SAVE this for when you have digestive discomfort!
In collaboration with @aditichengappa, all this month, celebrating Yoga & Wellness 🌿
Did you know that The Tagore Centre offers free yoga classes every Tuesday?! Follow @theTagorecentre for regular updates!
#selflove #healthyhabits #healthylifestyle #fitnessmotivation #wellnessaesthetic #fitness #postivemindset #selfcare #yogatutorial #lifestyleinspo #wellness #selfgrowth #2023glowup #healthtips #indiansingermany #yogateacher #yogainspiration #yogaforvasudhaivakutumbakam
SAVE this for when you have digestive discomfort!
In collaboration with @aditichengappa, all this month, celebrating Yoga & Wellness 🌿
Did you know that The Tagore Centre offers free yoga classes every Tuesday?! Follow @theTagorecentre for regular updates!
#selflove #healthyhabits #healthylifestyle #fitnessmotivation #wellnessaesthetic #fitness #postivemindset #selfcare #yogatutorial #lifestyleinspo #wellness #selfgrowth #2023glowup #healthtips #indiansingermany #yogateacher #yogainspiration #yogaforvasudhaivakutumbakam
(Auf Deutsch unten) I think it’s wrong that we have been taught to believe that we can only have roots in one place, and that if we are uprooted, then we have somehow lost ourselves, and plants are the reason why!
Ich denke, es ist falsch, dass uns beigebracht wurde zu glauben, dass wir nur an einem Ort Wurzeln schlagen können und dass wir uns selbst verloren haben, wenn wir entwurzelt werden, und Pflanzen sind der Grund dafür!
Unter den vielen Dingen, die mich die Pflanzen gelehrt haben, ist dies vielleicht eines meiner Lieblingslektionen!
Jede einzelne meiner Pflanzen hat es geliebt, entwurzelt zu werden oder ihre Wurzeln beschneiden zu lassen. Und wenn ich sie in einen neuen Topf setze, treiben sie neue Wurzeln und blühen sogar noch üppiger!
Als ich also den ganzen Weg von Indien nach Deutschland zog, hatte ich keine Angst, meine Wurzeln zu verlieren, ich habe einige alte mitgenommen, und ich pflanze hier neue🌿
#expatslife #expatsingermany #expatsinberlin #indiansingermany #indiansinberlin #movingcountries #immigration #real #gardening #plantlover #mintplant #peaceful #slowlife #cats #katzenliebe #katzenleben #cutecats #fluffycats #slowliving #sunset #goldenhour #wellness #wellnessjourney #thatgirl #relaxing #soothing #clairdelune #garten #gartenliebe #minze Berlin, Germany
asmr✨SAVE this recipe for a rainy day 🌧️ (Auf Deutsch unten)
This is my favorite dal to eat on rainy days!
Recipe- Meetha Dal
fresh chilli
mustard seeds
fenugreek seeds
diced red onion
fresh curry leaves (available in Asian/indian stores)
ginger slivers
Toor Dal (yellow pigeon lentil) cooked with turmeric powder
tamarind paste (use sparingly)
a pinch of brown sugar
salt to taste
fresh coriander to garnish
In a pan with hot oil, add fresh chillies and sauté until slightly cooked.
Add both seeds and wait till the mustard seeds splutter.
Add the onions, curry leaves and sliced ginger. Sauté until the onions are cooked.
Pour in the lentils in and stir. Add sugar + tamarind and simmer for 5 mins. Garnish with coriander and serve hot with rice.
Das ist mein Lieblings- Dal, um an regnerischen Tagen zu essen!
Rezept – Meetha Dal (gesüßte Linsen)
frische Chilischoten
gewürfelte rote Zwiebel
frische Curryblätter (erhältlich in asiatischen/indischen Geschäften)
Ingwer in Scheiben
Toor Dal (gelbe Taubenlinse), gekocht mit Kurkumapulver
Tamarindenpaste (sparsam verwenden)
eine Prise brauner Zucker
Salz zum Abschmecken
frischer Koriander zum Garnieren
Frische Chilischoten in eine Pfanne mit heißem Öl geben und anbraten, bis sie leicht gekocht sind.
