤️ PS. We’ll be posting the full wedding video exclusively on YouTube so make sure you’re subscribed and hit that notification bell so you know once it comes out! Link in bio! 💕 . . . . . . #houseofgray #styleglamglow #becomingmrsgray #weddingvideography #weddingvideo #weddingteaser #firstlooks #newlyweds💍 #newlyweds #enchantedwedding #weddingreels #newlywedsforever #justgotmarried #mrandmrs #wedding2022 #justmarried #justmarried❤️ #justmarriedphotography #weddingreel #marriedtomybestfriend #2022bride #2022brides #weddinginspiration #2022weddings #thatsdarling #youtuberlife #millenialstyle #darlingdaily #wifeoftheparty #2022wedding
Likes : 2016
Jo De La Rosa - 1.6K Likes - Not everyone wants to have kids right after marriage. Second newflash. If you gain 20 pounds in your first year of marriage, it doesn’t mean you’re pregnant - it can mean you’re happy and enjoying life. 

This last year has been the happiest of my life after marriage but it’s also been the most challenging. Challenging to shut out the noise of “why we aren’t trying yet.” Challenging to unsee comments saying “it’s definitely a pregnancy glow” or “she’s totally pregnant.”

I think it’s wild we live in a world where there are so many expectations of what “the next step” should be after marriage. There’s an expectation to get to the next thing and even when you share you’re not sure what that is yet, people answer with “you should freeze your eggs” and then it becomes a topic of age when that’s not the not the spirit women should feel deciding whether they want to bring a child into this world.

I think after you marry the love of your life and before you decide if having a family is right for you, we should be allowed a middle adventure - the in-between phase - where you’re enjoying your first years of marriage but you’re still on a journey discovering what you want for your life with your partner.

I admire women who knew from the beginning they always wanted to be a mom. Some of us came from broken homes and the idea of stability is foreign to us - kids and marriage weren’t something we had the luxury of dreaming of since we were little girls.

Whatever your story is, I think women should be allowed to celebrate every stage of life and that includes the in-between stages where “I’m not sure yet” is your answer. 

Wherever you are if your in-between journey, know you aren’t alone and “I don’t know yet” is a perfectly ok answer and a truthful place to be. 

It’s the place I’m at as we contemplate whether we want to have kids at all and if that’s right for our family. 

We should be allowed joy in our journey and everything that comes with the in-between so stay true to you and as hard as it is, do your best to shut out the noise 💜

1.6K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Not everyone wants to have kids right after marriage. Second newflash. If you gain 20 pounds in your first year of marriage, it doesn’t mean you’re pregnant – it can mean you’re happy and enjoying life. This last year has been the happiest of my life after marriage but it’s also been the most challenging. Challenging to shut out the noise of “why we aren’t trying yet.” Challenging to unsee comments saying “it’s definitely a pregnancy glow” or “she’s totally pregnant.” I think it’s wild we live in a world where there are so many expectations of what “the next step” should be after marriage. There’s an expectation to get to the next thing and even when you share you’re not sure what that is yet, people answer with “you should freeze your eggs” and then it becomes a topic of age when that’s not the not the spirit women should feel deciding whether they want to bring a child into this world. I think after you marry the love of your life and before you decide if having a family is right for you, we should be allowed a middle adventure – the in-between phase – where you’re enjoying your first years of marriage but you’re still on a journey discovering what you want for your life with your partner. I admire women who knew from the beginning they always wanted to be a mom. Some of us came from broken homes and the idea of stability is foreign to us – kids and marriage weren’t something we had the luxury of dreaming of since we were little girls. Whatever your story is, I think women should be allowed to celebrate every stage of life and that includes the in-between stages where “I’m not sure yet” is your answer. Wherever you are if your in-between journey, know you aren’t alone and “I don’t know yet” is a perfectly ok answer and a truthful place to be. It’s the place I’m at as we contemplate whether we want to have kids at all and if that’s right for our family. We should be allowed joy in our journey and everything that comes with the in-between so stay true to you and as hard as it is, do your best to shut out the noise 💜
Likes : 1594
Jo De La Rosa - 1.6K Likes - I gained 20 pounds after marriage and I wanted to feel fit and healthy again. It’s been a journey losing the weight naturally and not using diet pills like I’ve done in the past so I’m really proud of myself 🙌🏼

It’s taken me a year and I’m not fully back to where my clothes fit the same but losing it slowly vs quickly has helped me keep it off.

A little Friday motivation if you’re on your own weight loss journey - keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll eventually see results! 🤍


#weightlossstories #weightlossdiaries#bodytransformations #workoutlover #bodytransformationjourney #workoutmotivation💪🏼 #fitnesslovers #weightlossplanweightloss

1.6K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : I gained 20 pounds after marriage and I wanted to feel fit and healthy again. It’s been a journey losing the weight naturally and not using diet pills like I’ve done in the past so I’m really proud of myself 🙌🏼 It’s taken me a year and I’m not fully back to where my clothes fit the same but losing it slowly vs quickly has helped me keep it off. A little Friday motivation if you’re on your own weight loss journey – keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll eventually see results! 🤍 • • • • • • • • #weightlossstories #weightlossdiaries#bodytransformations #workoutlover #bodytransformationjourney #workoutmotivation💪🏼 #fitnesslovers #weightlossplanweightloss
Likes : 1572
Jo De La Rosa - 1.4K Likes - Finally opening up about wanting to have a baby 👀🍼


#HouseofGray #babytalk #pregnancyzone #prepregnancy #pregnancydiaries #pregnancysafe #makeupforbeginners #beautybabes #grwmmakeup #grwmreels

1.4K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Finally opening up about wanting to have a baby 👀🍼 • • • • • • • #HouseofGray #babytalk #pregnancyzone #prepregnancy #pregnancydiaries #pregnancysafe #makeupforbeginners #beautybabes #grwmmakeup #grwmreels
Likes : 1412
Jo De La Rosa - 1.3K Likes - Some of my favorite people - both new friends and old - I met at Bravocon! Y’all warmed my heart seeing you! 🖤

1.3K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Some of my favorite people – both new friends and old – I met at Bravocon! Y’all warmed my heart seeing you! 🖤
Likes : 1344
Jo De La Rosa - 1.3K Likes - Some of my favorite people - both new friends and old - I met at Bravocon! Y’all warmed my heart seeing you! 🖤

1.3K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Some of my favorite people – both new friends and old – I met at Bravocon! Y’all warmed my heart seeing you! 🖤
Likes : 1344
Jo De La Rosa - 1.3K Likes - Some of my favorite people - both new friends and old - I met at Bravocon! Y’all warmed my heart seeing you! 🖤

1.3K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Some of my favorite people – both new friends and old – I met at Bravocon! Y’all warmed my heart seeing you! 🖤
Likes : 1344
Jo De La Rosa - 1.3K Likes - Some of my favorite people - both new friends and old - I met at Bravocon! Y’all warmed my heart seeing you! 🖤

1.3K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Some of my favorite people – both new friends and old – I met at Bravocon! Y’all warmed my heart seeing you! 🖤
Likes : 1344
Jo De La Rosa - 1.3K Likes - Two years down and a lifetime to go. I know I drive you crazy but remember what my parents said: “there’s no return policy” 😉

I love you more than anything and I can’t wait to see what God brings us next - maybe a baby or 3? 😂

PS. Head to the link in my bio to watch our wedding video! We finally released it for the first time in honor of our second anniversary! 🫶🏼

1.3K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Two years down and a lifetime to go. I know I drive you crazy but remember what my parents said: “there’s no return policy” 😉 I love you more than anything and I can’t wait to see what God brings us next – maybe a baby or 3? 😂 PS. Head to the link in my bio to watch our wedding video! We finally released it for the first time in honor of our second anniversary! 🫶🏼
Likes : 1324
Jo De La Rosa - 1.3K Likes - Our 1st Coachella party together - it was one for the books ✨

1.3K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Our 1st Coachella party together – it was one for the books ✨
Likes : 1301
Jo De La Rosa - 1.3K Likes - Our 1st Coachella party together - it was one for the books ✨

1.3K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Our 1st Coachella party together – it was one for the books ✨
Likes : 1301
Jo De La Rosa - 1.3K Likes - Our 1st Coachella party together - it was one for the books ✨

1.3K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Our 1st Coachella party together – it was one for the books ✨
Likes : 1301
Jo De La Rosa - 1.3K Likes - Our 1st Coachella party together - it was one for the books ✨

1.3K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Our 1st Coachella party together – it was one for the books ✨
Likes : 1301
Jo De La Rosa - 1.3K Likes - Our 1st Coachella party together - it was one for the books ✨

1.3K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Our 1st Coachella party together – it was one for the books ✨
Likes : 1301
Jo De La Rosa - 1.3K Likes - Our 1st Coachella party together - it was one for the books ✨

1.3K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Our 1st Coachella party together – it was one for the books ✨
Likes : 1301
Jo De La Rosa - 1.3K Likes - Our 1st Coachella party together - it was one for the books ✨

1.3K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Our 1st Coachella party together – it was one for the books ✨
Likes : 1301
Jo De La Rosa - 1.3K Likes - Our 1st Coachella party together - it was one for the books ✨

1.3K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Our 1st Coachella party together – it was one for the books ✨
Likes : 1301
Jo De La Rosa - 1.3K Likes - Our 1st Coachella party together - it was one for the books ✨

1.3K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Our 1st Coachella party together – it was one for the books ✨
Likes : 1301
Jo De La Rosa - 1.3K Likes - Our 1st Coachella party together - it was one for the books ✨

1.3K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Our 1st Coachella party together – it was one for the books ✨
Likes : 1301
Jo De La Rosa - 1.3K Likes - 51 days alcohol-free! ⭐️ Here’s how it’s been going so far:

The first 30 days were the hardest. I kept getting cravings at the same time every night but once I got through that phase, the cravings have pretty much lifted - except when I see someone having an amazing bottle of wine because wine 😂

Here’s my top 3 benefits I’ve seen so far:

1️⃣ Skin Glow-Up: I don’t mean to sound like a skincare commercial but I’ve never seen my complexion glowing the way it is. My skin looks less dull and it looks more fresh and  bright ✨

2️⃣ Energy Boost: I’ve been waking up every morning feeling more refreshed. The sluggish mornings are rare these days unless I’ve treated myself the night before to a bunch of sugar. I’m craving sweets more these days so working on eating less of that - but one dragon at a time 😝

3️⃣ Mental Clarity: My mind feels more clear and sharper than ever. I feel more creative these days and my focus has improved 🧠

▶️ Bonus Benefit: I’ve lost 6 pounds but weight loss isn’t why I took a break from drinking alcohol - not a bad bonus though!

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of change. It’s been a journey of self-love, discovery, and I feel more connected to myself than ever before. 

If you’re thinking about cutting back or quitting, I’m seeing the benefits and they’re definitely worth it. I’m excited to keep going and see what happens next 🌈

Have you tried going alcohol-free? Let me know below as I’d love to hear your story and what benefits you experienced!

1.3K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : 51 days alcohol-free! ⭐️ Here’s how it’s been going so far: The first 30 days were the hardest. I kept getting cravings at the same time every night but once I got through that phase, the cravings have pretty much lifted – except when I see someone having an amazing bottle of wine because wine 😂 Here’s my top 3 benefits I’ve seen so far: 1️⃣ Skin Glow-Up: I don’t mean to sound like a skincare commercial but I’ve never seen my complexion glowing the way it is. My skin looks less dull and it looks more fresh and bright ✨ 2️⃣ Energy Boost: I’ve been waking up every morning feeling more refreshed. The sluggish mornings are rare these days unless I’ve treated myself the night before to a bunch of sugar. I’m craving sweets more these days so working on eating less of that – but one dragon at a time 😝 3️⃣ Mental Clarity: My mind feels more clear and sharper than ever. I feel more creative these days and my focus has improved 🧠 ▶️ Bonus Benefit: I’ve lost 6 pounds but weight loss isn’t why I took a break from drinking alcohol – not a bad bonus though! The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of change. It’s been a journey of self-love, discovery, and I feel more connected to myself than ever before. If you’re thinking about cutting back or quitting, I’m seeing the benefits and they’re definitely worth it. I’m excited to keep going and see what happens next 🌈 Have you tried going alcohol-free? Let me know below as I’d love to hear your story and what benefits you experienced!
Likes : 1262
Jo De La Rosa - 1.3K Likes - 43 trying to get pregnant and all my fears 🍼


#HouseofGray #babytalk #pregnancyzone #prepregnancy #pregnancydiaries #pregnancysafe #makeupforbeginners #beautybabes #grwmmakeup #grwmreels #darlingdaily #beautybabes #makeuplife💋 #beautygirls #makeuplifestyle #makeupjunkies #fakelashes #makelooksgood #makeupoftheday💄#makeupgirlz #makeuptutorials #prettylittleiiinspo #makeuplover💄 #makeupobssesed #makeuptransition #makeuptransformations #makeuptransitions #makeuptime💄#makeupinspirations #beautytime

1.3K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : 43 trying to get pregnant and all my fears 🍼 • • • • • • • • #HouseofGray #babytalk #pregnancyzone #prepregnancy #pregnancydiaries #pregnancysafe #makeupforbeginners #beautybabes #grwmmakeup #grwmreels #darlingdaily #beautybabes #makeuplife💋 #beautygirls #makeuplifestyle #makeupjunkies #fakelashes #makelooksgood #makeupoftheday💄#makeupgirlz #makeuptutorials #prettylittleiiinspo #makeuplover💄 #makeupobssesed #makeuptransition #makeuptransformations #makeuptransitions #makeuptime💄#makeupinspirations #beautytime
Likes : 1254
Jo De La Rosa - 1.2K Likes - How it’s going vs how it started ❤️

1.2K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : How it’s going vs how it started ❤️
Likes : 1200
Jo De La Rosa - 1.2K Likes - How it’s going vs how it started ❤️

1.2K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : How it’s going vs how it started ❤️
Likes : 1200
Jo De La Rosa - 1.2K Likes - Cutting off my hair has always been like therapy for me - off with the things that no longer serve me and getting ready for summer! 🙌🏼☀️

Hair: @lookingoodbruh 💇🏻‍♀️

#HouseofGray #summerhair #summerhaircolor #summerhaircut #summerhairtrends #summerhairdontcare #summerhairinspo #summerhairstyle #hairtransformations #haircutsforwomen #hairjourney #hairgame #hairgameonpoint #hairgamestrong #hairinspiration #hairbeauty #summerhaircare #summerhairstyles #citygirl #lagirl #lagirls #citygirls #losangelesgirl #summerhairstyle
#thatsdarlingmovement #thatsdarlingweekend #summervibes☀️ #summervibes🌞 #summervibe #summervibes🌴

1.2K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Cutting off my hair has always been like therapy for me – off with the things that no longer serve me and getting ready for summer! 🙌🏼☀️ Hair: @lookingoodbruh 💇🏻‍♀️ • • • • • • • #HouseofGray #summerhair #summerhaircolor #summerhaircut #summerhairtrends #summerhairdontcare #summerhairinspo #summerhairstyle #hairtransformations #haircutsforwomen #hairjourney #hairgame #hairgameonpoint #hairgamestrong #hairinspiration #hairbeauty #summerhaircare #summerhairstyles #citygirl #lagirl #lagirls #citygirls #losangelesgirl #summerhairstyle #thatsdarlingmovement #thatsdarlingweekend #summervibes☀️ #summervibes🌞 #summervibe #summervibes🌴
Likes : 1159
Jo De La Rosa - 1.2K Likes - Merry Christmas from the Grays! Hope you had the best time celebrating with friends and family! 🤍

1.2K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Merry Christmas from the Grays! Hope you had the best time celebrating with friends and family! 🤍
Likes : 1153
Jo De La Rosa - 1.1K Likes - Exposing myself sharing work I’ve gotten done I regret 👀

Have you ever gotten any work done you regret? Let me know below as I’d love to shed some light on plastic surgery or medspa procedures to stay away from if you don’t like them! ✨


#HouseofGray #antiagingtips #antiagingtreatments #antiagingsolution #botoxandfillers #fillerinjections #fillerinjection #lipfillerbeforeandafter #juviderm #beautyroutine #beautysecret #beautygirl #juvidermlife #injectionbeauty #fillerlips #fillerinjections #botoxfiller #fillerbeforeandafter #fillertreatment #botoxfiller #antiagingmedicine #antiagingskin #beautytips #beautysecrets #beautyinsider #beautylook #aestheticmakeup #beautyaddiction #beautyaddicts #beautyaddicted