Beide Samen hinzufügen und warten, bis die Senfkörner platzen.
Die Zwiebeln, Curryblätter und den in Scheiben geschnittenen Ingwer hinzugeben. Sautieren, bis die Zwiebeln gar sind.
Die Linsen eingießen und umrühren.
Zucker + Tamarinde hinzufügen und 5 Minuten köcheln lassen. Mit Koriander garnieren und heiß mit Reis servieren..
#selflove #healthyhabits #healthylifestyle #wellnessaesthetic #motivationalreels #thatgirl #healthyeating #postivemindset #selfcare #productiveday #routine #aestheticvideos #wellness #selfgrowth #asmr #asmrfood #2023glowup #veganrecipes #healthyrecipe #gesundeküche #indiancooking #indianfood #veganesRezept #gesunderezepte #gesundessen #linsen Berlin, Germany
Berlin really comes alive in the summer and biking is a great way to explore the city! One of my fave things about this Berlin is that there’s so many green patches and trails to enjoy 😍
This was my first time renting a @lime electric bike! Overall a good experience except that the gears didn’t always engage…. I used the €9.99 for 60mins package, this certainly worked out cheaper than the the regular per minute charge!
Do you enjoy biking around the city?!
#visitberlin #exploreberlin #berlinexplore #biketrails #biking #indiansinberlin #expatsinberlin #indiansingermany #berlincity #sommer #fahrradtour🚲 #fahrradfahren #fahrradliebe #thatgirl #wellness #pinterestaesthetic #lifestyleinspo #wellnessaesthetic #healthylifestyle Berlin, Germany
How you start the day can really set the tone for the feeling you will carry through the rest of the day! (Unless you’ve had a lot of practice in switching energies)
So try to form a routine however short, that gets the right chemistry going 😇 You will notice the difference!
#GesunderLebensstil #Morgenroutine #Wellnessreise #Motivationsvideos #Selbstpflegetipps #wellnesstips #wellnessreels #fitnessinspo #thatgirl #healthyeating #postivemindset #expatsingermany selfcare #pinterestaesthetic #productiveday #routine #aestheticvideos #lifestyleinspo #wellness #morningroutine #manifest #manifestation #goalsetting #2023glowup #2023goals #indiansingermany Berlin, Germany
Just some casual singing last weekend right before i fell sick 😋P.S don’t judge my guitar skills 🤓🙏
#singer #bellyache #billieelish #coversong #instasinger #musicians #berlin #musiciansinberlin Berlin, Germany
SAVE this! (Auf Deutsch unten) I’ve made this my daily morning ritual for a while now and can see the difference in my skin and digestion🌿
It is especially good for those who have issues with too much heat in the body. (excess Pitta)
Benefits of coriander seed tea:
relieves pain and bloating
reduces inflammation in the body
Ich habe dies seit einiger Zeit zu meinem täglichen Morgenritual gemacht und kann den Unterschied in meiner Haut und Verdauung sehen🌿
Es ist besonders gut für diejenigen, die Probleme mit zu viel Hitze im Körper haben. (Überschuss Pitta)
Vorteile von Koriandersamen-Tee:
Lindert Schmerzen und Blähungen
Reduziert Entzündungen im Körper
#selflove #healthyhabits #healthylifestyle #morningroutine #wellnessaesthetic #motivationalreels #thatgirl #healthyeating #postivemindset #selfcare #productiveday #routine #aestheticvideos #lifestyleinspo #wellness #selfgrowth #ayurveda #2023glowup #veganrecipes #healthyrecipe #recipe #detox #indiansingermany #indiansinberlin #veganrezepte #tee Berlin, Germany
SAVE this as a reminder to visit! If you’re a fan of all things Korean like me, you’ll love this place! One of my bestest Korean friends took me there and said she also felt like she was in SK because of the aesthetics! They have 3 seating areas, outside is perfect for summer if you get a table! (we went just before closing time so we got one) I absolutely loved the lemon chiffon cake, next time i’ll try the bingsu 😁
#berlincity #exploreberlin #berlinexplore #bingsu #koreancafe #aesthetic #pinterestaesthetic #koreanaesthetic #thatgirl #thatgirlaesthetic #foodreel #foodblogger #selfcare #wellnessaesthetic #aestheticedits #minivlog #berlincafe #indiansingermany #indiansinberlin #berlingirls Berlin, Germany
SAVE this! (Auf Deutsch unten) Tangy Paneer! This is one of my fave things to eat- and yes you can substitute Paneer with Tofu to make it vegan 😊
Dies ist eines meiner Lieblingsessen – und ja, Sie können Paneer durch Tofu ersetzen, um es vegan zu machen 😊
fresh chilli
cumin seeds
nigella seeds
coriander seeds
garam masala (use sparingly if you aren’t familiar)
Turmeric powder
ginger & garlic
red onion
bell peppers
salt to taste
a pinch of sugar
Wait till the seeds are aromatic before adding onions, ginger and garlic.