1.1K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Exposing myself sharing work I’ve gotten done I regret 👀 Have you ever gotten any work done you regret? Let me know below as I’d love to shed some light on plastic surgery or medspa procedures to stay away from if you don’t like them! ✨ • • • • • • • • #HouseofGray #antiagingtips #antiagingtreatments #antiagingsolution #botoxandfillers #fillerinjections #fillerinjection #lipfillerbeforeandafter #juviderm #beautyroutine #beautysecret #beautygirl #juvidermlife #injectionbeauty #fillerlips #fillerinjections #botoxfiller #fillerbeforeandafter #fillertreatment #botoxfiller #antiagingmedicine #antiagingskin #beautytips #beautysecrets #beautyinsider #beautylook #aestheticmakeup #beautyaddiction #beautyaddicts #beautyaddicted
Likes : 1113
Jo De La Rosa - 1.1K Likes - Missing my dark hair and thinking of going back - swipe for my new haircolor and cut inspo 💇🏻‍♀️✨

1.1K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Missing my dark hair and thinking of going back – swipe for my new haircolor and cut inspo 💇🏻‍♀️✨
Likes : 1083
Jo De La Rosa - 1.1K Likes - Missing my dark hair and thinking of going back - swipe for my new haircolor and cut inspo 💇🏻‍♀️✨

1.1K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Missing my dark hair and thinking of going back – swipe for my new haircolor and cut inspo 💇🏻‍♀️✨
Likes : 1083
Jo De La Rosa - 1.1K Likes - Missing my dark hair and thinking of going back - swipe for my new haircolor and cut inspo 💇🏻‍♀️✨

1.1K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Missing my dark hair and thinking of going back – swipe for my new haircolor and cut inspo 💇🏻‍♀️✨
Likes : 1083
Jo De La Rosa - 1K Likes - Make it make sense 🙄


#HouseofGray #toxicex #toxicpeople #toxicrelationship #toxicrelationships #prettylittleiinspo #prettylittleiiinspo #thatsdarlingweekend #outfitlook #outfitdiary #darlingdaily #losangeleslife #losangelesworld

1K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Make it make sense 🙄 • • • • • • • • #HouseofGray #toxicex #toxicpeople #toxicrelationship #toxicrelationships #prettylittleiinspo #prettylittleiiinspo #thatsdarlingweekend #outfitlook #outfitdiary #darlingdaily #losangeleslife #losangelesworld
Likes : 1031
Jo De La Rosa - 1K Likes - Unveiling the layers and 10 things you probably didn’t know about me:

1️⃣ My full name is Johanna - spelled with an “H”’ but the “H” is silent in Spanish 🤫
2️⃣ Despite what some may guess, I’m actually 43, not in my 30’s! Age is just a mindset and mine is “Forever 27”
3️⃣ After leaving RHOC and moving to LA, I hustled as a bartender to pay the bills - because easy money bartending clubs in LA
4️⃣ Throwback to my dance team days with The Long Beach Jam, one level under the NBA! Master P and Dennis Rodman were on the team and even Little Romeo made an appearance signing basketballs after the game with us for fans! 🏀
5️⃣ Fun fact: I had a music publishing deal and one of the songs I wrote ended up in a scene on MTV’s The Hills 🎶
6️⃣ I can’t drink quiet and I make “GULP” sounds when I swallow
7️⃣ From childhood to marriage, I slept with my teddy bear Ranger Carlos until Taran came along. RIP, little buddy 🧸🙏🏼
8️⃣ At 26, I had a record deal and performed at House of Blues New York. I was one of the opening acts with Lady Gaga and Cyndi Lauper, hosted by Joey Fatone - so unforgettable! 
9️⃣ College days were a major hustle and I had three jobs while going to school full-time to put myself through school - from waiting tables to Go-Go dancing on weekends and even working at Roto Rooter once a week 😅
🔟 I made my first six figures in Digital Advertising at 30 and that was a milestone for me working in a male dominated industry. The journey has been wild and I’m excited for what’s to come! 

Which fact surprised you the most?! Drop your thoughts in the comments and swipe for more music throwbacks! 😝

1K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Unveiling the layers and 10 things you probably didn’t know about me: 1️⃣ My full name is Johanna – spelled with an “H”’ but the “H” is silent in Spanish 🤫 2️⃣ Despite what some may guess, I’m actually 43, not in my 30’s! Age is just a mindset and mine is “Forever 27” 3️⃣ After leaving RHOC and moving to LA, I hustled as a bartender to pay the bills – because easy money bartending clubs in LA 4️⃣ Throwback to my dance team days with The Long Beach Jam, one level under the NBA! Master P and Dennis Rodman were on the team and even Little Romeo made an appearance signing basketballs after the game with us for fans! 🏀 5️⃣ Fun fact: I had a music publishing deal and one of the songs I wrote ended up in a scene on MTV’s The Hills 🎶 6️⃣ I can’t drink quiet and I make “GULP” sounds when I swallow 7️⃣ From childhood to marriage, I slept with my teddy bear Ranger Carlos until Taran came along. RIP, little buddy 🧸🙏🏼 8️⃣ At 26, I had a record deal and performed at House of Blues New York. I was one of the opening acts with Lady Gaga and Cyndi Lauper, hosted by Joey Fatone – so unforgettable! 9️⃣ College days were a major hustle and I had three jobs while going to school full-time to put myself through school – from waiting tables to Go-Go dancing on weekends and even working at Roto Rooter once a week 😅 🔟 I made my first six figures in Digital Advertising at 30 and that was a milestone for me working in a male dominated industry. The journey has been wild and I’m excited for what’s to come! Which fact surprised you the most?! Drop your thoughts in the comments and swipe for more music throwbacks! 😝
Likes : 978
Jo De La Rosa - 1K Likes - Unveiling the layers and 10 things you probably didn’t know about me:

1️⃣ My full name is Johanna - spelled with an “H”’ but the “H” is silent in Spanish 🤫
2️⃣ Despite what some may guess, I’m actually 43, not in my 30’s! Age is just a mindset and mine is “Forever 27”
3️⃣ After leaving RHOC and moving to LA, I hustled as a bartender to pay the bills - because easy money bartending clubs in LA
4️⃣ Throwback to my dance team days with The Long Beach Jam, one level under the NBA! Master P and Dennis Rodman were on the team and even Little Romeo made an appearance signing basketballs after the game with us for fans! 🏀
5️⃣ Fun fact: I had a music publishing deal and one of the songs I wrote ended up in a scene on MTV’s The Hills 🎶
6️⃣ I can’t drink quiet and I make “GULP” sounds when I swallow
7️⃣ From childhood to marriage, I slept with my teddy bear Ranger Carlos until Taran came along. RIP, little buddy 🧸🙏🏼
8️⃣ At 26, I had a record deal and performed at House of Blues New York. I was one of the opening acts with Lady Gaga and Cyndi Lauper, hosted by Joey Fatone - so unforgettable! 
9️⃣ College days were a major hustle and I had three jobs while going to school full-time to put myself through school - from waiting tables to Go-Go dancing on weekends and even working at Roto Rooter once a week 😅
🔟 I made my first six figures in Digital Advertising at 30 and that was a milestone for me working in a male dominated industry. The journey has been wild and I’m excited for what’s to come! 

Which fact surprised you the most?! Drop your thoughts in the comments and swipe for more music throwbacks! 😝

1K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Unveiling the layers and 10 things you probably didn’t know about me: 1️⃣ My full name is Johanna – spelled with an “H”’ but the “H” is silent in Spanish 🤫 2️⃣ Despite what some may guess, I’m actually 43, not in my 30’s! Age is just a mindset and mine is “Forever 27” 3️⃣ After leaving RHOC and moving to LA, I hustled as a bartender to pay the bills – because easy money bartending clubs in LA 4️⃣ Throwback to my dance team days with The Long Beach Jam, one level under the NBA! Master P and Dennis Rodman were on the team and even Little Romeo made an appearance signing basketballs after the game with us for fans! 🏀 5️⃣ Fun fact: I had a music publishing deal and one of the songs I wrote ended up in a scene on MTV’s The Hills 🎶 6️⃣ I can’t drink quiet and I make “GULP” sounds when I swallow 7️⃣ From childhood to marriage, I slept with my teddy bear Ranger Carlos until Taran came along. RIP, little buddy 🧸🙏🏼 8️⃣ At 26, I had a record deal and performed at House of Blues New York. I was one of the opening acts with Lady Gaga and Cyndi Lauper, hosted by Joey Fatone – so unforgettable! 9️⃣ College days were a major hustle and I had three jobs while going to school full-time to put myself through school – from waiting tables to Go-Go dancing on weekends and even working at Roto Rooter once a week 😅 🔟 I made my first six figures in Digital Advertising at 30 and that was a milestone for me working in a male dominated industry. The journey has been wild and I’m excited for what’s to come! Which fact surprised you the most?! Drop your thoughts in the comments and swipe for more music throwbacks! 😝
Likes : 978
Jo De La Rosa - 1K Likes - Unveiling the layers and 10 things you probably didn’t know about me:

1️⃣ My full name is Johanna - spelled with an “H”’ but the “H” is silent in Spanish 🤫
2️⃣ Despite what some may guess, I’m actually 43, not in my 30’s! Age is just a mindset and mine is “Forever 27”
3️⃣ After leaving RHOC and moving to LA, I hustled as a bartender to pay the bills - because easy money bartending clubs in LA
4️⃣ Throwback to my dance team days with The Long Beach Jam, one level under the NBA! Master P and Dennis Rodman were on the team and even Little Romeo made an appearance signing basketballs after the game with us for fans! 🏀
5️⃣ Fun fact: I had a music publishing deal and one of the songs I wrote ended up in a scene on MTV’s The Hills 🎶
6️⃣ I can’t drink quiet and I make “GULP” sounds when I swallow
7️⃣ From childhood to marriage, I slept with my teddy bear Ranger Carlos until Taran came along. RIP, little buddy 🧸🙏🏼
8️⃣ At 26, I had a record deal and performed at House of Blues New York. I was one of the opening acts with Lady Gaga and Cyndi Lauper, hosted by Joey Fatone - so unforgettable! 
9️⃣ College days were a major hustle and I had three jobs while going to school full-time to put myself through school - from waiting tables to Go-Go dancing on weekends and even working at Roto Rooter once a week 😅
🔟 I made my first six figures in Digital Advertising at 30 and that was a milestone for me working in a male dominated industry. The journey has been wild and I’m excited for what’s to come! 

Which fact surprised you the most?! Drop your thoughts in the comments and swipe for more music throwbacks! 😝

1K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Unveiling the layers and 10 things you probably didn’t know about me: 1️⃣ My full name is Johanna – spelled with an “H”’ but the “H” is silent in Spanish 🤫 2️⃣ Despite what some may guess, I’m actually 43, not in my 30’s! Age is just a mindset and mine is “Forever 27” 3️⃣ After leaving RHOC and moving to LA, I hustled as a bartender to pay the bills – because easy money bartending clubs in LA 4️⃣ Throwback to my dance team days with The Long Beach Jam, one level under the NBA! Master P and Dennis Rodman were on the team and even Little Romeo made an appearance signing basketballs after the game with us for fans! 🏀 5️⃣ Fun fact: I had a music publishing deal and one of the songs I wrote ended up in a scene on MTV’s The Hills 🎶 6️⃣ I can’t drink quiet and I make “GULP” sounds when I swallow 7️⃣ From childhood to marriage, I slept with my teddy bear Ranger Carlos until Taran came along. RIP, little buddy 🧸🙏🏼 8️⃣ At 26, I had a record deal and performed at House of Blues New York. I was one of the opening acts with Lady Gaga and Cyndi Lauper, hosted by Joey Fatone – so unforgettable! 9️⃣ College days were a major hustle and I had three jobs while going to school full-time to put myself through school – from waiting tables to Go-Go dancing on weekends and even working at Roto Rooter once a week 😅 🔟 I made my first six figures in Digital Advertising at 30 and that was a milestone for me working in a male dominated industry. The journey has been wild and I’m excited for what’s to come! Which fact surprised you the most?! Drop your thoughts in the comments and swipe for more music throwbacks! 😝
Likes : 978
Jo De La Rosa - 1K Likes - Unveiling the layers and 10 things you probably didn’t know about me:

1️⃣ My full name is Johanna - spelled with an “H”’ but the “H” is silent in Spanish 🤫
2️⃣ Despite what some may guess, I’m actually 43, not in my 30’s! Age is just a mindset and mine is “Forever 27”
3️⃣ After leaving RHOC and moving to LA, I hustled as a bartender to pay the bills - because easy money bartending clubs in LA
4️⃣ Throwback to my dance team days with The Long Beach Jam, one level under the NBA! Master P and Dennis Rodman were on the team and even Little Romeo made an appearance signing basketballs after the game with us for fans! 🏀
5️⃣ Fun fact: I had a music publishing deal and one of the songs I wrote ended up in a scene on MTV’s The Hills 🎶
6️⃣ I can’t drink quiet and I make “GULP” sounds when I swallow
7️⃣ From childhood to marriage, I slept with my teddy bear Ranger Carlos until Taran came along. RIP, little buddy 🧸🙏🏼
8️⃣ At 26, I had a record deal and performed at House of Blues New York. I was one of the opening acts with Lady Gaga and Cyndi Lauper, hosted by Joey Fatone - so unforgettable! 
9️⃣ College days were a major hustle and I had three jobs while going to school full-time to put myself through school - from waiting tables to Go-Go dancing on weekends and even working at Roto Rooter once a week 😅
🔟 I made my first six figures in Digital Advertising at 30 and that was a milestone for me working in a male dominated industry. The journey has been wild and I’m excited for what’s to come! 

Which fact surprised you the most?! Drop your thoughts in the comments and swipe for more music throwbacks! 😝

1K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Unveiling the layers and 10 things you probably didn’t know about me: 1️⃣ My full name is Johanna – spelled with an “H”’ but the “H” is silent in Spanish 🤫 2️⃣ Despite what some may guess, I’m actually 43, not in my 30’s! Age is just a mindset and mine is “Forever 27” 3️⃣ After leaving RHOC and moving to LA, I hustled as a bartender to pay the bills – because easy money bartending clubs in LA 4️⃣ Throwback to my dance team days with The Long Beach Jam, one level under the NBA! Master P and Dennis Rodman were on the team and even Little Romeo made an appearance signing basketballs after the game with us for fans! 🏀 5️⃣ Fun fact: I had a music publishing deal and one of the songs I wrote ended up in a scene on MTV’s The Hills 🎶 6️⃣ I can’t drink quiet and I make “GULP” sounds when I swallow 7️⃣ From childhood to marriage, I slept with my teddy bear Ranger Carlos until Taran came along. RIP, little buddy 🧸🙏🏼 8️⃣ At 26, I had a record deal and performed at House of Blues New York. I was one of the opening acts with Lady Gaga and Cyndi Lauper, hosted by Joey Fatone – so unforgettable! 9️⃣ College days were a major hustle and I had three jobs while going to school full-time to put myself through school – from waiting tables to Go-Go dancing on weekends and even working at Roto Rooter once a week 😅 🔟 I made my first six figures in Digital Advertising at 30 and that was a milestone for me working in a male dominated industry. The journey has been wild and I’m excited for what’s to come! Which fact surprised you the most?! Drop your thoughts in the comments and swipe for more music throwbacks! 😝
Likes : 978
Jo De La Rosa - 0.9K Likes - When you’re about to celebrate your one year anniversary but you decide to quit your jobs to start a creative agency that specializes in TikTok content instead 💜 #SocialPlay #nowwehavetwoanniversaries

0.9K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : When you’re about to celebrate your one year anniversary but you decide to quit your jobs to start a creative agency that specializes in TikTok content instead 💜 #SocialPlay #nowwehavetwoanniversaries
Likes : 947
Jo De La Rosa - 0.9K Likes - 15 days alcohol free and Day 3 of Barry’s Bootcamp and I’ve never felt better or more clear. I don’t know why it feels different this time but I’ve been re-evaluating my relationship with alcohol and on a Sober Curious journey ✨

I shared a little bit about my story and why I’ve put alcohol on timeout in my Stories today. If you’re interested in seeing the app I’ve been using to cut back on alcohol, the reward system I’ve implemented, and the sober curious podcasts I’ve been listening to, head there now and you can check out all my resources. 

I was reminded today you don’t need to hit rock bottom to want to re-evaluate your relationship with alcohol. I don’t know if this is a temporary thing or a forever thing but I’ve been loving re-discovering myself and seeing where this journey takes me 🤍

Shoutout to the @reframe_app for helping me cut back on alcohol. They have some amazing cutback meetings I’ve been attending for anyone wanting to start or continue on their wellness journey as well!