Wait till the tomato cooks down completely before adding the bell peppers.
Add the paneer/tofu last and cook on higher heat to get that delicious roasted texture! 😁
Frische Chilischote
Garam masala (verwenden Sie sparsam, wenn Sie nicht vertraut sind)
Ingwer & Knoblauch
Rote Zwiebel
Salz nach Geschmack
Eine Prise Zucker
Warten Sie, bis die Samen aromatisch sind, bevor Sie Zwiebeln, Ingwer und Knoblauch hinzufügen.
Warten Sie, bis die Tomate vollständig kocht, bevor Sie die Paprika hinzufügen.
Fügen Sie den Paneer/Tofu zuletzt hinzu und kochen Sie bei höherer Hitze, um diese köstliche geröstete Textur zu erhalten! 😁
#selflove #healthyhabits #healthylifestyle #wellnessaesthetic #motivationalreels #thatgirl #healthyeating #postivemindset #selfcare #productiveday #routine #aestheticvideos #wellness #selfgrowth #2023glowup #veganrecipes #healthyrecipe #gesundeküche #indiancooking #indianfood #veganesRezept #gesunderezepte #gesundessen #tofurecipes #tofu Berlin, Germany
2023 so far 🤍
Very grateful for everything 🙏
#2023goals #july #wellness #pinterestaesthetic #thatgirl #berlin #berlincity #indiansinberlin #expatsingermany #indiansingermany #exploreberlin #visitberlin Berlin, Germany
2023 so far 🤍
Very grateful for everything 🙏
#2023goals #july #wellness #pinterestaesthetic #thatgirl #berlin #berlincity #indiansinberlin #expatsingermany #indiansingermany #exploreberlin #visitberlin Berlin, Germany
2023 so far 🤍
Very grateful for everything 🙏
#2023goals #july #wellness #pinterestaesthetic #thatgirl #berlin #berlincity #indiansinberlin #expatsingermany #indiansingermany #exploreberlin #visitberlin Berlin, Germany
2023 so far 🤍
Very grateful for everything 🙏
#2023goals #july #wellness #pinterestaesthetic #thatgirl #berlin #berlincity #indiansinberlin #expatsingermany #indiansingermany #exploreberlin #visitberlin Berlin, Germany
2023 so far 🤍
Very grateful for everything 🙏
#2023goals #july #wellness #pinterestaesthetic #thatgirl #berlin #berlincity #indiansinberlin #expatsingermany #indiansingermany #exploreberlin #visitberlin Berlin, Germany
2023 so far 🤍
Very grateful for everything 🙏
#2023goals #july #wellness #pinterestaesthetic #thatgirl #berlin #berlincity #indiansinberlin #expatsingermany #indiansingermany #exploreberlin #visitberlin Berlin, Germany
2023 so far 🤍
Very grateful for everything 🙏
#2023goals #july #wellness #pinterestaesthetic #thatgirl #berlin #berlincity #indiansinberlin #expatsingermany #indiansingermany #exploreberlin #visitberlin Berlin, Germany
2023 so far 🤍
Very grateful for everything 🙏
#2023goals #july #wellness #pinterestaesthetic #thatgirl #berlin #berlincity #indiansinberlin #expatsingermany #indiansingermany #exploreberlin #visitberlin Berlin, Germany
2023 so far 🤍
Very grateful for everything 🙏
#2023goals #july #wellness #pinterestaesthetic #thatgirl #berlin #berlincity #indiansinberlin #expatsingermany #indiansingermany #exploreberlin #visitberlin Berlin, Germany
2023 so far 🤍
Very grateful for everything 🙏
#2023goals #july #wellness #pinterestaesthetic #thatgirl #berlin #berlincity #indiansinberlin #expatsingermany #indiansingermany #exploreberlin #visitberlin Berlin, Germany