0.9K Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : 15 days alcohol free and Day 3 of Barry’s Bootcamp and I’ve never felt better or more clear. I don’t know why it feels different this time but I’ve been re-evaluating my relationship with alcohol and on a Sober Curious journey ✨ I shared a little bit about my story and why I’ve put alcohol on timeout in my Stories today. If you’re interested in seeing the app I’ve been using to cut back on alcohol, the reward system I’ve implemented, and the sober curious podcasts I’ve been listening to, head there now and you can check out all my resources. I was reminded today you don’t need to hit rock bottom to want to re-evaluate your relationship with alcohol. I don’t know if this is a temporary thing or a forever thing but I’ve been loving re-discovering myself and seeing where this journey takes me 🤍 Shoutout to the @reframe_app for helping me cut back on alcohol. They have some amazing cutback meetings I’ve been attending for anyone wanting to start or continue on their wellness journey as well!
Likes : 918
Jo De La Rosa - 854 Likes - Happy birthday to the most incredible husband and love of my entire life. You are the most patient and kindest soul with a heart of gold unlike anyone I’ve ever known ❤️ 

I’ll never get tired of your endless dad jokes and your grandpa magic tricks. They just keep making me fall deeper in love with you, especially when you steal my nose. 

Here’s to another year of your charming antics and I can’t wait to see what this next year brings you cheering you on by your side. 

Forever and always, bunnycakes 🎂🎈

854 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Happy birthday to the most incredible husband and love of my entire life. You are the most patient and kindest soul with a heart of gold unlike anyone I’ve ever known ❤️ I’ll never get tired of your endless dad jokes and your grandpa magic tricks. They just keep making me fall deeper in love with you, especially when you steal my nose. Here’s to another year of your charming antics and I can’t wait to see what this next year brings you cheering you on by your side. Forever and always, bunnycakes 🎂🎈
Likes : 854
Jo De La Rosa - 854 Likes - Happy birthday to the most incredible husband and love of my entire life. You are the most patient and kindest soul with a heart of gold unlike anyone I’ve ever known ❤️ 

I’ll never get tired of your endless dad jokes and your grandpa magic tricks. They just keep making me fall deeper in love with you, especially when you steal my nose. 

Here’s to another year of your charming antics and I can’t wait to see what this next year brings you cheering you on by your side. 

Forever and always, bunnycakes 🎂🎈

854 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Happy birthday to the most incredible husband and love of my entire life. You are the most patient and kindest soul with a heart of gold unlike anyone I’ve ever known ❤️ I’ll never get tired of your endless dad jokes and your grandpa magic tricks. They just keep making me fall deeper in love with you, especially when you steal my nose. Here’s to another year of your charming antics and I can’t wait to see what this next year brings you cheering you on by your side. Forever and always, bunnycakes 🎂🎈
Likes : 854
Jo De La Rosa - 854 Likes - Happy birthday to the most incredible husband and love of my entire life. You are the most patient and kindest soul with a heart of gold unlike anyone I’ve ever known ❤️ 

I’ll never get tired of your endless dad jokes and your grandpa magic tricks. They just keep making me fall deeper in love with you, especially when you steal my nose. 

Here’s to another year of your charming antics and I can’t wait to see what this next year brings you cheering you on by your side. 

Forever and always, bunnycakes 🎂🎈

854 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Happy birthday to the most incredible husband and love of my entire life. You are the most patient and kindest soul with a heart of gold unlike anyone I’ve ever known ❤️ I’ll never get tired of your endless dad jokes and your grandpa magic tricks. They just keep making me fall deeper in love with you, especially when you steal my nose. Here’s to another year of your charming antics and I can’t wait to see what this next year brings you cheering you on by your side. Forever and always, bunnycakes 🎂🎈
Likes : 854
Jo De La Rosa - 841 Likes - It’s giving Mr & Mrs 🖤

841 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : It’s giving Mr & Mrs 🖤
Likes : 841
Jo De La Rosa - 802 Likes - I think I like this little life with you ❤️ @tarangraymusic

802 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : I think I like this little life with you ❤️ @tarangraymusic
Likes : 802
Jo De La Rosa - 763 Likes - Let my freedom party begin!! 💜 #twoweeksnotice #iquit

763 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Let my freedom party begin!! 💜 #twoweeksnotice #iquit
Likes : 763
Jo De La Rosa - 746 Likes - When @khloekardashian calls, you show up to support!! 🤍


#grwmreel  #makeupcommunity #makeupofinstagram #makeupobessesion #makeupjunkies #beautycreations #beautytools #beautyvlogger #beautyproduct #beautylovers #makeupaddicts #beautytreatment #influencerlife #citygirl #cityvibes #citystyle #beautyworks #beautytip #beautysecrets #beautyhaul #beautyretouch #beautyface #beautyskin #beautyportrait #beautyessentials #makeupworld  #makeuplooksgood #makeuplooksoftheday #lookoftoday #looktoday

746 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : When @khloekardashian calls, you show up to support!! 🤍 • • • • • • • • #grwmreel #makeupcommunity #makeupofinstagram #makeupobessesion #makeupjunkies #beautycreations #beautytools #beautyvlogger #beautyproduct #beautylovers #makeupaddicts #beautytreatment #influencerlife #citygirl #cityvibes #citystyle #beautyworks #beautytip #beautysecrets #beautyhaul #beautyretouch #beautyface #beautyskin #beautyportrait #beautyessentials #makeupworld #makeuplooksgood #makeuplooksoftheday #lookoftoday #looktoday
Likes : 746
Jo De La Rosa - 732 Likes - When @jr._el_artist gives you a glamformation and does your hair, makeup, and styles you 💚 

What do you think of the look?! Comment your thoughts below!

732 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : When @jr._el_artist gives you a glamformation and does your hair, makeup, and styles you 💚 What do you think of the look?! Comment your thoughts below!
Likes : 732
Jo De La Rosa - 732 Likes - When @jr._el_artist gives you a glamformation and does your hair, makeup, and styles you 💚 

What do you think of the look?! Comment your thoughts below!

732 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : When @jr._el_artist gives you a glamformation and does your hair, makeup, and styles you 💚 What do you think of the look?! Comment your thoughts below!
Likes : 732
Jo De La Rosa - 732 Likes - When @jr._el_artist gives you a glamformation and does your hair, makeup, and styles you 💚 

What do you think of the look?! Comment your thoughts below!

732 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : When @jr._el_artist gives you a glamformation and does your hair, makeup, and styles you 💚 What do you think of the look?! Comment your thoughts below!
Likes : 732
Jo De La Rosa - 732 Likes - When @jr._el_artist gives you a glamformation and does your hair, makeup, and styles you 💚 

What do you think of the look?! Comment your thoughts below!

732 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : When @jr._el_artist gives you a glamformation and does your hair, makeup, and styles you 💚 What do you think of the look?! Comment your thoughts below!
Likes : 732
Jo De La Rosa - 721 Likes - Cheers to the start of my birthday weekend! 🥂

721 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Cheers to the start of my birthday weekend! 🥂
Likes : 721
Jo De La Rosa - 711 Likes - Trying a little color in my life, for once! 💙 Thank you @vicidolls for dressing me for my Fox TV job for the day!

711 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Trying a little color in my life, for once! 💙 Thank you @vicidolls for dressing me for my Fox TV job for the day!
Likes : 711
Jo De La Rosa - 700 Likes - If there’s one thing God’s taught me is when He leads you to close one door, it’s because He has something so much greater in store for you 💜

In times of uncertainty and not knowing what’s next for my life, I’ve always relied on this verse:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lead not on your own understanding but in all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will lead your path straight.” - Proverbs 3:5-6

I’ve never shared this but this has been my life verse. 7 years ago, I started a digital advertising company called 356 Digital Media playing off those numbers. I felt led to build a company by faith as my only foundation not knowing what would happen next and it was the best decision of my life. 

I’ve always tried my best to walk by faith and not by sight and most times, it’s hard to do because I want to control everything. 

For once, I’m excited to not know. I’m excited for uncertainty and I’m excited for this next chapter because one thing I’m sure of - He’s never failed me. EVER 🙏🏼

I don’t know who this is for, but whatever it is you’re starting over with, know He’s got you even if right now the future feels scary. 

God’s not done writing your story so don’t lose hope.

You’re going to make it through to the other side and it’s going to be even better than you could’ve ever imagined, in Jesus’ name - and I’m excited to hear about it once you do! ✨

Comment below if there’s something you’re excited to start over with as well!

700 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : If there’s one thing God’s taught me is when He leads you to close one door, it’s because He has something so much greater in store for you 💜 In times of uncertainty and not knowing what’s next for my life, I’ve always relied on this verse: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lead not on your own understanding but in all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will lead your path straight.” – Proverbs 3:5-6 I’ve never shared this but this has been my life verse. 7 years ago, I started a digital advertising company called 356 Digital Media playing off those numbers. I felt led to build a company by faith as my only foundation not knowing what would happen next and it was the best decision of my life. I’ve always tried my best to walk by faith and not by sight and most times, it’s hard to do because I want to control everything. For once, I’m excited to not know. I’m excited for uncertainty and I’m excited for this next chapter because one thing I’m sure of – He’s never failed me. EVER 🙏🏼 I don’t know who this is for, but whatever it is you’re starting over with, know He’s got you even if right now the future feels scary. God’s not done writing your story so don’t lose hope. You’re going to make it through to the other side and it’s going to be even better than you could’ve ever imagined, in Jesus’ name – and I’m excited to hear about it once you do! ✨ Comment below if there’s something you’re excited to start over with as well!
Likes : 700
Jo De La Rosa - 696 Likes - It’s giving classy bitch 🖤

696 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : It’s giving classy bitch 🖤
Likes : 696
Jo De La Rosa - 694 Likes - Had the best birthday! Thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes 🤍

694 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Had the best birthday! Thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes 🤍
Likes : 694
Jo De La Rosa - 694 Likes - Had the best birthday! Thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes 🤍

694 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Had the best birthday! Thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes 🤍
Likes : 694
Jo De La Rosa - 694 Likes - Had the best birthday! Thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes 🤍

694 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Had the best birthday! Thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes 🤍
Likes : 694
Jo De La Rosa - 694 Likes - Had the best birthday! Thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes 🤍

694 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Had the best birthday! Thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes 🤍
Likes : 694
Jo De La Rosa - 678 Likes - I got invited by Fox TV to interview some of my favorite celebs like Jennifer Nettles and Gordon Ramsay for the upcoming seasons of their shows! 
Thank you @realityclubfox for inviting me to be one of your red carpet correspondents for Fox TV’s Winter Press Junket! I had so much fun! ❄️

#foxtv #foxambassador #foxstudios #jennifernettles #gordonramsay #realitytvjunkie #realitytvshows #realitytvshow #citygirl #citygirls #hollywoodlife #hollywoodstyle #lagirl #lagirls #losangelesgirl #prettylittleiinspo #prettylittleiiinspo #thatsdarlingmovement 
#latinasbelike #latinastyle #latinacreators #darlingdaily 
#thatsdarlingweekend #outfitlook #outfitdiary #losangeleslife #losangelesworld#cityvibe #losangelesstyle #cityvibes

678 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : I got invited by Fox TV to interview some of my favorite celebs like Jennifer Nettles and Gordon Ramsay for the upcoming seasons of their shows!    Thank you @realityclubfox for inviting me to be one of your red carpet correspondents for Fox TV’s Winter Press Junket! I had so much fun! ❄️ • • • • • • • • #foxtv #foxambassador #foxstudios #jennifernettles #gordonramsay #realitytvjunkie #realitytvshows #realitytvshow #citygirl #citygirls #hollywoodlife #hollywoodstyle #lagirl #lagirls #losangelesgirl #prettylittleiinspo #prettylittleiiinspo #thatsdarlingmovement #latinasbelike #latinastyle #latinacreators #darlingdaily #thatsdarlingweekend #outfitlook #outfitdiary #losangeleslife #losangelesworld#cityvibe #losangelesstyle #cityvibes
Likes : 678
Jo De La Rosa - 673 Likes - Being neighbors with my little brother has been such a special bonding time for us 💙

Family night dinners, playtime nights out, and getting to experience all that LA has to offer through his eyes feels like I just moved to the city again. 

@michaelortegaaa - mom said you’re never allowed to move! 😉 Can’t wait to make more memories to come! #turtlepower

673 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Being neighbors with my little brother has been such a special bonding time for us 💙 Family night dinners, playtime nights out, and getting to experience all that LA has to offer through his eyes feels like I just moved to the city again. @michaelortegaaa – mom said you’re never allowed to move! 😉 Can’t wait to make more memories to come! #turtlepower
Likes : 673
Jo De La Rosa - 662 Likes - Today, I’m sharing the top 10 things you didn’t know about me! 👀 

I shared this the other day but I thought it would be fun to do my makeup and share it in video format for those that missed it! 🤍

What were you the most surprised to learn?! Comment below as I’d love to know! 

• Skin foundation stick - Bobbi Brown

• Lip plumper - lip injection (maximum strength) - Too Faced

• Shape tape concealer - Tarte Cosmetics

• Easy bake baking and setting powder - Huda Beauty

• Nude sponge - Beauty Blender

• Bronzing powder. Color: Laguna - Nars

• Soft punch liquid blush. Color: Hope - Rare Beauty

• 350 supernatural glow palette - Morphe

• Telescopic liquid liner. Color: Carbon Black - L’Oreal

• Microwave eyebrow pencil - NYX

• Legendary brows tinted eyebrow gel. Color: Black Brown - Charlotte Tilbury

• Clear brow gel. Medium hold - Anastasia Beverly Hills

• Better than sex mascara - Too Faced


#grwmreels #grwmroutine #grwmmakeup #toofacedmakeup #makeupaddictsofficial #makeuplovers_inspo #beginnermakeup #makeuploversunite

662 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Today, I’m sharing the top 10 things you didn’t know about me! 👀 I shared this the other day but I thought it would be fun to do my makeup and share it in video format for those that missed it! 🤍 What were you the most surprised to learn?! Comment below as I’d love to know! MAKEUP DETAILS • Skin foundation stick – Bobbi Brown • Lip plumper – lip injection (maximum strength) – Too Faced • Shape tape concealer – Tarte Cosmetics • Easy bake baking and setting powder – Huda Beauty • Nude sponge – Beauty Blender • Bronzing powder. Color: Laguna – Nars • Soft punch liquid blush. Color: Hope – Rare Beauty • 350 supernatural glow palette – Morphe • Telescopic liquid liner. Color: Carbon Black – L’Oreal • Microwave eyebrow pencil – NYX • Legendary brows tinted eyebrow gel. Color: Black Brown – Charlotte Tilbury • Clear brow gel. Medium hold – Anastasia Beverly Hills • Better than sex mascara – Too Faced • • • • • • • • #grwmreels #grwmroutine #grwmmakeup #toofacedmakeup #makeupaddictsofficial #makeuplovers_inspo #beginnermakeup #makeuploversunite
Likes : 662
Jo De La Rosa - 626 Likes - She’s in her orange wine era 🍊

626 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : She’s in her orange wine era 🍊
Likes : 626
Jo De La Rosa - 595 Likes - Everyone out here drinking Pumpkin Spiced Lattes but she’s a black Americano girl 🍂🍁

Head to my Style Highlights to shop this look!

595 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Everyone out here drinking Pumpkin Spiced Lattes but she’s a black Americano girl 🍂🍁 Head to my Style Highlights to shop this look!
Likes : 595
Jo De La Rosa - 595 Likes - Everyone out here drinking Pumpkin Spiced Lattes but she’s a black Americano girl 🍂🍁

Head to my Style Highlights to shop this look!

595 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Everyone out here drinking Pumpkin Spiced Lattes but she’s a black Americano girl 🍂🍁 Head to my Style Highlights to shop this look!
Likes : 595
Jo De La Rosa - 595 Likes - Everyone out here drinking Pumpkin Spiced Lattes but she’s a black Americano girl 🍂🍁

Head to my Style Highlights to shop this look!

595 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Everyone out here drinking Pumpkin Spiced Lattes but she’s a black Americano girl 🍂🍁 Head to my Style Highlights to shop this look!
Likes : 595
Jo De La Rosa - 595 Likes - My first year being invited to Beautycon and I couldn’t have felt more honored to have been invited 🤍 

I think just like bodies and skin colors being underrepresented, there’s a lack of creators 40 and over that don’t get a voice or a chance of being featured in the beauty community. It’s a young creators world and I’d love to bring a voice and a presence for this under represented demographic. 