“It’s not you, it’s me,” the line no one wants to hear, but it actually does make sense, and this is why: Remember this the next time you feel hurt: people can only trust you, value you, respect you, or love you as much as they do themselves 🤷🏻♀️
Leave a 🙌 if you understand and accept this 🤍
#selfcare #selfcarethreads #selfcaresaturday #pinterestaesthetic #thatgirl #thatgirlaesthetic #wellness #wellnesscoach #wellnessjourney #wellbeing #loveyourself #portaits #indiansingermany #indiangirl #berlingirl #berlincity #sommer #canonphotography Berlin, Germany
“It’s not you, it’s me,” the line no one wants to hear, but it actually does make sense, and this is why: Remember this the next time you feel hurt: people can only trust you, value you, respect you, or love you as much as they do themselves 🤷🏻♀️
Leave a 🙌 if you understand and accept this 🤍
#selfcare #selfcarethreads #selfcaresaturday #pinterestaesthetic #thatgirl #thatgirlaesthetic #wellness #wellnesscoach #wellnessjourney #wellbeing #loveyourself #portaits #indiansingermany #indiangirl #berlingirl #berlincity #sommer #canonphotography Berlin, Germany
“It’s not you, it’s me,” the line no one wants to hear, but it actually does make sense, and this is why: Remember this the next time you feel hurt: people can only trust you, value you, respect you, or love you as much as they do themselves 🤷🏻♀️
Leave a 🙌 if you understand and accept this 🤍
#selfcare #selfcarethreads #selfcaresaturday #pinterestaesthetic #thatgirl #thatgirlaesthetic #wellness #wellnesscoach #wellnessjourney #wellbeing #loveyourself #portaits #indiansingermany #indiangirl #berlingirl #berlincity #sommer #canonphotography Berlin, Germany
SAVE this! I wash my hair once in 4 days and this routine has kept my hair healthy despite the terrible hard water we have in Berlin! All products are linked in my bio 🤍
Key tips:
1. Scalp massage with oil & a bamboo brush 1 hour before washing. I find the bamboo tips really soothing and it’s easier to distribute the oil effectively all over the scalp without scratching it with my nails as i may have without the brush.
2. A 2 min massage again before starting the shampoo to work the cuticles.
3. I use this shower head filter and have noticed at least a 40 percent change in my water quality, i’ll settle for that!
4. Shampoo in sections and shampoo twice- I use a shampoo designed specifically for hard water with chelating properties✅
5. Apply a good hair mask on the tips, i also squeeze the product into my hair.
6. Rinse with cold water, i use warm for the shampoo and cool for conditioner.
7. Use an excellent heat protectant, you’ll find my faves linked in my bio.
#GesunderLebensstil #Morgenroutine #Wellnessreise #Motivationsvideos #Selbstpflegetipps #wellnesstips #wellnessreels #fitnessinspo #thatgirl #healthyeating #postivemindset #expatsingermany #hairstyles #pinterestaesthetic #productiveday #routine #aestheticvideos #lifestyleinspo #wellness #morningroutine #hairbrained #hairgoals #goalsetting #2023glowup #2023goals #hairtutorial #hairtransformation #hairgrowth #hairjourney