In LA, most of us don’t feel our age. Most of us aren’t living a “this is what you should be doing at your age” life and I’m here to add my voice in breaking the mold of what your prime actually looks like.

I’ve never felt more confident in my skin, I’ve never felt more beautiful, and I’ve never been so hopeful about stepping into my dreams. 

“Life does not end after 40” is so liberating to say and I think it’s ok for women to start stepping into this narrative if that’s the reality you want to take ownership of in your life 🤍

My career as a beauty creator is just beginning and I couldn’t be more excited to share my journey! #thisis43

595 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : My first year being invited to Beautycon and I couldn’t have felt more honored to have been invited 🤍 I think just like bodies and skin colors being underrepresented, there’s a lack of creators 40 and over that don’t get a voice or a chance of being featured in the beauty community. It’s a young creators world and I’d love to bring a voice and a presence for this under represented demographic. In LA, most of us don’t feel our age. Most of us aren’t living a “this is what you should be doing at your age” life and I’m here to add my voice in breaking the mold of what your prime actually looks like. I’ve never felt more confident in my skin, I’ve never felt more beautiful, and I’ve never been so hopeful about stepping into my dreams. “Life does not end after 40” is so liberating to say and I think it’s ok for women to start stepping into this narrative if that’s the reality you want to take ownership of in your life 🤍 My career as a beauty creator is just beginning and I couldn’t be more excited to share my journey! #thisis43
Likes : 595
Jo De La Rosa - 595 Likes - My first year being invited to Beautycon and I couldn’t have felt more honored to have been invited 🤍 

I think just like bodies and skin colors being underrepresented, there’s a lack of creators 40 and over that don’t get a voice or a chance of being featured in the beauty community. It’s a young creators world and I’d love to bring a voice and a presence for this under represented demographic. 

In LA, most of us don’t feel our age. Most of us aren’t living a “this is what you should be doing at your age” life and I’m here to add my voice in breaking the mold of what your prime actually looks like.

I’ve never felt more confident in my skin, I’ve never felt more beautiful, and I’ve never been so hopeful about stepping into my dreams. 

“Life does not end after 40” is so liberating to say and I think it’s ok for women to start stepping into this narrative if that’s the reality you want to take ownership of in your life 🤍

My career as a beauty creator is just beginning and I couldn’t be more excited to share my journey! #thisis43

595 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : My first year being invited to Beautycon and I couldn’t have felt more honored to have been invited 🤍 I think just like bodies and skin colors being underrepresented, there’s a lack of creators 40 and over that don’t get a voice or a chance of being featured in the beauty community. It’s a young creators world and I’d love to bring a voice and a presence for this under represented demographic. In LA, most of us don’t feel our age. Most of us aren’t living a “this is what you should be doing at your age” life and I’m here to add my voice in breaking the mold of what your prime actually looks like. I’ve never felt more confident in my skin, I’ve never felt more beautiful, and I’ve never been so hopeful about stepping into my dreams. “Life does not end after 40” is so liberating to say and I think it’s ok for women to start stepping into this narrative if that’s the reality you want to take ownership of in your life 🤍 My career as a beauty creator is just beginning and I couldn’t be more excited to share my journey! #thisis43
Likes : 595
Jo De La Rosa - 595 Likes - My first year being invited to Beautycon and I couldn’t have felt more honored to have been invited 🤍 

I think just like bodies and skin colors being underrepresented, there’s a lack of creators 40 and over that don’t get a voice or a chance of being featured in the beauty community. It’s a young creators world and I’d love to bring a voice and a presence for this under represented demographic. 

In LA, most of us don’t feel our age. Most of us aren’t living a “this is what you should be doing at your age” life and I’m here to add my voice in breaking the mold of what your prime actually looks like.

I’ve never felt more confident in my skin, I’ve never felt more beautiful, and I’ve never been so hopeful about stepping into my dreams. 

“Life does not end after 40” is so liberating to say and I think it’s ok for women to start stepping into this narrative if that’s the reality you want to take ownership of in your life 🤍

My career as a beauty creator is just beginning and I couldn’t be more excited to share my journey! #thisis43

595 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : My first year being invited to Beautycon and I couldn’t have felt more honored to have been invited 🤍 I think just like bodies and skin colors being underrepresented, there’s a lack of creators 40 and over that don’t get a voice or a chance of being featured in the beauty community. It’s a young creators world and I’d love to bring a voice and a presence for this under represented demographic. In LA, most of us don’t feel our age. Most of us aren’t living a “this is what you should be doing at your age” life and I’m here to add my voice in breaking the mold of what your prime actually looks like. I’ve never felt more confident in my skin, I’ve never felt more beautiful, and I’ve never been so hopeful about stepping into my dreams. “Life does not end after 40” is so liberating to say and I think it’s ok for women to start stepping into this narrative if that’s the reality you want to take ownership of in your life 🤍 My career as a beauty creator is just beginning and I couldn’t be more excited to share my journey! #thisis43
Likes : 595
Jo De La Rosa - 595 Likes - My first year being invited to Beautycon and I couldn’t have felt more honored to have been invited 🤍 

I think just like bodies and skin colors being underrepresented, there’s a lack of creators 40 and over that don’t get a voice or a chance of being featured in the beauty community. It’s a young creators world and I’d love to bring a voice and a presence for this under represented demographic. 

In LA, most of us don’t feel our age. Most of us aren’t living a “this is what you should be doing at your age” life and I’m here to add my voice in breaking the mold of what your prime actually looks like.

I’ve never felt more confident in my skin, I’ve never felt more beautiful, and I’ve never been so hopeful about stepping into my dreams. 

“Life does not end after 40” is so liberating to say and I think it’s ok for women to start stepping into this narrative if that’s the reality you want to take ownership of in your life 🤍

My career as a beauty creator is just beginning and I couldn’t be more excited to share my journey! #thisis43

595 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : My first year being invited to Beautycon and I couldn’t have felt more honored to have been invited 🤍 I think just like bodies and skin colors being underrepresented, there’s a lack of creators 40 and over that don’t get a voice or a chance of being featured in the beauty community. It’s a young creators world and I’d love to bring a voice and a presence for this under represented demographic. In LA, most of us don’t feel our age. Most of us aren’t living a “this is what you should be doing at your age” life and I’m here to add my voice in breaking the mold of what your prime actually looks like. I’ve never felt more confident in my skin, I’ve never felt more beautiful, and I’ve never been so hopeful about stepping into my dreams. “Life does not end after 40” is so liberating to say and I think it’s ok for women to start stepping into this narrative if that’s the reality you want to take ownership of in your life 🤍 My career as a beauty creator is just beginning and I couldn’t be more excited to share my journey! #thisis43
Likes : 595
Jo De La Rosa - 595 Likes - My first year being invited to Beautycon and I couldn’t have felt more honored to have been invited 🤍 

I think just like bodies and skin colors being underrepresented, there’s a lack of creators 40 and over that don’t get a voice or a chance of being featured in the beauty community. It’s a young creators world and I’d love to bring a voice and a presence for this under represented demographic. 

In LA, most of us don’t feel our age. Most of us aren’t living a “this is what you should be doing at your age” life and I’m here to add my voice in breaking the mold of what your prime actually looks like.

I’ve never felt more confident in my skin, I’ve never felt more beautiful, and I’ve never been so hopeful about stepping into my dreams. 

“Life does not end after 40” is so liberating to say and I think it’s ok for women to start stepping into this narrative if that’s the reality you want to take ownership of in your life 🤍

My career as a beauty creator is just beginning and I couldn’t be more excited to share my journey! #thisis43

595 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : My first year being invited to Beautycon and I couldn’t have felt more honored to have been invited 🤍 I think just like bodies and skin colors being underrepresented, there’s a lack of creators 40 and over that don’t get a voice or a chance of being featured in the beauty community. It’s a young creators world and I’d love to bring a voice and a presence for this under represented demographic. In LA, most of us don’t feel our age. Most of us aren’t living a “this is what you should be doing at your age” life and I’m here to add my voice in breaking the mold of what your prime actually looks like. I’ve never felt more confident in my skin, I’ve never felt more beautiful, and I’ve never been so hopeful about stepping into my dreams. “Life does not end after 40” is so liberating to say and I think it’s ok for women to start stepping into this narrative if that’s the reality you want to take ownership of in your life 🤍 My career as a beauty creator is just beginning and I couldn’t be more excited to share my journey! #thisis43
Likes : 595
Jo De La Rosa - 595 Likes - My first year being invited to Beautycon and I couldn’t have felt more honored to have been invited 🤍 

I think just like bodies and skin colors being underrepresented, there’s a lack of creators 40 and over that don’t get a voice or a chance of being featured in the beauty community. It’s a young creators world and I’d love to bring a voice and a presence for this under represented demographic. 

In LA, most of us don’t feel our age. Most of us aren’t living a “this is what you should be doing at your age” life and I’m here to add my voice in breaking the mold of what your prime actually looks like.

I’ve never felt more confident in my skin, I’ve never felt more beautiful, and I’ve never been so hopeful about stepping into my dreams. 

“Life does not end after 40” is so liberating to say and I think it’s ok for women to start stepping into this narrative if that’s the reality you want to take ownership of in your life 🤍

My career as a beauty creator is just beginning and I couldn’t be more excited to share my journey! #thisis43

595 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : My first year being invited to Beautycon and I couldn’t have felt more honored to have been invited 🤍 I think just like bodies and skin colors being underrepresented, there’s a lack of creators 40 and over that don’t get a voice or a chance of being featured in the beauty community. It’s a young creators world and I’d love to bring a voice and a presence for this under represented demographic. In LA, most of us don’t feel our age. Most of us aren’t living a “this is what you should be doing at your age” life and I’m here to add my voice in breaking the mold of what your prime actually looks like. I’ve never felt more confident in my skin, I’ve never felt more beautiful, and I’ve never been so hopeful about stepping into my dreams. “Life does not end after 40” is so liberating to say and I think it’s ok for women to start stepping into this narrative if that’s the reality you want to take ownership of in your life 🤍 My career as a beauty creator is just beginning and I couldn’t be more excited to share my journey! #thisis43
Likes : 595
Jo De La Rosa - 595 Likes - My first year being invited to Beautycon and I couldn’t have felt more honored to have been invited 🤍 

I think just like bodies and skin colors being underrepresented, there’s a lack of creators 40 and over that don’t get a voice or a chance of being featured in the beauty community. It’s a young creators world and I’d love to bring a voice and a presence for this under represented demographic. 

In LA, most of us don’t feel our age. Most of us aren’t living a “this is what you should be doing at your age” life and I’m here to add my voice in breaking the mold of what your prime actually looks like.

I’ve never felt more confident in my skin, I’ve never felt more beautiful, and I’ve never been so hopeful about stepping into my dreams. 

“Life does not end after 40” is so liberating to say and I think it’s ok for women to start stepping into this narrative if that’s the reality you want to take ownership of in your life 🤍

My career as a beauty creator is just beginning and I couldn’t be more excited to share my journey! #thisis43

595 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : My first year being invited to Beautycon and I couldn’t have felt more honored to have been invited 🤍 I think just like bodies and skin colors being underrepresented, there’s a lack of creators 40 and over that don’t get a voice or a chance of being featured in the beauty community. It’s a young creators world and I’d love to bring a voice and a presence for this under represented demographic. In LA, most of us don’t feel our age. Most of us aren’t living a “this is what you should be doing at your age” life and I’m here to add my voice in breaking the mold of what your prime actually looks like. I’ve never felt more confident in my skin, I’ve never felt more beautiful, and I’ve never been so hopeful about stepping into my dreams. “Life does not end after 40” is so liberating to say and I think it’s ok for women to start stepping into this narrative if that’s the reality you want to take ownership of in your life 🤍 My career as a beauty creator is just beginning and I couldn’t be more excited to share my journey! #thisis43
Likes : 595
Jo De La Rosa - 573 Likes - Intermittent Fasting - Day 17 🤍

Benefits I’m seeing so far: more energy, sleeping deeper, less bloated, clothes fitting looser. 

I didn’t think I could do 16 hours fasting daily but I like how you can make intermittent fasting fit into your lifestyle and not completely sacrifice your lifestyle for intermittent fasting - for example, if you have a dinner that night with friends, you just push your start time the next day a little later.

New to this whole fasting lifestyle but overall, I’m a fan! ✨

573 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Intermittent Fasting – Day 17 🤍 Benefits I’m seeing so far: more energy, sleeping deeper, less bloated, clothes fitting looser. I didn’t think I could do 16 hours fasting daily but I like how you can make intermittent fasting fit into your lifestyle and not completely sacrifice your lifestyle for intermittent fasting – for example, if you have a dinner that night with friends, you just push your start time the next day a little later. New to this whole fasting lifestyle but overall, I’m a fan! ✨
Likes : 573
Jo De La Rosa - 556 Likes - I swear I don’t just live in workout clothes ✨

556 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : I swear I don’t just live in workout clothes ✨
Likes : 556
Jo De La Rosa - 556 Likes - I swear I don’t just live in workout clothes ✨

556 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : I swear I don’t just live in workout clothes ✨
Likes : 556
Jo De La Rosa - 556 Likes - I swear I don’t just live in workout clothes ✨

556 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : I swear I don’t just live in workout clothes ✨
Likes : 556
Jo De La Rosa - 556 Likes - I swear I don’t just live in workout clothes ✨

556 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : I swear I don’t just live in workout clothes ✨
Likes : 556
Jo De La Rosa - 537 Likes - It’s been a few weeks since I started working out again and excited with my progress! The hardest part has been just showing up so thanks to everyone who’s been encouraging me along the way! 🙏🏼💜

537 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : It’s been a few weeks since I started working out again and excited with my progress! The hardest part has been just showing up so thanks to everyone who’s been encouraging me along the way! 🙏🏼💜
Likes : 537
Jo De La Rosa - 522 Likes - Just wanted to share our first song as I was reminded of the day that changed my life ❤️ For those in relationships, what’s your song? I’d love to know!

522 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Just wanted to share our first song as I was reminded of the day that changed my life ❤️ For those in relationships, what’s your song? I’d love to know!
Likes : 522
Jo De La Rosa - 476 Likes - If it doesn’t bring me joy this year, I don’t want it 🤍 God brought me some career highs last year, so for 2024 my word of the year is “Level Up” 👀 

Comment below if you have a word of the year or some career/personal goals you’d love to see happen! Happy New Year! ✨

476 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : If it doesn’t bring me joy this year, I don’t want it 🤍 God brought me some career highs last year, so for 2024 my word of the year is “Level Up” 👀 Comment below if you have a word of the year or some career/personal goals you’d love to see happen! Happy New Year! ✨
Likes : 476
Jo De La Rosa - 476 Likes - If it doesn’t bring me joy this year, I don’t want it 🤍 God brought me some career highs last year, so for 2024 my word of the year is “Level Up” 👀 

Comment below if you have a word of the year or some career/personal goals you’d love to see happen! Happy New Year! ✨

476 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : If it doesn’t bring me joy this year, I don’t want it 🤍 God brought me some career highs last year, so for 2024 my word of the year is “Level Up” 👀 Comment below if you have a word of the year or some career/personal goals you’d love to see happen! Happy New Year! ✨
Likes : 476
Jo De La Rosa - 476 Likes - If it doesn’t bring me joy this year, I don’t want it 🤍 God brought me some career highs last year, so for 2024 my word of the year is “Level Up” 👀 

Comment below if you have a word of the year or some career/personal goals you’d love to see happen! Happy New Year! ✨

476 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : If it doesn’t bring me joy this year, I don’t want it 🤍 God brought me some career highs last year, so for 2024 my word of the year is “Level Up” 👀 Comment below if you have a word of the year or some career/personal goals you’d love to see happen! Happy New Year! ✨
Likes : 476
Jo De La Rosa - 452 Likes - Happy Valentine’s Day, beauties! ❤️ Swipe left to see more pics and comment below - which one is your favorite?! 1, 2 or 3?

452 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Happy Valentine’s Day, beauties! ❤️ Swipe left to see more pics and comment below – which one is your favorite?! 1, 2 or 3?
Likes : 452
Jo De La Rosa - 452 Likes - Happy Valentine’s Day, beauties! ❤️ Swipe left to see more pics and comment below - which one is your favorite?! 1, 2 or 3?

452 Likes – Jo De La Rosa Instagram

Caption : Happy Valentine’s Day, beauties! ❤️ Swipe left to see more pics and comment below – which one is your favorite?! 1, 2 or 3?
Likes : 452